public Strategy(IStrategy st) { ema = new EMA(); shortEMA = new List <double>(32768); longEMA = new List <double>(32768); shortDay = new List <double>(512); longDay = new List <double>(512); shortTick = new List <double>(2097152); longTick = new List <double>(2097152); Send += Analysis; SendTick += new StatisticalAnalysisOnWidth().Analysis; = st; if (st.Division) { info = new Information(st); } GetChart(); if (st.Division) { info.Log(); return; } Send -= Analysis; api = PublicFutures.Get(); api.Retention = Retention; result = Choose.Show("Decide How to Order. . .", "Notice", "MarketPrice", "SpecifyPrice", "DotHighPrice"); om = order[result]; api.Send += Analysis; }
public Korea(int type) { InitializeComponent(); dr = Choose.Show("Please Select the Button You Want to Proceed. . .", "Choose", "Trading", "BackTest", "Exit"); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { Confirm.Get().Show(); api = Futures.Get(); new Statistics(type); new Temporary(type); api.SetAPI(axAPI); api.StartProgress(type); api.SendExit += OnReceiveExit; } else if (dr == DialogResult.No) { axAPI.Dispose(); int i, l = type > 0 ? 50 : 100; for (i = type > 0 ? 1 : 10; i < l; i++) { new Statistics(i, type); } new Storage(type); Box.Show("Complete. . .♬", "Notice", 3750); OnReceiveExit(); } else { OnReceiveExit(); } }
private async void Register_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (count++ < 3) { var values = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Action", "Registration" }, { "Login", Login1.Text }, { "Password", Password1.Text }, { "Email", Email.Text } }; var responseMessage = await Sender.Sender.Send(values); if (responseMessage.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { RegError.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; count = 0; Choose choose = new Choose(); this.Hide(); choose.Show(); } else { switch ((int)responseMessage.StatusCode) { case 401: { RegError.Content = "Данный пользователь уже зарегистрирован"; break; } case 402: { RegError.Content = "Неверный логин или пароль"; break; } default: break; } RegError.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Количество попыток израсходавано, попробуйте позже"); this.Close(); } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblWelcome.Show(); lblOption.Hide(); Residential.Hide(); Commercial.Hide(); Industrial.Hide(); PeakHours.Hide(); OffPeak.Hide(); lblEnter.Hide(); txtInput.Hide(); btnCalculate.Hide(); btnClear.Hide(); Output.Hide(); Choose.Show(); btnExit.Hide(); }
private async void Login_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (count++ < 3) { var values = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Action", "Authentication" }, { "Login", Login.Text }, { "Password", Password.Text } }; var responseMessage = await Sender.Sender.Send(values); if (responseMessage.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { ErrorLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; count = 0; isConnected = false; Choose choose = new Choose(); choose.B1.IsEnabled = false; choose.Title = "Подключение не было установлено"; this.Hide(); choose.Show(); } else if (responseMessage.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { ErrorLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; count = 0; isConnected = true; Choose choose = new Choose(); this.Hide(); choose.Show(); } else { ErrorLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Количество попыток израсходавано, попробуйте позже"); this.Close(); } }
public GoblinBat() { InitializeComponent(); dr = Choose.Show("Please Select the Button You Want to Proceed.", "Choose", "Invest", "BackTest", "Exit"); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { api = Futures.Get(); new Statistics(); new Temporary(); timer.Start(); api.SetAPI(axAPI); api.StartProgress(); api.SendExit += OnReceiveExit; } else if (dr == DialogResult.No) { axAPI.Dispose(); timer.Dispose(); int i, l = 100; for (i = 11; i < l; i++) { new Statistics(i); } new Storage(); Box.Show("Complete...!!", "Notice", 3750); Dispose(); Environment.Exit(0); } else { Dispose(); Environment.Exit(0); } }
// // Korisnik je izabrao jedan od ponudjenih naloga // private void LinkedLabelClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { var person = sender.ToString().Substring(38).Split(' '); var personName = person[0]; var personSurname = person[1]; db.getLastUser().isLast = 0; var query = from user in db.Users where == personName select user; foreach (var item in query) { item.isLast = 1; } db.SaveChanges(); Choose.Show(); currentUser = db.getLastUser(); }
// // Korisnik se ulogovao sa vec ulogovanim nalogom // private void buttonContinue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Choose.Show(); SignUp.Show(); }
public GoblinBat() { InitializeComponent(); Activate((int)Choose.Show("Please Select the Button You Want to Proceed. . .", "ShareInvest GoblinBat Kospi200 TradingSystem", "Trading", "BackTest", "Exit")); }
public Kospi200() { InitializeComponent(); GetTermsAndConditions(); Trading(ChooseResult(Choose.Show("Please Select the Button You Want to Proceed. . .", "ShareInvest GoblinBat Kospi200 TradingSystem", "Trading", "BackTest", "Exit"))); }
public GoblinBat() { InitializeComponent(); ChooseResult(Choose.Show("Please Select the Button You Want to Proceed. . .", "ShareInvest GoblinBat Kosdaq150 TradingSystem", "Trading", "BackTest", "Exit")); }