    private void BoardSetup()
        m_board = new Candy[m_horizontalSize, m_verticalSize];

        for (int i = 0; i < m_horizontalSize; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < m_verticalSize; j++)
                //******Check the possible colors to add to the board
                List <int> possibleColors = new List <int>();
                possibleColors.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(0, m_candyPrefabs.Count()));
                if (i >= 2)
                    if (m_board[i - 1, j].m_color == m_board[i - 2, j].m_color)
                        possibleColors.Remove((int)m_board[i - 1, j].m_color);
                if (j >= 2)
                    if (m_board[i, j - 1].m_color == m_board[i, j - 2].m_color)
                        possibleColors.Remove((int)m_board[i, j - 1].m_color);

                //******Candy Assignement
                Candy prefabToInstantiate = m_candyPrefabsDictonary[(CandyColor)possibleColors[Random.Range(0, possibleColors.Count)]][RandomCandyTypeIndex()];
                Candy candy = InstatiateCandyAtPosition(prefabToInstantiate, m_startSpawnPosition + new Vector2(i * m_distanceUnits, j * m_distanceUnits));
                candy.SetUpPosition(new Vector2Int(i, j));

                m_board[i, j] = candy;