private int maxLines = 33; //Tested, based on 24pt Min. #endregion // Use this for initialization void Awake() { if (GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("CBUG").Length > 1) { CBUG.SrsError("There must be only one CBUG per scene!"); } logText = GetComponent <Text>(); lines = new LinkedList <string>(); occurrences = new LinkedList <int>(); if (DisableOnScreen) { logText.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); } if (ClearTime == 0) { neverClear = true; } if (ClearAll) { ClearAmount = -1; } transform.tag = "CBUG"; previousClear = Time.time; }
public float HeatRateModStatic; //Static is a word which here means, unchanged by code. // Use this for initialization void Start() { VolumeChangeWaitTime = 0f; CanBoil = false; boilBuffer = new WaitForSeconds(BoilBufferTime); targetSqrAvgSpd = 0; IsPaused = false; HeatUpEnabled = false; PartSys = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); partArray = new ParticleSystem.Particle[PartSys.main.maxParticles]; mainPartSys = PartSys.main; heatUpWaitTime = HeatUpMaxWaitTime; deltaHeatUpWaitTime = HeatUpMaxWaitTime / heatUpStates; minHeatUpWaitTime = HeatUpMaxWaitTime - (deltaHeatUpWaitTime * (float)(heatUpStates)); if (minHeatUpWaitTime < 0) { CBUG.SrsError("MIN HEAT RATE TOO LOW, LOWER DELTA or RAISE MAXSECONDS: " + minHeatUpWaitTime); } sqrAvgSpd = mainPartSys.startSpeed.constant * mainPartSys.startSpeed.constant; }
//Order: [date1] [citycode1] [statecode1] [truckid1] public DataPoint(string Time, string CityCode, string StateCode, string TruckID) { this.TruckID = TruckID; this.Time = Time; this.CityCode = CityCode; this.StateCode = StateCode; TruckIDLength = 4; TimeLength = 10; CityCodeLength = 7; StateCodeLength = 2; TotalLength = TimeLength + TruckIDLength + CityCodeLength + StateCodeLength; if (Time.Length != TimeLength) { CBUG.SrsError("BAD TIME LENGTH! Must be " + TimeLength + " characters long."); } if (CityCode.Length != CityCodeLength) { CBUG.SrsError("BAD CITY CODE LENGTH! Must be " + CityCodeLength + " characters long."); } if (StateCode.Length != StateCodeLength) { CBUG.SrsError("BAD STATE CODE LENGTH! Must be " + StateCodeLength + " characters long."); } if (TruckID.Length != TruckIDLength) { CBUG.SrsError("BAD TRUCK ID LENGTH! Must be " + TruckIDLength + " characters long."); } }
private bool checkFormat(string url) { string newURL; if (!url.Contains("?")) { CBUG.SrsError("URL DOES NOT CONTAIN '?': " + url); return(false); } //Making sure there is only 1 "?". int qLocation = url.LastIndexOf("?"); if (url.LastIndexOf("?", qLocation - 1) != -1) { CBUG.SrsError("URL CONTAINS TOO MANY '?'s: " + url); return(false); } int startPoint = url.LastIndexOf("?"); newURL = url.Substring(startPoint + 1); DataPoint t = new DataPoint(""); int dataPointLength = t.TotalLength; if (newURL.Length % dataPointLength != 0) { CBUG.SrsError("BAD URL: " + url + " ARG LENGTH! Must be divisible by: " + dataPointLength); return(false); } return(true); }
private List <DataPoint> _getDataFromURL(string url) { if (checkFormat(url) == false) { CBUG.SrsError("BAD URL! Didn't pass format check!: " + url); return(null); } int startPoint = url.LastIndexOf("?"); string newURL = url.Substring(startPoint + 1); DataPoint t = new DataPoint(""); int dataPointLength = t.TotalLength; float totalDataPoints = newURL.Length / dataPointLength; List <DataPoint> newPoints = new List <DataPoint>(); //Order: [date1] [citycode1] [statecode1] [truckid1] for (int x = 0; x < totalDataPoints; x++) { newPoints.Add(new DataPoint( newURL.Substring(x * dataPointLength, t.TimeLength), newURL.Substring(x * dataPointLength + t.TimeLength, t.CityCodeLength), newURL.Substring(x * dataPointLength + t.TimeLength + t.CityCodeLength, t.StateCodeLength), newURL.Substring(x * dataPointLength + t.TimeLength + t.CityCodeLength + t.StateCodeLength, t.TruckIDLength) ) ); } return(newPoints); }
private void Awake() { if (GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("NeighbourhoodManager").Length > 1) { CBUG.SrsError("MORE THAN ONE EXISTS"); PhotonNetwork.Destroy(gameObject); } }
public GameObject SpawnSingletonResource(string singletonName) { //todo ??? network-ize this. GameObject singleton = SpawnObject(singletonName); if (singleton == null) { CBUG.SrsError("No singleton is available for name: " + singletonName); return(null); } singletons.Add(singletonName, singleton); return(singleton); }
public static void Remove(int netID) { if (roomIDsList == null) { roomIDsList = new List <int>(); } bool removedSuccessfully = roomIDsList.Remove(netID); if (!removedSuccessfully) { CBUG.SrsError("Attempted to remove a NetID that doesn't exist!"); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("URLLoader").Length > 1) { CBUG.SrsError("There must be only one URLLoader per scene!"); } //If the URL contains a '?' then everything before it is the root. //If not, then everything is the root. if (Application.absoluteURL.Contains("?")) { rootURL = Application.absoluteURL.Substring(0, Application.absoluteURL.LastIndexOf("?")); } else { rootURL = Application.absoluteURL; } DoneInstatiating = true; }
private IEnumerator __delayAnim(Animator anim, float time, string clipName = "", string trigger = "", float floatParam = -1f, int intParam = -1, bool boolParam = false, bool hasBoolParam = false) { if (time <= 0f) { yield return(0f); } else { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(time)); } if (clipName != "" && trigger == "") { CBUG.SrsError("clipName Required!"); } if (hasBoolParam) { anim.SetBool(clipName, boolParam); } else if (trigger != "") { anim.SetTrigger(trigger); } else if (floatParam != -1f) { anim.SetFloat(clipName, floatParam); } else if (intParam != -1) { anim.SetFloat(clipName, intParam); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ParseManager").Length > 1) { CBUG.SrsError("There must be only one ParseManager per scene!"); } rootPath = Application.streamingAssetsPath; cityCSVPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(rootPath, CityCSV); CBUG.Do("CityCSVPath: " + cityCSVPath); stateCSVPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(rootPath, StateCSV); //for testing: //Application.ExternalEval("'" + stateCSVPath + "');"); CBUG.Do("StateCSVPath: " + stateCSVPath); cityDataByState = new List <City> [TotalStates]; fillArrayWithClass <List <City> >(ref cityDataByState); engine_CityData = new FileHelperEngine <CityData>(); engine_StateData = new FileHelperEngine <StateData>(); StateNameToID = new Dictionary <string, int>(); StateAbbrToID = new Dictionary <string, int>(); dataLoaded = false; currentCity = -1; currentState = 0; if (Application.isEditor) { _cityData = engine_CityData.ReadFile(cityCSVPath); _stateData = engine_StateData.ReadFile(stateCSVPath); makeCityList(); } else { //"" StartCoroutine(loadCityDataWeb(cityCSVPath)); StartCoroutine(loadStateDataWeb(stateCSVPath)); } }