public override void OnEnter() { UdpEndPoint endpoint = new UdpEndPoint(UdpIPv4Address.Parse(host.Value), (ushort)port.Value); BoltLauncher.StartServer(endpoint); Finish(); }
public void StartServer(string levelName) { //TODO: Ensure we're not already in a game or hosting BoltLauncher.StartServer(UdpKit.UdpEndPoint.Any); SceneManager.Instance.GoToScene(levelName, true, OnServerLevelLoaded); currentLevel = levelName; }
private void Awake() { if (!BoltNetwork.IsConnected) { BoltLauncher.StartServer(); } }
private IEnumerator Start() { PlayerPrefs.Save(); CoopTreeGrid.Init(); LoadSave.OnGameStart += this.OnGameStart; yield return(CoopPeerStarter.PrefabDbResource); if (!CoopPeerStarter.Dedicated) { CoopLobby.Instance.SetServer(SteamGameServer.GetSteamID()); } BoltConfig config = base.GetConfig(); config.serverConnectionLimit = ((!CoopPeerStarter.Dedicated) ? (CoopLobby.Instance.Info.MemberLimit - 1) : SteamDSConfig.ServerPlayers); if (CoopPeerStarter.Dedicated) { BoltLauncher.SetUdpPlatform(new DotNetPlatform()); BoltLauncher.StartServer(SteamDSConfig.EndPoint, config); } else { BoltLauncher.StartServer(SteamGameServer.GetSteamID().ToEndPoint(), config); } try { BoltNetwork.AddGlobalEventListener(CoopAckChecker.Instance); } catch { } yield break; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // Get custom arguments from command line Map = GetArg("-m", "-map") ?? Map; GameType = GetArg("-t", "-gameType") ?? GameType; // ex: get game type from command line RoomID = GetArg("-r", "-room") ?? RoomID; // Validate the requested Level var validMap = false; foreach (string value in BoltScenes.AllScenes) { if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name != value) { if (Map == value) { validMap = true; break; } } } if (!validMap) { Debug.LogError("Invalid configuration: please verify level name"); Application.Quit(); } // Start the Server BoltLauncher.StartServer(); DontDestroyOnLoad(this); }
private void OnGUI() { if (IsHeadlessMode() == true) { return; } if (BoltNetwork.IsRunning == false) { GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(10, 10, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height - 20)); if (GUILayout.Button("Server", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true))) { BoltLauncher.StartServer(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Client", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true))) { BoltLauncher.StartClient(); } GUILayout.EndArea(); } if (BoltNetwork.IsClient) { State_SelectRoom(); } }
private void OnGUI() { if (!_showGui) { return; } GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(10, 10, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height - 20)); if (GUILayout.Button("Start Single Player", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true))) { // START SINGLE PLAYER BoltLauncher.StartSinglePlayer(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Start Server", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true))) { // START SERVER BoltLauncher.StartServer(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Start Client", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true))) { // START CLIENT BoltLauncher.StartClient(); } GUILayout.EndArea(); }
public override void BoltShutdownBegin(AddCallback registerDoneCallback, UdpConnectionDisconnectReason disconnectReason) { registerDoneCallback(() => { BoltLauncher.StartServer(); }); }
private IEnumerator StartServerRoutine(ServerRoomToken serverToken, Action onStartSuccess, Action onStartFail) { if (BoltNetwork.IsRunning && !BoltNetwork.IsServer) { BoltLauncher.Shutdown(); yield return(new WaitUntil(NetworkIsInactive)); } state = State.Starting; BoltLauncher.StartServer(config); yield return(new WaitUntil(NetworkIsIdle)); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } if (BoltNetwork.IsServer) { onStartSuccess?.Invoke(); BoltMatchmaking.CreateSession(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), serverToken, serverToken.Map); } else { onStartFail?.Invoke(); } }
public override void BoltShutdownBegin(AddCallback registerDoneCallback) { registerDoneCallback(() => { BoltLauncher.StartServer(); }); }
public void CreateServer() { if (IsValidSessionId(startServerSessionIdInputField.text)) { BoltLauncher.StartServer(); } }
private void Start() { this._serverEndPoint = new UdpEndPoint(UdpIPv4Address.Localhost, (ushort)BoltRuntimeSettings.instance.debugStartPort); this._clientEndPoint = new UdpEndPoint(UdpIPv4Address.Localhost, 0); BoltConfig configCopy = BoltRuntimeSettings.instance.GetConfigCopy(); configCopy.connectionTimeout = 60000000; configCopy.connectionRequestTimeout = 500; configCopy.connectionRequestAttempts = 1000; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BoltRuntimeSettings.instance.debugStartMapName)) { if (BoltDebugStartSettings.startServer) { BoltLauncher.StartServer(this._serverEndPoint, configCopy); } else if (BoltDebugStartSettings.startClient) { BoltLauncher.StartClient(this._clientEndPoint, configCopy); } BoltDebugStartSettings.PositionWindow(); } if (BoltNetwork.isClient || !BoltNetwork.isServer) { } }
void OnGUI() { GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(10, 10, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height - 20)); if (GUILayout.Button("Single Player", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true))) { BoltLauncher.StartSinglePlayer(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Start Server", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true))) { // START SERVER. Configures this peer as the host of the game. // When Bolt is ready, we utilise its callback to create a game room // somewhere in Photons cloud for client peers to join. BoltLauncher.StartServer(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Start Client", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true))) { // START CLIENT. Configures this peer as a client that can join games. // When Bolt is ready, it will automatically connect to Photons servers and // pull information about any visible room that has been registered on the cloud. BoltLauncher.StartClient(); } GUILayout.EndArea(); }
public void StartServer() { if (BoltNetwork.IsRunning) { BoltLauncher.Shutdown(); } BoltLauncher.StartServer(); }
void State_StartServer() { BoltConfig config = BoltRuntimeSettings.instance.GetConfigCopy(); // config.EnableIPv6 = true; BoltLauncher.StartServer(new UdpEndPoint(UdpIPv4Address.Any, (ushort)serverPort), config); state = State.Started; }
public static void StartServer(int port) { if (port >= 0 && port <= 65535) { BoltLauncher.StartServer(new UdpEndPoint(UdpIPv4Address.Any, (ushort)port)); return; } throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format("'port' must be >= 0 and <= {0}", ushort.MaxValue)); }
private void Start() { GameEventManager.Subscribe <object>(AnnounceEvent); if (!BoltNetwork.IsRunning) { BoltLauncher.StartServer(); } }
IEnumerator StartServerRoutine() { while (_isShutingDown) { yield return(null); } BoltLauncher.StartServer(_config); }
private void Start() { AdvancedTutorial.ServerCallbacks.ListenServer = false; // Start listening on IP + Port provided by zeuz, and load the Map received as command line argument (can be different for each profile defined in zeuz dashboard) BoltLauncher.StartServer(new UdpEndPoint(UdpIPv4Address.Parse(Zeuz.IP), (ushort)Zeuz.GamePort), m_Map); DontDestroyOnLoad(this); }
public void OnClickHost() { hostIsCreating = true; GameObject.Find("HostButton").GetComponent <Button>().interactable = false; GameObject.FindWithTag("NewRoomNameInputField").GetComponent <TMP_InputField>().interactable = false; FasterSun(); BoltLauncher.StartServer(); }
IEnumerator Test0() { if (staticData.boltFree == true) { BoltLauncher.SetUdpPlatform(new PhotonPlatform()); } BoltLauncher.StartServer(listeningPort); yield return(null); }
// CORE private void Awake() { _gameStarted.Value = false; _playerSettings = Resources.Load <PlayerSettings>(Constants.Resources.PlayerSettings); _gameSettings = Resources.Load <GameSettings>(Constants.Resources.GameSettings); if (!BoltNetwork.IsConnected) // Used for In-Editor tests { BoltLauncher.StartServer(); } }
void BoltShutdownCallback() { if (isMyHost) { BoltLauncher.StartServer(); } else { BoltLauncher.StartClient(); } }
void Start() { #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = "osascript"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = @"-e 'tell application """ + UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.productName + @""" activate end tell'"; p.Start(); #endif BoltRuntimeSettings settings = BoltRuntimeSettings.instance; _serverEndPoint = new UdpEndPoint(UdpIPv4Address.Localhost, (ushort)settings.debugStartPort); _clientEndPoint = new UdpEndPoint(UdpIPv4Address.Localhost, 0); BoltConfig cfg; cfg = settings.GetConfigCopy(); cfg.connectionTimeout = 60000000; cfg.connectionRequestTimeout = 500; cfg.connectionRequestAttempts = 1000; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.debugStartMapName) == false) { if (BoltDebugStartSettings.DebugStartIsServer) { BoltLog.Warn("Starting as SERVER"); BoltLauncher.StartServer(_serverEndPoint, cfg); } else if (BoltDebugStartSettings.DebugStartIsClient) { BoltLog.Warn("Starting as CLIENT"); BoltLauncher.StartClient(_clientEndPoint, cfg); } else if (BoltDebugStartSettings.DebugStartIsSinglePlayer) { BoltLog.Warn("Starting as SINGLE PLAYER"); BoltLauncher.StartSinglePlayer(cfg); } BoltDebugStartSettings.PositionWindow(); } else { BoltLog.Error("No map found to start from"); } }
void OnGUI() { switch (_state) { // starting Bolt is the same regardless of the transport layer case State.SelectMode: if (GUILayout.Button("Start Client")) { BoltLauncher.StartClient(); _state = State.ModeClient; } if (GUILayout.Button("Start Server")) { BoltLauncher.StartServer(); _state = State.ModeServer; } break; // Publishing a session into the matchmaking server case State.ModeServer: if (BoltNetwork.isRunning && BoltNetwork.isServer) { if (GUILayout.Button("Publish HostInfo And Load Map")) { BoltNetwork.SetHostInfo("MyPhotonGame", new RoomProtocolToken { ArbitraryData = "(MyCustomData)" }); BoltNetwork.LoadScene("NetworkedPhysicsTest"); } } break; // for the client, after Bolt is innitialized, we should see the list // of available sessions and join one of them case State.ModeClient: if (BoltNetwork.isRunning && BoltNetwork.isClient) { GUILayout.Label("Session List"); foreach (var session in BoltNetwork.SessionList) { var token = session.Value.GetProtocolToken() as RoomProtocolToken; if (GUILayout.Button(session.Value.Source + " / " + session.Value.HostName + " (" + session.Value.Id + ")" + (token != null ? token.ArbitraryData : ""))) { BoltNetwork.Connect(session.Value); } } } break; } }
public void StartServer() { string playerName = createPlayerName.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lobbyname.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(playerName)) { return; } NetworkCallbacks.playerName = playerName; BoltLauncher.StartServer(); }
public override void LaunchServer(OperationResultDelegate onComplete) { if (State != NetworkState.Stopped) { throw new Exception("Cannot launch server when state is not 'Stopped'."); } _operationCallbackLaunch = onComplete; State = NetworkState.Launching; Log.Info(LogChannel, "[PhotonNetworkInterface] LaunchServer..."); BoltLauncher.StartServer(GameBoltConfig.GetConfig()); }
IEnumerator Start() { BoltLauncher.StartServer(UdpKit.UdpEndPoint.Parse("")); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f)); BoltLauncher.Shutdown(); yield return(null); BoltLauncher.StartServer(UdpKit.UdpEndPoint.Parse("")); }
public static void CreateLobby() { if (!BoltNetwork.IsRunning && !BoltNetwork.IsServer) { BoltLauncher.StartServer(); Debug.Log("Starting Bolt as server..."); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Can't create a lobby if you are already a server."); } }
private void Awake() { if (!isServer) { return; } if (BoltNetwork.IsRunning) { BoltLauncher.Shutdown(); } BoltLauncher.StartServer(); Debug.LogWarning("start server~~"); }