        public async Task <IActionResult> Articles(int page = 1, string categoryName = "")
            var posts = await this.blog.All(page, PostsPerPage, categoryName);

            var categories = await this.blog.Categories();

            foreach (var post in posts)
                post.Text = post.Text.RemoveHtmlTags();
                post.Text = post.Text.Substring(0, Math.Min(post.Text.Length, 500));

            var model = new BlogListingViewModel
                Posts      = posts,
                Categories = categories,
                Navigation = new NavigationViewModel
                    TotalCount  = await this.blog.TotalCount(),
                    PerPage     = PostsPerPage,
                    CurrentPage = page

        public async Task <IActionResult> All(int page = 1)
            var model = new BlogListingViewModel
                Articles      = await this.blogService.AllArtilesAsync(page),
                TotalArticles = await this.blogService.TotalAsync(),
                CurrentPage   = page

        public ActionResult BlogListing(AgilityContentItem module)
            HttpContext.Response.Cache.VaryByParams["month"] = true;
            HttpContext.Response.Cache.VaryByParams[BlogContext.PagingQueryStringKey] = true;

             * check querystrings for filtering by "month"
             * check module for any specific filters being set (by category(s) or by tag(s))
             * check current dynamic page item and identify if its a category or tag, if so override any previous filter
             * get all blog posts by passing in filter and paging logic
             * create a viewmodel that contains posts, the module, and blog configuration
             * return partial view in inline code or local files (dependant on setting in BlogUtils)

            #region --- Get Blog Config and Repos ---
            var blogConfigRef             = module["BlogConfiguration"] as string;
            AgilityContentItem blogConfig = null;
            IAgilityContentRepository <AgilityContentItem> blogPosts      = null;
            IAgilityContentRepository <AgilityContentItem> blogCategories = null;
            IAgilityContentRepository <AgilityContentItem> blogTags       = null;
            IAgilityContentRepository <AgilityContentItem> blogAuthors    = null;
            BlogUtils.GetBlogConfig(blogConfigRef, out blogConfig, out blogPosts, out blogCategories, out blogTags, out blogAuthors);

            #region --- Determine Filters ---
            DateTime filterMonth = DateTime.MinValue;
            var      categories  = new List <AgilityContentItem>();
            var      tags        = new List <AgilityContentItem>();

            //check for month
            string monthQS = Request.QueryString["month"] as string; //look for month=05-2015
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(monthQS))
                    filterMonth = DateTime.ParseExact(monthQS, "MM-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                catch (FormatException ex)

            //check for dynamic item
            var dynamicItem = ResolveBlogCategory();
            var node        = SiteMap.CurrentNode;
            if (dynamicItem != null)
                if (dynamicItem.IsBlogTag())
                else if (dynamicItem.IsBlogCategory())
                    //this is on some other dynamic page item, ignore it
                    dynamicItem = null;

            //skip module settings if we have a dynamic item set, else check
            if (dynamicItem == null)
                string categoryIDs = module["FilterByCategoriesIDs"] as string;
                string tagsIDs     = module["FilterByTagsIDs"] as string;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryIDs))
                    var categoriesFromModule = blogCategories.GetByIDs(categoryIDs);
                    if (categoriesFromModule != null && categoriesFromModule.Any())

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagsIDs))
                    var tagsFromModule = blogTags.GetByIDs(tagsIDs);
                    if (tagsFromModule != null && tagsFromModule.Any())
            string dateFilter = "";
            if (filterMonth != DateTime.MinValue)
                dateFilter = BlogUtils.GetSqlBetweenMonthRangeStatement("Date", filterMonth);
            #endregion --- End Determine Filters ---

            #region --- Get Posts and set Pagination ---
            int pageSize = 10;
            int.TryParse(string.Format("{0}", module["PageSize"]), out pageSize);
            if (pageSize < 1)
                pageSize = 10;
            int pageNumber = 1;
            int.TryParse(Request.QueryString[BlogContext.PagingQueryStringKey] as string, out pageNumber);
            if (pageNumber < 1)
                pageNumber = 1;
            int skip       = (pageNumber * pageSize) - pageSize;
            int totalCount = 0;

            //get the posts
            List <AgilityContentItem> posts = BlogUtils.GetPosts(blogPosts, null, null, categories, tags, dateFilter, "Date Desc", pageSize, skip, out totalCount);
            var pagination = new BlogPaginationViewModel(pageNumber, pageSize, totalCount, true, 5, BlogContext.PagingQueryStringKey, "agility-active", "agility-disabled");

            #region --- Set Title ---
            //cannot set Page Title from child controller action and no way of knowing how the website layout is setting the title...
            //best we can do is utilize the Page Title from the Dynamic Page settings and set the <h1> on the module
            string title = module["DefaultTitle"] as string;
            if (dynamicItem != null)
                title = dynamicItem["Title"] as string;
            if (filterMonth != DateTime.MinValue)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                    title += ": ";
                title += filterMonth.ToString("MMMM yyyy");

            #region --- Set ViewModel ---
            var model = new BlogListingViewModel();
            model.Module          = module;
            model.Posts           = posts;
            model.Title           = title;
            model.Configuration   = blogConfig;
            model.CurrentCategory = categories.FirstOrDefault();
            model.Pagination      = pagination;

            return(PartialView(AgilityComponents.TemplatePath("Blog-ListingModule"), model));