public void EnumerateProtocols(Action <NWProtocolDefinition, TimeSpan, TimeSpan> handler) { if (handler == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handler)); } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(static_EnumerateProtocolsHandler, handler); try { nw_establishment_report_enumerate_protocols(GetCheckedHandle(), ref block_handler); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } }
public static void RegisterFonts(string[] assetNames, CFBundle bundle, CTFontManagerScope scope, bool enabled, CTFontRegistrationHandler registrationHandler) { using (var arr = EnsureNonNullArray(assetNames, nameof(assetNames))) { if (registrationHandler == null) { CTFontManagerRegisterFontsWithAssetNames(arr.Handle, bundle.GetHandle(), scope, enabled, IntPtr.Zero); } else { BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(callback, registrationHandler); CTFontManagerRegisterFontsWithAssetNames(arr.Handle, bundle.GetHandle(), scope, enabled, ref block_handler); block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } } }
public void EnumerateResolutions(Action <NWReportResolutionSource, TimeSpan, int, NWEndpoint, NWEndpoint> handler) { if (handler == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handler)); } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(static_ResolutionEnumeratorHandler, handler); try { nw_establishment_report_enumerate_resolutions(GetCheckedHandle(), ref block_handler); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } }
public static void UnregisterFontDescriptors(CTFontDescriptor[] fontDescriptors, CTFontManagerScope scope, CTFontRegistrationHandler registrationHandler) { using (var arr = EnsureNonNullArray(fontDescriptors, nameof(fontDescriptors))) { if (registrationHandler == null) { CTFontManagerUnregisterFontDescriptors(arr.Handle, scope, IntPtr.Zero); } else { BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(callback, registrationHandler); CTFontManagerUnregisterFontDescriptors(arr.Handle, scope, ref block_handler); block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } } }
static IntPtr create(DispatchBlockFlags flags, DispatchQualityOfService qosClass, int relative_priority, Action action) { if (action == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(action)); } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); try { block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(BlockStaticDispatchClass.static_dispatch_block, action); return(dispatch_block_create_with_qos_class((nuint)(ulong)flags, qosClass, relative_priority, ref block_handler)); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } }
public void EnumerateInterfaces(Action <NWInterface> handler) { if (handler == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handler)); } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(static_EnumerateInterfacesHandler, handler); try { nw_browse_result_enumerate_interfaces(GetCheckedHandle(), ref block_handler); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } }
public void SetNewConnectionHandler(Action <NWConnection> handler) { if (handler is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handler)); } var block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(static_SetNewConnectionHandler, handler); try { nw_connection_group_set_new_connection_handler(GetCheckedHandle(), ref block_handler); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } }
public void Receive(uint minimumIncompleteLength, uint maximumLength, NWConnectionReceiveCompletion callback) { if (callback == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback)); } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(static_ReceiveCompletion, callback); try { nw_connection_receive(GetCheckedHandle(), minimumIncompleteLength, maximumLength, ref block_handler); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } }
public void SetOcspResponseForPeerHandler (Action<DispatchData> callback) { if (callback == null) throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (callback)); var block_handler = new BlockLiteral (); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe (static_OcspReposeForPeer, callback); try { if (!sec_protocol_metadata_access_ocsp_response (GetCheckedHandle (), ref block_handler)) { throw new InvalidOperationException ("The OSCP response is not accessible."); } } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock (); } }
public static void RegisterFonts(NSUrl [] fontUrls, CTFontManagerScope scope, bool enabled, CTFontRegistrationHandler registrationHandler) { using (var arr = EnsureNonNullArray(fontUrls, nameof(fontUrls))) { if (registrationHandler == null) { CTFontManagerRegisterFontURLs(arr.Handle, scope, enabled, IntPtr.Zero); } else { BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(callback, registrationHandler); CTFontManagerRegisterFontURLs(arr.Handle, scope, enabled, ref block_handler); block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } } }
static IntPtr create(Action action, DispatchBlockFlags flags) { if (action == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(action)); } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); try { block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(BlockStaticDispatchClass.static_dispatch_block, action); return(dispatch_block_create((nuint)(ulong)flags, ref block_handler)); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } }
public bool GetValue(string key, NWTxtRecordGetValueDelegete handler) { if (handler == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handler)); } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(static_AccessKeyHandler, handler); try { return(nw_txt_record_access_key(GetCheckedHandle(), key, ref block_handler)); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } }
public bool GetRawBytes(NWTxtRecordGetRawByteDelegate handler) { if (handler == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handler)); } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(static_RawBytesHandler, handler); try { return(nw_txt_record_access_bytes(GetCheckedHandle(), ref block_handler)); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } }
public void EnumerateSubprotocols(Action <string> handler) { if (handler == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handler)); } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(static_EnumerateSubprotocolHandler, handler); try { nw_ws_request_enumerate_subprotocols(GetCheckedHandle(), ref block_handler); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } }
public bool Apply(NWTxtRecordApplyDelegate2 handler) { if (handler == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handler)); } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(static_ApplyHandler, handler); try { return(nw_txt_record_apply(GetCheckedHandle(), ref block_handler)); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } }
public void SetDistinguishedNamesForPeerHandler (Action<DispatchData> callback) { if (callback == null) throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (callback)); var block_handler = new BlockLiteral (); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe (static_DistinguishedNamesForPeer, callback); try { if (!sec_protocol_metadata_access_distinguished_names (GetCheckedHandle (), ref block_handler)) { throw new InvalidOperationException ("Distinguished names are not accessible."); } } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock (); } }
public void SetSignatureAlgorithmsForPeerHandler (Action<ushort> callback) { if (callback == null) throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (callback)); var block_handler = new BlockLiteral (); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe (static_SignatureAlgorithmsForPeer, callback); try { if (!sec_protocol_metadata_access_supported_signature_algorithms (GetCheckedHandle (), ref block_handler)) { throw new InvalidOperationException ("The supported signature list is not accessible."); } } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock (); } }
public void SetCertificateChainForPeerHandler (Action<SecCertificate> callback) { if (callback == null) throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (callback)); var block_handler = new BlockLiteral (); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe (static_CertificateChainForPeer, callback); try { if (!sec_protocol_metadata_access_peer_certificate_chain (GetCheckedHandle (), ref block_handler)) { throw new InvalidOperationException ("The peer certificates are not accessible."); } } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock (); } }
void SetupBlockOptimized_LoadLocalVariable2(Action callback) { int dummy0 = 0, dummy1 = 0; var block_callback = BaseOptimizeGeneratedCodeTest.block_callback; // ldloc_2 // Load the trampoline from a instance method call BlockLiteral block = new BlockLiteral(); block.SetupBlock(block_callback, callback); Bindings.Test.CFunctions.x_call_block(ref block); block.CleanupBlock(); // Use the variables so that the compiler doesn't optimize them away GC.KeepAlive(dummy0); GC.KeepAlive(dummy1); }
public bool AccessCertificates(Action </* sec_identity_t */ SecCertificate2> handler) { if (handler == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handler)); } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); try { block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(access, handler); return(sec_identity_access_certificates(GetCheckedHandle(), ref block_handler)); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } }
public bool ParseInput(nuint minimumIncompleteLength, nuint maximumLength, Memory <byte> tempBuffer, NWFramerParseCompletionDelegate handler) { if (handler == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handler)); } unsafe { BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(static_ParseInputHandler, handler); try { using (var mh = tempBuffer.Pin()) return(nw_framer_parse_input(GetCheckedHandle(), minimumIncompleteLength, maximumLength, (byte *)mh.Pointer, ref block_handler)); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } } }
public void ReceiveMessageReadOnlyData(NWConnectionReceiveReadOnlySpanCompletion callback) { if (callback == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback)); } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(static_ReceiveCompletionDispatchReadnOnlyData, callback); try { nw_connection_receive_message(GetCheckedHandle(), ref block_handler); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } }
public void ScheduleAsync (Action handler) { unsafe { if (handler == null) { nw_framer_async (GetCheckedHandle (), null); return; } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral (); BlockLiteral *block_ptr_handler = &block_handler; block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe (static_ScheduleHandler, handler); try { nw_framer_async (GetCheckedHandle (), (void*) block_ptr_handler); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock (); } } }
public static void Read(int fd, nuint size, DispatchQueue dispatchQueue, DispatchIOHandler handler) { if (handler == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handler)); } if (dispatchQueue == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dispatchQueue)); } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(static_DispatchReadWriteHandler, handler); dispatch_read(fd, size, dispatchQueue.Handle, ref block_handler); block_handler.CleanupBlock(); }
public void SetStateChangesHandler(Action <NWBrowserState, NWError?> handler) { unsafe { if (handler == null) { nw_ethernet_channel_set_state_changed_handler(GetCheckedHandle(), null); return; } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(static_StateChangesHandler, handler); try { nw_ethernet_channel_set_state_changed_handler(GetCheckedHandle(), &block_handler); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } } }
public void EnumerateGateways(Action <NWEndpoint> callback) { if (callback == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback)); } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(static_Enumerator, callback); try { nw_path_enumerate_gateways(GetCheckedHandle(), ref block_handler); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } }
public void EnumerateInterfaces(Action <NWInterface> callback) { if (callback == null) { return; } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(static_Enumerator, callback); try { nw_path_enumerate_interfaces(GetCheckedHandle(), ref block_handler); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } }
void SetupBlockOptimized_SpecificArgument( Action callback, int dummy000 = 0, int dummy010 = 0, int dummy020 = 0, int dummy030 = 0, int dummy040 = 0, int dummy050 = 0, int dummy060 = 0, int dummy070 = 0, int dummy080 = 0, int dummy090 = 0, int dummy001 = 0, int dummy011 = 0, int dummy021 = 0, int dummy031 = 0, int dummy041 = 0, int dummy051 = 0, int dummy061 = 0, int dummy071 = 0, int dummy081 = 0, int dummy091 = 0, int dummy002 = 0, int dummy012 = 0, int dummy022 = 0, int dummy032 = 0, int dummy042 = 0, int dummy052 = 0, int dummy062 = 0, int dummy072 = 0, int dummy082 = 0, int dummy092 = 0, int dummy003 = 0, int dummy013 = 0, int dummy023 = 0, int dummy033 = 0, int dummy043 = 0, int dummy053 = 0, int dummy063 = 0, int dummy073 = 0, int dummy083 = 0, int dummy093 = 0, int dummy004 = 0, int dummy014 = 0, int dummy024 = 0, int dummy034 = 0, int dummy044 = 0, int dummy054 = 0, int dummy064 = 0, int dummy074 = 0, int dummy084 = 0, int dummy094 = 0, int dummy005 = 0, int dummy015 = 0, int dummy025 = 0, int dummy035 = 0, int dummy045 = 0, int dummy055 = 0, int dummy065 = 0, int dummy075 = 0, int dummy085 = 0, int dummy095 = 0, int dummy006 = 0, int dummy016 = 0, int dummy026 = 0, int dummy036 = 0, int dummy046 = 0, int dummy056 = 0, int dummy066 = 0, int dummy076 = 0, int dummy086 = 0, int dummy096 = 0, int dummy007 = 0, int dummy017 = 0, int dummy027 = 0, int dummy037 = 0, int dummy047 = 0, int dummy057 = 0, int dummy067 = 0, int dummy077 = 0, int dummy087 = 0, int dummy097 = 0, int dummy008 = 0, int dummy018 = 0, int dummy028 = 0, int dummy038 = 0, int dummy048 = 0, int dummy058 = 0, int dummy068 = 0, int dummy078 = 0, int dummy088 = 0, int dummy098 = 0, int dummy009 = 0, int dummy019 = 0, int dummy029 = 0, int dummy039 = 0, int dummy049 = 0, int dummy059 = 0, int dummy069 = 0, int dummy079 = 0, int dummy089 = 0, int dummy099 = 0, int dummy100 = 0, int dummy110 = 0, int dummy120 = 0, int dummy130 = 0, int dummy140 = 0, int dummy150 = 0, int dummy160 = 0, int dummy170 = 0, int dummy180 = 0, int dummy190 = 0, int dummy101 = 0, int dummy111 = 0, int dummy121 = 0, int dummy131 = 0, int dummy141 = 0, int dummy151 = 0, int dummy161 = 0, int dummy171 = 0, int dummy181 = 0, int dummy191 = 0, int dummy102 = 0, int dummy112 = 0, int dummy122 = 0, int dummy132 = 0, int dummy142 = 0, int dummy152 = 0, int dummy162 = 0, int dummy172 = 0, int dummy182 = 0, int dummy192 = 0, int dummy103 = 0, int dummy113 = 0, int dummy123 = 0, int dummy133 = 0, int dummy143 = 0, int dummy153 = 0, int dummy163 = 0, int dummy173 = 0, int dummy183 = 0, int dummy193 = 0, int dummy104 = 0, int dummy114 = 0, int dummy124 = 0, int dummy134 = 0, int dummy144 = 0, int dummy154 = 0, int dummy164 = 0, int dummy174 = 0, int dummy184 = 0, int dummy194 = 0, int dummy105 = 0, int dummy115 = 0, int dummy125 = 0, int dummy135 = 0, int dummy145 = 0, int dummy155 = 0, int dummy165 = 0, int dummy175 = 0, int dummy185 = 0, int dummy195 = 0, int dummy106 = 0, int dummy116 = 0, int dummy126 = 0, int dummy136 = 0, int dummy146 = 0, int dummy156 = 0, int dummy166 = 0, int dummy176 = 0, int dummy186 = 0, int dummy196 = 0, int dummy107 = 0, int dummy117 = 0, int dummy127 = 0, int dummy137 = 0, int dummy147 = 0, int dummy157 = 0, int dummy167 = 0, int dummy177 = 0, int dummy187 = 0, int dummy197 = 0, int dummy108 = 0, int dummy118 = 0, int dummy128 = 0, int dummy138 = 0, int dummy148 = 0, int dummy158 = 0, int dummy168 = 0, int dummy178 = 0, int dummy188 = 0, int dummy198 = 0, int dummy109 = 0, int dummy119 = 0, int dummy129 = 0, int dummy139 = 0, int dummy149 = 0, int dummy159 = 0, int dummy169 = 0, int dummy179 = 0, int dummy189 = 0, int dummy199 = 0, int dummy200 = 0, int dummy210 = 0, int dummy220 = 0, int dummy230 = 0, int dummy240 = 0, int dummy250 = 0, int dummy260 = 0, int dummy270 = 0, int dummy280 = 0, int dummy290 = 0, int dummy201 = 0, int dummy211 = 0, int dummy221 = 0, int dummy231 = 0, int dummy241 = 0, int dummy251 = 0, int dummy261 = 0, int dummy271 = 0, int dummy281 = 0, int dummy291 = 0, int dummy202 = 0, int dummy212 = 0, int dummy222 = 0, int dummy232 = 0, int dummy242 = 0, int dummy252 = 0, int dummy262 = 0, int dummy272 = 0, int dummy282 = 0, int dummy292 = 0, int dummy203 = 0, int dummy213 = 0, int dummy223 = 0, int dummy233 = 0, int dummy243 = 0, int dummy253 = 0, int dummy263 = 0, int dummy273 = 0, int dummy283 = 0, int dummy293 = 0, int dummy204 = 0, int dummy214 = 0, int dummy224 = 0, int dummy234 = 0, int dummy244 = 0, int dummy254 = 0, int dummy264 = 0, int dummy274 = 0, int dummy284 = 0, int dummy294 = 0, int dummy205 = 0, int dummy215 = 0, int dummy225 = 0, int dummy235 = 0, int dummy245 = 0, int dummy255 = 0, int dummy265 = 0, int dummy275 = 0, int dummy285 = 0, int dummy295 = 0, int dummy206 = 0, int dummy216 = 0, int dummy226 = 0, int dummy236 = 0, int dummy246 = 0, int dummy256 = 0, int dummy266 = 0, int dummy276 = 0, int dummy286 = 0, int dummy296 = 0, int dummy207 = 0, int dummy217 = 0, int dummy227 = 0, int dummy237 = 0, int dummy247 = 0, int dummy257 = 0, int dummy267 = 0, int dummy277 = 0, int dummy287 = 0, int dummy297 = 0, int dummy208 = 0, int dummy218 = 0, int dummy228 = 0, int dummy238 = 0, int dummy248 = 0, int dummy258 = 0, int dummy268 = 0, int dummy278 = 0, int dummy288 = 0, int dummy298 = 0, int dummy209 = 0, int dummy219 = 0, int dummy229 = 0, int dummy239 = 0, int dummy249 = 0, int dummy259 = 0, int dummy269 = 0, int dummy279 = 0, int dummy289 = 0, int dummy299 = 0, Action <IntPtr> block_callback = null ) { // ldarg BlockLiteral block = new BlockLiteral(); block.SetupBlock(block_callback, callback); Bindings.Test.CFunctions.x_call_block(ref block); block.CleanupBlock(); }
public void SetKeyUpdateCallback(SecProtocolKeyUpdate keyUpdate, DispatchQueue keyUpdateQueue) { if (keyUpdate == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(keyUpdate)); } if (keyUpdateQueue == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(keyUpdateQueue)); } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(Trampolines.SDSecProtocolKeyUpdate.Handler, keyUpdate); sec_protocol_options_set_key_update_block(Handle, ref block_handler, keyUpdateQueue.Handle); block_handler.CleanupBlock(); }
public void SetReceiveHandler(NWEthernetChannelReceiveDelegate handler) { unsafe { if (handler == null) { nw_ethernet_channel_set_receive_handler(GetCheckedHandle(), null); return; } BlockLiteral block_handler = new BlockLiteral(); block_handler.SetupBlockUnsafe(static_ReceiveHandler, handler); try { nw_ethernet_channel_set_receive_handler(GetCheckedHandle(), &block_handler); } finally { block_handler.CleanupBlock(); } } }