private void ProcuraObstaculos()
        Collider[]      colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(biarticulado.PosicaoReferencia().position, Mathf.Max(biarticulado.distanciaDeFrenagem, conAuto.dyn_distDeParada));
        List <Semaforo> semaforos = new List <Semaforo>();

        foreach (var item in colliders)
            semaforoProximo = item.GetComponent <Semaforo>();
            if (!semaforoProximo)
                semaforoProximo = item.GetComponentInParent <Semaforo>();
            if (semaforoProximo)

    private void DefineSteeringAngle()
        if (!biarticulado.wp_proximo || biarticulado.veiculoSendoParado)
            horizontal = 0;

        // calculate the local-relative position of the target, to steer towards
        Vector3 targetPos = biarticulado.PosicaoReferencia().InverseTransformPoint(biarticulado.wp_proximo.transform.position);
        // work out the local angle towards the target
        float targetAngle = Mathf.Atan2(targetPos.x, targetPos.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

        // get the amount of steering needed to aim the car towards the target

        VALOR      = targetAngle;
        horizontal = targetAngle / CVP_Calculos.MenorValor_SteeringAngle(biarticulado);
        horizontal = Mathf.Clamp(horizontal, -1, 1); // * Mathf.Sign(m_CarController.CurrentSpeed);