public void TakePlanViewScreenshot() { UnityEngine.Object o = Resources.Load("prefabs/ScreenshotCam"); goPlanCam = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(o); Camera PlanCam = goPlanCam.GetComponent <Camera>(); PlanCam.orthographic = true; //find the major axis (two Ctrlpts c1 and c2 furthest apart) float dist = 0; BezCtrlPt c1 = new BezCtrlPt(Bez,, c2 = new BezCtrlPt(Bez,; foreach (BezCtrlPt p1 in Bez.CtrlPts) { foreach (BezCtrlPt p2 in Bez.CtrlPts) { float thisdist = Mathf.Pow(p1.Pos.x - p2.Pos.x, 2) + Mathf.Pow(p1.Pos.z - p2.Pos.z, 2); if (thisdist > dist) { dist = thisdist; c1 = p1; c2 = p2; } } } Vector3 c1Pos = new Vector3(c1.Pos.x, 500, c1.Pos.z); Vector3 c2Pos = new Vector3(c2.Pos.x, 500, c2.Pos.z); PlanCam.transform.position = (c1Pos + c2Pos) / 2; PlanCam.transform.LookAt(c1Pos); PlanCam.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, 90); float _distFwd = 0, _distBwd = 0; foreach (BezCtrlPt p1 in Bez.CtrlPts) { Vector3 RelPos = PlanCam.transform.InverseTransformPoint(new Vector3(p1.Pos.x, 500, p1.Pos.z)); if (RelPos.z > _distFwd) { _distFwd = RelPos.z; } if (RelPos.z < _distBwd) { _distBwd = RelPos.z; } } PlanCam.transform.Translate(0, 0, (_distFwd + _distBwd) / 2, Space.Self); PlanCam.transform.Rotate(Vector3.right, 90, Space.Self); PlanCam.orthographicSize = Mathf.Pow(dist, 0.5f) * (float)Screen.height / (float)Screen.width / 2 * 1.1f; //_canvas.SetActive(false); goPlanCam.GetComponent <ScreenshotCam>().goCanvas = _canvas; goPlanCam.GetComponent <ScreenshotCam>().Grab = true; Bez.SetWidth(10); Rd.goRoad.SetActive(false); foreach (GameObject t in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Terrain")) { t.GetComponent <Terrain>().enabled = false; } //Debug.Break(); }