文件: Bee.cs 项目: maxs-rose/BeeGame
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the sprite for this, of the correct colour
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><see cref="Sprite"/></returns>
        public override Sprite GetItemSprite()
            //* if the bee has not change in any way dont rebuild the sprite as that takes time
            if (previousBeeType == beeType && itemSprite != null)

            previousBeeType = beeType;

            //* set the correct sprite and colour
            if (beeType == BeeType.QUEEN)
                //* avoids the crown, black body, yellow body, and both colours of the wings
                Color[] colorsToAvoid = { new Color(0, 0, 0), new Color(232f, 200f, 42f, 255f) / 255f, new Color(232f, 213f, 106f, 255f) / 255f, new Color(156f, 146f, 130f, 255f) / 255f, new Color(225f, 223f, 219f, 255f) / 255f };
                return(itemSprite = SpriteDictionary.GetSprite("Queen").ColourSprite(BeeDictionaries.GetBeeColour((BeeSpecies)(queenBee?.queen.pSpecies)), coloursToAvoid: colorsToAvoid));
            else if (beeType == BeeType.PRINCESS)
                //* avoids the tiara, black body, yellow body, and both colours of the wings
                Color[] colorsToAvoid = { new Color(0, 0, 0), new Color(191f, 195f, 45f, 255f) / 255f, new Color(191f, 195f, 44f, 255f) / 255f, new Color(156f, 146f, 130f, 255f) / 255f, new Color(225f, 223f, 219f, 255f) / 255f, new Color(232f, 200, 42, 255f) / 255f };
                return(itemSprite = SpriteDictionary.GetSprite("Princess").ColourSprite(BeeDictionaries.GetBeeColour((BeeSpecies)(normalBee?.pSpecies)), coloursToAvoid: colorsToAvoid));
                //* avoids the block body, yellow body, and both wing colours
                Color[] colorsToAvoid = { new Color(0, 0, 0), new Color(156f, 146f, 130f, 255f) / 255f, new Color(225f, 223f, 219f, 255f) / 255f, new Color(232f, 200, 42, 255f) / 255f };
                return(itemSprite = SpriteDictionary.GetSprite("Drone").ColourSprite(BeeDictionaries.GetBeeColour((BeeSpecies)normalBee?.pSpecies), coloursToAvoid: colorsToAvoid));
文件: Bee.cs 项目: maxs-rose/BeeGame
        public override GameObject GetGameObject()
            var go = PrefabDictionary.GetPrefab("Bee");

            go.GetComponent <SetBeeGOColours>().colour  = BeeDictionaries.GetBeeColour(normalBee?.pSpecies ?? queenBee.queen.pSpecies);
            go.GetComponent <SetBeeGOColours>().beeType = beeType;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a <see cref="BeeSpecies"/> depending on the given <see cref="BeeSpecies"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s1">First <see cref="BeeSpecies"/></param>
        /// <param name="s2">Second <see cref="BeeSpecies"/></param>
        /// <returns>A new <see cref="BeeSpecies"/></returns>
        private BeeSpecies CombineSpecies(BeeSpecies s1, BeeSpecies s2)
            BeeSpecies[] possibleSpecies = BeeDictionaries.GetCombinations(s1, s2);
            float[]      weights         = possibleSpecies.Length > 2 ? BeeDictionaries.GetWeights(possibleSpecies) : new float[] { 0.5f, 0.5f };

            var randomNum  = Rand(weights);
            var weightsSum = 0f;

            //* when the number generated is less than the current sum of the weights return that bee
            for (int i = 0; i < weights.Length; i++)
                if (randomNum <= weightsSum)

                weightsSum += weights[i];

            //* if for some reason the weights cannot work return the first bee in the combination list
        /// <summary>
        /// Will make new <see cref="Bee"/>/<see cref="Item"/>s from the given <see cref="BeeType.QUEEN"/> <see cref="Bee"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queen">The <see cref="BeeType.QUEEN"/> to make the new <see cref="Bee"/>s from</param>
        /// <param name="inventory"><see cref="Inventory.Inventory"/> to put the new Bees/Items into</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Inventory is passed by reference to make it easier to modify the inventory. However is not necessarily needed as a <see cref="class"/> array is being passed so a reference would be created anyway however so <see cref="ref"/> is their more for clarity due to the function modifying the invetory directly
        /// </remarks>
        public void MakeBees(Bee queen, ref Item[] inventory)
            Item[] producedItems = new Item[9];

            //* will always return a new princess and drone
            producedItems[0] = MakeBee(BeeType.PRINCESS, queen.queenBee);
            producedItems[1] = MakeBee(BeeType.DRONE, queen.queenBee);

            var repeats = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, queen.queenBee.queen.pFertility);

            //* produces as many other children as the bee stats will allow
            for (int i = 0; i < repeats; i++)
                producedItems[i + 2] = MakeBee(queen.queenBee.queen.pFertility > 6 ? (BeeType)UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 3) : BeeType.DRONE, queen.queenBee);

                if (producedItems[i + 2] is Bee b && b.beeType != BeeType.PRINCESS)
                    producedItems[i + 2].itemStackCount = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, (int)queen.queenBee.queen.pFertility + 1);

            //* gets the produced items
            var beeProduce = BeeDictionaries.GetBeeProduce(queen.queenBee.queen.pSpecies);

            //* changes the stack count of the produced items to the correct number
            for (int i = 0; i < beeProduce.Length; i++)
                beeProduce[i].itemStackCount += UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, (int)queen.queenBee.queen.sProdSpeed + 1);

            //* adds the items that the bee species produces into the produced item array
            for (int i = (int)queen.queenBee.queen.pFertility + 2, prod = 0; prod < beeProduce.Length; i++, prod++)
                producedItems[i] = beeProduce[prod];

            //* puts the items into the inventory
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                if (inventory[i + 2] != null)
                    //* if the slot has the same item in it and it won't be more than the max stack count but the new item into it
                    if (producedItems[i] == inventory[i + 2] && inventory[i + 2].itemStackCount + 1 <= inventory[i + 2].maxStackCount)
                        inventory[i + 2].itemStackCount++;
                        //* otherwise find a new slot to put the item into
                        for (int j = i; j < (9 - i); j++)
                            if (inventory[j + 2] == null)
                                inventory[j + 2] = producedItems[i];
                            else if (producedItems[i] == inventory[j + 2] && inventory[j + 2].itemStackCount + 1 <= inventory[j + 2].maxStackCount)
                                inventory[j + 2].itemStackCount++;
                //* if the slot is empty put the item into it
                    inventory[i + 2] = producedItems[i];