public static void SerializableTable(string[] values, int nKey, Hashtable _hash) { if (values == null) { throw TableException.ErrorReader("values is null. Table: {0} Key:{1}.", GetInstanceFile(), nKey); } if (values.Length != VALUE_NUM_PER_ROW) { throw TableException.ErrorReader("Load {0} error as CodeSize:{1} not Equal DataSize:{2}", GetInstanceFile(), VALUE_NUM_PER_ROW, values.Length); } Tab_GoodData tabData = new Tab_GoodData(); tabData.m_EventDropId[0] = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[7])); tabData.m_EventDropId[1] = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[9])); tabData.m_EventDropId[2] = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[11])); tabData.m_EventRatioDrop = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[5])); tabData.m_EventRatioRise = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[6])); tabData.m_EventRiseId[0] = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[8])); tabData.m_EventRiseId[1] = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[10])); tabData.m_EventRiseId[2] = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[12])); tabData.m_Icon = values[1]; tabData.m_ID = nKey; tabData.m_Name = values[0]; tabData.m_PriceMax = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[4])); tabData.m_PriceMin = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[3])); tabData.m_Repute = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[2])); _hash.Add(nKey, tabData); }
private List <PackageField> GetFields(TableReader reader) { List <PackageField> fields = new List <PackageField>(); int number = reader.ReadInt32(); //字段数量 for (int i = 0; i < number; ++i) { if (reader.ReadInt8() == 0) //基础类型 { int type = reader.ReadInt8(); //基础类型索引 bool array = reader.ReadBool(); //是否是数组 fields.Add(new PackageField() { Index = i, Name = "Value" + i, Type = BasicUtil.GetType((BasicEnum)type).ScorpioName, Array = array, }); } else //自定义类 { string type = reader.ReadString(); //自定义类名称 bool array = reader.ReadBool(); //是否是数组 fields.Add(new PackageField() { Index = i, Name = "Value" + i, Type = type, Array = array, }); } } return(fields); }
public static Tab_Adventure SerializableTableItem(string[] values, int nKey, Hashtable _hash) { if (values == null) { throw TableException.ErrorReader("values is null. Table: {0} Key:{1}.", GetInstanceFile(), nKey); } if (values.Length != VALUE_NUM_PER_ROW) { throw TableException.ErrorReader("Load {0} error as CodeSize:{1} not Equal DataSize:{2}", GetInstanceFile(), VALUE_NUM_PER_ROW, values.Length); } Tab_Adventure tabData = new Tab_Adventure(); tabData.m_Cash = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[1])); tabData.m_Condition = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[6])); tabData.m_Content = values[0]; tabData.m_Debt = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[3])); tabData.m_Deposit = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[2])); tabData.m_GoodId = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[7])); tabData.m_GoodNum = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[8])); tabData.m_Health = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[4])); tabData.m_ID = nKey; tabData.m_Ratio = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[9])); tabData.m_Repute = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[5])); _hash.Add(nKey, tabData); return(tabData); }
//解析文件结构 private void ParseLayout() { mFields.Clear(); mUsedCustoms.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < mMaxColumn; ++i) { PackageField field = new PackageField(); field.Index = i; field.Comment = mDataTable[0][i]; //第0行是注释 field.Name = mDataTable[1][i]; //第1行是字段名 field.Default = mDataTable[3][i]; //第3行是字段默认值 var attribute = mDataTable[2][i]; //第2行是字段属性 Scorpio.Script script = new Scorpio.Script(); script.LoadLibrary(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute)) { field.Attribute = script.CreateTable(); } else { field.Attribute = (script.LoadString("return {" + attribute + "}") as ScriptTable) ?? script.CreateTable(); } string columnType = mDataTable[4][i]; //第4行是字段类型 string fieldType = ""; if (columnType.StartsWith(Util.ArrayString)) { field.Array = true; int iFinalIndex = Util.ArrayString.Length; fieldType = columnType.Substring(iFinalIndex, columnType.Length - iFinalIndex); } else { field.Array = false; fieldType = columnType; } field.Type = fieldType; bool basic = BasicUtil.HasType(fieldType); if (!basic && !mCustoms.ContainsKey(fieldType) && !mEnums.ContainsKey(fieldType)) { throw new System.Exception(string.Format("第[{0}]列的 字段类型[{1}] 不能识别", Util.GetLineName(i), columnType)); } if (i == 0 && (field.Array == true || field.Info.BasicIndex != BasicEnum.INT32)) { throw new System.Exception("第一列的数据类型必须为int32类型"); } field.Enum = mEnums.ContainsKey(fieldType); //保存使用的自定义结构 if (!basic && !field.Enum && !mUsedCustoms.Contains(fieldType)) { mUsedCustoms.Add(fieldType); } mFields.Add(field); } if (mFields.Count == 0) { throw new System.Exception("字段个数为0"); } mKeyName = mFields[0].Name; }
public Int32 GetEventRiseIdbyIndex(int idx) { if (idx >= 0 && idx < 3) { return(BasicUtil.DecryptInt32Value(m_EventRiseId[idx])); } return(-1); }
private void WriteField(TableWriter writer, object value, PackageField field) { var basic = BasicUtil.GetType(field.Type); if (basic != null) { if (field.Array) { var list = value as ScriptArray; if (Util.IsEmptyValue(list)) { writer.WriteInt32(0); } else { int count = list.Count(); writer.WriteInt32(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { basic.WriteValue(writer, list.GetValue(i).ToString()); } } } else { basic.WriteValue(writer, value.ToString()); } } else if (field.Enum) { if (field.Array) { var list = value as ScriptArray; if (Util.IsEmptyValue(list)) { writer.WriteInt32(0); } else { int count = list.Count(); writer.WriteInt32(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { writer.WriteInt32(GetEnumValue(field.Type, value.ToString())); } } } else { writer.WriteInt32(GetEnumValue(field.Type, value.ToString())); } } else { WriteCustom(writer, value as ScriptArray, mCustoms[field.Type], field.Array); } }
/// <summary> /// Called very early, just after main assemblies are loaded, before logos. Saves have not been scanned and most game data are unavailable. /// Full info at /// </summary> /// <param name="api">First param (string) is the query/action. Second param (object) and result (object) varies by action.</param> public void SplashMod(ModnixCallback api = null) { // Technically, SplashMod isn't the right place to init this mod. However, it ensures a VERY // early load, and it doesn't cause any issues. This means PPDefModifier can modify it. harmInst = HarmonyInstance.Create(typeof(MyMod).FullName); harmInst.PatchAll(); FileLog.logPath = "./Mods/PPWB_Harmony.log"; FileLog.Log("PPWB..."); BasicUtil.EnsureAPI(ref api); BasicUtil.GetConfig(ref Config, api); storedAPI = api; DefRepository definitions_repo = GameUtl.GameComponent<DefRepository>(); List<WeaponDef> WeaponList = definitions_repo.GetAllDefs<WeaponDef>().ToList(); List<DamageKeywordDef> damageKeywords = definitions_repo.GetAllDefs<DamageKeywordDef>().ToList(); BasicUtil.Log($"Found {WeaponList.Count} weapons loaded into the game.", api); BasicUtil.Log($"Found {damageKeywords.Count} damage types loaded into the game.", api); #region DamageTypeSetup List<DamageKeywordPair> damageKeywordPairsToAdd = new List<DamageKeywordPair>(); if (Config.add_bleed) { damageKeywordPairsToAdd.Add(new DamageKeywordPair() { Value = 0, DamageKeywordDef = damageKeywords.Find(x =>"Bleed")) }); } if (Config.add_pierce) { damageKeywordPairsToAdd.Add(new DamageKeywordPair() { Value = 0, DamageKeywordDef = damageKeywords.Find(x =>"Pierc")) // Because it's truncated "Piercing" }); } if (Config.add_shred) { damageKeywordPairsToAdd.Add(new DamageKeywordPair() { Value = 0, DamageKeywordDef = damageKeywords.Find(x =>"Shred")) }); }; #endregion BasicUtil.Log("Adding damage types to all weapons.", api); foreach (WeaponDef weapon in WeaponList) { foreach (DamageKeywordPair dkp in damageKeywordPairsToAdd) { if (!weapon.DamagePayload.DamageKeywords.Exists(x => x.DamageKeywordDef == dkp.DamageKeywordDef)) { weapon.DamagePayload.DamageKeywords.Add(dkp.Clone()); #if DEBUG BasicUtil.Log($"Had to add damage type {dkp.DamageKeywordDef.Visuals.DisplayName1.Localize()} to {weapon.GetDisplayName().Localize()}", api); #endif } } weapon.DamagePayload.DamageKeywords.Sort( (x, y) => x.CompareTo(y)); } BasicUtil.Log("Done adding damage types.", api); }
/// <summary> 生成Table类的代码 </summary> private void CreateTable(ProgramInfo info) { var str = info.GenerateTable.Generate(mPackage); str = str.Replace("__TableName", TableClassName); str = str.Replace("__DataName", DataClassName); str = str.Replace("__KeyName", mKeyName); str = str.Replace("__KeyType", BasicUtil.GetType(BasicEnum.INT32).GetCode(info.Code)); str = str.Replace("__MD5", GetClassMD5Code()); info.CreateFile(TableClassName, str); }
public void StartUp() { start = DateTime.Now; basicUtil = new BasicUtil(); //runTimeItems = new CSPortalTesting.Models.General.RunTimeItems(RI) //{ // driv = this.driv, // basicUtil = this.basicUtil, //}; }
public void StartUp() { start = DateTime.Now; basicUtil = new BasicUtil(); runTimeItems = new Restest.Models.General.RunTimeItems(RI) { basicUtil = this.basicUtil, }; RestHelper restHelper = new RestHelper(); token = restHelper.GetAuth("", "116eb1e753aa4cafbe382bf2359f3a8f", "231bbc92870c417f925d52cea3e3a03d"); }
/// <summary> /// Skip SetStat if stat is 0 /// </summary> public static bool Prefix( UIItemTooltip __instance, MethodInfo __originalMethod, LocalizedTextBind statLocalization, bool secondObject, object statValue, object statCompareValue = null, UnityEngine.Sprite statIcon = null ) { float svFloat,scvFloat; string svType, scvType = ""; string svString = statValue as string ?? "null" ; string scvString = statCompareValue as string ?? "null"; string zeroPercent = Base.UI.UIUtil.PercentageStat(0f, __instance.PercentageString.Localize(null)); try { svFloat = (float)statValue; } catch (InvalidCastException) { svFloat = 12.34f; } try { scvFloat = (float)statValue; } catch (InvalidCastException) { scvFloat = 12.34f; } try { svType = statValue.GetType().ToString(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { svType = "NULL"; } try { scvType = statCompareValue.GetType().ToString(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { scvType = "NULL"; } bool svSkip = svString == "0" || svString == zeroPercent || svFloat == 0f; bool scvSkip = scvString == "0" || scvString == zeroPercent || scvFloat == 0f; #if DEBUG BasicUtil.Log($"Injected into {__instance.GetType()}.{__originalMethod.Name}()", MyMod.storedAPI); BasicUtil.Log($" {statLocalization.Localize()} [2nd: {secondObject}]", MyMod.storedAPI); BasicUtil.Log($" SV: {statValue ?? 0,4} [{svType}]", MyMod.storedAPI); BasicUtil.Log($" CV: {statCompareValue ?? 0,4} [{scvType}]", MyMod.storedAPI); BasicUtil.Log($" SVSkip: {svSkip}", MyMod.storedAPI); BasicUtil.Log($" CVSkip: {scvSkip}", MyMod.storedAPI); #endif return !(scvSkip && svSkip) || MyMod.Config.show_zeros; }
public void WriteDateTime(string value) { double span; if (double.TryParse(value, out span)) { writer.Write(BasicUtil.GetTimeSpan(DateTime.FromOADate(span))); return; } DateTime datetime; if (DateTime.TryParse(value, out datetime)) { writer.Write(BasicUtil.GetTimeSpan(datetime)); return; } throw new Exception("不能识别日志字符串 : " + value); }
public static void SerializableTable(string[] values, int nKey, Hashtable _hash) { if (values == null) { throw TableException.ErrorReader("values is null. Table: {0} Key:{1}.", GetInstanceFile(), nKey); } if (values.Length != VALUE_NUM_PER_ROW) { throw TableException.ErrorReader("Load {0} error as CodeSize:{1} not Equal DataSize:{2}", GetInstanceFile(), VALUE_NUM_PER_ROW, values.Length); } Tab_Event tabData = new Tab_Event(); tabData.m_Content = values[0]; tabData.m_EventEffect = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[1])); tabData.m_ID = nKey; _hash.Add(nKey, tabData); }
protected override string Generate_impl() { var builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append($@"//本文件为自动生成,请不要手动修改 {ClassName} = ["); foreach (var field in Fields) { var languageType = field.GetLanguageType(Language); languageType = field.IsEnum ? BasicUtil.GetType(BasicEnum.INT32).Name : languageType; builder.Append($@" /* {field.Comment} 默认值({field.Default}) */ {{ Index : {field.Index}, Name : ""{field.Name}"", Type : ""{languageType}"", Array : {field.IsArray.ToString().ToLower()}, Attribute : {field.AttributeString} }}, "); } builder.Append(@" ]"); return(builder.ToString()); }
public static Tab_Rental SerializableTableItem(string[] values, int nKey, Hashtable _hash) { if (values == null) { throw TableException.ErrorReader("values is null. Table: {0} Key:{1}.", GetInstanceFile(), nKey); } if (values.Length != VALUE_NUM_PER_ROW) { throw TableException.ErrorReader("Load {0} error as CodeSize:{1} not Equal DataSize:{2}", GetInstanceFile(), VALUE_NUM_PER_ROW, values.Length); } Tab_Rental tabData = new Tab_Rental(); tabData.m_ID = nKey; tabData.m_Introduce = values[0]; tabData.m_PriceMin = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[2])); tabData.m_Size = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[1])); _hash.Add(nKey, tabData); return(tabData); }
private void WriteFields(TableWriter writer, List <PackageField> fields) { writer.WriteInt32(fields.Count); for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; ++i) { var field = fields[i]; var basic = BasicUtil.GetType(field.Type); if (basic != null) { writer.WriteByte(0); writer.WriteByte((sbyte)basic.BasicIndex); writer.WriteBool(field.Array); } else { writer.WriteByte(1); writer.WriteString(field.Type); writer.WriteBool(field.Array); } } }
public static void SerializableTable(string[] values, int nKey, Hashtable _hash) { if (values == null) { throw TableException.ErrorReader("values is null. Table: {0} Key:{1}.", GetInstanceFile(), nKey); } if (values.Length != VALUE_NUM_PER_ROW) { throw TableException.ErrorReader("Load {0} error as CodeSize:{1} not Equal DataSize:{2}", GetInstanceFile(), VALUE_NUM_PER_ROW, values.Length); } Tab_PlayerData tabData = new Tab_PlayerData(); tabData.m_Cash = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[2])); tabData.m_Debt = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[4])); tabData.m_Deposit = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[3])); tabData.m_Health = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[5])); tabData.m_Icon = values[1]; tabData.m_ID = nKey; tabData.m_Name = values[0]; tabData.m_Repute = BasicUtil.EncryptInt32Value(Convert.ToInt32(values[6])); _hash.Add(nKey, tabData); }
protected override string Generate_impl() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(@"//本文件为自动生成,请不要手动修改 __ClassName = ["); foreach (var field in m_Fields) { string str = @" { Index = __Index, Name = ""__Name"", Type = ""__Type"", Array = __Array, Attribute = __Attribute }, /* __Note 默认值(__Default) */"; str = str.Replace("__Index", field.Index.ToString()); str = str.Replace("__Name", field.Name); str = str.Replace("__Type", field.Enum ? BasicUtil.GetType(BasicEnum.INT32).ScorpioName : field.Type); str = str.Replace("__Note", field.Comment); str = str.Replace("__Attribute", field.Attribute != null ? field.Attribute.ToJson() : "{}"); str = str.Replace("__Default", field.Default); str = str.Replace("__Array", field.Array ? "true" : "false"); builder.Append(str); } builder.Append(@" ]"); builder = builder.Replace("__ClassName", m_ClassName); return(builder.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Called after basic assets are loaded, before the hottest year cinematic. Virtually the same time as PPML. /// Full info at /// </summary> /// <param name="api">First param (string) is the query/action. Second param (object) and result (object) varies by action.</param> public static void MainMod(ModnixCallback api = null) { BasicUtil.EnsureAPI(ref api); BasicUtil.GetConfig(ref Config, api); api("log info", "New MainMod initialized"); DefRepository gameRootDef = GameUtl.GameComponent <DefRepository>(); List <TacticalItemDef> tacticalItems = gameRootDef.GetAllDefs <TacticalItemDef>().ToList().FindAll( new Predicate <TacticalItemDef>(FilterDefList) ); BasicUtil.Log($"Readied {tacticalItems.Count} Independent tactical items.", api); string guid = ""; I2.Loc.LanguageSourceData langDB = I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.Sources[0]; int englishKey = langDB.GetLanguageIndex("English"); foreach (ItemDef item in tacticalItems) { bool isWeapon = item.GetType() == typeof(WeaponDef); #if DEBUG BasicUtil.Log($"Making Reverse Engineer for: {item.GetDisplayName().Localize()} - {item}", api); #endif ResearchTagDef optional = (ResearchTagDef)gameRootDef.GetDef("08191866-ff38-9e74-abd7-cb484188911a"); GeoFactionDef PhoenixPointFaction = (GeoFactionDef)gameRootDef.GetDef("8be7e872-0ad2-a2a4-7bee-c980ed304a8a"); GeoFactionDef DisciplesOfAnuFaction = (GeoFactionDef)gameRootDef.GetDef("edc6783a-be00-1a84-2b97-2fe1e0fc5448"); GeoFactionDef NewJerichoFaction = (GeoFactionDef)gameRootDef.GetDef("d31c78b9-ff0e-8b94-ab96-9672da73da54"); GeoFactionDef SynedrionFaction = (GeoFactionDef)gameRootDef.GetDef("0e6dc218-e157-5954-c9ab-1a0606e0d914"); // 1 + length of compatible ammo list int researchUnlockLength = 1 + ((isWeapon) ? ((WeaponDef)item).CompatibleAmmunition.Length : 0); ItemDef[] researchUnocks = new ItemDef[researchUnlockLength]; researchUnocks[0] = item; for (int i = 1; i < researchUnlockLength; i++) { researchUnocks[i] = ((WeaponDef)item).CompatibleAmmunition[i - 1]; } string[] guidparts = item.Guid.Split('-'); string guidBase = string.Join("-", guidparts.Take(3)); string guidTail = "deadbeefbabe"; int typeInt; #region Generate reverse engineering def typeInt = (int)ResearchGUIDSegments.ReceiveItemResearchRequirement; ReceiveItemResearchRequirementDef rirrDef = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ReceiveItemResearchRequirementDef>(); = + "_ReceiveItemResearchRequirementDef"; rirrDef.Guid = $"{guidBase}-{typeInt:x4}-{guidTail}"; rirrDef.ItemDef = item; typeInt = (int)ResearchGUIDSegments.ItemResearchCost; string I2Key = $"REVERSE_ENGINEER_COSTDEF_{}"; ItemResearchCostDef ircDef = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ItemResearchCostDef>(); = + "_ItemResearchCostDef"; ircDef.Guid = $"{guidBase}-{typeInt:x4}-{guidTail}"; ircDef.ItemDef = item; ircDef.Amount = 1; ircDef.LocalizationText = new Base.UI.LocalizedTextBind() { LocalizationKey = I2Key }; langDB.AddTerm($"REVERSE_ENGINEER_COSTDEF_{}", I2.Loc.eTermType.Text); langDB.GetTermData(I2Key).Languages[englishKey] = "Needed items {0}/{1}"; typeInt = (int)ResearchGUIDSegments.ManufactureResearchReward; ManufactureResearchRewardDef mrdDef = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ManufactureResearchRewardDef>(); = + "_ManufactureResearchRewardDef"; mrdDef.Guid = $"{guidBase}-{typeInt:x4}-{guidTail}"; mrdDef.Items = researchUnocks; typeInt = (int)ResearchGUIDSegments.Research; string rName = + "_ResearchDef"; ResearchDef reverseEngineerDef = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ResearchDef>(); = rName; reverseEngineerDef.Guid = $"{guidBase}-{typeInt:X4}-{guidTail}"; reverseEngineerDef.Id = rName; reverseEngineerDef.Faction = PhoenixPointFaction; reverseEngineerDef.Costs = new ResearchCostDef[] { ircDef }; reverseEngineerDef.ResearchCost = 100; reverseEngineerDef.Tags = new ResearchTagDef[] { optional }; reverseEngineerDef.ValidForFactions = new List <GeoFactionDef> { PhoenixPointFaction }; reverseEngineerDef.Unlocks = new ResearchRewardDef[] { mrdDef }; reverseEngineerDef.InitialStates = new ResearchDef.InitialResearchState[] { new ResearchDef.InitialResearchState { Faction = PhoenixPointFaction, State = ResearchState.Hidden }, new ResearchDef.InitialResearchState { Faction = DisciplesOfAnuFaction, State = ResearchState.Hidden }, new ResearchDef.InitialResearchState { Faction = NewJerichoFaction, State = ResearchState.Hidden }, new ResearchDef.InitialResearchState { Faction = SynedrionFaction, State = ResearchState.Hidden } }; reverseEngineerDef.RevealRequirements.Container = new ReseachRequirementDefOpContainer[] { new ReseachRequirementDefOpContainer() { Operation = ResearchContainerOperation.ALL, Requirements = new ResearchRequirementDef[] { rirrDef } } }; #if DEBUG BasicUtil.Log($"{researchUnocks.Length} items prepared for the rDef.", api); BasicUtil.Log(ircDef.LocalizationText.Localize(), api); #if NOISY BasicUtil.Log(reverseEngineerDef.Repr(), api); #endif #endif #endregion gameRootDef.CreateRuntimeDef(rirrDef, rirrDef.GetType(), rirrDef.Guid); gameRootDef.CreateRuntimeDef(ircDef, ircDef.GetType(), ircDef.Guid); gameRootDef.CreateRuntimeDef(mrdDef, mrdDef.GetType(), mrdDef.Guid); gameRootDef.CreateRuntimeDef(reverseEngineerDef, guid: reverseEngineerDef.Guid); guid = reverseEngineerDef.Guid; } #if DEBUG foreach (GeoFactionDef fact in gameRootDef.GetAllDefs <GeoFactionDef>().ToList()) { BasicUtil.Log(fact.Render(), api); } BasicUtil.Log($"Looking for GUID: {guid}", api); DefRepository temp = GameUtl.GameComponent <DefRepository>(); ResearchDef rDef = (ResearchDef)temp.GetDef(guid); BasicUtil.Log(, api); BasicUtil.Log(rDef.Guid, api); BasicUtil.Log(rDef.Costs[0].Guid, api); BasicUtil.Log(rDef.Unlocks[0].Guid, api); BasicUtil.Log(rDef.RevealRequirements.Container[0].Requirements[0].Guid, api); BasicUtil.Log( rDef.Repr(), api); BasicUtil.Log( // Reverse Engineering example ((ResearchDef)temp.GetDef("15d2170b-469b-0341-22d4-a8b4d90eefb8")).Repr(), api); #if COMPAREMANY BasicUtil.Log( // Capture research ((ResearchDef)temp.GetDef("c7b3f8ab-8c90-0343-823b-c966d2c4edb8")).Repr(), api); BasicUtil.Log( // Research that rewards multiple resources temp.GetAllDefs <ResearchDef>().ToList().Find(x => x.Resources.Count > 1).Repr(), api); #endif #endif }
private DataTable() { BasicUtil.GenerateCryptPlusValue(); }
public string GetCodeType(string type) { var b = BasicUtil.GetType(type); return(b != null?b.GetCode(m_Code) : type); }
//生成data文件数据 private void Transform_impl() { int iColums = mMaxColumn; //数据列数 int iRows = mMaxRow; //数据行数 TableWriter writer = new TableWriter(); writer.WriteInt32(0); //写入行数(最后计算出有效数据然后写入) writer.WriteString(GetClassMD5Code()); //写入文件MD5码 WriteFields(writer, mFields); //写入表结构 writer.WriteInt32(mUsedCustoms.Count); //写入用到的自定义类数量 foreach (var key in mUsedCustoms) { writer.WriteString(key); WriteFields(writer, mCustoms[key]); } List <string> keys = new List <string>(); int count = 0; for (int i = START_ROW; i < iRows; ++i) { string ID = ""; for (int j = 0; j < iColums; ++j) { string value = mDataTable[i][j]; var field = mFields[j]; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { value = string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Default) ? Util.EmptyString : field.Default; //数据为空设置为默认值 } if (j == 0) { if (keys.Contains(value)) { throw new Exception(string.Format("ID有重复项[{0}]", value)); } else if (Util.IsEmptyString(value)) { throw new Exception("ID字段不能为空"); } ID = value; keys.Add(value); } if (ExecuteField != null) { ExecuteField(field, ID, ref value); } var basic = BasicUtil.GetType(field.Type); if (basic != null || field.Enum) { if (field.Array) { WriteField(writer, Util.ReadValue(mEnums, mDataTable[i].RowNumber, Util.GetLineName(j), value, false, true), field); } else { WriteField(writer, value, field); } } else { WriteCustom(writer, Util.ReadValue(mEnums, mDataTable[i].RowNumber, Util.GetLineName(j), value, true, field.Array), mCustoms[field.Type], field.Array); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { throw new SystemException(string.Format("[{0}]行[{1}]列出错 数据内容为[{2}] : {3}", mDataTable[i].RowNumber, Util.GetLineName(j), value, ex.ToString())); } } count++; } writer.Seek(0); writer.WriteInt32(count); Create_impl(writer.ToArray()); }
public string GetCodeType(BasicEnum type) { var b = BasicUtil.GetType(type); return(b != null?b.GetCode(m_Code) : type.ToString()); }
public static void Prefix(TacticalItemDef tacItemDef, MethodInfo __originalMethod) { string str = $"Successfully injected into {__originalMethod.ReflectedType}.{__originalMethod.Name}, object is {tacItemDef.GetDisplayName().Localize()}"; BasicUtil.Log(str, MyMod.storedAPI); FileLog.Log(str); }