// Awake is called when game boots up. // Pre: pkmnSpecies string must be filled out and found within the baseStatInv in the static BaseStats class void Awake() { if (fighterName == null || level <= 0 || level > 100) { throw new System.Exception("Error: Parameters for PKMNEntity not filled out appropriately"); } statChangeQ = new SE_PriorityQueue(this); //Establish stat priority queue curStats = new float[BaseStat.BASE_STATS_LENGTH]; //Establish curStats statUpgradesUsed = new int[BaseStat.BASE_STATS_LENGTH]; controller = (transform.parent != null) ? transform.parent.GetComponent <Controller>() : GetComponent <Controller>(); soundFXs = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); shieldDamageMult = BASE_SHIELD_DAMAGE_MULT; restoreCurStats(); armor = baseArmor; curStats[BaseStat.HEALTH] = baseStats[BaseStat.HEALTH]; //Establish stats for character moves = new List <IMove>(); //Adds move to the list for (int i = 0; i < moveList.Length; i++) { IMove curMove = BaseStat.moveInv(moveList[i], GetComponent <Animator>(), this, progress); if (curMove != null) { moves.Add(curMove); } } maxExp = BASE_MAX_EXP; curExp = 0f; aTimer = 0.0f; hTimer = 0.0f; assistStatus = false; dead = false; //numOpenStatBoosts = 6; }