        /// <summary>Draws on OpenGL canvas the route/train loading screen</summary>
        public void DrawLoadingScreen(OpenGlFont Font, double RouteProgress, double TrainProgress = double.MaxValue)
            renderer.SetBlendFunc(BlendingFactor.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactor.OneMinusSrcAlpha);             //FIXME: Remove when text switches between two renderer types
            GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);

            renderer.Rectangle.Draw(null, Vector2.Null, new Vector2(renderer.Screen.Width, renderer.Screen.Height), bkg);

            // BACKGROUND IMAGE
            int fontHeight = (int)Font.FontSize;
            int logoBottom;
            //int versionTop;
            int halfWidth = renderer.Screen.Width / 2;

            if (TextureLoadingBkg != null && renderer.currentHost.LoadTexture(ref TextureLoadingBkg, OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp))
                int bkgHeight, bkgWidth;

                // stretch the background image to fit at least one screen dimension
                double ratio = TextureLoadingBkg.Width / (double)TextureLoadingBkg.Height;

                if (renderer.Screen.Width / ratio > renderer.Screen.Height) // if screen ratio is shorter than bkg...
                    bkgHeight = renderer.Screen.Height;                     // set height to screen height
                    bkgWidth  = (int)(renderer.Screen.Height * ratio);      // and scale width proprtionally
                else                                                        // if screen ratio is wider than bkg...
                    bkgWidth  = renderer.Screen.Width;                      // set width to screen width
                    bkgHeight = (int)(renderer.Screen.Width / ratio);       // and scale height accordingly

                // draw the background image down from the top screen edge
                renderer.Rectangle.Draw(TextureLoadingBkg, new Vector2((renderer.Screen.Width - bkgWidth) / 2.0, 0), new Vector2(bkgWidth, bkgHeight), Color128.White);

            // if the route has no custom loading image, add the openBVE logo
            // (the route custom image is loaded in OldParsers/CsvRwRouteParser.cs)
            if (!customLoadScreen)
                if (renderer.ProgramLogo != null && renderer.LoadLogo())
                    // place the centre of the logo at from the screen top
                    int logoTop = (int)(renderer.Screen.Height * logoCentreYFactor - renderer.ProgramLogo.Height / 2.0);
                    renderer.Rectangle.DrawAlpha(renderer.ProgramLogo, new Vector2((renderer.Screen.Width - renderer.ProgramLogo.Width) / 2.0, logoTop), new Vector2(renderer.ProgramLogo.Width, renderer.ProgramLogo.Height), Color128.White);
            // ReSharper disable once RedundantIfElseBlock
                // if custom route image, no logo and leave a conventional black area below the potential logo

            if (showProgress)
                logoBottom = renderer.Screen.Height / 2;

                // take the height remaining below the logo and divide in 3 horiz. parts
                int blankHeight = (renderer.Screen.Height - logoBottom) / 3;

                // VERSION NUMBER
                // place the version above the first division
                int versionTop = logoBottom + blankHeight - fontHeight;
                renderer.OpenGlString.Draw(Font, "Version " + ProgramVersion, new Vector2(halfWidth, versionTop), TextAlignment.TopMiddle, Color128.White);
                // for the moment, do not show any URL; would go right below the first division
                //			DrawString(Fonts.SmallFont, "https://openbve-project.net",
                //				new Point(halfWidth, versionTop + fontHeight+2),
                //				TextAlignment.TopMiddle, Color128.White);
                // PROGRESS MESSAGE AND BAR
                // place progress bar right below the second division
                int    progressTop   = renderer.Screen.Height - blankHeight;
                int    progressWidth = renderer.Screen.Width - progrMargin * 2;
                double routeProgress = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(1.0, RouteProgress));
                double trainProgress = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(1.0, TrainProgress));

                // draw progress message right above the second division
                string text = Translations.GetInterfaceString(routeProgress < 1.0 ? "loading_loading_route" : trainProgress < 1.0 ? "loading_loading_train" : "message_loading");
                renderer.OpenGlString.Draw(Font, text, new Vector2(halfWidth, progressTop - fontHeight - 6), TextAlignment.TopMiddle, Color128.White);

                // sum of route progress and train progress arrives up to 2.0:
                // => times 50.0 to convert to %
                double percent;
                if (TrainProgress != double.MaxValue)
                    percent = 50.0 * (routeProgress + trainProgress);
                    percent = 100.0 * routeProgress;
                string percStr = percent.ToString("0") + "%";

                // progress frame
                renderer.Rectangle.Draw(null, new Vector2(progrMargin - progrBorder, progressTop - progrBorder), new Vector2(progressWidth + progrBorder * 2, fontHeight + 6), Color128.White);

                // progress bar
                renderer.Rectangle.Draw(null, new Vector2(progrMargin, progressTop), new Vector2(progressWidth * (int)percent / 100.0, fontHeight + 4), ColourProgressBar);

                // progress percent
                renderer.OpenGlString.Draw(Font, percStr, new Vector2(halfWidth, progressTop), TextAlignment.TopMiddle, Color128.Black);