private void HitBall() { BallLogic ball = BallLogic.Instance; Vector3 aimPosition = _AIStrategy.GeneratePositionBasedOnDifficulty(difficulty); Vector3 velocity = BallLogic.Instance.GetVelocity(aimPosition, _timeToBounce);//change time in function of currentHitForce AudioManager.Instance.PlaySound(ball.transform.position, (int)SoundId.SOUND_HIT); ball.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = velocity; ball.SetHittingPlayer(_id); _newPosition = true; }
public void Serve() { Vector3 currentPosition = transform.position; BallLogic ball = BallLogic.Instance; ball.AppearBall(new Vector3(currentPosition.x + 0.1f, 4.05f, currentPosition.z),; Vector3 ballVelocity = ball.GetVelocity(_serveTarget, 1.5f); ball.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = ballVelocity; BallLogic.Instance.SetHittingPlayer(_id); Destroy(_animatedServingBall); }
private IEnumerator BallFlow() { bool ballIsAlive = true; BallLogic ballLogic = createBall(); ballLogic.OnDestroyed += () => ballIsAlive = false; while (ballIsAlive) { yield return(null); } }
private void Serve() { Vector3 currentPosition = transform.position; BallLogic ball = BallLogic.Instance; ball.AppearBall(new Vector3(currentPosition.x + 0.1f, 4.05f, currentPosition.z),; float minTime = GetServeMinTime(); float maxTime = GetServeMaxTime(); float time = GetTimeToBounce(minTime, maxTime); Vector3 velocity = BallLogic.Instance.GetVelocity(aimTarget.position, time); ball.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = velocity; BallLogic.Instance.SetHittingPlayer(_id); Destroy(_animatedServingBall); }
private void GameScreen_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MainWindow win = (MainWindow)Window.GetWindow(this); if (win.IsNewGame) { this.GameModel = new GameModel(win.PlayerName); this.ballLogic = new BallLogic(this.GameModel.Ball); this.characterLogic = new CharacterLogic(this.GameModel.Ball, this.GameModel.Character, this.GameModel.Score, this.GameModel.Timer); this.scoreLogic = new ScoreLogic(this.GameModel.Score, this.GameModel.Ball); this.timerLogic = new TimerLogic(this.GameModel.Timer, this.GameModel); } else { this.GameModel = win.GameModel; this.GameModel.Character.Blocked = false; this.ballLogic = new BallLogic(this.GameModel.Ball); this.characterLogic = new CharacterLogic(this.GameModel.Ball, this.GameModel.Character, this.GameModel.Score, this.GameModel.Timer); this.scoreLogic = new ScoreLogic(this.GameModel.Score, this.GameModel.Ball); this.timerLogic = new TimerLogic(this.GameModel.Timer, this.GameModel); } this.render = new GameRenderer(this.GameModel); if (win != null) { this.tickTimer = new DispatcherTimer(); this.tickTimerSeconds = new DispatcherTimer { Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000), }; this.tickTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20); this.tickTimer.Tick += this.Timer_Tick; this.tickTimerSeconds.Tick += this.Timer_Tick_Seconds; this.tickTimerSeconds.Start(); this.tickTimer.Start(); win.KeyDown += this.Win_KeyDown; win.KeyUp += this.Win_KeyUp; } this.ballLogic.RefreshScreen += (obj, args) => this.InvalidateVisual(); this.InvalidateVisual(); }
void collisionBall(BallLogic ball) { if (ball == null) { return; } if ( == 0) { onDie(); return; } Event <PlaySoundEvent> .Broadcast(new PlaySoundEvent(m_eatRightBallClip)); m_id =; m_color = ball.color; m_time = ball.effectTime; Destroy(ball.gameObject); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (_isServing) { if (!_playerAnimation.isCelebratingOrAngry()) { if (Math.Abs(_timeToServe) < 0.01) { _timeToServe = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f) + 1.0f; } _elapsedTime = _elapsedTime + Time.deltaTime; if (_elapsedTime >= _timeToServe) { AimServe(); _elapsedTime = 0; _timeToServe = 0; SetServing(false); } } } else { BallLogic ballLogic = BallLogic.Instance; bool hasMoved = false; if (ballLogic.IsEnabled() && ballLogic.GetHittingPlayer() != _id && ballLogic.GetHittingPlayer() != 0) { hasMoved = MoveToBall(); } if (!hasMoved) { _playerAnimation.StartMoveAnimation(MovementDirection.IDLE); } } }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider) { BallLogic.Hit(collider.gameObject.tag); }
void FixedUpdate() { BallLogic.FixedUpdate(Time.fixedDeltaTime); }
void Awake() { ballSimulation = new BallSimulation(InitialVelocity); BallLogic = new BallLogic(this, ballSimulation); BallLogic.OnDestroyed += () => Destroy(gameObject); }
void Awake() { _ballLogic = new BallLogic(); _ballSimulation = new BallSimulation(this); _ballLogic.OnDestroy += DestroyBall; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { gameSession = FindObjectOfType <GameSessionLogic>(); ball = FindObjectOfType <BallLogic>(); }
private void ReadInput() { moveLeftRightValue = 0; moveForwardBackwardValue = 0; _finishHitting = false; BallLogic ball = BallLogic.Instance; if (ActionMapper.GetMoveLeft(leftButton, horizontalAxis)) { moveLeftRightValue += -1; } if (ActionMapper.GetMoveRight(rightButton, horizontalAxis)) { moveLeftRightValue += 1; } if (ActionMapper.GetMoveForward(forwardButton, verticalAxis)) { moveForwardBackwardValue += 1; } if (ActionMapper.GetMoveBackward(backwardButton, verticalAxis)) { moveForwardBackwardValue += -1; } if (ActionMapper.GetHitPressed(hitButton, hitJoystickButton) && ball.GetHittingPlayer() != _id) { if (!_isCharging && _isServing) { _currentHitForce = minHitForce; _isCharging = true; } else if (!_isCharging && ball.GetHittingPlayer() != 0) { _currentHitForce = minHitForce; if (!_isServing) { aimTarget.position = _aimStartPosition; _ballSide = BallLogic.Instance.GetSide(transform.position); _playerAnimation.StartHittingAnimation(_ballSide); } _isCharging = true; } else if (_isCharging) { _currentHitForce += deltaHitForce * Time.deltaTime; _currentHitForce = Math.Min(_currentHitForce, maxHitForce); } } if (ActionMapper.GetHitReleased(hitButton, hitJoystickButton)) { if (_isServing && ball.GetHittingPlayer() == 0) { _isCharging = false; _playerAnimation.StartServeAnimation(); _animatedServingBall = Instantiate(animatableServeBallPrefab, transform.position + Vector3.up * animatableServeBallPrefab.GetComponent <BallServeAnimation>().verticalAppearOffset, Quaternion.identity); } } }