        /// <summary>
        /// sets graph data
        /// </summary>
        public void SetAudioData(float[] audioData)
            this.audioData = audioData;

            float[] spectrumData = AudioAnalyzer.CreateSpectrumAnalysisLomont(audioData, fftWindowsSize);

            float[] m_mag;
            float[] m_freq;
            AudioAnalyzer.PrepareSpectrumAnalysis(spectrumData, sampleRate, fftWindowsSize,
                                                  out m_mag, out m_freq, out foundMaxFrequency, out foundMaxDecibel);

            bmp = AudioAnalyzer.GetSpectrumImage(ref m_mag, ref m_freq, new Size(this.Width, this.Height),
                                                 showMinFrequency, showMaxFrequency, foundMaxDecibel, foundMaxFrequency);

            // force redraw
        /// <summary>
        /// Use the FFT results to update the height and y position of the bars
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateSpectrumShapes()
            bool allZero = true;

            if (DoSpectrumGraph)
                #region Draw Spectrum Analysis Graph
                float[] mag;
                float[] freq;
                float   foundMaxFreq, foundMaxDecibel;
                double  sampleRate     = soundPlayer.SampleRate;
                int     fftWindowsSize = soundPlayer.FftDataSize;
                AudioAnalyzer.PrepareSpectrumAnalysis(channelData, sampleRate, fftWindowsSize, out mag, out freq, out foundMaxFreq, out foundMaxDecibel);
                this.offlineBitmap = AudioAnalyzer.GetSpectrumImage(ref mag, ref freq, new Size(this.Width, this.Height), MinimumFrequency, MaximumFrequency, foundMaxDecibel, foundMaxFreq);
                #region Draw Bars
                double fftBucketHeight = 0f;
                double barHeight       = 0f;
                double lastPeakHeight  = 0f;
                double peakYPos        = 0f;
                double height          = this.Height;
                int    barIndex        = 0;
                double peakDotHeight   = Math.Max(barWidth / 2.0f, 1);
                double barHeightScale  = (height - peakDotHeight);

                for (int i = minimumFrequencyIndex; i <= maximumFrequencyIndex; i++)
                    // If we're paused, keep drawing, but set the current height to 0 so the peaks fall.
                    if (!soundPlayer.IsPlaying)
                        barHeight = 0f;
                    else                     // Draw the maximum value for the bar's band
                        switch (BarHeightScaling)
                        case BarHeightScalingStyles.Decibel:
                            double dbValue = 20 * Math.Log10((double)channelData[i]);
                            fftBucketHeight = ((dbValue - minDBValue) / dbScale) * barHeightScale;

                        case BarHeightScalingStyles.Linear:
                            fftBucketHeight = (channelData[i] * scaleFactorLinear) * barHeightScale;

                        case BarHeightScalingStyles.Sqrt:
                            fftBucketHeight = (((Math.Sqrt((double)channelData[i])) * scaleFactorSqr) * barHeightScale);

                        if (barHeight < fftBucketHeight)
                            barHeight = fftBucketHeight;
                        if (barHeight < 0f)
                            barHeight = 0f;

                    // If this is the last FFT bucket in the bar's group, draw the bar.
                    int currentIndexMax = IsFrequencyScaleLinear ? barIndexMax[barIndex] : barLogScaleIndexMax[barIndex];
                    if (i == currentIndexMax)
                        // Peaks can't surpass the height of the control.
                        if (barHeight > height)
                            barHeight = height;

                        if (AveragePeaks && barIndex > 0)
                            barHeight = (lastPeakHeight + barHeight) / 2;

                        peakYPos = barHeight;

                        if (channelPeakData[barIndex] < peakYPos)
                            channelPeakData[barIndex] = (float)peakYPos;
                            channelPeakData[barIndex] = (float)(peakYPos + (PeakFallDelay * channelPeakData[barIndex])) / ((float)(PeakFallDelay + 1));

                        double xCoord = BarSpacing + (barWidth * barIndex) + (BarSpacing * barIndex) + 1;

                        Rectangle barRect = barShapes[barIndex];
                        barRect.Y           = (int)((height - 1) - barHeight);
                        barRect.Height      = (int)barHeight;
                        barShapes[barIndex] = barRect;

                        Rectangle peakRect = peakShapes[barIndex];
                        peakRect.Y           = (int)((height - 1) - channelPeakData[barIndex] - peakDotHeight);
                        peakShapes[barIndex] = peakRect;

                        if (channelPeakData[barIndex] > 0.05)
                            allZero = false;

                        lastPeakHeight = barHeight;
                        barHeight      = 0f;

            if (allZero && !soundPlayer.IsPlaying)