internal override void Internal_ApplyTemplate(StatusEffect status) { base.Internal_ApplyTemplate(status); var comp = status as Disease; if (this.AutoHealTime != null) { At.SetField(comp, "m_autoHealTime", (int)this.AutoHealTime); } if (this.CanDegenerate != null) { At.SetField(comp, "m_canDegenerate", (bool)this.CanDegenerate); } if (this.DegenerateTime != null) { At.SetField(comp, "m_degenerateTime", (float)this.DegenerateTime); } if (this.DiseaseType != null) { At.SetField(comp, "m_diseasesType", (Diseases)this.DiseaseType); } if (this.SleepHealTime != null) { At.SetField(comp, "m_straightSleepHealTime", (float)this.SleepHealTime); } }
internal void Update() // limited to 2s update since its low priority { if (OwnerCharacter != null && Time.time - lastUpdateTime > 2f) { lastUpdateTime = Time.time; if (Value != OwnerCharacter.Stats.ManaPoint * NecromancerMod.settings.Transcendence_DamageBonus) { Value = OwnerCharacter.Stats.ManaPoint * NecromancerMod.settings.Transcendence_DamageBonus; if (IsRegistered) { OwnerCharacter.Stats.RemoveStatStack(this.AffectedStat, this.SourceID, this.IsModifier); var m_statStack = OwnerCharacter.Stats.AddStatStack( this.AffectedStat, new StatStack( this.m_sourceID, this.Lifespan, this.Value * ((!this.IsModifier) ? 1f : 0.01f), null), this.IsModifier ); At.SetField(this as AffectStat, "m_statStack", m_statStack); } } } }
public static void Prefix(Building __instance) { if (!StoreManager.Instance.IsDlcInstalled(OTWStoreAPI.DLCs.DLC2) || !BuildingHelperMod.Instance.settings.AutoFinishBuildings || PhotonNetwork.isNonMasterClientInRoom) { return; } int sanity = 5; while (sanity >= 0 && __instance.CurrentPhase.ConstructionType == Building.ConstructionPhase.Type.WIP) { int cur = (int)At.GetField(__instance, "m_currentBasicPhaseIndex"); if (cur < 0) { cur = 0; } else { cur++; } At.SetField(__instance, "m_currentBasicPhaseIndex", cur); sanity--; } if (sanity < 0) { SL.LogWarning("Did more than 6 loops trying to auto-finish building, something went wrong!"); } At.SetField(__instance, "m_remainingConstructionTime", 0f); }
protected override void ActivateLocally(Character _targetCharacter, object[] _infos) { if (SummonManager.Instance == null) { return; } if (SummonManager.Instance.FindWeakestSummon(_targetCharacter.UID) is Character summonChar && summonChar.isActiveAndEnabled) { // change blast position to the summon's position _infos[0] = summonChar.transform.position; base.ActivateLocally(_targetCharacter, _infos); // kill the summon summonChar.Stats.ReceiveDamage(999f); // fix for cooldown not working on this skill for some reason var skill = this.ParentItem as Skill; At.SetField(skill, "m_lastActivationTime", Time.time); At.SetField(skill, "m_lastCooldownProgress", -1); // plague aura interaction if (PlagueAuraProximityCondition.IsInsidePlagueAura(summonChar.transform.position)) { // if you're inside a plague aura, detonate resets your Summon cooldown. if (this.OwnerCharacter?.Inventory?.SkillKnowledge?.GetItemFromItemID(8890103) is Skill summonSkill) { summonSkill.ResetCoolDown(); } } } }
public static void Prefix(Shooter __instance) { if (__instance is ShootProjectile shootProjectile && shootProjectile.BaseProjectile is Projectile projectile && !projectile.gameObject.activeSelf) { At.SetField(projectile as SubEffect, "m_parentEffect", __instance); projectile.gameObject.SetActive(true); }
public override void ApplyToComponent <T>(T component) { var comp = component as AddAllStatusEffectBuildUp; comp.BuildUpValue = this.BuildUpValue; comp.NoDealer = this.NoDealer; comp.AffectController = this.AffectController; At.SetField(comp, "m_buildUpBonus", this.BuildUpBonus); }
public static void Prefix(Deployable __instance) { var item = At.GetField(__instance as ItemExtension, "m_item") as Item; if (!item) { item = __instance.GetComponent <Item>(); } At.SetField(__instance as ItemExtension, "m_item", item); }
public override void ApplyToComponent <T>(T component) { var tag = CustomTags.GetTag(ImmunityTag, false); if (tag == Tag.None) { SL.LogWarning($"{this.GetType().Name}: Could not find a tag with the name '{ImmunityTag}'!"); return; } At.SetField(component as AddStatusImmunity, "m_statusImmunity", new TagSourceSelector(tag)); }
public static bool Prefix(QuickSlotPanel __instance, ref bool ___m_hideWanted, ref Character ___m_lastCharacter, ref bool ___m_initialized, QuickSlotDisplay[] ___m_quickSlotDisplays, bool ___m_active) { var self = __instance; if (___m_hideWanted && self.IsDisplayed) { At.Invoke(self, "OnHide"); } // check init if ((self.LocalCharacter == null || ___m_lastCharacter != self.LocalCharacter) && ___m_initialized) { At.SetField(self, "m_initialized", false); } // normal update when initialized if (___m_initialized) { if (self.UpdateInputVisibility) { for (int i = 0; i < ___m_quickSlotDisplays.Count(); i++) { At.Invoke(___m_quickSlotDisplays[i], "SetInputTargetAlpha", new object[] { (!___m_active) ? 0f : 1f }); } } } // custom initialize setup else if (self.LocalCharacter != null) { ___m_lastCharacter = self.LocalCharacter; ___m_initialized = true; // set quickslot display refs (orig function) for (int j = 0; j < ___m_quickSlotDisplays.Length; j++) { int refSlotID = ___m_quickSlotDisplays[j].RefSlotID; ___m_quickSlotDisplays[j].SetQuickSlot(self.LocalCharacter.QuickSlotMngr.GetQuickSlot(refSlotID)); } // if its a keyboard quickslot, set up the custom display stuff if ( == "Keyboard" && == "QuickSlot") { SetupKeyboardQuickslotDisplay(self, ___m_quickSlotDisplays); } } return(false); }
public void CreateTag() { if (CustomTags.GetTag(this.TagName, false) != Tag.None) { SL.LogWarning($"Creating Tag '{this.TagName}', but it already exists!"); return; } ; var tag = CustomTags.CreateTag(TagName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.OptionalTagUID)) { At.SetField(tag, "m_uid", new UID(this.OptionalTagUID)); } }
public static void Postfix(Building __instance) { if (!StoreManager.Instance.IsDlcInstalled(OTWStoreAPI.DLCs.DLC2) || !BuildingHelperMod.Instance.settings.AutoFinishBuildings || PhotonNetwork.isNonMasterClientInRoom) { return; } At.SetField(__instance, "m_remainingConstructionTime", 0f); var pending = (int)At.GetField(__instance, "m_pendingUpgradePhaseIndex"); At.SetField(__instance, "m_currentUpgradePhaseIndex", pending); At.SetField(__instance, "m_pendingUpgradePhaseIndex", -1); __instance.UpdateConstruction(0f); }
public static void SetupFrenzy() { var frenzySkill = ResourcesPrefabManager.Instance.GetItemPrefab(8890105) as Skill; // setup skill frenzySkill.CastSheathRequired = -1; // destroy the existing skills, but keep the rest (VFX / Sound). DestroyImmediate(frenzySkill.transform.Find("Lightning").gameObject); DestroyImmediate(frenzySkill.transform.Find("SummonSoul").gameObject); // set custom spellcast anim At.SetField(frenzySkill as Item, "m_activateEffectAnimType", Character.SpellCastType.Focus); var effects = new GameObject("Effects"); effects.transform.parent = frenzySkill.transform; effects.AddComponent <LifeRitual>(); }
public override void ApplyToItem(Item item) { base.ApplyToItem(item); if (this.Capacity != null) { // set container capacity var container = item.transform.Find("Content").GetComponent <ItemContainerStatic>(); At.SetField <ItemContainer>(container, "m_baseContainerCapacity", (float)this.Capacity); } // set restrict dodge if (this.Restrict_Dodge != null) { At.SetField(item as Bag, "m_restrictDodge", (bool)this.Restrict_Dodge); } if (this.InventoryProtection != null) { // set invent prot At.SetField(item as Bag, "m_inventoryProtection", this.InventoryProtection); } }
private IEnumerator DatamineBuildings() { var player = CharacterManager.Instance.GetFirstLocalCharacter(); var buildingsObj = GameObject.Find("Buildings"); var buildings = References.RPM_ITEM_PREFABS.Values.Where(it => it is Building); //var created = new List<Building>(); foreach (Building prefab in buildings) { SL.Log("Checking prefab " + prefab.ItemID + ": " + prefab.Name); if (!(At.GetField(prefab, "m_upgradePhases") is Building.ConstructionPhase[] upgrades)) { SL.Log("m_upgradePhases was null"); continue; } ClearScene(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); MakeBuilding(prefab); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); DM_Merchant.ParseAllMerchants(); ParseAllLoot(); ClearScene(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); if (upgrades.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < upgrades.Length; i++) { MakeBuilding(prefab, i); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); DM_Merchant.ParseAllMerchants(); ParseAllLoot(); ClearScene(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); } } } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); s_doneBuildings = true; GameObject MakeBuilding(Building prefab, int upgradePhase = -1) { var building = ItemManager.Instance.GenerateItemNetwork(prefab.ItemID) as Building; At.SetField(building, "m_currentUpgradePhaseIndex", upgradePhase); At.SetField(building, "m_remainingConstructionTime", 0); At.SetField(building, "m_pendingUpgradePhaseIndex", -1); building.UpdateConstruction(0f); //At.Invoke(building, "ActivateLevelVisuals", Enumerable.Empty<Type>()); building.transform.parent = buildingsObj.transform; //building.transform.position = player.transform.position; //created.Add(building); SL.LogWarning("Activated building " + building.Name + " (" + building.ItemID + "), phase: " + upgradePhase); return(building.gameObject); } }
public override void ApplyToComponent <T>(T component) { At.SetField(component as AddAbsorbHealth, "m_healthRatio", this.HealthRatio); }
private IEnumerator ParseCoroutine() { foreach (string sceneName in SceneHelper.SceneBuildNames.Keys) { /* Load Scene */ if (SceneManagerHelper.ActiveSceneName != sceneName) { SL.Log("--- Loading " + sceneName + " ---"); NetworkLevelLoader.Instance.RequestSwitchArea(sceneName, 0, 1.5f); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(5f)); while (NetworkLevelLoader.Instance.IsGameplayPaused || NetworkLevelLoader.Instance.InLoading) { NetworkLevelLoader loader = NetworkLevelLoader.Instance; At.SetField(loader, "m_continueAfterLoading", true); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f)); MenuManager.Instance.HideMasterLoadingScreen(); } SL.Log("Parsing scene " + sceneName + "..."); /* Parse Scene */ //// Disable the TreeBehaviour Managers while we do stuff with enemies //DisableCanvases(); // Parse Enemies SL.Log("Parsing enemies"); DM_Enemy.ParseAllEnemies(); // Parse Merchants SL.Log("Parsing merchants"); DM_Merchant.ParseAllMerchants(); // Parse Loot (+ item sources) SL.Log("Parsing loot"); ParseAllLoot(); // check if New Sirocco if (SceneManagerHelper.ActiveSceneName == "NewSirocco") { SL.LogWarning("NEW SIROCCO: Dumping all buildings..."); StartCoroutine(DatamineBuildings()); while (!s_doneBuildings) { yield return(null); } ClearScene(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); } SL.Log("--- Finished Scene: " + SceneManagerHelper.ActiveSceneName + " ---"); } SL.Log("___________ Finished Scenes Parse ___________"); SL.Log("[Dataminer] Saving lists..."); ListManager.SaveLists(); SL.Log("[Dataminer] Finished."); }
public void LocalTrainerSetup(Character trainer, string _) { // remove unwanted components DestroyImmediate(trainer.GetComponent <CharacterStats>()); DestroyImmediate(trainer.GetComponent <StartingEquipment>()); // add NPCLookFollow component trainer.gameObject.AddComponent <NPCLookFollow>(); // =========== setup Trainer DialogueTree from the template =========== var trainertemplate = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("editor/templates/TrainerTemplate")); trainertemplate.transform.parent = trainer.transform; trainertemplate.transform.position = trainer.transform.position; // set Dialogue Actor name var necroActor = trainertemplate.GetComponentInChildren <DialogueActor>(); necroActor.SetName(trainerTemplate.Name); // get "Trainer" component, and set the SkillTreeUID to our custom tree UID var trainerComp = trainertemplate.GetComponentInChildren <Trainer>(); At.SetField(trainerComp, "m_skillTreeUID", SkillManager.NecromancerTree.UID); // setup dialogue tree var graphController = trainertemplate.GetComponentInChildren <DialogueTreeController>(); var graph = graphController.graph; // the template comes with an empty ActorParameter, we can use that for our NPC actor. var actors = At.GetField(graph as DialogueTree, "_actorParameters") as List <DialogueTree.ActorParameter>; actors[0].actor = necroActor; actors[0].name =; // setup the actual dialogue now var rootStatement = graph.AddNode <StatementNodeExt>(); rootStatement.statement = new Statement("Do you seek to harness the power of Corruption, traveler?"); rootStatement.SetActorName(; var multiChoice1 = graph.AddNode <MultipleChoiceNodeExt>(); multiChoice1.availableChoices.Add(new MultipleChoiceNodeExt.Choice { statement = new Statement { text = "I'm interested, what can you teach me?" } }); multiChoice1.availableChoices.Add(new MultipleChoiceNodeExt.Choice { statement = new Statement { text = "Who are you?" } }); multiChoice1.availableChoices.Add(new MultipleChoiceNodeExt.Choice { statement = new Statement { text = "What is this place?" } }); // the template already has an action node for opening the Train menu. // Let's grab that and change the trainer to our custom Trainer component (setup above). var openTrainer = graph.allNodes[1] as ActionNode; (openTrainer.action as TrainDialogueAction).Trainer = new BBParameter <Trainer>(trainerComp); // create some custom dialogue var answer1 = graph.AddNode <StatementNodeExt>(); answer1.statement = new Statement("I wish I could remember..."); answer1.SetActorName(; var answer2 = graph.AddNode <StatementNodeExt>(); answer2.statement = new Statement("This is the fortress of the Plague Doctor, a powerful Lich. I've learned a lot about Corruption within these walls."); answer2.SetActorName(; // ===== finalize nodes ===== graph.allNodes.Clear(); // add the nodes we want to use graph.allNodes.Add(rootStatement); graph.allNodes.Add(multiChoice1); graph.allNodes.Add(openTrainer); graph.allNodes.Add(answer1); graph.allNodes.Add(answer2); graph.primeNode = rootStatement; graph.ConnectNodes(rootStatement, multiChoice1); // prime node triggers the multiple choice graph.ConnectNodes(multiChoice1, openTrainer, 0); // choice1: open trainer graph.ConnectNodes(multiChoice1, answer1, 1); // choice2: answer1 graph.ConnectNodes(answer1, rootStatement); // - choice2 goes back to root node graph.ConnectNodes(multiChoice1, answer2, 2); // choice3: answer2 graph.ConnectNodes(answer2, rootStatement); // - choice3 goes back to root node // set the trainer active trainer.gameObject.SetActive(true); }