static void Main(string[] args) { #if (DEBUG) Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ROS_MASTER_URI", ""); #endif Console.WriteLine("Start ROS"); ROS.Init(ref args, "ActionServer"); var asyncSpinner = new AsyncSpinner(); asyncSpinner.Start(); NodeHandle serverNodeHandle = new NodeHandle(); Console.WriteLine("Create server"); var actionServer = new ActionServer <Messages.actionlib.TestGoal, Messages.actionlib.TestResult, Messages.actionlib.TestFeedback>(serverNodeHandle, "test_action"); Console.WriteLine("Start Server"); actionServer.Start(); actionServer.RegisterGoalCallback((goalHandle) => { Console.WriteLine($"Goal registered callback. Goal: {goalHandle.Goal.goal}"); var fb = new Messages.actionlib.TestFeedback(); = 10; goalHandle.PublishFeedback(fb); Thread.Sleep(100); var result = new Messages.actionlib.TestResult(); result.result = 123; goalHandle.SetGoalStatus(Messages.actionlib_msgs.GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED, "done"); actionServer.PublishResult(goalHandle.GoalStatus, result); }); while (!Console.KeyAvailable) { Thread.Sleep(1); } actionServer.Shutdown(); serverNodeHandle.shutdown(); ROS.shutdown(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Start ROS"); ROS.Init(new string[0], "ActionServer"); var asyncSpinner = new AsyncSpinner(); asyncSpinner.Start(); NodeHandle serverNodeHandle = new NodeHandle(); Console.WriteLine("Create server"); var actionServer = new ActionServer <Messages.actionlib.TestGoal, Messages.actionlib.TestResult, Messages.actionlib.TestFeedback>(serverNodeHandle, "test_action"); Console.WriteLine("Start Server"); actionServer.Start(); actionServer.RegisterGoalCallback((goalHandle) => { Console.WriteLine($"Goal registered callback. Goal: {goalHandle.Goal.goal}"); var fb = new Messages.actionlib.TestFeedback(); = 10; goalHandle.PublishFeedback(fb); Thread.Sleep(100); var result = new Messages.actionlib.TestResult(); result.result = 123; goalHandle.SetGoalStatus(Messages.actionlib_msgs.GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED, "done"); actionServer.PublishResult(goalHandle.GoalStatus, result); }); while (!Console.KeyAvailable) { Thread.Sleep(1); } actionServer.Shutdown(); serverNodeHandle.Shutdown(); ROS.Shutdown(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { NodeHandle nodeHandle; string NODE_NAME = "ServiceServerTest"; ServiceServer server; try { ROS.Init(new string[0], NODE_NAME); var spinner = new AsyncSpinner(); spinner.Start(); } catch (RosException e) { ROS.Critical()("ROS.Init failed, shutting down: {0}", e.Message); ROS.shutdown(); ROS.waitForShutdown(); return; } try { nodeHandle = new NodeHandle(); server = nodeHandle.advertiseService <TwoInts.Request, TwoInts.Response>("/add_two_ints", addition); while (ROS.ok && server.IsValid) { Thread.Sleep(10); } } catch (RosException e) { ROS.Critical()("Shutting down: {0}", e.Message); } ROS.shutdown(); ROS.waitForShutdown(); }
/*static void Main(string[] args) * { * Console.WriteLine("Start ROS"); * ROS.Init(new string[0], "ActionClient"); * NodeHandle clientNodeHandle = new NodeHandle(); * * Console.WriteLine("Create client"); * var actionClient = new ActionClient<SingleJointPositionGoal, SingleJointPositionResult, * SingleJointPositionFeedback>("ActionTest", clientNodeHandle); * * Console.WriteLine("Wait for client and server to negotiate connection"); * bool started = actionClient.WaitForActionServerToStart(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10)); * * * if (started || true) * { * var goal = new SingleJointPositionGoal(); * goal.position = 12.0; * goal.max_velocity = 42.0; * * Console.WriteLine("Send goal from client"); * var transition = false; * actionClient.SendGoal(goal, * (goalHandle) => { Console.WriteLine($"Transition: {goalHandle}"); transition = true; }, * (goalHandle, feedback) => { Console.WriteLine($"Feedback: {feedback}"); }); * * * Console.WriteLine("Wait for action client to receive transition"); * while (!transition) * { * Thread.Sleep(1); * } * } else * { * Console.WriteLine("Negotiation with server failed!"); * } * }*/ static void Main(string[] args) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ROS_HOSTNAME", "localhost"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ROS_IP", ""); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ROS_MASTER_URI", "http://localhost:11311/"); Console.WriteLine("Start ROS"); ROS.Init(ref args, "ActionClient"); ICallbackQueue callbackQueue = new CallbackQueue(); var asyncSpinner = new AsyncSpinner(callbackQueue); asyncSpinner.Start(); NodeHandle clientNodeHandle = new NodeHandle(callbackQueue); //ROS.GlobalNodeHandle; Console.WriteLine("Create client"); var actionClient = new ActionClient <Messages.actionlib.TestGoal, Messages.actionlib.TestResult, Messages.actionlib.TestFeedback>("test_action", clientNodeHandle); Console.WriteLine("Wait for client and server to negotiate connection"); bool started = actionClient.WaitForActionServerToStart(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 60)); if (started) { int counter = 0; var dict = new Dictionary <int, Messages.actionlib.TestGoal>(); while (!Console.KeyAvailable) { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; Console.WriteLine($"Waited: {DateTime.UtcNow - now}"); var goal = new Messages.actionlib.TestGoal { goal = counter }; dict[counter] = goal; counter += 1; Console.WriteLine($"------------------> Send goal {goal.goal} from client"); var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); var goalTask = actionClient.SendGoalAsync(goal, (goalHandle) => { if (goalHandle.State == CommunicationState.DONE) { int g = goalHandle.Goal.Goal.goal; var resultt = goalHandle.Result; if (resultt != null) { Console.WriteLine($"------------------> Got Result for goal {g}: {resultt.result}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Result for goal {g} is NULL!"); } dict.Remove(g); } }, (goalHandle, feedback) => { Console.WriteLine($"------------------> Got Feedback: {}"); }, cts.Token ); var waiter = goalTask.GetAwaiter(); goalTask.Wait(); Console.ReadLine(); while (!waiter.IsCompleted) { Thread.Yield(); } var result = waiter.GetResult(); break; } Console.WriteLine("Wait for 15s for open goals"); var timeOut = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 15); var start = DateTime.UtcNow; while ((DateTime.UtcNow - start <= timeOut) && (dict.Count > 0)) { Thread.Sleep(1); } if (dict.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("All goals have been reached!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("TIMEOUT: There are still open goals"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Negotiation with server failed!"); } Console.WriteLine("Shutdown ROS"); actionClient.Shutdown(); clientNodeHandle.shutdown(); ROS.shutdown(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ROS.Init(args, "tf_example"); var asyncSpinner = new AsyncSpinner(); asyncSpinner.Start(); NodeHandle nh = new NodeHandle(); ROS.Info()("This node will create a Transformer to compare lookup results between four source/target " + "frame pairs of an OpenNI2 node's transform tree with ones observed in linux with tf_echo" ); while (ROS.OK && !ROS.ShuttingDown && (!Master.GetNodes().Result.Contains("/camera/driver"))) { ROS.Error()("For this to work, you need to \"roslaunch openni2_launch openni2.launch\" on a PC with" + "an ASUS Xtion or PrimeSense Carmine sensor plugged into it, and connect to the same master" ); Thread.Sleep(2000); } if (ROS.OK && !ROS.ShuttingDown) { tfer = new tf.Transformer(false); #region tf_echo results /* * tf_echo camera_link camera_rgb_frame * (0.0,-0.045,0.0) * (0,0,0,1) */ tf.Transform result1 = new tf.Transform() { basis = new tf.Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1), origin = new tf.Vector3(0, -0.045, 0), child_frame_id = "camera_rgb_frame", frame_id = "camera_link" }; /* * tf_echo camera_link camera_rgb_optical_frame * (0.0,-0.045,0.0) * (-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5) */ tf.Transform result2 = new tf.Transform() { basis = new tf.Quaternion(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5), origin = new tf.Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), child_frame_id = "camera_rgb_optical_frame", frame_id = "camera_rgb_frame" }; /* * tf_echo camera_rgb_frame camera_depth_frame * (0.0,0.25,0.0) * (0,0,0,1) */ tf.Transform result3 = new tf.Transform() { basis = new tf.Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1), origin = new tf.Vector3(0.0, -0.02, 0.0), child_frame_id = "camera_depth_frame", frame_id = "camera_link" }; /* * tf_echo camera_rgb_optical_frame camera_depth_frame * (-0.25,0.0,0.0) * (0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5) */ tf.Transform result4 = new tf.Transform() { basis = new tf.Quaternion(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5), origin = new tf.Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), child_frame_id = "camera_depth_optical_frame", frame_id = "camera_depth_frame" }; #endregion tf.Transform test1 = null, test2 = null, test3 = null, test4 = null; do { if (test1 == null || !string.Equals(result1.ToString(), test1.ToString())) { test1 = testLookup(result1); } if (!ROS.OK || ROS.ShuttingDown) { break; } if (test2 == null || !string.Equals(result2.ToString(), test2.ToString())) { test2 = testLookup(result2); } if (!ROS.OK || ROS.ShuttingDown) { break; } if (test3 == null || !string.Equals(result3.ToString(), test3.ToString())) { test3 = testLookup(result3); } if (!ROS.OK || ROS.ShuttingDown) { break; } if (test4 == null || !string.Equals(result4.ToString(), test4.ToString())) { test4 = testLookup(result4); } Thread.Sleep(100); } while (ROS.OK && !ROS.ShuttingDown && ( test1 == null || !string.Equals(result1.ToString(), test1.ToString()) || test2 == null || !string.Equals(result2.ToString(), test2.ToString()) || test3 == null || !string.Equals(result3.ToString(), test3.ToString()) || test4 == null || !string.Equals(result4.ToString(), test4.ToString())) ); } if (ROS.OK && !ROS.ShuttingDown) { Console.WriteLine("\n\n\nALL TFs MATCH!\n\nPress enter to quit"); Console.ReadLine(); ROS.Shutdown(); } }
/*static void Main(string[] args) * { * Console.WriteLine("Start ROS"); * ROS.Init(new string[0], "ActionClient"); * NodeHandle clientNodeHandle = new NodeHandle(); * * Console.WriteLine("Create client"); * var actionClient = new ActionClient<SingleJointPositionGoal, SingleJointPositionResult, * SingleJointPositionFeedback>("ActionTest", clientNodeHandle); * * Console.WriteLine("Wait for client and server to negotiate connection"); * bool started = actionClient.WaitForActionServerToStart(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10)); * * * if (started || true) * { * var goal = new SingleJointPositionGoal(); * goal.position = 12.0; * goal.max_velocity = 42.0; * * Console.WriteLine("Send goal from client"); * var transition = false; * actionClient.SendGoal(goal, * (goalHandle) => { Console.WriteLine($"Transition: {goalHandle}"); transition = true; }, * (goalHandle, feedback) => { Console.WriteLine($"Feedback: {feedback}"); }); * * * Console.WriteLine("Wait for action client to receive transition"); * while (!transition) * { * Thread.Sleep(1); * } * } else * { * Console.WriteLine("Negotiation with server failed!"); * } * }*/ static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Start ROS"); ROS.Init(new string[0], "ActionClient"); var asyncSpinner = new AsyncSpinner(); asyncSpinner.Start(); NodeHandle clientNodeHandle = ROS.GlobalNodeHandle; Console.WriteLine("Create client"); var actionClient = new ActionClient <Messages.actionlib.TestGoal, Messages.actionlib.TestResult, Messages.actionlib.TestFeedback>("test_action", clientNodeHandle); Console.WriteLine("Wait for client and server to negotiate connection"); bool started = actionClient.WaitForActionServerToStart(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3)); if (started) { int counter = 0; var dict = new Dictionary <int, Messages.actionlib.TestGoal>(); var semaphore = new Semaphore(10, 10); while (!Console.KeyAvailable) { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; semaphore.WaitOne(); Console.WriteLine($"Waited: {DateTime.UtcNow - now}"); var goal = new Messages.actionlib.TestGoal(); goal.goal = counter; dict[counter] = goal; counter += 1; Console.WriteLine($"Send goal {goal.goal} from client"); var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); actionClient.SendGoalAsync(goal, (goalHandle) => { if (goalHandle.State == CommunicationState.DONE) { semaphore.Release(); int g = goalHandle.Goal.Goal.goal; var result = goalHandle.Result; if (result != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Got Result for goal {g}: {goalHandle.Result.result}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Result for goal {g} is NULL!"); } dict.Remove(g); } }, (goalHandle, feedback) => { Console.WriteLine($"Feedback: {feedback}"); }, cts.Token ).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } Console.WriteLine("Wait for 15s for open goals"); var timeOut = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 15); var start = DateTime.UtcNow; while ((DateTime.UtcNow - start <= timeOut) && (dict.Count > 0)) { Thread.Sleep(1); } if (dict.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("All goals have been reached!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("TIMEOUT: There are still open goals"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Negotiation with server failed!"); } Console.WriteLine("Shutdown ROS"); actionClient.Shutdown(); clientNodeHandle.Shutdown(); ROS.Shutdown(); }
public void Start(int numberOfTries) { NodeHandle clientNodeHandle = new NodeHandle(); var spinner = new AsyncSpinner(); spinner.Start(); //var spinner = new SingleThreadSpinner(ROS.GlobalCallbackQueue); /*Console.WriteLine("Start Action Server"); * ShellHelper.Bash("screen -dmS selfkill th"); * Console.WriteLine("Ok"); * Thread.Sleep(300000);*/ Console.WriteLine("Start Action Client"); var actionClient = new ActionClient <Messages.actionlib.TestGoal, Messages.actionlib.TestResult, Messages.actionlib.TestFeedback>("self_killing_action", clientNodeHandle, 10); int numberReceived = 0; int numberTimeout = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTries; i++) { bool started = actionClient.WaitForActionServerToStart(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); if (started) { var g = new Messages.actionlib.TestGoal(); g.goal = 12; Console.WriteLine("Sent"); var c = new CancellationTokenSource(); //c.CancelAfter(6000); var gh = actionClient.SendGoalAsync(g, (cgh) => { }, (cgh, fb) => { }, c.Token); bool received = false; var start = DateTime.UtcNow; while (true) { if (gh.IsCompleted) { if (gh.IsCanceled) { break; } else if (gh.IsFaulted) { break; } else if (gh.Result.result == 123) { received = true; break; } } Thread.Sleep(0); //spinner.SpinOnce(); } if (received) { Console.WriteLine("Received"); numberReceived += 1; } else { Console.WriteLine("Timeout"); numberTimeout += 1; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Could not connect to Action Server"); } } Console.WriteLine($"Done Received: {numberReceived} / Timeout: {numberTimeout}"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //#if (DEBUG) // Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ROS_HOSTNAME", ""); // Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ROS_IP", ""); // Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ROS_MASTER_URI", ""); //#endif Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ROS_HOSTNAME", "localhost"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ROS_IP", ""); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ROS_MASTER_URI", "http://localhost:11311/"); Console.WriteLine("Start ROS"); ROS.Init(ref args, "ActionServerSlowDummy"); ICallbackQueue callbackQueue = new CallbackQueue(); var asyncSpinner = new AsyncSpinner(callbackQueue); asyncSpinner.Start(); //var spinner = new SingleThreadSpinner(callbackQueue); NodeHandle serverNodeHandle = new NodeHandle(callbackQueue); Console.WriteLine("Create server"); var actionServer = new ActionServer <Messages.actionlib.TestGoal, Messages.actionlib.TestResult, Messages.actionlib.TestFeedback>(serverNodeHandle, "test_action_slow"); Console.WriteLine("Start Server"); Param.Set("status_list_timeout", 999.9); actionServer.Start(); actionServer.RegisterGoalCallback((goalHandle) => { Console.WriteLine($"Goal registered callback. Goal: {goalHandle.Goal.goal}"); goalHandle.SetAccepted("accepted"); new Thread(() => { for (int x = 0; x < 77; x++) { var fb = new Messages.actionlib.TestFeedback { feedback = x }; goalHandle.PublishFeedback(fb); Thread.Sleep(100); } var result = new Messages.actionlib.TestResult { result = 123 }; goalHandle.SetGoalStatus(Messages.actionlib_msgs.GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED, "done"); actionServer.PublishResult(goalHandle.GoalStatus, result); }).Start(); }); Console.ReadLine(); actionServer.Shutdown(); serverNodeHandle.shutdown(); ROS.shutdown(); }