public void Encode_UnknownCharacterInContent_ShouldThrowException(string content, ErrorCorrectionLevel errorCorrectionLevel)
            // Arrange
            var alphaNumericEncoder = new AlphaNumericEncoder();

            // Act
            Action action = () => alphaNumericEncoder.Encode(content, errorCorrectionLevel);

            // Assert
            action.Should().Throw <InvalidOperationException>()
            .WithMessage($"{content} can not be ancoded as AlphaNumeric");
        public void Encode_MaximumContentLength_ShouldSucceed()
            // Arrange
            var alphaNumericEncoder = new AlphaNumericEncoder();

            // Act
            (BitList bits, VersionInfo versionInfo) = alphaNumericEncoder.Encode(new string('A', 4296), ErrorCorrectionLevel.L);

            // Assert
        public void Encode_ExceedMaximumContentLength_ShouldThrowException()
            // Arrange
            var alphaNumericEncoder = new AlphaNumericEncoder();

            // Act
            Action action = () => alphaNumericEncoder.Encode(new string('A', 4297), ErrorCorrectionLevel.L);

            // Assert
            action.Should().Throw <InvalidOperationException>()
            .WithMessage("Too much data to encode");
        public void Encode_AlphaNumericContent_ShouldEncodeCorrectly()
            // Arrange
            var alphaNumericEncoder = new AlphaNumericEncoder();

            // Act
            (BitList bits, VersionInfo versionInfo) = alphaNumericEncoder.Encode("HELLO WORLD", ErrorCorrectionLevel.M);

            // Assert
            bits.GetBytes().Should().BeEquivalentTo(new byte[] { 32, 91, 11, 120, 209, 114, 220, 77, 67, 64, 236, 17, 236, 17, 236, 17 });