public void ResetState() { Status = ZombieGameStatus.NotStarted; MaxRounds = 0; RoundInProgress = false; RoundStart = DateTime.MinValue; RoundEnd = DateTime.MinValue; Player[] online = PlayerInfo.Online.Items; Alive.Clear(); Infected.Clear(); Lottery.Clear(); Bounties.Clear(); RecentMaps.Clear(); foreach (Player pl in online) { pl.Game.Referee = false; pl.Game.RatedMap = false; pl.Game.ResetZombieState(); ResetInvisibility(pl); pl.SetPrefix(); if (pl.level == null || ! { continue; } HUD.Reset(pl); } LastLevelName = ""; CurLevelName = ""; CurLevel = null; }
public void HandOutRewards() { if (!RoundInProgress) { return; } RoundInProgress = false; RoundStart = DateTime.MinValue; RoundEnd = DateTime.MinValue; Bounties.Clear(); if (!Running) { return; } Player[] alive = Alive.Items; CurLevel.ChatLevel(Colors.lime + "The game has ended!"); if (alive.Length == 0) { CurLevel.ChatLevel(Colors.maroon + "Zombies have won this round."); } else if (alive.Length == 1) { CurLevel.ChatLevel( + "Congratulations to the sole survivor:"); } else { CurLevel.ChatLevel( + "Congratulations to the survivors:"); } timer.Enabled = false; string playersString = ""; Player[] online = null; if (alive.Length == 0) { online = PlayerInfo.Online.Items; foreach (Player pl in online) { ResetPlayer(pl, ref playersString); } } else { foreach (Player pl in alive) { if (pl.Game.PledgeSurvive) { pl.SendMessage("You received &a5 %3" + Server.moneys + "%s for successfully pledging that you would survive."); += 5; pl.OnMoneyChanged(); } pl.Game.CurrentRoundsSurvived++; pl.Game.TotalRoundsSurvived++; pl.Game.MaxRoundsSurvived = Math.Max(pl.Game.CurrentRoundsSurvived, pl.Game.MaxRoundsSurvived); ResetPlayer(pl, ref playersString); } } CurLevel.ChatLevel(playersString); online = PlayerInfo.Online.Items; Random rand = new Random(); foreach (Player pl in online) { if (! { continue; } int money = GetMoney(pl, alive, rand); Player.GlobalDespawn(pl, true); Player.GlobalSpawn(pl, true); if (money == -1) { pl.SendMessage("You may not hide inside a block! No " + Server.moneys + " for you."); money = 0; } else if (money > 0) { pl.SendMessage( + "You gained " + money + " " + Server.moneys); } pl.Game.BlocksLeft = 50; pl.Game.CurrentInfected = 0; += money; pl.Game.Infected = false; if (pl.Game.Referee) { pl.SendMessage("You gained one " + Server.moneys + " because you're a ref. Would you like a medal as well?");; } pl.OnMoneyChanged(); } UpdateAllPlayerStatus(); Alive.Clear(); Infected.Clear(); }