private void SetAccomodationTypeDetails()
        //Filling the Object which contains the Accomodation type and also all the respective accomodations
        //This is saved in the session and then the Drop downs are filled.
        AccomTypeDTO[]         oAccomTypeData;
        AccomodationTypeMaster objATM;

        objATM         = new AccomodationTypeMaster();
        oAccomTypeData = objATM.GetAccomTypeWithAccomDetails(0);
        SessionServices.Booking_AccomodationData = oAccomTypeData;
        objATM = null;
    private AccomTypeDTO[] GetAccomodationTypeDetails()
        //Filling the Object which contains the Accomodation type and also all the respective accomodations
        //This is saved in the session and then the Drop downs are filled.
        AccomodationTypeMaster accomodationTypeMaster;

        accomodationTypeMaster = new AccomodationTypeMaster();
        AccomTypeDTO[] oAccomTypeData = null;
        //following line has been commented by vijay to get the acomodations user wise
        //oAccomTypeData = objATM.GetAccomTypeWithAccomDetails(0);

        oAccomTypeData = accomodationTypeMaster.GetAccomTypeWithAccomDetails();