private void Save() { if (!base.ValidateIfCommandAllowed(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, ENums.PageCommand.Add)) { return; } bool bActionCompleted = false; AccomodationTypeMaster oAccomTypeMaster = new AccomodationTypeMaster(); AccomTypeDTO oAccomTypeData = MapControlsToObject(); bActionCompleted = oAccomTypeMaster.Insert(oAccomTypeData); if (bActionCompleted == true) { txtAccomType.Text = ""; base.DisplayAlert("The record has been inserted successfully"); } else if (bActionCompleted == false) { base.DisplayAlert("The record has been not been inserted successfully"); lblStatus.Text = "Error in saving."; } oAccomTypeData = null; oAccomTypeMaster = null; }
protected void dgAccomodationType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int iAccomTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(dgAccomodationType.DataKeys[dgAccomodationType.SelectedIndex]); hfId.Value = iAccomTypeID.ToString(); //SessionHandler"AccomTypeID"] = iAccomTypeID; AccomodationTypeMaster oAccomTypeMaster = new AccomodationTypeMaster(); AccomTypeDTO[] oAccomTypeData = oAccomTypeMaster.GetData(iAccomTypeID); if (oAccomTypeData.Length > 0) { txtAccomType.Text = oAccomTypeData[0].AccomodationType; } oAccomTypeMaster = null; oAccomTypeData = null; //btnAddNew.Enabled = false; //btnCancel.Enabled = true; btnDelete.Enabled = true; btnEdit.Enabled = true; btnCancel.Visible = true; btnEdit.Text = "Update"; //btnSave.Enabled = false; lblStatus.Text = ""; }
private void Delete() { if (!base.ValidateIfCommandAllowed(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, ENums.PageCommand.Delete)) { return; } int Id = 0; int.TryParse(hfId.Value, out Id); if (Id == 0) { lblStatus.Text = "Please click on edit again."; return; } if (txtAccomType.Text.Trim() == "") { lblStatus.Text = "Please enter the Accomodation Type."; return; } AccomTypeDTO oAccomTypeData = MapControlsToObject(); AccomodationTypeMaster oAccomTypeMaster = new AccomodationTypeMaster(); /* * * CHECK IF THE ACCOMODATION TYPE WHICH IS TO BE DELETED HAS ANY ASSOCIATED RECORDS...IF YES, MOVE OUT OF THE FUNCTION ELSE PROCEED * IF THE OUTPUT OF sMessage IS "", THEN RECORD CAN BE DELETED, ELSE NOT * */ string sMessage = ""; GF.HasRecords(Convert.ToString(Id), "accomodationtype", out sMessage); if (sMessage != "") { base.DisplayAlert(sMessage); btnDelete.Enabled = true; } else { bool bActionCompleted = oAccomTypeMaster.Delete(oAccomTypeData); if (bActionCompleted == true) { base.DisplayAlert("The record has been deleted successfully"); txtAccomType.Text = ""; //lblStatus.Text = "Deleted"; } else { base.DisplayAlert("Error Occured while deletion: Please refer to the error log."); } } oAccomTypeData = null; oAccomTypeMaster = null; }
private void SetAccomodationTypeDetails() { //Filling the Object which contains the Accomodation type and also all the respective accomodations //This is saved in the session and then the Drop downs are filled. AccomTypeDTO[] oAccomTypeData; AccomodationTypeMaster objATM; objATM = new AccomodationTypeMaster(); oAccomTypeData = objATM.GetAccomTypeWithAccomDetails(0); SessionServices.Booking_AccomodationData = oAccomTypeData; objATM = null; }
private AccomTypeDTO[] GetAccomodationTypeDetails() { //Filling the Object which contains the Accomodation type and also all the respective accomodations //This is saved in the session and then the Drop downs are filled. AccomodationTypeMaster accomodationTypeMaster; accomodationTypeMaster = new AccomodationTypeMaster(); AccomTypeDTO[] oAccomTypeData = null; //following line has been commented by vijay to get the acomodations user wise //oAccomTypeData = objATM.GetAccomTypeWithAccomDetails(0); oAccomTypeData = accomodationTypeMaster.GetAccomTypeWithAccomDetails(); return(oAccomTypeData); }
private void Update() { bool bActionCompleted = false; if (!base.ValidateIfCommandAllowed(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, ENums.PageCommand.Update)) { return; } int Id = 0; int.TryParse(hfId.Value, out Id); if (Id == 0) { lblStatus.Text = "Please click on edit again."; return; } if (txtAccomType.Text.Trim() == "") { lblStatus.Text = "Please enter the Accomodation Type."; return; } AccomodationTypeMaster oAccomTypeMaster = new AccomodationTypeMaster(); AccomTypeDTO oAccomTypeData = MapControlsToObject(); bActionCompleted = oAccomTypeMaster.Update(oAccomTypeData); if (bActionCompleted == true) { txtAccomType.Text = ""; base.DisplayAlert("The record has been updated successfully"); } else if (bActionCompleted == false) { base.DisplayAlert("The record has been not been updated successfully"); lblStatus.Text = "Error in saving."; } txtAccomType.Text = ""; lblStatus.Text = "Updated"; oAccomTypeData = null; oAccomTypeMaster = null; }
private void RefreshGrid() { AccomodationTypeMaster oAccomTypeMaster; AccomTypeDTO[] oAccomTypeData; oAccomTypeMaster = new AccomodationTypeMaster(); oAccomTypeData = oAccomTypeMaster.GetData(); dgAccomodationType.DataSource = null; dgAccomodationType.DataBind(); if (oAccomTypeData != null) { if (oAccomTypeData.Length > 0) { dgAccomodationType.DataSource = oAccomTypeData; dgAccomodationType.DataBind(); } } txtAccomType.Text = ""; oAccomTypeMaster = null; oAccomTypeData = null; }
private void FillAccomodationType() { AccomodationTypeMaster oAccomTypeMaster = new AccomodationTypeMaster(); AccomTypeDTO[] oAccomTypeData = oAccomTypeMaster.GetData(); ddlAccomTypeId.Items.Clear(); SortedList slAccomMaster = new SortedList(); slAccomMaster.Add("0", "Choose Accomodation Type"); if (oAccomTypeData != null) { for (int i = 0; i < oAccomTypeData.Length; i++) { slAccomMaster.Add(Convert.ToString(oAccomTypeData[i].AccomodationTypeId), Convert.ToString(oAccomTypeData[i].AccomodationType)); } } ddlAccomTypeId.DataSource = slAccomMaster; ddlAccomTypeId.DataTextField = "value"; ddlAccomTypeId.DataValueField = "key"; ddlAccomTypeId.DataBind(); oAccomTypeData = null; oAccomTypeMaster = null; }
private AccomTypeDTO[] GetRoomDetails(int RegionId, int AccomodationTypeId, int AccomodationId) { AccomTypeDTO[] objAccomodationTypeData; AccomodationTypeMaster oAccomTypeMaster; AccomodationMaster oAccomMaster; RoomMaster oRoomMaster; try { oAccomTypeMaster = new AccomodationTypeMaster(); oAccomMaster = new AccomodationMaster(); oRoomMaster = new RoomMaster(); objAccomodationTypeData = oAccomTypeMaster.GetData(AccomodationTypeId); if (objAccomodationTypeData != null) { for (int i = 0; i < objAccomodationTypeData.Length; i++) { objAccomodationTypeData[i].Accomodations = oAccomMaster.GetData(RegionId, objAccomodationTypeData[i].AccomodationTypeId, AccomodationId); if (objAccomodationTypeData[i].Accomodations != null) { for (int j = 0; j < objAccomodationTypeData[i].Accomodations.Length; j++) { objAccomodationTypeData[i].Accomodations[j].RoomData = oRoomMaster.GetData(objAccomodationTypeData[i].Accomodations[j].AccomodationId); } } } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } return(objAccomodationTypeData); }