public bool initializeAmoeba(double x, double y, double z, int radius, AbstractEnvironmentType env, Libutility util) { int try_count = 0; Point3d IniIndexLoca = env.getIndexByPosition(x, y, z); int start_x = (int)IniIndexLoca.X - radius > 0 ? (int)IniIndexLoca.X - radius : 0; int start_y = (int)IniIndexLoca.Y - radius > 0 ? (int)IniIndexLoca.Y - radius : 0; int start_z = (int)IniIndexLoca.Z - radius > 0 ? (int)IniIndexLoca.Z - radius : 0; int end_x = (int)IniIndexLoca.X + radius < env.u ? (int)IniIndexLoca.X + radius : env.u - 1; int end_y = (int)IniIndexLoca.Y + radius < env.v ? (int)IniIndexLoca.Y + radius : env.v - 1; int end_z = (int)IniIndexLoca.Z + radius < env.w ? (int)IniIndexLoca.Z + radius : env.w - 1; do { tempx = util.getRand(start_x, end_x + 1); tempy = util.getRand(start_y, end_y + 1); tempz = util.getRand(start_z, end_z + 1); try_count++; }while (!iniSuccess(tempx, tempy, tempz, env, util) && try_count < 10); curx = tempx; cury = tempy; curz = tempz; //Location = new Point3d(curx, cury, curz); Location = env.getPositionByIndex(curx, cury, curz); occupyCell(curx, cury, curz, env); selectRandomDirection(env, util); prev_loc = new Point3d(x, y, z); return(true); }
public void initPopulation(AbstractEnvironmentType env) { //_popsize = popsize; int init_error_threshold = 5; int init_error_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < PhysaSetting._popsize; i++) { Amoeba newAmo = new Amoeba(_current_id); Point3d birthPlace = env.getRandomBirthPlace(util); if (!newAmo.initializeAmoeba(birthPlace.X, birthPlace.Y, birthPlace.Z, 4, env, util)) { init_error_count++; if (init_error_count > init_error_threshold) { break; } continue; } if (initOrient.Length > 0) { newAmo.orientation = initOrient; } population.Add(newAmo); _current_id++; } env._escape_p = PhysaSetting.escape_p; }
protected override bool GetInputs(IGH_DataAccess da) { agents = new List<IQuelea>(); emitters = new List<AbstractEmitterType>(); environment = new WorldEnvironmentType(); // Then we need to access the input parameters individually. // When data cannot be extracted from a parameter, we should abort this // method. if (!da.GetDataList(nextInputIndex++, agents)) return false; if (!da.GetDataList(nextInputIndex++, emitters)) return false; da.GetData(nextInputIndex++, ref environment); // We should now validate the data and warn the user if invalid data is // supplied. if (agents.Count <= 0) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, RS.agentsCountErrorMessage); return false; } if (emitters.Count <= 0) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, RS.emittersCountErrorMessage); return false; } return true; }
public void Update(AbstractEnvironmentType env) { updatePopulation(env); updateTrails(env); if (_step % PhysaSetting._death_frequency_test == 0) { doDeathTest(env); } if (_step % PhysaSetting._division_frequency_test == 0) { doDivisionTest(env); } foreach (Amoeba tb in _toborn_population) { population.Add(tb); } foreach (int tdid in _todie_id) { population.Remove(population.Where(a => a.ID == tdid).First()); } _toborn_population = new List <Amoeba>(); _todie_id = new List <int>(); _step++; }
public void birthNew(Amoeba agent, AbstractEnvironmentType env) { //if (agent.curx <= 4 || agent.curx >= env.u - 4 || agent.cury <= 4 || agent.cury >= env.v - 4 || agent.curz <= 4 || agent.curz >= env.w - 4) // return; if (env.isOutsideBorderRangeByIndex(agent.curx, agent.cury, agent.curz)) { return; } //if (agent.curx == agent.cury || agent.curx == agent.curz) // return; Point3d newPos = env.getNeighbourhoodFreePosByIndex(agent.curx, agent.cury, agent.curz, 1, util); if (newPos.X == -1 || newPos.Y == -1 || newPos.Y == -1) { return; } _current_id++; int thisindex = _current_id - 1; Amoeba newAmo = new Amoeba(thisindex); newAmo.initializeAmoeba(newPos.X, newPos.Y, newPos.Z, env, util); newAmo.prev_loc = agent.Location; //newAmo.initializeAmoeba(agent.curx, agent.cury, agent.curz, 2, _grid, util); newAmo.selectRandomDirection(env, util, agent.orientation); //Amoeba newAmo = new Amoeba(_current_population - 1, _sense_angle, _rotate_angle, _sense_offset, _detectDir, _death_distance, _speed, _pcd, _depT); //Point3d birthPlace = _grid.getRandomBirthPlace(util); //newAmo.initializeAmoeba((int) birthPlace.X, (int) birthPlace.Y, (int) birthPlace.Z, 3, _grid, util); //newAmo._guide_factor = guide_factor; _toborn_population.Add(newAmo); }
public void doDivisionTest(AbstractEnvironmentType env) { //shuffleOrder(); /* * System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEach(population, amo => * { * if (amo._divide) * { * birthNew(amo); * //_current_population++; * } * amo._divide = false; * });*/ foreach (Amoeba amo in population) { if (amo._divide == true) { birthNew(amo, env); _current_id++; //_current_population++; } amo._divide = false; } }
public void doSensorBehaviorsInSrfenv(AbstractEnvironmentType env, Libutility util) { this.doDeathTest(env); int det_count = PhysaSetting.DetectDirPhySubd * 2 + 1; int max_item = 0; float max_item_phy = -PhysaSetting._sense_angle; sensor_data = new float[det_count]; //List<trailInfo> infos = new List<trailInfo>(); //infos.Add(env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, orientation, 0, 0, _sensor_offset, util)); //float maxtrail = 0; //Point3d tgtPos = new Point3d(); //sensor_data[0] = env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, orientation, 0, 0, PhysaSetting._sense_offset, util); int count_cur = 0; for (int j = -PhysaSetting.DetectDirPhySubd; j <= PhysaSetting.DetectDirPhySubd; j++) { sensor_data[count_cur] = env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, uv_orientation, j * PhysaSetting._sensor_phy_step_angle, 0, PhysaSetting._sense_offset, util); //infos.Add(env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, orientation, j * _sensor_phy_step_angle, i * _sensor_theta_step_angle, _sensor_offset, util)); if (sensor_data[count_cur] > sensor_data[max_item]) { max_item = count_cur; max_item_phy = j * PhysaSetting._sensor_phy_step_angle; } count_cur++; } //this.tempValue = env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, uv_orientation, 0, 0, PhysaSetting._sense_offset, util); //max_item_phy = 90; rotate2D(max_item_phy * PhysaSetting._rotate_angle / PhysaSetting._sense_angle); orientation = env.getOrientationFromUv(Location, uv_orientation); guideOrientation(); }
public void selectRandomDirection(AbstractEnvironmentType env, Libutility util, Vector3d preDir) { if (env.env_type == 1) { double randx = (util.getRandDouble() - 0.5) * 2; double randy = (util.getRandDouble() - 0.5) * 2; double randz = (util.getRandDouble() - 0.5) * 2; Vector3d randDir = new Vector3d(randx, randy, randz); randDir = Vector3d.Add(randDir, preDir); Double leng = randDir.Length; Double factor = _cur_speed / leng; orientation = Vector3d.Multiply(factor, randDir); return; } else if (env.env_type == 2) { double randx = (util.getRandDouble() - 0.5) * 2; double randy = (util.getRandDouble() - 0.5) * 2; Vector3d randDir = new Vector3d(randx, randy, 0); randDir = Vector3d.Add(randDir, preDir); randDir.Unitize(); uv_orientation = Vector3d.Multiply(_cur_speed, randDir); orientation = env.getOrientationFromUv(Location, uv_orientation); return; } }
public void doDeathTest(AbstractEnvironmentType env) { //shuffleOrder(); /* * System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEach(population, amo => * { * if (amo._die ) * { * _grid.clearGridCellByIndex(amo.curx, amo.cury, amo.curz); * _todie_population.Add(amo); * //population.Remove(amo); * _current_population--; * } * }); */ foreach (Amoeba amo in population) { if (amo._die) { env.clearGridCellByIndex(amo.curx, amo.cury, amo.curz); _todie_id.Add(amo.ID); //population.Remove(amo); //_current_population--; } } }
protected AbstractSystemType(AbstractSystemType <T> system) { // private ISpatialCollection<AgentType> agents; queleaSettings = system.queleaSettings; emitters = system.emitters; environment = system.environment; UpdateBounds(); Quelea = new SpatialCollectionAsBinLattice <T>(min, max, (int)(Number.Clamp((min.DistanceTo(max) / 5), 5, 25)), (IList <T>)system.Quelea.SpatialObjects); }
public void resetFloatingPointPosition(AbstractEnvironmentType env) { Location = env.getPositionByIndex(curx, cury, curz); //tempfloatx = curx; //tempfloaty = cury; //tempfloatz = curz; //Location = new Point3d(curx, cury, curz); return; }
protected AbstractSystemType(T[] queleaSettings, AbstractEmitterType[] emitters, AbstractEnvironmentType environment, AbstractSystemType <T> system) { timestep = system.timestep; nextIndex = system.nextIndex; this.queleaSettings = queleaSettings; this.emitters = emitters; this.environment = environment; UpdateBounds(); Quelea = new SpatialCollectionAsBinLattice <T>(min, max, (int)(Number.Clamp((min.DistanceTo(max) / 5), 5, 25)), (IList <T>)system.Quelea.SpatialObjects); }
public AgentType(IAgent a, Point3d emittionPt, Vector3d initialVelocity, AbstractEnvironmentType environment) : base(a, emittionPt, initialVelocity, environment) { SteerAcceleration = a.SteerAcceleration; MaxSpeed = a.MaxSpeed; MaxForce = a.MaxForce; VisionRadius = a.VisionRadius; VisionAngle = a.VisionAngle; Lat = 0;//Util.Random.RandomDouble(0, RS.TWO_PI); Lon = 0;//Util.Random.RandomDouble(-RS.HALF_PI, RS.HALF_PI); }
public void doDivisionTest(AbstractEnvironmentType env) { _divide = false; if (env.isOutsideBorderRangeByIndex(curx, cury, curz)) { return; } if (isWithinBirthRange(curx, cury, curz, env)) { _divide = true; } }
public bool iniSuccess(int x, int y, int z, AbstractEnvironmentType env, Libutility util) { if (env.isOccupidByParticleByIndex(x, y, z) == true) { return(false); } if (env.isWithinObstacleByIndex(x, y, z) && util.getRandDouble() > PhysaSetting.escape_p) { return(false); } return(true); }
public void occupyCell(int x, int y, int z, AbstractEnvironmentType env) { env.clearGridCellByIndex(curx, cury, curz); env.occupyGridCellByIndex(tempx, tempy, tempz, ID); curx = tempx; cury = tempy; curz = tempz; resetFloatingPointPosition(env); if (_moved_successfully) { env.increaseTrailByIndex(curx, cury, curz, _ca_torealease); } }
public void doSensorBehaviorsInBoxenv(AbstractEnvironmentType env, Libutility util) { this.doDeathTest(env); //orientation = env.projectOrientationToEnv(Location, orientation); int det_count = PhysaSetting.DetectDirRSubd * PhysaSetting.DetectDirPhySubd + 1; int max_item = 0; float max_item_phy = 0; float max_item_theta = 0; sensor_data = new float[det_count]; //List<trailInfo> infos = new List<trailInfo>(); //infos.Add(env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, orientation, 0, 0, _sensor_offset, util)); //float maxtrail = 0; //Point3d tgtPos = new Point3d(); sensor_data[0] = env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, orientation, 0, 0, PhysaSetting._sense_offset, util); int count_cur = 1; for (int i = 0; i < PhysaSetting.DetectDirRSubd; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= PhysaSetting.DetectDirPhySubd; j++) { sensor_data[count_cur] = env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, orientation, j * PhysaSetting._sensor_phy_step_angle, i * PhysaSetting._sensor_theta_step_angle, PhysaSetting._sense_offset, util); //infos.Add(env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, orientation, j * _sensor_phy_step_angle, i * _sensor_theta_step_angle, _sensor_offset, util)); if (sensor_data[count_cur] > sensor_data[max_item]) { max_item = count_cur; max_item_phy = j * PhysaSetting._sensor_phy_step_angle; max_item_theta = i * PhysaSetting._sensor_theta_step_angle; } count_cur++; } } /*foreach(trailInfo inf in infos) * { * if(inf.trailValue > maxtrail) * { * maxtrail = inf.trailValue; * tgtPos = inf.targetPos; * } * } * Vector3d newOri = Point3d.Subtract(tgtPos, new Point3d(curx, cury, curz)); * double curLength = newOri.Length; * double scaleFactor = _cur_speed / curLength; * orientation = Vector3d.Multiply(scaleFactor, newOri); * //orientation = newOri; */ rotate(max_item_phy * PhysaSetting._rotate_angle / PhysaSetting._sense_angle, max_item_theta); guideOrientation(); }
public void doDeathTest(AbstractEnvironmentType env) { _die = false; if (env.isOutsideBorderRangeByIndex(curx, cury, curz) && PhysaSetting.border_type != 2) { _die = true; } //if (env.envdata[curx, cury, curz] == 2) // _die = true; //return; if (isOutsideSurvivalRange(curx, cury, curz, env)) { _die = true; } }
public bool isWithinBirthRange(int x, int y, int z, AbstractEnvironmentType env) { int d = env.countNumberOfParticlesPresentByIndex(x, y, z,; //_around = d; tempValue = d; if (d >= PhysaSetting.gmin && d < PhysaSetting.gmax) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool isOutsideSurvivalRange(int x, int y, int z, AbstractEnvironmentType env) { if (_distance_traveled > PhysaSetting._death_distance) { return(true); } double d = env.countNumberOfParticlesPresentByIndex(x, y, z, PhysaSetting.sw); if (d < PhysaSetting.smin || d > PhysaSetting.smax) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool initializeAmoeba(double x, double y, double z, AbstractEnvironmentType env, Libutility util) { Point3d indexLoca = env.getIndexByPosition(x, y, z); tempx = (int)indexLoca.X; tempy = (int)indexLoca.Y; tempz = (int)indexLoca.Z; curx = tempx; cury = tempy; curz = tempz; //Location = new Point3d(curx, cury, curz); Location = env.getPositionByIndex(curx, cury, curz); occupyCell(curx, cury, curz, env); selectRandomDirection(env, util); prev_loc = Location; return(true); }
public bool initializeAmoeba(AbstractEnvironmentType env, Libutility util) { do { tempfloatx = (float)util.getDoubleRand(env.getUMin(), env.getUMax()); tempfloaty = (float)util.getDoubleRand(env.getVMin(), env.getVMax()); tempfloatz = (float)util.getDoubleRand(env.getWMin(), env.getWMax()); Point3d indexPos = env.getIndexByPosition(tempfloatx, tempfloaty, tempfloatz); tempx = (int)indexPos.X; tempy = (int)indexPos.Y; tempz = (int)indexPos.Z; }while (!iniSuccess(tempx, tempy, tempz, env, util)); curx = tempx; cury = tempy; curz = tempz; //Location = new Point3d(curx, cury, curz); Location = env.getPositionByIndex(curx, cury, curz); occupyCell(curx, cury, curz, env); selectRandomDirection(env, util); prev_loc = Location; return(true); }
public void updatePopulation(AbstractEnvironmentType env) { foreach (Amoeba amo in population) { amo.doMotorBehaviors(env, util); } shuffleOrder(); foreach (Amoeba amo in population) { amo.doSensorBehavior[env.env_type - 1].Invoke(env, util); } /* * System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEach(population, amo => * { * amo.doMotorBehaviors(env, util); * }); * System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEach(population, amo => * { * amo.doSensorBehaviors(env, util); * }); *///Parallel will be a little bit faster, but may encounter unexpected error that every agent i disable }
public bool isWithinBirthRange(int x, int y, int z, AbstractEnvironmentType env) { int d = env.countNumberOfParticlesPresentByIndex(x, y, z,; //_around = d; tempValue = d; if (d >= PhysaSetting.gmin && d < PhysaSetting.gmax) return true; else return false; }
public void occupyCell(int x, int y, int z, AbstractEnvironmentType env) { env.clearGridCellByIndex(curx, cury, curz); env.occupyGridCellByIndex(tempx, tempy, tempz, ID); curx = tempx; cury = tempy; curz = tempz; resetFloatingPointPosition(env); if (_moved_successfully) env.increaseTrailByIndex(curx, cury, curz, _ca_torealease); }
public bool initializeAmoeba(double x, double y, double z, int radius, AbstractEnvironmentType env, Libutility util) { int try_count = 0; Point3d IniIndexLoca = env.getIndexByPosition(x, y, z); int start_x = (int)IniIndexLoca.X - radius > 0 ? (int)IniIndexLoca.X - radius : 0; int start_y = (int)IniIndexLoca.Y - radius > 0 ? (int)IniIndexLoca.Y - radius : 0; int start_z = (int)IniIndexLoca.Z - radius > 0 ? (int)IniIndexLoca.Z - radius : 0; int end_x = (int)IniIndexLoca.X + radius < env.u ? (int)IniIndexLoca.X + radius : env.u - 1; int end_y = (int)IniIndexLoca.Y + radius < env.v ? (int)IniIndexLoca.Y + radius : env.v - 1; int end_z = (int)IniIndexLoca.Z + radius < env.w ? (int)IniIndexLoca.Z + radius : env.w - 1; do { tempx = util.getRand(start_x, end_x + 1); tempy = util.getRand(start_y, end_y + 1); tempz = util.getRand(start_z, end_z + 1); try_count++; } while (!iniSuccess(tempx, tempy, tempz, env, util) && try_count<10); curx = tempx; cury = tempy; curz = tempz; //Location = new Point3d(curx, cury, curz); Location = env.getPositionByIndex(curx, cury, curz); occupyCell(curx, cury, curz, env); selectRandomDirection(env, util); prev_loc = new Point3d(x, y, z); return true; }
public bool isOutsideSurvivalRange(int x, int y, int z, AbstractEnvironmentType env) { if (_distance_traveled > PhysaSetting._death_distance) { return true; } double d = env.countNumberOfParticlesPresentByIndex(x, y, z, PhysaSetting.sw); if (d < PhysaSetting.smin || d > PhysaSetting.smax) return true; else return false; }
public bool initializeAmoeba(AbstractEnvironmentType env, Libutility util) { do { tempfloatx = (float)util.getDoubleRand(env.getUMin(), env.getUMax()); tempfloaty = (float)util.getDoubleRand(env.getVMin(), env.getVMax()); tempfloatz = (float)util.getDoubleRand(env.getWMin(), env.getWMax()); Point3d indexPos = env.getIndexByPosition(tempfloatx, tempfloaty, tempfloatz); tempx = (int)indexPos.X; tempy = (int)indexPos.Y; tempz = (int)indexPos.Z; } while (!iniSuccess(tempx, tempy, tempz, env, util)); curx = tempx; cury = tempy; curz = tempz; //Location = new Point3d(curx, cury, curz); Location = env.getPositionByIndex(curx, cury, curz); occupyCell(curx, cury, curz, env); selectRandomDirection(env, util); prev_loc = Location; return true; }
public void doDeathTest(AbstractEnvironmentType env) { _die = false; if (env.isOutsideBorderRangeByIndex(curx, cury, curz) && PhysaSetting.border_type != 2) { _die = true; } //if (env.envdata[curx, cury, curz] == 2) // _die = true; //return; if (isOutsideSurvivalRange(curx, cury, curz, env)) _die = true; }
public void doSensorBehaviorsInSrfenv(AbstractEnvironmentType env, Libutility util) { this.doDeathTest(env); int det_count = PhysaSetting.DetectDirPhySubd * 2 + 1; int max_item = 0; float max_item_phy = -PhysaSetting._sense_angle; sensor_data = new float[det_count]; //List<trailInfo> infos = new List<trailInfo>(); //infos.Add(env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, orientation, 0, 0, _sensor_offset, util)); //float maxtrail = 0; //Point3d tgtPos = new Point3d(); //sensor_data[0] = env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, orientation, 0, 0, PhysaSetting._sense_offset, util); int count_cur = 0; for (int j = -PhysaSetting.DetectDirPhySubd; j <= PhysaSetting.DetectDirPhySubd; j++) { sensor_data[count_cur] = env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, uv_orientation, j * PhysaSetting._sensor_phy_step_angle,0, PhysaSetting._sense_offset, util); //infos.Add(env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, orientation, j * _sensor_phy_step_angle, i * _sensor_theta_step_angle, _sensor_offset, util)); if (sensor_data[count_cur] > sensor_data[max_item]) { max_item = count_cur; max_item_phy = j * PhysaSetting._sensor_phy_step_angle; } count_cur++; } //this.tempValue = env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, uv_orientation, 0, 0, PhysaSetting._sense_offset, util); //max_item_phy = 90; rotate2D(max_item_phy * PhysaSetting._rotate_angle / PhysaSetting._sense_angle); orientation = env.getOrientationFromUv(Location, uv_orientation); guideOrientation(); }
public bool iniSuccess(int x, int y, int z, AbstractEnvironmentType env, Libutility util) { if (env.isOccupidByParticleByIndex(x, y, z) == true) return false; if (env.isWithinObstacleByIndex(x, y, z) && util.getRandDouble() > PhysaSetting.escape_p) return false; return true; }
public void updateTrails(AbstractEnvironmentType env) { env.projectToTrail(); env.diffuseTrails(); }
public void doMotorBehaviors(AbstractEnvironmentType env, Libutility util) { _distance_traveled++; prev_loc = Location; //_cur_speed = _max_speed * (1 - _distance_traveled / _deathDistance); _cur_speed = PhysaSetting._speed; if (env.getGriddataByIndex(curx, cury, curz) == 1) _distance_traveled = 0; _moved_successfully = false; if (util.getRandDouble() < PhysaSetting._pcd) { selectRandomDirection(env, util); resetFloatingPointPosition(env); return; } Point3d curLoc = Location; curLoc.Transform(Transform.Translation(orientation)); //Location = curLoc; tempfloatx = (float)curLoc.X; tempfloaty = (float)curLoc.Y; tempfloatz = (float)curLoc.Z; switch (PhysaSetting.border_type) { case 0: if(env.constrainPos(ref tempfloatx, ref tempfloaty, ref tempfloatz,0)) selectRandomDirection(env, util); break; case 1: env.constrainPos(ref tempfloatx, ref tempfloaty, ref tempfloatz, 1); break; case 2: env.constrainPos(ref tempfloatx, ref tempfloaty, ref tempfloatz, 0); orientation = env.bounceOrientation(curLoc, orientation); break; default: break; } //if(env.constrainPos(ref tempfloatx, ref tempfloaty, ref tempfloatz)) // selectRandomDirection(util); Point3d temppos = env.getIndexByPosition(tempfloatx, tempfloaty, tempfloatz); tempx = (int)temppos.X; tempy = (int)temppos.Y; tempz = (int)temppos.Z; if (env.isOccupidByParticleByIndex(tempx, tempy, tempz)) { selectRandomDirection(env,util); return; } else if (env.isWithinObstacleByIndex(tempx, tempy, tempz) && util.getRandDouble() > PhysaSetting.escape_p) { selectRandomDirection(env,util); return; } else { _moved_successfully = true; Location = env.projectLocationToEnv(new Point3d(tempfloatx, tempfloaty, tempfloatz)); env.clearGridCellByIndex(curx, cury, curz); //env.agedata[curx, cury, curz]++; env.occupyGridCellByIndex(tempx, tempy, tempz, ID); curx = tempx; cury = tempy; curz = tempz; //float trailIncrement = calculateTrailIncrement(util); //env.increaseTrailByIndex(curx, cury, curz, trailIncrement); env.increaseTrailByIndex(curx, cury, curz, _ca_torealease); //if (_moved_successfully && !_die && _distance_traveled % division_frequency_test == 0) if (_moved_successfully && !_die) doDivisionTest(env); } }
public void doDivisionTest(AbstractEnvironmentType env) { _divide = false; if (env.isOutsideBorderRangeByIndex(curx, cury, curz)) return; if (isWithinBirthRange(curx, cury, curz, env)) { _divide = true; } }
public void doMotorBehaviors(AbstractEnvironmentType env, Libutility util) { _distance_traveled++; prev_loc = Location; //_cur_speed = _max_speed * (1 - _distance_traveled / _deathDistance); _cur_speed = PhysaSetting._speed; if (env.getGriddataByIndex(curx, cury, curz) == 1) { _distance_traveled = 0; } _moved_successfully = false; if (util.getRandDouble() < PhysaSetting._pcd) { selectRandomDirection(env, util); resetFloatingPointPosition(env); return; } Point3d curLoc = Location; curLoc.Transform(Transform.Translation(orientation)); //Location = curLoc; tempfloatx = (float)curLoc.X; tempfloaty = (float)curLoc.Y; tempfloatz = (float)curLoc.Z; switch (PhysaSetting.border_type) { case 0: if (env.constrainPos(ref tempfloatx, ref tempfloaty, ref tempfloatz, 0)) { selectRandomDirection(env, util); } break; case 1: env.constrainPos(ref tempfloatx, ref tempfloaty, ref tempfloatz, 1); break; case 2: env.constrainPos(ref tempfloatx, ref tempfloaty, ref tempfloatz, 0); orientation = env.bounceOrientation(curLoc, orientation); break; default: break; } //if(env.constrainPos(ref tempfloatx, ref tempfloaty, ref tempfloatz)) // selectRandomDirection(util); Point3d temppos = env.getIndexByPosition(tempfloatx, tempfloaty, tempfloatz); tempx = (int)temppos.X; tempy = (int)temppos.Y; tempz = (int)temppos.Z; if (env.isOccupidByParticleByIndex(tempx, tempy, tempz)) { selectRandomDirection(env, util); return; } else if (env.isWithinObstacleByIndex(tempx, tempy, tempz) && util.getRandDouble() > PhysaSetting.escape_p) { selectRandomDirection(env, util); return; } else { _moved_successfully = true; Location = env.projectLocationToEnv(new Point3d(tempfloatx, tempfloaty, tempfloatz)); env.clearGridCellByIndex(curx, cury, curz); //env.agedata[curx, cury, curz]++; env.occupyGridCellByIndex(tempx, tempy, tempz, ID); curx = tempx; cury = tempy; curz = tempz; //float trailIncrement = calculateTrailIncrement(util); //env.increaseTrailByIndex(curx, cury, curz, trailIncrement); env.increaseTrailByIndex(curx, cury, curz, _ca_torealease); //if (_moved_successfully && !_die && _distance_traveled % division_frequency_test == 0) if (_moved_successfully && !_die) { doDivisionTest(env); } } }
public bool initializeAmoeba(double x, double y, double z, AbstractEnvironmentType env, Libutility util) { Point3d indexLoca = env.getIndexByPosition(x, y, z); tempx = (int)indexLoca.X; tempy = (int)indexLoca.Y; tempz = (int)indexLoca.Z; curx = tempx; cury = tempy; curz = tempz; //Location = new Point3d(curx, cury, curz); Location = env.getPositionByIndex(curx, cury, curz); occupyCell(curx, cury, curz, env); selectRandomDirection(env, util); prev_loc = Location; return true; }
public void doSensorBehaviorsInBoxenv(AbstractEnvironmentType env, Libutility util) { this.doDeathTest(env); //orientation = env.projectOrientationToEnv(Location, orientation); int det_count = PhysaSetting.DetectDirRSubd * PhysaSetting.DetectDirPhySubd + 1; int max_item = 0; float max_item_phy = 0; float max_item_theta = 0; sensor_data = new float[det_count]; //List<trailInfo> infos = new List<trailInfo>(); //infos.Add(env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, orientation, 0, 0, _sensor_offset, util)); //float maxtrail = 0; //Point3d tgtPos = new Point3d(); sensor_data[0] = env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, orientation, 0, 0, PhysaSetting._sense_offset, util); int count_cur = 1; for (int i = 0; i < PhysaSetting.DetectDirRSubd; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= PhysaSetting.DetectDirPhySubd; j++) { sensor_data[count_cur] = env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, orientation, j * PhysaSetting._sensor_phy_step_angle, i * PhysaSetting._sensor_theta_step_angle, PhysaSetting._sense_offset, util); //infos.Add(env.getOffsetTrailValue(curx, cury, curz, orientation, j * _sensor_phy_step_angle, i * _sensor_theta_step_angle, _sensor_offset, util)); if (sensor_data[count_cur] > sensor_data[max_item]) { max_item = count_cur; max_item_phy = j * PhysaSetting._sensor_phy_step_angle; max_item_theta = i * PhysaSetting._sensor_theta_step_angle; } count_cur++; } } /*foreach(trailInfo inf in infos) { if(inf.trailValue > maxtrail) { maxtrail = inf.trailValue; tgtPos = inf.targetPos; } } Vector3d newOri = Point3d.Subtract(tgtPos, new Point3d(curx, cury, curz)); double curLength = newOri.Length; double scaleFactor = _cur_speed / curLength; orientation = Vector3d.Multiply(scaleFactor, newOri); //orientation = newOri; */ rotate(max_item_phy * PhysaSetting._rotate_angle / PhysaSetting._sense_angle, max_item_theta); guideOrientation(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the EatBehaviorComponent class. /// </summary> protected AbstractEnvironmentalBehaviorComponent(string name, string nickname, string description, Bitmap icon, string componentGuid) : base(name, nickname, description, icon, componentGuid) { environment = new AxisAlignedBoxEnvironmentType(); }