    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //print ("Bishop Move Cooldown = " + moveTimer);
        //creating a list of randomly genorated moves to test movment
        //for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        //  aStar.whiteMoves.Push(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Tile_" + (Random.Range(0, 7)) + "" + (Random.Range(0, 7))));
        //  aStar.blackMoves.Push(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Tile_" + (Random.Range(0, 7)) + "" + (Random.Range(0, 7))));

        if (moveTimer <= 2 && moveTimer > 1.98)
            setTimer = false;
            //Instantiate (Resources.Load ("BishopCDBubble"), new Vector3 (bishopBT.position.x, bishopBT.position.y + 0.30f, bishopBT.position.z), new Quaternion (0, 0, 0, 1));
            //Instantiate (Resources.Load ("BishopCDBubble"), new Vector3 (bishopWT.position.x, bishopWT.position.y + 0.30f, bishopWT.position.z), new Quaternion (0, 0, 0, 1));
        //calling A* to create a new path when the privios gole has been reached.
        if (moveTimer > 1.00 && moveTimer < 1.75 && runAStar)
            Debug.Log("Move timer runs A-star");
            runAStar = false;
        if (moveTimer < 1.00 && moveTimer > 0.75 && setTarget)
            //setting the target curser for each bishop
            Instantiate(Resources.Load("TargetWhite"), aStar.whiteMoves.Peek().transform.position, new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1));
            Instantiate(Resources.Load("TargetBlack"), aStar.blackMoves.Peek().transform.position, new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1));
            setTarget = false;
        if (moveTimer <= 0)
            if (bishopB.targetLocationX == bishopB.curentX && bishopB.targetLocaitonY == bishopB.curentY)
                //Debug.Log("move timer up get new target");

                //target = MoveList.getNextMove(bishopColor);
                if (aStar.blackMoves.Count > 0)
                    bishopB.target          = aStar.blackMoves.Pop();
                    bishopB.targetLocaitonY = bishopB.target.GetComponent <TileInfo>().boardRow;
                    bishopB.targetLocationX = bishopB.target.GetComponent <TileInfo>().boardColumn;
                    bishopB.spacesToMove    = Mathf.Abs(bishopB.targetLocationX - bishopB.curentX);
            if (bishopW.targetLocationX == bishopW.curentX && bishopW.targetLocaitonY == bishopW.curentY)
                //Debug.Log("move timer up get new target");

                //target = MoveList.getNextMove(bishopColor);
                if (aStar.whiteMoves.Count > 0)
                    bishopW.target          = aStar.whiteMoves.Pop();
                    bishopW.targetLocaitonY = bishopW.target.GetComponent <TileInfo>().boardRow;
                    bishopW.targetLocationX = bishopW.target.GetComponent <TileInfo>().boardColumn;
                    bishopW.spacesToMove    = Mathf.Abs(bishopW.targetLocationX - bishopW.curentX);
            if (bishopW.canMoveTo == false && bishopB.canMoveTo == false)
                moveTimer = moveTimerCap;
                setTimer  = true;
                setTarget = true;
                runAStar  = true;

        //cool downs for ecah bishop setting moves
        //Timer countdown
        if (moveTimer > 0)
            moveTimer -= Time.deltaTime;