public static void AssignNumbersWithNoAdditionalProcessing(APPaymentEntry pe, APPayment doc) { PaymentMethod method = pe.paymenttype.Select(doc.PaymentMethodID); if (method == null || method.PrintOrExport == true) { // To persist the manual changes from "Release Checks" screen (AC-94830) pe.Document.Cache.MarkUpdated(doc); return; } pe.RowPersisting.RemoveHandler <APAdjust>(pe.APAdjust_RowPersisting); pe.Clear(); pe.Document.Current = pe.Document.Search <APPayment.refNbr>(doc.RefNbr, doc.DocType); PaymentMethodAccount det = pe.cashaccountdetail.Select(); pe.Document.Current.StubCntr = 1; pe.Document.Current.BillCntr = 0; pe.Document.Current.ExtRefNbr = doc.ExtRefNbr; foreach (APAdjust adj in pe.Adjustments_print.Select()) { pe.Document.Current.BillCntr++; SetAdjustmentStubNumber(pe, doc, adj, doc.ExtRefNbr); } det.APLastRefNbr = doc.ExtRefNbr; pe.cashaccountdetail.Update(det); pe.Document.Current.Printed = true; pe.Document.Current.Hold = false; pe.Document.Update(pe.Document.Current); }
private void GeneratePayment(APInvoice invoice) { PaymentEntry.Clear(); var location = TryGetInvoiceLocation(invoice); var payAccount = invoice.PayAccountID ?? location.CashAccountID; var cashAccount = TryGetVendorCashAccount(payAccount); var payment = CreateApPayment(invoice); UpdatePayment(invoice, payment, cashAccount, payAccount, location); SuppressDefaultEvents(invoice); PaymentEntry.Document.Current = PaymentEntry.Document.Update(payment); }
private bool ProcessJointPayment(APInvoiceEntry invoiceEntry, APPaymentEntry paymentEntry, IReadOnlyCollection <APAdjust> adjustments, PayBillsFilter filter) { var invoice = InvoiceDataProvider.GetInvoice( Base, adjustments.First().AdjdDocType, adjustments.First().AdjdRefNbr); if (IsPaymentCycleWorkflow(invoice)) { PXProcessing <APAdjust> .SetError(JointCheckMessages.PaymentCycleWorkflowIsStarted); return(false); } paymentEntry.Clear(); var jointCheckPreparePaymentCreator = new JointCheckPreparePaymentCreator(invoiceEntry, paymentEntry, Base1); jointCheckPreparePaymentCreator.GenerateChecks(invoice, adjustments, filter); if (Base.APSetup.Current.HoldEntry == false) { lienWaiverHoldPaymentService.HoldPaymentsIfNeeded(invoice.RefNbr, LienWaiverSetup.Current.ShouldStopPayments); Base.Caches <APPayment>().Persist(PXDBOperation.Update); } return(true); }
protected virtual void PrintPayments(List <APPayment> list, PrintChecksFilter filter, PaymentMethod paymentMethod) { if (list.Count == 0) { return; } if (paymentMethod.UseForAP == true) { if (paymentMethod.APPrintChecks == true && string.IsNullOrEmpty(paymentMethod.APCheckReportID)) { throw new PXException(Messages.FieldNotSetInPaymentMethod, PXUIFieldAttribute.GetDisplayName <PaymentMethod.aPCheckReportID>(paymenttype.Cache), paymentMethod.PaymentMethodID); } if (paymentMethod.APPrintChecks == true && paymentMethod.APPrintRemittance == true && string.IsNullOrEmpty(paymentMethod.APRemittanceReportID)) { throw new PXException(Messages.FieldNotSetInPaymentMethod, PXUIFieldAttribute.GetDisplayName <PaymentMethod.aPRemittanceReportID>(paymenttype.Cache), paymentMethod.PaymentMethodID); } } bool printAdditionRemit = false; if (paymentMethod.APCreateBatchPayment == true) { CABatch batch = CreateBatchPayment(list, filter); if (batch != null) { bool failed = false; APPaymentEntry pe = CreateInstance <APPaymentEntry>(); string NextCheckNbr = filter.NextCheckNbr; foreach (APPayment pmt in list) { APPayment payment = pmt; PXProcessing <APPayment> .SetCurrentItem(payment); try { payment = pe.Document.Search <APPayment.refNbr>(payment.RefNbr, payment.DocType); if (payment.PrintCheck != true) { throw new PXException(Messages.CantPrintNonprintableCheck); } if ((payment.DocType == APDocType.Check || payment.DocType == APDocType.QuickCheck) && payment.Status != APDocStatus.PendingPrint) { throw new PXException(Messages.ChecksMayBePrintedInPendingPrintStatus); } AssignNumbers(pe, payment, ref NextCheckNbr, true); if (payment.Passed == true) { pe.TimeStamp = payment.tstamp; } pe.Save.Press(); payment.tstamp = pe.TimeStamp; pe.Clear(); } catch (PXException e) { PXProcessing <APPayment> .SetError(e); failed = true; } } if (failed) { throw new PXOperationCompletedWithErrorException(Messages.APPaymentsAreAddedToTheBatchButWasNotUpdatedCorrectly, batch.BatchNbr); } RedirectToResultWithCreateBatch(batch); } } else { APReleaseChecks pp = CreateInstance <APReleaseChecks>(); ReleaseChecksFilter filter_copy = PXCache <ReleaseChecksFilter> .CreateCopy(pp.Filter.Current); filter_copy.PayAccountID = filter.PayAccountID; filter_copy.PayTypeID = filter.PayTypeID; filter_copy.CuryID = filter.CuryID; pp.Filter.Cache.Update(filter_copy); APPaymentEntry pe = CreateInstance <APPaymentEntry>(); bool failed = false; Dictionary <string, string> d = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string nextCheckNbr = filter.NextCheckNbr; string prevCheckNbr = nextCheckNbr; int idxReportFilter = 0; foreach (APPayment pmt in list) { APPayment payment = pmt; PXProcessing <APPayment> .SetCurrentItem(payment); try { prevCheckNbr = nextCheckNbr; if (filter.IsNextNumberDuplicated(this, nextCheckNbr)) { string duplicate = nextCheckNbr; nextCheckNbr = AutoNumberAttribute.NextNumber(nextCheckNbr); throw new PXException(Messages.ConflictWithExistingCheckNumber, duplicate); } payment = pe.Document.Search <APPayment.refNbr>(payment.RefNbr, payment.DocType); if (payment.PrintCheck != true) { throw new PXException(Messages.CantPrintNonprintableCheck); } if ((payment.DocType == APDocType.Check || payment.DocType == APDocType.QuickCheck) && payment.Status != APDocStatus.PendingPrint) { throw new PXException(Messages.ChecksMayBePrintedInPendingPrintStatus); } AssignNumbers(pe, payment, ref nextCheckNbr); if (payment.Passed == true) { pe.TimeStamp = payment.tstamp; } pe.Save.Press(); payment.tstamp = pe.TimeStamp; pe.Clear(); APPayment seldoc = pe.Document.Search <APPayment.refNbr>(payment.RefNbr, payment.DocType); seldoc.Selected = true; seldoc.Passed = true; seldoc.tstamp = payment.tstamp; pp.APPaymentList.Cache.Update(seldoc); pp.APPaymentList.Cache.SetStatus(seldoc, PXEntryStatus.Updated); printAdditionRemit |= seldoc.BillCntr > paymentMethod.APStubLines; StringBuilder sbDocType = new StringBuilder("APPayment.DocType"); sbDocType.Append(Convert.ToString(idxReportFilter)); StringBuilder sbRefNbr = new StringBuilder("APPayment.RefNbr"); sbRefNbr.Append(Convert.ToString(idxReportFilter)); idxReportFilter++; d[sbDocType.ToString()] = payment.DocType == APDocType.QuickCheck ? APDocType.QuickCheck : APDocType.Check; d[sbRefNbr.ToString()] = payment.RefNbr; PXProcessing <APPayment> .SetProcessed(); } catch (PXException e) { PXProcessing <APPayment> .SetError(e); failed = true; nextCheckNbr = prevCheckNbr; } } if (failed) { PXReportRequiredException report = null; if (d.Count > 0) { d[ReportMessages.CheckReportFlag] = ReportMessages.CheckReportFlagValue; report = new PXReportRequiredException(d, paymentMethod.APCheckReportID, PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.New, "Check"); } throw new PXOperationCompletedWithErrorException(GL.Messages.DocumentsNotReleased, report); } else { if (d.Count > 0) { RedirectToResultNoBatch(pp, d, paymentMethod, printAdditionRemit, nextCheckNbr); } } } }
public virtual void AssignNumbers(APPaymentEntry pe, APPayment doc, ref string NextCheckNbr, bool skipStubs = false) { pe.RowPersisting.RemoveHandler <APAdjust>(pe.APAdjust_RowPersisting); pe.Clear(); doc = pe.Document.Current = pe.Document.Search <APPayment.refNbr>(doc.RefNbr, doc.DocType); PaymentMethodAccount det = pe.cashaccountdetail.Select(); doc.IsPrintingProcess = true; // indicates that the payment under printing process (to prevent update by PaymentRefAttribute) if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NextCheckNbr)) { throw new PXException(Messages.NextCheckNumberIsRequiredForProcessing); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pe.Document.Current.ExtRefNbr)) { pe.Document.Current.StubCntr = 1; pe.Document.Current.BillCntr = 0; pe.Document.Current.ExtRefNbr = NextCheckNbr; if (pe.Document.Current.DocType == APDocType.QuickCheck && pe.Document.Current.CuryOrigDocAmt <= 0m) { throw new PXException(Messages.ZeroCheck_CannotPrint); } if (!skipStubs) // print check { APAdjust[] adjustments = pe.Adjustments_print.Select().RowCast <APAdjust>().ToArray(); PaymentMethod pt = pe.paymenttype.Select(); int stubCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(adjustments.Length / (decimal)(pt.APStubLines ?? 1)); if (stubCount > 1 && pt.APPrintRemittance != true) { string endNumber = AutoNumberAttribute.NextNumber(NextCheckNbr, stubCount - 1); string[] duplicates = PXSelect <CashAccountCheck, Where <CashAccountCheck.accountID, Equal <Required <PrintChecksFilter.payAccountID> >, And <CashAccountCheck.paymentMethodID, Equal <Required <PrintChecksFilter.payTypeID> >, And <CashAccountCheck.checkNbr, GreaterEqual <Required <PrintChecksFilter.nextCheckNbr> >, And <CashAccountCheck.checkNbr, LessEqual <Required <PrintChecksFilter.nextCheckNbr> > > > > > > .Select(this, det.CashAccountID, det.PaymentMethodID, NextCheckNbr, endNumber) .RowCast <CashAccountCheck>() .Select(check => check.CheckNbr) .ToArray(); if (duplicates.Any()) { throw new PXException( Messages.TooSmallCheckNumbersGap, stubCount, NextCheckNbr, endNumber, string.Join(",", duplicates)); } } short ordinalInStub = 0; int stubOrdinal = 0; foreach (APAdjust adj in adjustments) { pe.Document.Current.BillCntr++; if (ordinalInStub > pt.APStubLines - 1) { //AssignCheckNumber only for first StubLines in check, other/all lines will be printed on remittance report if (pt.APPrintRemittance == true) { adj.StubNbr = null; pe.Adjustments.Cache.Update(adj); continue; } NextCheckNbr = AutoNumberAttribute.NextNumber(NextCheckNbr); pe.Document.Current.StubCntr++; ordinalInStub = 0; stubOrdinal++; } SetAdjustmentStubNumber(pe, doc, adj, NextCheckNbr); StoreStubNumber(pe, doc, det, NextCheckNbr, stubOrdinal); ordinalInStub++; } } else // create batch payment { //Update last number det.APLastRefNbr = NextCheckNbr; } pe.cashaccountdetail.Update(det); // det.APLastRefNumber was modified in StoreStubNumber method NextCheckNbr = AutoNumberAttribute.NextNumber(NextCheckNbr); pe.Document.Current.Printed = true; pe.Document.Current.Hold = false; pe.Document.Update(pe.Document.Current); } else { if (pe.Document.Current.Printed != true || pe.Document.Current.Hold == true) { pe.Document.Current.Printed = true; pe.Document.Current.Hold = false; pe.Document.Update(pe.Document.Current); } } }
public static void Redirect(PXCache sender, CATran catran) { if (catran == null) { return; } if (catran.OrigTranType == CAAPARTranType.GLEntry) { JournalEntry graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <JournalEntry>(); graph.Clear(); if (sender != null) { sender.IsDirty = false; } graph.BatchModule.Current = PXSelect <Batch, Where <Batch.module, Equal <Required <Batch.module> >, And <Batch.batchNbr, Equal <Required <Batch.batchNbr> > > > > .Select(graph, catran.OrigModule, catran.OrigRefNbr); throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, true, "Document") { Mode = PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.NewWindow }; } else if (catran.OrigModule == GL.BatchModule.AP && (catran.OrigTranType == AP.APDocType.QuickCheck || catran.OrigTranType == AP.APDocType.VoidQuickCheck)) { APQuickCheckEntry graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <APQuickCheckEntry>(); graph.Clear(); if (sender != null) { sender.IsDirty = false; } graph.Document.Current = PXSelect <APQuickCheck, Where <APQuickCheck.refNbr, Equal <Required <APQuickCheck.refNbr> >, And <APQuickCheck.docType, Equal <Required <APQuickCheck.docType> > > > > .Select(graph, catran.OrigRefNbr, catran.OrigTranType); throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, true, "Document") { Mode = PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.NewWindow }; } else if (catran.OrigModule == GL.BatchModule.AP && catran.OrigTranType == CATranType.CABatch) { CABatchEntry graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <CABatchEntry>(); graph.Clear(); if (sender != null) { sender.IsDirty = false; } graph.Document.Current = PXSelect <CABatch, Where <CABatch.batchNbr, Equal <Required <CATran.origRefNbr> > > > .Select(graph, catran.OrigRefNbr); throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, true, "Document") { Mode = PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.NewWindow }; } else if (catran.OrigModule == GL.BatchModule.AP) { APPaymentEntry graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <APPaymentEntry>(); graph.Clear(); if (sender != null) { sender.IsDirty = false; } graph.Document.Current = (APPayment)PXSelect <APPayment, Where <APPayment.refNbr, Equal <Required <APPayment.refNbr> >, And <APPayment.docType, Equal <Required <APPayment.docType> > > > > .Select(graph, catran.OrigRefNbr, catran.OrigTranType); throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, true, "Document") { Mode = PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.NewWindow }; } else if (catran.OrigModule == GL.BatchModule.AR && (catran.OrigTranType == ARDocType.CashSale || catran.OrigTranType == ARDocType.CashReturn)) { ARCashSale document = (ARCashSale)PXSelect <ARCashSale, Where <ARCashSale.refNbr, Equal <Required <ARCashSale.refNbr> >, And <ARCashSale.docType, Equal <Required <ARCashSale.docType> > > > > .Select(sender.Graph, catran.OrigRefNbr, catran.OrigTranType); if (document.OrigModule == BatchModule.SO && document.Released == false) { SO.SOInvoiceEntry graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <SO.SOInvoiceEntry>(); graph.Clear(); sender.IsDirty = false; graph.Document.Current = (ARInvoice)PXSelect <ARInvoice, Where <ARInvoice.refNbr, Equal <Required <ARInvoice.refNbr> >, And <ARInvoice.docType, Equal <Required <ARInvoice.docType> > > > > .Select(sender.Graph, catran.OrigRefNbr, catran.OrigTranType); throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, true, "Document") { Mode = PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.NewWindow }; } else { ARCashSaleEntry graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <ARCashSaleEntry>(); graph.Clear(); if (sender != null) { sender.IsDirty = false; } graph.Document.Current = document; throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, true, "Document") { Mode = PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.NewWindow }; } } else if (catran.OrigModule == GL.BatchModule.AR) { ARPaymentEntry graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <ARPaymentEntry>(); graph.Clear(); if (sender != null) { sender.IsDirty = false; } graph.Document.Current = (ARPayment)PXSelect <ARPayment, Where <ARPayment.refNbr, Equal <Required <ARPayment.refNbr> >, And <ARPayment.docType, Equal <Required <ARPayment.docType> > > > > .Select(graph, catran.OrigRefNbr, catran.OrigTranType); throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, true, "Document") { Mode = PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.NewWindow }; } else if (catran.OrigModule == GL.BatchModule.CA && catran.OrigTranType == CATranType.CAAdjustment) { CATranEntry graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <CATranEntry>(); graph.Clear(); if (sender != null) { sender.IsDirty = false; } graph.CAAdjRecords.Current = PXSelect <CAAdj, Where <CAAdj.tranID, Equal <Required <CAAdj.tranID> > > > .Select(graph, catran.TranID); throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, true, "Document") { Mode = PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.NewWindow }; } else if (catran.OrigModule == GL.BatchModule.CA && catran.OrigTranType == CATranType.CATransferExp) { CATranEntry graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <CATranEntry>(); graph.Clear(); if (sender != null) { sender.IsDirty = false; } graph.CAAdjRecords.Current = PXSelect <CAAdj, Where <CAAdj.adjTranType, Equal <CAAPARTranType.cATransferExp>, And <CAAdj.transferNbr, Equal <Required <CATran.origRefNbr> > > > > .Select(graph, catran.OrigRefNbr); throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, true, "Document") { Mode = PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.NewWindow }; } else if (catran.OrigModule == GL.BatchModule.CA) { if (catran.OrigTranType == CATranType.CADeposit || catran.OrigTranType == CATranType.CAVoidDeposit) { CADepositEntry graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <CADepositEntry>(); graph.Clear(); if (sender != null) { sender.IsDirty = false; } graph.Document.Current = PXSelect <CADeposit, Where <CADeposit.tranType, Equal <Required <CADeposit.tranType> >, And <CADeposit.refNbr, Equal <Required <CADeposit.refNbr> > > > > .Select(graph, catran.OrigTranType, catran.OrigRefNbr); throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, true, "Document") { Mode = PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.NewWindow }; } else { CashTransferEntry graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <CashTransferEntry>(); graph.Clear(); if (sender != null) { sender.IsDirty = false; } graph.Transfer.Current = PXSelect <CATransfer, Where <CATransfer.tranIDOut, Equal <Required <CATransfer.tranIDOut> >, Or <CATransfer.tranIDIn, Equal <Required <CATransfer.tranIDIn> > > > > .Select(graph, catran.TranID, catran.TranID); throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, true, "Document") { Mode = PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.NewWindow }; } } }
protected virtual void PrintPayments(List <APPayment> list, PrintChecksFilter filter, PaymentMethod paymenttype) { if (list.Count == 0) { return; } bool printAdditionRemit = false; if (paymenttype.APCreateBatchPayment == true) { CABatch batch = CreateBatchPayment(list, filter); if (batch != null) { bool failed = false; APPaymentEntry pe = PXGraph.CreateInstance <APPaymentEntry>(); string NextCheckNbr = filter.NextCheckNbr; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { try { AssignNumbers(pe, list[i], ref NextCheckNbr, true); if (list[i].Passed == true) { pe.TimeStamp = list[i].tstamp; } pe.Save.Press(); list[i].tstamp = pe.TimeStamp; pe.Clear(); APPayment seldoc = (APPayment)pe.Document.Search <APPayment.refNbr>(list[i].RefNbr, list[i].DocType); printAdditionRemit = seldoc.BillCntr > paymenttype.APStubLines; } catch (Exception e) { PXProcessing <APPayment> .SetError(i, e); failed = true; } } if (failed) { throw new PXOperationCompletedException(Messages.APPaymentsAreAddedToTheBatchButWasNotUpdatedCorrectly, batch.BatchNbr); } else { RedirectToResultWithCreateBatch(batch); } } } else { APReleaseChecks pp = PXGraph.CreateInstance <APReleaseChecks>(); ReleaseChecksFilter filter_copy = PXCache <ReleaseChecksFilter> .CreateCopy(pp.Filter.Current); filter_copy.PayAccountID = filter.PayAccountID; filter_copy.PayTypeID = filter.PayTypeID; filter_copy.CuryID = filter.CuryID; pp.Filter.Cache.Update(filter_copy); APPaymentEntry pe = PXGraph.CreateInstance <APPaymentEntry>(); bool failed = false; List <APPayment> paylist = new List <APPayment>(list.Count); Dictionary <string, string> d = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string NextCheckNbr = null; if (filter != null) { NextCheckNbr = filter.NextCheckNbr; } int idxReportFilter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { try { AssignNumbers(pe, list[i], ref NextCheckNbr); if (list[i].Passed == true) { pe.TimeStamp = list[i].tstamp; } pe.Save.Press(); list[i].tstamp = pe.TimeStamp; pe.Clear(); APPayment seldoc = (APPayment)pe.Document.Search <APPayment.refNbr>(list[i].RefNbr, list[i].DocType); seldoc.Selected = true; seldoc.Passed = true; seldoc.tstamp = list[i].tstamp; pp.APPaymentList.Cache.Update(seldoc); pp.APPaymentList.Cache.SetStatus(seldoc, PXEntryStatus.Updated); printAdditionRemit = seldoc.BillCntr > paymenttype.APStubLines; StringBuilder sbDocType = new StringBuilder("APPayment.DocType"); sbDocType.Append(Convert.ToString(idxReportFilter)); StringBuilder sbRefNbr = new StringBuilder("APPayment.RefNbr"); sbRefNbr.Append(Convert.ToString(idxReportFilter)); idxReportFilter++; d[sbDocType.ToString()] = list[i].DocType == APDocType.QuickCheck ? APDocType.QuickCheck : APDocType.Check; d[sbRefNbr.ToString()] = list[i].RefNbr; } catch (Exception e) { PXProcessing <APPayment> .SetError(i, e); failed = true; } } if (failed) { if (d.Count > 0) { d[ReportMessages.CheckReportFlag] = ReportMessages.CheckReportFlagValue; var requiredException = new PXReportRequiredException(d, paymenttype.APCheckReportID, PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.New, "Check"); throw new PXException(GL.Messages.DocumentsNotReleased, requiredException); } throw new PXOperationCompletedException(GL.Messages.DocumentsNotReleased); } else { if (d.Count > 0) { RedirectToResultNoBatch(pp, d, paymenttype, printAdditionRemit, NextCheckNbr); } } } }
public static void AssignNumbers(APPaymentEntry pe, APPayment doc, ref string NextCheckNbr, bool skipStubs) { pe.RowPersisting.RemoveHandler <APAdjust>(pe.APAdjust_RowPersisting); pe.Clear(PXClearOption.PreserveTimeStamp); pe.Document.Current = (APPayment)pe.Document.Search <APPayment.refNbr>(doc.RefNbr, doc.DocType); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(NextCheckNbr) == false) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pe.Document.Current.ExtRefNbr)) { pe.Document.Current.StubCntr = 1; pe.Document.Current.BillCntr = 0; pe.Document.Current.ExtRefNbr = NextCheckNbr; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(NextCheckNbr)) { throw new PXException(Messages.NextCheckNumberIsRequiredForProcessing); } if (pe.Document.Current.DocType == APDocType.QuickCheck && pe.Document.Current.CuryOrigDocAmt <= 0m) { throw new PXException(Messages.ZeroCheck_CannotPrint); } if (!skipStubs) { short j = 0; foreach (PXResult <APAdjust> res in pe.Adjustments_print.Select()) { pe.Document.Current.BillCntr++; APAdjust adj = (APAdjust)res; PaymentMethod pt = pe.paymenttype.Select(); PaymentMethodAccount det = pe.cashaccountdetail.Select(); if (j > pt.APStubLines - 1) { //AssignCheckNumber only for first StubLines in check, other/all lines will be printed on remittance report if (pt.APPrintRemittance == true) { adj.StubNbr = null; pe.Adjustments.Cache.Update(adj); continue; } NextCheckNbr = AutoNumberAttribute.NextNumber(NextCheckNbr); pe.Document.Current.StubCntr++; j = 0; } adj.StubNbr = NextCheckNbr; pe.Adjustments.Cache.Update(adj); det.APLastRefNbr = NextCheckNbr; pe.cashaccountdetail.Update(det); j++; } } NextCheckNbr = AutoNumberAttribute.NextNumber(NextCheckNbr); pe.Document.Current.Printed = true; pe.Document.Current.Hold = false; pe.Document.Current.UpdateNextNumber = true; pe.Document.Update(pe.Document.Current); } else { if (pe.Document.Current.Printed != true || pe.Document.Current.Hold != false) { pe.Document.Current.Printed = true; pe.Document.Current.Hold = false; pe.Document.Update(pe.Document.Current); } } } else { PaymentMethod method = pe.paymenttype.Select(); PaymentMethodAccount det = pe.cashaccountdetail.Select(); //if (method != null && (method.PrintOrExport == false || det.APAutoNextNbr == true)) { if (pe.Document.Current.DocType == APDocType.QuickCheck && pe.Document.Current.CuryOrigDocAmt <= 0m) { throw new PXException(Messages.ZeroCheck_CannotPrint); } pe.Document.Current.StubCntr = 1; pe.Document.Current.BillCntr = 0; pe.Document.Current.ExtRefNbr = doc.ExtRefNbr; if (!skipStubs) { foreach (PXResult <APAdjust> res in pe.Adjustments_print.Select()) { pe.Document.Current.BillCntr++; APAdjust adj = (APAdjust)res; adj.StubNbr = doc.ExtRefNbr; pe.Adjustments.Cache.Update(adj); } } pe.Document.Current.Printed = true; pe.Document.Current.Hold = false; pe.Document.Update(pe.Document.Current); } } }