public void Set(AMJ.OtherUpgrade upgrade) { _type = Type.Other; otherUpgrade = upgrade; switch (upgrade) { case AMJ.OtherUpgrade.GameTime: title.text = "Game Time"; text.text = "Add 30 seconds to the play time per player"; break; case AMJ.OtherUpgrade.PointEarned: title.text = "Point earned"; text.text = "Every player after you will be able to get more point"; break; case AMJ.OtherUpgrade.Shield: title.text = "Shield"; text.text = "Adds a shield"; break; } }
static public void SetUpgradeCards(AMJ.GunUpgrade gunCard, AMJ.SwordUpgrade swordCard, AMJ.OtherUpgrade otherCard) { CharacterController.Instance.menuChoice.SetActive(true); instance = CharacterController.Instance.menuChoice.GetComponent <ChoiceMenu>(); instance.timeOpen = Time.unscaledTime;[0].Set(gunCard);[1].Set(swordCard);[2].Set(otherCard); }