public EndMenu(globals gIn) { g = gIn; mainMenu = new Rectangle(18+30, 334, 28, 122); timeLoc = new Vector2(395,65-30); deathsLoc = new Vector2(395, 95-30); scoreLoc = new Vector2(395,125-30); }
public PauseMenu(globals gIn) { g = gIn; mainMenu = new Rectangle(156, 119, 28, 122); reset = new Rectangle(124, 119, 28, 122); ret = new Rectangle(92, 119, 28, 122); timeLoc = new Vector2(360,95); deathsLoc = new Vector2(360, 125); scoreLoc = new Vector2(360,155); }
public TiltMain() { g = new globals(); g.gravity = Direction.right;//what side is up. ->Don't start a room unless the direction matches that of the player. graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this) { PreferredBackBufferWidth = 480, PreferredBackBufferHeight = 272 }; IAsyncResult r = Guide.BeginShowStorageDeviceSelector(null, null); while (!r.IsCompleted) { } storageDevice = Guide.EndShowStorageDeviceSelector(r); // Frame rate is 30 fps by default for Zune. TargetElapsedTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 / 30.0); }
public Player(String path, globals gIn) { initAnimSet(path); playerLoc = new double[2]; int[] tempLoc; tempLoc =; playerLoc[0] = 30*tempLoc[0] + 15; playerLoc[1] = 30*tempLoc[1] + 12; frameTime = 2; touchSpeed = 3; accel = 0.3; //starts as if its right(generic start) hDirect = 0; vDirect = 1; hPos = 1; vPos = 1; turnArrowSrcRect = new Rectangle(0,0,55,49); turnArrowDestRect = new Rectangle(240, 135, 55, 49);//needs changing(x,y) turnArrowDirection = false; turnArrowOrigin = new Vector2(28, 25); turnArrowRot = 0.0f; turnArrowShow = false; grounded = true; ceiling = false; dither = false; inDither = false; playerMode = new playerModeInfo(); playerMode.animFrame = 0; playerMode.direction = false; playerMode.go = false; playerMode.playerAnim = animMode.stand; touchID = 0; gameTimer = new Counter(0, new Vector2(0, -15)); deathCounter = new Counter(0, new Vector2(0, -15)); g = gIn; }
public Map(string path, MapParser inputParams, globals gIn) { currentRoom = 0; //roomMax = 0; tileSetName = inputParams.backgroundName; numberOfRooms = inputParams.numberOfRooms; tileKey = inputParams.tileKey; lastRoom = inputParams.lastRoom; collisionKey = inputParams.collisionKey; colsPerRow = inputParams.colsPerRow; roomX = inputParams.roomX; roomY = inputParams.roomY; rooms = new List<Room>(); for (int roomNo = 0; roomNo < numberOfRooms; roomNo++) { rooms.Add(new Room(inputParams.roomData[roomNo])); rooms[roomNo].init(collisionKey); } g = gIn; }
public Menu(globals gIn) { buttons = new List<Button>(); g = gIn; }
public InstructionsMenu(globals gIn) { g = gIn; mainMenu = new Rectangle(18, 334, 28, 122); }