Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an event to an array. If the array is full it is posted to the parent and a new array is created
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void AddToCurrentArray(NodeLoggingEvent e)
            eventArray[current] = e;

            if (current == eventArrayChunkSize)
                eventArray = new NodeLoggingEvent[eventArrayChunkSize];
                current    = 0;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This function logs out all the messages currently posted to the queue. The active queue is swapped
        /// with the secondary queue to enable posting of messages while this function is running
        /// </summary>
        override internal bool ProcessPostedLoggingEvents()
            bool processedEvents = false;

            lastFlushTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            // Process all the events posted with a logger Id
            NodeLoggingEvent nodeLoggingEvent = null;

            // We may get a single event for multiple messages
            while ((nodeLoggingEvent = loggingQueueOfNodeEvents.Dequeue()) != null)
                int loggerId = nodeLoggingEvent.LoggerId;
                if (loggerId != ALL_PRIVATE_EVENTSOURCES)
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(eventSources.ContainsKey(loggerId), "Logger Id should be registered");
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(loggerId != LOCAL_FORWARDING_EVENTSOURCE, "Should not use FWD loggers");
                    // Post event to all central loggers
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, EventSource> eventSource in eventSources)
                        if (eventSource.Key >= FIRST_AVAILABLE_LOGGERID)
                processedEvents = true;

            // Process all the events in that have been already posted
            BuildEventArgs buildEventArgs = null;

            // We may get a single event for multiple messages
            while ((buildEventArgs = loggingQueueOfBuildEvents.Dequeue()) != null)
                processedEvents = true;

            requestedQueueFlush = false;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The out of proc logging service is concerned with flushing the events out to the node provider
        /// to be sent to the parent engine. Events which are not marked with a logger id end up being wrapped
        /// in a NodeLoggingEvent which was a default loggerId of 0. All events posted as BuildEventArgs fall
        /// into this category. Events with a loggerId need be posted as NodeLoggerEventWithLoggerId objects.
        /// This function is thread safe and is called both from the engine thread and communication threads to
        /// ensure that the events are delivered in coherent order.
        /// </summary>
        override internal bool ProcessPostedLoggingEvents()
            lock (loggingQueueReadLock)
                bool processedEvents = false;

                lastFlushTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

                // We use a local array to hold the items that will be dequeueed. We can't reuse the queues because
                // we give up the control of the data structure once we pass it to the node provider and we also need to maintain
                // order between buildEventArgs and nodeLoggingEvent.
                current = 0;

                // Process all the events in that have been already posted
                BuildEventArgs buildEventArgs = null;

                // Grab all the event args out of the queue
                while ((buildEventArgs = loggingQueueOfBuildEvents.Dequeue()) != null)
                    AddToCurrentArray(new NodeLoggingEvent(buildEventArgs));
                    processedEvents = true;

                // Grab all the forwarded events
                NodeLoggingEvent nodeLoggingEvent = null;
                while ((nodeLoggingEvent = loggingQueueOfNodeEvents.Dequeue()) != null)
                    processedEvents = true;

                // If there are event - post them to the parent
                if (current != 0)
                    NodeLoggingEvent [] trimmedEventArray = new NodeLoggingEvent[current];
                    Array.Copy(eventArray, trimmedEventArray, current);
                    current = 0;
                requestedQueueFlush = false;

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to add a logging event to the posting queue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        internal void PostLoggingEvent(NodeLoggingEvent e)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(e, "e");

            if (paused)
                // Throw out the event

            // queue the event

            if (!requestedQueueFlush && loggingQueueOfNodeEvents.WritingQueueCount > flushQueueSize)
                requestedQueueFlush = true;
Пример #5
        internal void CreateFromStream(BinaryReader reader, Hashtable loggingTypeCache)

            int numberOfNodeEvents = reader.ReadInt32();

            buildEvents = new NodeLoggingEvent[numberOfNodeEvents];

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNodeEvents; i++)
                NodeLoggingEvent e = null;
                if (reader.ReadByte() == 0)
                    e = new NodeLoggingEvent();
                    e = new NodeLoggingEventWithLoggerId();
                e.CreateFromStream(reader, loggingTypeCache);
                buildEvents[i] = e;