Пример #1
 public void setUp()
     NS = new  XMLNamespaces();
       if (NS == null);
Пример #2
 public void test_SpeciesReference_createWithNS()
     XMLNamespaces xmlns = new  XMLNamespaces();
       xmlns.add( "http://www.sbml.org", "testsbml");
       SBMLNamespaces sbmlns = new  SBMLNamespaces(2,1);
       SpeciesReference object1 = new  SpeciesReference(sbmlns);
       assertTrue( object1.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_SPECIES_REFERENCE );
       assertTrue( object1.getMetaId() == "" );
       assertTrue( object1.getNotes() == null );
       assertTrue( object1.getAnnotation() == null );
       assertTrue( object1.getLevel() == 2 );
       assertTrue( object1.getVersion() == 1 );
       assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces() != null );
       assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces().getLength() == 2 );
       object1 = null;
Пример #3
 public void test_Parameter_createWithNS()
     XMLNamespaces xmlns = new  XMLNamespaces();
       xmlns.add( "http://www.sbml.org", "testsbml");
       SBMLNamespaces sbmlns = new  SBMLNamespaces(2,1);
       Parameter object1 = new  Parameter(sbmlns);
       assertTrue( object1.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_PARAMETER );
       assertTrue( object1.getMetaId() == "" );
       assertTrue( object1.getNotes() == null );
       assertTrue( object1.getAnnotation() == null );
       assertTrue( object1.getLevel() == 2 );
       assertTrue( object1.getVersion() == 1 );
       assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces() != null );
       assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces().getLength() == 2 );
       object1 = null;
Пример #4
 public void test_EventAssignment_createWithNS()
     XMLNamespaces xmlns = new  XMLNamespaces();
       xmlns.add( "http://www.sbml.org", "testsbml");
       SBMLNamespaces sbmlns = new  SBMLNamespaces(2,1);
       EventAssignment object1 = new  EventAssignment(sbmlns);
       assertTrue( object1.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_EVENT_ASSIGNMENT );
       assertTrue( object1.getMetaId() == "" );
       assertTrue( object1.getNotes() == null );
       assertTrue( object1.getAnnotation() == null );
       assertTrue( object1.getLevel() == 2 );
       assertTrue( object1.getVersion() == 1 );
       assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces() != null );
       assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces().getLength() == 2 );
       object1 = null;
Пример #5
 public void test_StoichiometryMath_createWithNS()
     XMLNamespaces xmlns = new  XMLNamespaces();
       xmlns.add( "http://www.sbml.org", "testsbml");
       SBMLNamespaces sbmlns = new  SBMLNamespaces(2,1);
       StoichiometryMath object1 = new  StoichiometryMath(sbmlns);
       assertTrue( object1.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_STOICHIOMETRY_MATH );
       assertTrue( object1.getMetaId() == "" );
       assertTrue( object1.getNotes() == null );
       assertTrue( object1.getAnnotation() == null );
       assertTrue( object1.getLevel() == 2 );
       assertTrue( object1.getVersion() == 1 );
       assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces() != null );
       assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces().getLength() == 2 );
       object1 = null;
Пример #6
 public void test_RateRule_createWithNS()
     XMLNamespaces xmlns = new  XMLNamespaces();
       xmlns.add( "http://www.sbml.org", "testsbml");
       SBMLNamespaces sbmlns = new  SBMLNamespaces(2,1);
       Rule object1 = new  RateRule(sbmlns);
       assertTrue( object1.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_RATE_RULE );
       assertTrue( object1.getMetaId() == "" );
       assertTrue( object1.getNotes() == null );
       assertTrue( object1.getAnnotation() == null );
       assertTrue( object1.getLevel() == 2 );
       assertTrue( object1.getVersion() == 1 );
       assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces() != null );
       assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces().getLength() == 2 );
       object1 = null;
Пример #7
 public void test_CompartmentType_createWithNS()
     XMLNamespaces xmlns = new  XMLNamespaces();
       xmlns.add( "http://www.sbml.org", "testsbml");
       SBMLNamespaces sbmlns = new  SBMLNamespaces(2,2);
       CompartmentType object1 = new  CompartmentType(sbmlns);
       assertTrue( object1.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_COMPARTMENT_TYPE );
       assertTrue( object1.getMetaId() == "" );
       assertTrue( object1.getNotes() == null );
       assertTrue( object1.getAnnotation() == null );
       assertTrue( object1.getLevel() == 2 );
       assertTrue( object1.getVersion() == 2 );
       assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces() != null );
       assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces().getLength() == 2 );
       object1 = null;
Пример #8
 public void test_SyntaxChecker_validXHTML()
     XMLToken token;
       XMLNode node;
       XMLTriple triple = new  XMLTriple("p", "", "");
       XMLAttributes att = new  XMLAttributes();
       XMLNamespaces ns = new  XMLNamespaces();
       ns.add( "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "");
       XMLToken tt = new  XMLToken("This is my text");
       XMLNode n1 = new XMLNode(tt);
       token = new  XMLToken(triple,att,ns);
       node = new XMLNode(token);
       assertTrue( SyntaxChecker.hasExpectedXHTMLSyntax(node,null) == false );
       triple = new  XMLTriple("html", "", "");
       token = new  XMLToken(triple,att,ns);
       node = new XMLNode(token);
       assertTrue( SyntaxChecker.hasExpectedXHTMLSyntax(node,null) == false );
Пример #9
 public void test_L3_Event_createWithNS()
     XMLNamespaces xmlns = new  XMLNamespaces();
       xmlns.add( "http://www.sbml.org", "testsbml");
       SBMLNamespaces sbmlns = new  SBMLNamespaces(3,1);
       Event e = new  Event(sbmlns);
       assertTrue( e.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_EVENT );
       assertTrue( e.getMetaId() == "" );
       assertTrue( e.getNotes() == null );
       assertTrue( e.getAnnotation() == null );
       assertTrue( e.getLevel() == 3 );
       assertTrue( e.getVersion() == 1 );
       assertTrue( e.getNamespaces() != null );
       assertTrue( e.getNamespaces().getLength() == 2 );
       assertTrue( e.getId() == "" );
       assertTrue( e.getName() == "" );
       assertTrue( e.getUseValuesFromTriggerTime() == true );
       assertEquals( false, e.isSetId() );
       assertEquals( false, e.isSetName() );
       assertEquals( false, e.isSetUseValuesFromTriggerTime() );
       e = null;
Пример #10
 XMLNode(XMLTriple triple, XMLAttributes attributes, XMLNamespaces namespaces) : this(libsbmlPINVOKE.new_XMLNode__SWIG_4(XMLTriple.getCPtr(triple), XMLAttributes.getCPtr(attributes), XMLNamespaces.getCPtr(namespaces)), true)
     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Пример #11
    * Adds the package's Level 2 namespace(s).
    * @ifnot clike @internal @endif
  * This method is related to special facilities designed to support
  * legacy behaviors surrounding SBML Level 2 models.  Due to the
  * historical background of the SBML %Layout package, libSBML implements
  * special behavior for that package: it @em always creates a %Layout
  * plugin object for any SBML Level 2 document it reads in,
  * regardless of whether that document actually uses %Layout constructs.
  * Since Level 2 does not use namespaces on the top level of the
  * SBML document object, libSBML simply keys off the fact that the model
  * is a Level 2 model.  To allow the extensions for the %Layout and
  * %Render (and possibly other) packages to support this behavior, the
  * SBMLExtension class contains special methods to allow packages to
  * hook themselves into the Level 2 parsing apparatus when necessary.
  * @if clike
  * This virtual method should be overridden by all package extensions
  * that want to serialize to an SBML Level 2 annotation.  In
  * Level 2, the XML namespace declaration for the package is not
  * placed on the top-level SBML document object but rather inside
  * individual annotations.  addL2Namespaces() is invoked automatically
  * for Level 2 documents when an SBMLExtensionNamespace object is
  * created; removeL2Namespaces() is automatically invoked by
  * SBMLDocument to prevent the namespace(s) from being put on the
  * top-level SBML Level 2 element (because Level 2 doesn't
  * support namespaces there); and enableL2NamespaceForDocument() is
  * called automatically when any SBML document (of any Level/Version) is
  * read in.
  * @endif
    * @param xmlns an XMLNamespaces object that will be used for the annotation.
    * Implementation should override this method with something that adds
    * the package's namespace(s) to the set of namespaces in @p xmlns.  For
    * instance, here is the code from the %Layout package extension:
    * @code{.cpp}
 if (!xmlns->containsUri( LayoutExtension::getXmlnsL2()))
   xmlns->add(LayoutExtension::getXmlnsL2(), 'layout');
 public new void addL2Namespaces(XMLNamespaces xmlns)
     libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLExtension_addL2Namespaces(swigCPtr, XMLNamespaces.getCPtr(xmlns));
Пример #12
 public void test_SBase_appendNotes()
     XMLToken token;
       XMLNode node;
       XMLToken token1;
       XMLNode node1;
       XMLNode node2;
       XMLTriple triple = new  XMLTriple("p", "", "");
       XMLAttributes att = new  XMLAttributes();
       XMLNamespaces ns = new  XMLNamespaces();
       ns.add( "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "");
       XMLToken token4 = new  XMLToken("This is my text");
       XMLNode node4 = new XMLNode(token4);
       XMLToken token5 = new  XMLToken("This is additional text");
       XMLNode node5 = new XMLNode(token5);
       token = new  XMLToken(triple,att,ns);
       node = new XMLNode(token);
       assertTrue( S.isSetNotes() == true );
       token1 = new  XMLToken(triple,att,ns);
       node1 = new XMLNode(token1);
       assertTrue( S.isSetNotes() == true );
       node2 = S.getNotes();
       assertTrue( node2.getNumChildren() == 2 );
       assertTrue((  "p" == node2.getChild(0).getName() ));
       assertTrue( node2.getChild(0).getNumChildren() == 1 );
       assertTrue((  "p" == node2.getChild(1).getName() ));
       assertTrue( node2.getChild(1).getNumChildren() == 1 );
       string chars1 = node2.getChild(0).getChild(0).getCharacters();
       string chars2 = node2.getChild(1).getChild(0).getCharacters();
       assertTrue((  "This is my text" == chars1 ));
       assertTrue((  "This is additional text" == chars2 ));
       node = null;
       node1 = null;
Пример #13
 public void test_L3_Species_createWithNS()
     XMLNamespaces xmlns = new  XMLNamespaces();
       xmlns.add( "http://www.sbml.org", "testsbml");
       SBMLNamespaces sbmlns = new  SBMLNamespaces(3,1);
       Species s = new  Species(sbmlns);
       assertTrue( s.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_SPECIES );
       assertTrue( s.getMetaId() == "" );
       assertTrue( s.getNotes() == null );
       assertTrue( s.getAnnotation() == null );
       assertTrue( s.getLevel() == 3 );
       assertTrue( s.getVersion() == 1 );
       assertTrue( s.getNamespaces() != null );
       assertTrue( s.getNamespaces().getLength() == 2 );
       assertTrue( s.getId() == "" );
       assertTrue( s.getName() == "" );
       assertTrue( s.getCompartment() == "" );
       assertEquals( true, isnan(s.getInitialAmount()) );
       assertEquals( true, isnan(s.getInitialConcentration()) );
       assertTrue( s.getSubstanceUnits() == "" );
       assertTrue( s.getHasOnlySubstanceUnits() == false );
       assertTrue( s.getBoundaryCondition() == false );
       assertTrue( s.getConstant() == false );
       assertTrue( s.getConversionFactor() == "" );
       assertEquals( false, s.isSetId() );
       assertEquals( false, s.isSetName() );
       assertEquals( false, s.isSetCompartment() );
       assertEquals( false, s.isSetInitialAmount() );
       assertEquals( false, s.isSetInitialConcentration() );
       assertEquals( false, s.isSetSubstanceUnits() );
       assertEquals( false, s.isSetHasOnlySubstanceUnits() );
       assertEquals( false, s.isSetBoundaryCondition() );
       assertEquals( false, s.isSetConstant() );
       assertEquals( false, s.isSetConversionFactor() );
       s = null;
Пример #14
    * Copy constructor; creates a copy of this XMLNamespaces list.
    * @param orig the XMLNamespaces object to copy
 public XMLNamespaces(XMLNamespaces orig)
     : this(libsbmlPINVOKE.new_XMLNamespaces__SWIG_1(XMLNamespaces.getCPtr(orig)), true)
     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
 void addL2Namespaces(XMLNamespaces xmlns)
     libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLExtension_addL2Namespaces(swigCPtr, XMLNamespaces.getCPtr(xmlns));
Пример #16
    * Sets the namespaces relevant of this SBML object.
    * The content of @p xmlns is copied, and this object's existing
    * namespace content is deleted.
    * The SBMLNamespaces object encapsulates SBML Level/Version/namespaces
    * information.  It is used to communicate the SBML Level, Version, and
    * (in Level 3) packages used in addition to SBML Level 3 Core.
    * @param xmlns the namespaces to set
  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
  * returned by this function are:
 public int setNamespaces(XMLNamespaces xmlns)
     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.SBase_setNamespaces(swigCPtr, XMLNamespaces.getCPtr(xmlns));
     return ret;
Пример #17
 public void test_XMLToken_newSetters_setNamespaces2()
     XMLTriple triple = new  XMLTriple("test","","");
       XMLToken token = new  XMLToken(triple);
       XMLNamespaces ns = new  XMLNamespaces();
       assertTrue( token.getNamespacesLength() == 0 );
       assertTrue( token.isNamespacesEmpty() == true );
       ns.add( "http://test1.org/", "test1");
       int i = token.setNamespaces(ns);
       assertTrue( i == libsbml.LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION );
       assertTrue( token.getNamespacesLength() == 0 );
       assertTrue( token.isNamespacesEmpty() == true );
       triple = null;
       token = null;
       ns = null;
Пример #18
        static XMLNode convertStringToXMLNode(string xmlstr, XMLNamespaces xmlns)
            IntPtr  cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.XMLNode_convertStringToXMLNode__SWIG_0(xmlstr, XMLNamespaces.getCPtr(xmlns));
            XMLNode ret  = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new XMLNode(cPtr, true);

Пример #19
 internal static HandleRef getCPtr(XMLNamespaces obj)
     return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
Пример #20
        int addPkgNamespaces(XMLNamespaces xmlns)
            int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLNamespaces_addPkgNamespaces(swigCPtr, XMLNamespaces.getCPtr(xmlns));

Пример #21
 public void test_WriteSBML_Constraint_full()
       string expected = "<constraint sboTerm=\"SBO:0000064\">\n" +
     "  <math xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML\">\n" +
     "    <apply>\n" +
     "      <leq/>\n" +
     "      <ci> P1 </ci>\n" +
     "      <ci> t </ci>\n" +
     "    </apply>\n" +
     "  </math>\n" +
     "  <message>\n" +
     "    <p xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"> Species P1 is out of range </p>\n" +
     "  </message>\n" +
       Constraint c = D.createModel().createConstraint();
       ASTNode node = libsbml.parseFormula("leq(P1,t)");
       XMLNode text = XMLNode.convertStringToXMLNode(" Species P1 is out of range ");
       XMLTriple triple = new XMLTriple("p", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "");
       XMLAttributes att = new XMLAttributes();
       XMLNamespaces xmlns = new XMLNamespaces();
       XMLNode p = new XMLNode(triple,att,xmlns);
       XMLTriple triple1 = new XMLTriple("message", "", "");
       XMLAttributes att1 = new XMLAttributes();
       XMLNode message = new XMLNode(triple1,att1);
       assertEquals( true, equals(expected,c.toSBML()) );
Пример #22
    * Creates a new start element XMLNode with the given set of attributes and
    * namespace declarations.
    * @param triple XMLTriple.
    * @param attributes XMLAttributes, the attributes to set.
    * @param namespaces XMLNamespaces, the namespaces to set.
    * @param line a long integer, the line number (default = 0).
    * @param column a long integer, the column number (default = 0).
    * @ifnot hasDefaultArgs @htmlinclude warn-default-args-in-docs.html @endif
 public XMLNode(XMLTriple triple, XMLAttributes attributes, XMLNamespaces namespaces, long line, long column)
     : this(libsbmlPINVOKE.new_XMLNode__SWIG_2(XMLTriple.getCPtr(triple), XMLAttributes.getCPtr(attributes), XMLNamespaces.getCPtr(namespaces), line, column), true)
     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Пример #23
        internal static HandleRef getCPtrAndDisown(XMLNamespaces obj)
            HandleRef ptr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);

            if (obj != null)
            ptr             = obj.swigCPtr;
            obj.swigCMemOwn = false;

            return ptr;
Пример #24
    * Returns an XMLNode which is derived from a string containing XML
    * content.
    * The XML namespace must be defined using argument @p xmlns if the
    * corresponding XML namespace attribute is not part of the string of the
    * first argument.
    * @param xmlstr string to be converted to a XML node.
    * @param xmlns XMLNamespaces the namespaces to set (default value is @c null).
    * @note The caller owns the returned XMLNode and is reponsible for
    * deleting it.  The returned XMLNode object is a dummy root (container)
    * XMLNode if the top-level element in the given XML string is NOT
    * <code>&lt;html&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;body&gt;</code>,
    * <code>&lt;annotation&gt;</code>, or <code>&lt;notes&gt;</code>.  In
    * the dummy root node, each top-level element in the given XML string is
    * contained as a child XMLNode. XMLToken::isEOF() can be used to
    * identify if the returned XMLNode object is a dummy node.
    * @return a XMLNode which is converted from string @p xmlstr.  If the
    * conversion failed, this method returns @c null.
    * @ifnot hasDefaultArgs @htmlinclude warn-default-args-in-docs.html @endif
 public static XMLNode convertStringToXMLNode(string xmlstr, XMLNamespaces xmlns)
     IntPtr cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.XMLNode_convertStringToXMLNode__SWIG_0(xmlstr, XMLNamespaces.getCPtr(xmlns));
     XMLNode ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new XMLNode(cPtr, true);
     return ret;
Пример #25
 public void test_FunctionDefinition_createWithNS()
     XMLNamespaces xmlns = new  XMLNamespaces();
       xmlns.add( "http://www.sbml.org", "testsbml");
       SBMLNamespaces sbmlns = new  SBMLNamespaces(2,1);
       FunctionDefinition object1 = new  FunctionDefinition(sbmlns);
       assertTrue( object1.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_FUNCTION_DEFINITION );
       assertTrue( object1.getMetaId() == "" );
       assertTrue( object1.getNotes() == null );
       assertTrue( object1.getAnnotation() == null );
       assertTrue( object1.getLevel() == 2 );
       assertTrue( object1.getVersion() == 1 );
       assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces() != null );
       assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces().getLength() == 2 );
       object1 = null;
Пример #26
 public void test_L3_Unit_createWithNS()
     XMLNamespaces xmlns = new  XMLNamespaces();
       xmlns.add( "http://www.sbml.org", "testsbml");
       SBMLNamespaces sbmlns = new  SBMLNamespaces(3,1);
       Unit u = new  Unit(sbmlns);
       assertTrue( u.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_UNIT );
       assertTrue( u.getMetaId() == "" );
       assertTrue( u.getNotes() == null );
       assertTrue( u.getAnnotation() == null );
       assertTrue( u.getLevel() == 3 );
       assertTrue( u.getVersion() == 1 );
       assertTrue( u.getNamespaces() != null );
       assertTrue( u.getNamespaces().getLength() == 2 );
       assertTrue( u.getKind() == libsbml.UNIT_KIND_INVALID );
       assertEquals( true, isnan(u.getExponentAsDouble()) );
       assertEquals( true, isnan(u.getMultiplier()) );
       assertEquals( false, u.isSetKind() );
       assertEquals( false, u.isSetExponent() );
       assertEquals( false, u.isSetMultiplier() );
       assertEquals( false, u.isSetScale() );
       u = null;
Пример #27
 public void test_NS_copyConstructor()
     XMLNamespaces ns = new XMLNamespaces();
       ns.add("http://test1.org/", "test1");
       assertTrue( ns.getLength() == 1 );
       assertTrue( ns.isEmpty() == false );
       assertTrue( ns.getPrefix(0) ==  "test1" );
       assertTrue( ns.getURI("test1") ==  "http://test1.org/" );
       XMLNamespaces ns2 = new XMLNamespaces(ns);
       assertTrue( ns2.getLength() == 1 );
       assertTrue( ns2.isEmpty() == false );
       assertTrue( ns2.getPrefix(0) ==  "test1" );
       assertTrue( ns2.getURI("test1") ==  "http://test1.org/" );
       ns2 = null;
       ns = null;
Пример #28
    * Returns the XML namespaces declared for this token.
    * @return the XML namespace declarations for this XML element.
 public XMLNamespaces getNamespaces()
     XMLNamespaces ret = new XMLNamespaces(libsbmlPINVOKE.XMLToken_getNamespaces(swigCPtr), false);
     return ret;
Пример #29
    * Add the XML namespaces of package extensions in the given XMLNamespace
    * object to the set of namespaces within this SBMLNamespaces object.
    * Non-package XML namespaces are not added by this function.
    * @param xmlns the XML namespaces to be added.
    * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
    * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
    * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
    * returned by this function are:
    * @note XML namespaces of a non-registered package extensions are not
    * added (just ignored) by this function. @link libsbmlcs#LIBSBML_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE LIBSBML_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE@endlink will be returned if the given
    * xmlns is null.
 /* libsbml-internal */
 public int addPkgNamespaces(XMLNamespaces xmlns)
     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLNamespaces_addPkgNamespaces(swigCPtr, XMLNamespaces.getCPtr(xmlns));
     return ret;
Пример #30
    * Creates an XML start element with attributes and namespace declarations.
    * @param triple an XMLTriple object describing the start tag.
    * @param attributes XMLAttributes, the attributes to set on the element to
    * be created.
    * @param namespaces XMLNamespaces, the namespaces to set on the element to
    * be created.
    * @param line a long integer, the line number to associate with the
    * token (default = 0).
    * @param column a long integer, the column number to associate with the
    * token (default = 0).
    * @ifnot hasDefaultArgs @htmlinclude warn-default-args-in-docs.html @endif
 public XMLToken(XMLTriple triple, XMLAttributes attributes, XMLNamespaces namespaces)
     : this(libsbmlPINVOKE.new_XMLToken__SWIG_3(XMLTriple.getCPtr(triple), XMLAttributes.getCPtr(attributes), XMLNamespaces.getCPtr(namespaces)), true)
     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Пример #31
 public void test_SBase_appendNotes8()
     XMLAttributes att = new  XMLAttributes();
       XMLNamespaces ns = new  XMLNamespaces();
       ns.add( "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "");
       XMLTriple body_triple = new  XMLTriple("body", "", "");
       XMLTriple p_triple = new  XMLTriple("p", "", "");
       XMLToken body_token = new  XMLToken(body_triple,att,ns);
       XMLToken p_token = new  XMLToken(p_triple,att);
       XMLToken text_token = new  XMLToken("This is my text");
       XMLNode body_node = new XMLNode(body_token);
       XMLNode p_node = new XMLNode(p_token);
       XMLNode text_node = new XMLNode(text_token);
       XMLToken p_token1 = new  XMLToken(p_triple,att,ns);
       XMLToken text_token1 = new  XMLToken("This is more text");
       XMLNode p_node1 = new XMLNode(p_token1);
       XMLNode text_node1 = new XMLNode(text_token1);
       XMLNode notes;
       XMLNode child, child1;
       notes = S.getNotes();
       assertTrue((  "notes" == notes.getName() ));
       assertTrue( notes.getNumChildren() == 1 );
       child = notes.getChild(0);
       assertTrue((  "body" == child.getName() ));
       assertTrue( child.getNumChildren() == 2 );
       child1 = child.getChild(0);
       assertTrue((  "p" == child1.getName() ));
       assertTrue( child1.getNumChildren() == 1 );
       child1 = child1.getChild(0);
       assertTrue((  "This is my text" == child1.getCharacters() ));
       assertTrue( child1.getNumChildren() == 0 );
       child1 = child.getChild(1);
       assertTrue((  "p" == child1.getName() ));
       assertTrue( child1.getNumChildren() == 1 );
       child1 = child1.getChild(0);
       assertTrue((  "This is more text" == child1.getCharacters() ));
       assertTrue( child1.getNumChildren() == 0 );
       att = null;
       ns = null;
       body_triple = null;
       p_triple = null;
       body_token = null;
       p_token = null;
       text_token = null;
       text_token1 = null;
       p_token1 = null;
       body_node = null;
       p_node = null;
       text_node = null;
       p_node1 = null;
       text_node1 = null;
Пример #32
    * Sets the XML namespaces on this XML element.
  * This operation only makes sense for XML start elements.  This
  * method will return @link libsbml#LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION@endlink if this XMLToken object is not an XML start
  * element.
    * @param namespaces the XMLNamespaces object to be assigned to this XMLToken object.
  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
  * returned by this function are:
    * @note This function replaces any existing XMLNamespaces object on this
    * XMLToken object with the new one given by @p namespaces.
 public int setNamespaces(XMLNamespaces namespaces)
     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.XMLToken_setNamespaces(swigCPtr, XMLNamespaces.getCPtr(namespaces));
     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
     return ret;
Пример #33
    * Removes SBML Level&nbsp;2 namespaces from the namespace list.
    * @if clike
    * This will call all overridden
    * <code>SBMLExtension::removeL2Namespaces()</code> methods.
    * @endif
    * @param xmlns an XMLNamespaces object listing one or more namespaces
    * to be removed.
 public void removeL2Namespaces(XMLNamespaces xmlns)
     libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLExtensionRegistry_removeL2Namespaces(swigCPtr, XMLNamespaces.getCPtr(xmlns));
Пример #34
 public void test_L3_Compartment_createWithNS()
     XMLNamespaces xmlns = new  XMLNamespaces();
       xmlns.add( "http://www.sbml.org", "testsbml");
       SBMLNamespaces sbmlns = new  SBMLNamespaces(3,1);
       Compartment c = new  Compartment(sbmlns);
       assertTrue( c.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_COMPARTMENT );
       assertTrue( c.getMetaId() == "" );
       assertTrue( c.getNotes() == null );
       assertTrue( c.getAnnotation() == null );
       assertTrue( c.getLevel() == 3 );
       assertTrue( c.getVersion() == 1 );
       assertTrue( c.getNamespaces() != null );
       assertTrue( c.getNamespaces().getLength() == 2 );
       assertTrue( c.getId() == "" );
       assertTrue( c.getName() == "" );
       assertTrue( c.getUnits() == "" );
       assertTrue( c.getOutside() == "" );
       assertEquals( true, isnan(c.getSpatialDimensionsAsDouble()) );
       assertEquals( true, isnan(c.getVolume()) );
       assertTrue( c.getConstant() == true );
       assertEquals( false, c.isSetId() );
       assertEquals( false, c.isSetSpatialDimensions() );
       assertEquals( false, c.isSetName() );
       assertEquals( false, c.isSetSize() );
       assertEquals( false, c.isSetVolume() );
       assertEquals( false, c.isSetUnits() );
       assertEquals( false, c.isSetOutside() );
       assertEquals( false, c.isSetConstant() );
       c = null;