Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        ///  This guy names the section and establishes the codeview data needed for symbol handling
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sec"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CODEVIEW_HEADER ExtractCVDebug(MemSection sec)
            uint SizeData = 0, RawData = 0, PointerToRawData = 0;

            Extract Ext = sec.Module;
            long    VA  = sec.VA.Address;

            var _va   = VA + Ext.DebugDirPos;
            var block = GetVirtualByte(_va);

            var TimeDate2 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(block, 4);

            if (TimeDate2 != Ext.TimeStamp & Vtero.VerboseOutput)
                WriteColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow, "Unable to lock on to CV data.");

            SizeData         = BitConverter.ToUInt32(block, 16);
            RawData          = BitConverter.ToUInt32(block, 20);
            PointerToRawData = BitConverter.ToUInt32(block, 24);

            // Advance to the debug section where we may find the code view info
            _va = VA + RawData;
            var b2     = GetVirtualByte(_va);
            var bytes2 = new byte[16];
            var s2     = b2[0];

            Array.ConstrainedCopy(b2, 4, bytes2, 0, 16);
            var gid2 = new Guid(bytes2);
            // after GUID
            var age2 = b2[20];

            // char* at end
            var str2 = Encoding.Default.GetString(b2, 24, 32).Trim();
            var cv2  = new CODEVIEW_HEADER {
                VSize = (int)Ext.SizeOfImage, TimeDateStamp = TimeDate2, byteGuid = bytes2, Age = age2, aGuid = gid2, Sig = s2, PdbName = str2

            if (str2.Contains(".") && str2.Contains(".pdb"))
                sec.Name = str2.Substring(0, str2.IndexOf(".pdb") + 4).ToLower();
                sec.Name = str2.ToLower();
            sec.DebugDetails = cv2;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Prefer symbol loading.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp"></param>
        /// <param name="ext"></param>
        /// <param name="cv_data"></param>
        /// <param name="SymbolCache"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool GetKernelDebuggerData(DetectedProc dp, Extract ext, CODEVIEW_HEADER cv_data, string SymbolCache)
            DebugHelp.SYMBOL_INFO symInfo = new DebugHelp.SYMBOL_INFO();
            bool rv = false;
            bool GotData = false;

            // Locate and extract some data points

            symInfo.SizeOfStruct = 0x58;
            symInfo.MaxNameLen = 1024;
            rv = DebugHelp.SymFromName(hCurrentProcess, "KdpDataBlockEncoded", ref symInfo);
                WriteLine($"Symbol Find : {new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message }.");
                return rv;

            KernelProc = dp;

            // at this point we should return true if it's encoded or not
            rv = true;
            return rv;
            I'm leaving this in for now just to show the use of DecodePointer if needed since it could be uswed in a scenerio where symbols fail

            var KdpDataBlockEncoded = dp.GetByteValue(symInfo.Address);
            // Convention is to use *Address for addresses or the simple name is the value it is assumed to be a pointer

            dp.SymbolStore["KdDebuggerDataBlockAddress"] = GetSymAddress(dp, "KdDebuggerDataBlock");

            if (KdpDataBlockEncoded == 0)
                WriteColor(ConsoleColor.Green, $"Kernel KdDebuggerDataBlock @ {dp.SymbolStore["KdDebuggerDataBlockAddress"]:X16} not encoded.");
                var KdDebuggerDataBlock = dp.VGetBlockLong(dp.KdDebuggerDataBlockAddress, ref GotData);
                if (!GotData)
                    WriteColor(ConsoleColor.Red, "Unable to read debuggerdatablock array");

                // Windbg tells us the diff for loaded modules is 0x48 and active proc is 0x50
                var EncLoadedModuleList = KdDebuggerDataBlock[9];
                var EncActiveProcessList = KdDebuggerDataBlock[0xA];

                var PsLoadedModuleList = (long) DecodePointer((ulong) dp.KdDebuggerDataBlockAddress, (ulong)dp.KiWaitAlways, (ulong)dp.KiWaitNever,(ulong) EncLoadedModuleList);
                var PsActiveProcessHead = (long) DecodePointer((ulong) dp.KdDebuggerDataBlockAddress, (ulong)dp.KiWaitAlways, (ulong)dp.KiWaitNever, (ulong) EncActiveProcessList);

                WriteColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan, $"Decoded LoadedModuleList {PsLoadedModuleList}, ActiveProcessList {PsActiveProcessHead}");
            return rv;
Пример #3
        public bool TryLoadSymbols(CODEVIEW_HEADER cv_data, long BaseVA, string SymPath)
            ulong KernRange = 0xffff000000000000;

            // sign extend BaseVA for kernel ranges
            if ((BaseVA & 0xf00000000000) != 0)
                BaseVA |= (long)KernRange;


            bool symStatus = DebugHelp.SymInitialize(hCurrentProcess, SymPath, false);
                WriteLine($"symbol status  {symStatus}:  {new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message }");

            StringBuilder sbx = new StringBuilder(1024);
            int three = 0;
            var flags = DebugHelp.SSRVOPT_GUIDPTR;
            symStatus = DebugHelp.SymFindFileInPathW(hCurrentProcess, null, cv_data.PdbName, ref cv_data.aGuid, cv_data.Age, three, flags, sbx, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
            // try twice, just in case
            if (!symStatus)
                symStatus = DebugHelp.SymFindFileInPathW(hCurrentProcess, null, cv_data.PdbName, ref cv_data.aGuid, cv_data.Age, three, flags, sbx, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);

            if (symStatus)
                WriteColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan, $"Symbols found: {sbx.ToString()}");
            if (!symStatus)
                WriteLine($"Symbol returned {symStatus}: {new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message }, attempting less precise request.");

                flags = DebugHelp.SSRVOPT_DWORDPTR;
                var refBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(cv_data.TimeDateStamp);
                GCHandle pinnedArray = GCHandle.Alloc(refBytes, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                IntPtr pointer = pinnedArray.AddrOfPinnedObject();

                symStatus = DebugHelp.SymFindFileInPath(hCurrentProcess, null, cv_data.PdbName, pointer, cv_data.VSize, three, flags, sbx, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
                if (!symStatus)
                    WriteColor(ConsoleColor.Red, $"Find Symbols returned value: {symStatus}:[{sbx.ToString()}]");
            if (symStatus)
                var symLoaded = DebugHelp.SymLoadModuleEx(hCurrentProcess, IntPtr.Zero, sbx.ToString(), null, BaseVA, cv_data.VSize, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
                if (symLoaded == 0)
                    WriteColor(ConsoleColor.Red, $"Load Failed: [{new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message }]");

                cv_data.PDBFullPath = sbx.ToString();

            return symStatus;
Пример #4
        // TODO: MOVE below to DetectedProc class

        public CODEVIEW_HEADER ExtractCVDebug(DetectedProc dp, MemSection sec)
             uint SizeData=0, RawData=0, PointerToRawData=0;

            Extract Ext = sec.Module;
            long VA = sec.VA.Address;

            if (dp.MemAccess == null)
                dp.MemAccess = new Mem(MemAccess);

            var _va = VA + Ext.DebugDirPos;
            var block = dp.VGetBlock(_va);
            var TimeDate2 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(block, ((int) Ext.DebugDirPos & 0xfff) + 4);

            if(TimeDate2 != Ext.TimeStamp & Vtero.VerboseOutput)
                WriteColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow, "Unable to lock on to CV data.");
                return null; 

                WriteColor(ConsoleColor.Green, $"Locked on to CV Debug info.  Time2 = {TimeDate2:X} Time1 = {Ext.TimeStamp:X}");

            var max_offset = (int)(_va & 0xfff) + 28;
            if (max_offset > 0x1000)
                if (Vtero.VerboseOutput)
                    WriteColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow, "CV block seems too straddle into next block (too large)"); return null;
            SizeData = BitConverter.ToUInt32(block, (int)(_va & 0xfff) + 16);
            RawData = BitConverter.ToUInt32(block, (int)(_va & 0xfff) + 20);
            PointerToRawData = BitConverter.ToUInt32(block, (int)(_va & 0xfff) + 24);

            _va = VA + RawData;

            var bytes = new byte[16];

            block = dp.VGetBlock(_va);

            // first 4 bytes
            var sig = block[((int)_va & 0xfff)];
            Array.ConstrainedCopy(block, (((int) _va & 0xfff) + 4), bytes, 0, 16);
            var gid = new Guid(bytes);

            // after GUID
            var age = block[((int)_va & 0xfff) + 20];

            // char* at end
            var str = Encoding.Default.GetString(block, (((int)_va & 0xfff) + 24), 32).Trim();

            if (Vtero.VerboseOutput)
                WriteLine($"Size = {SizeData} \t Raw = {RawData} \t Pointer {PointerToRawData}");
                WriteLine($"Str {str} : GUID : {gid} : AGE {age}");

            var cv = new CODEVIEW_HEADER { VSize = (int) Ext.SizeOfImage, TimeDateStamp = TimeDate2, byteGuid = bytes, Age = age, aGuid = gid, Sig = sig, PdbName = str };

            sec.DebugDetails = cv;

            return cv;