public X509Certificate2 CreateSelfSignedCertificate(Result result, string rpName, string userName, TimeSpan expirationDate) { DateTime notBefore = DateTime.Now; DateTime notAfter = notBefore + expirationDate; return(CryptoBC.CreateSelfSignedCertificate(result?.PublicKeyPem, rpName, userName, "g.FIDO2.Util", "AttestationVerifier", notBefore, notAfter)); }
protected Result Verify(byte[] challenge, Attestation att) { var result = new Result(); // Verifyの結果によらず | Regardless of the result of Verify { var decAuthdata = new DecodedAuthData(); decAuthdata.Decode(att.AuthData); result.CredentialID = decAuthdata.CredentialId; result.PublicKeyPem = decAuthdata.PublicKeyPem; } //If an x5c certificate is used for attestation (attCA) if (att.AttStmtX5c != null) { var cert = DerConverter.ToPemCertificate(att.AttStmtX5c); var publicKeyforVerify = CryptoBC.GetPublicKeyPEMfromCert(cert); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(publicKeyforVerify)) { result.IsSuccess = VerifyPublicKey(publicKeyforVerify, challenge, att.AuthData, att.AttStmtSig); } } //Self attestation (signature uses credential keypair instead of attestation keypair) else if (att.AttStmtAlg != 0 && att.AttStmtSig != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.PublicKeyPem)) { result.IsSuccess = VerifyPublicKey(result.PublicKeyPem, challenge, att.AuthData, att.AttStmtSig); } } //TODO: Implement check for ECDAA attestation //8.2 return(result); }