static void Main( string[] args ) { World world = new World( "" ); world.OnLog += Log; world.OnURLChange += SetURL; if( world.Init() ) { if( args.Length == 1 ) { world.LoadMap( args[0] ); } else { world.LoadMap( Map.DefaultFileName ); } UpdaterResult update = Updater.CheckForUpdates( world ); if( update.UpdateAvailable ) { Console.WriteLine( "** A new version of fCraft is available: v{0:0.000}, released {1:0} day(s) ago. **", Decimal.Divide( update.NewVersionNumber, 1000 ), DateTime.Now.Subtract( update.ReleaseDate ).TotalDays ); } System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = world.config.GetBasePriority(); if( world.Start() ) { Console.Title = "fCraft " + Updater.GetVersionString() + " - " + world.config.GetString( "ServerName" ); string input = ""; Console.WriteLine( "** To shut down the server, type /exit **" ); while( (input = Console.ReadLine()) != "/exit" ) { Player.Console.ParseMessage( input, true ); } world.ShutDown(); } else { Console.WriteLine( "** Failed to start the server **" ); world.ShutDown(); Console.ReadLine(); } } else { Console.WriteLine( "** Failed to initialize the server **" ); world.ShutDown(); Console.ReadLine(); } }