/// <summary> /// Show the Toast widget with an animated fade in. The widget will fade out /// after Duration seconds, unless the user hovers over it, in which case it /// will stay until they end the hover. /// </summary> public void Show(Cockpit cockpit, float fDuration, float fFadeInOut = 0.25f) { AlphaFade = 0.0f; hovering = false; disappear = false; // if this goes true, toast will begin animated-fade on next frame dismiss = false; // we register a basic animator that just watches for dismiss=true and // when that happens we fade out and remove the toast cockpit.HUDAnimator.Register( new GenericAnimatable(() => { if (dismiss) { FUtil.SafeSendEvent(this.OnDismissed, this, EventArgs.Empty); HUDUtil.AnimatedDimiss_Cockpit(this, cockpit, true, (disappear) ? 0.001f : fFadeInOut); if (dismiss_timer != null) { dismiss_timer.Dispose(); dismiss_timer = null; } return(true); } return(false); }) ); // timer event that is called after the initial duration, and then ever // couple hundred MS to check that hover ended. // This is called from a Timer, which runs in a separate thread, and hence // we cannot manipulate the scene in this function // TODO: couldn't we just do this in animator above?? Action timer_elapsed = () => { if (hovering) { dismiss_timer.Interval = 300; dismiss_timer.Start(); } else { dismiss = true; } }; // ok, this kicks everything off - we do animated transition to show ourself, // and then start a timer that waits the initial duration HUDUtil.AnimatedShow(this, fFadeInOut, () => { dismiss_timer = new Timer(fDuration * 1000); dismiss_timer.Elapsed += (o, e) => { timer_elapsed(); }; dismiss_timer.Enabled = true; }); if (ClickToDismiss) { this.OnClicked += (s, e) => { dismiss = true; }; } }
void AddMenuButtonsGroup(Cockpit cockpit) { HUDButton importButton = HUDBuilder.CreateRectIconClickButton( 0.1f, 0.05f, 0.7f, 55.0f, -50.0f, //0.1f, 0.05f, 0.7f, 5.0f, -5.0f, // for debugging "icons/import_v1"); importButton.Name = "import"; cockpit.AddUIElement(importButton, true); importButton.OnClicked += (s, e) => { var cp = new FileImportCockpit() { InitialPath = SceneGraphConfig.LastFileOpenPath }; cockpit.Context.PushCockpit(cp); }; HUDButton exportButton = HUDBuilder.CreateRectIconClickButton( 0.1f, 0.05f, 0.7f, 55.0f, -50.0f, //0.1f, 0.05f, 0.7f, 5.0f, -5.0f, // for debugging convenience "icons/export_v1"); UnityUtil.TranslateInFrame(exportButton.RootGameObject, 0, -0.055f, 0, CoordSpace.WorldCoords); exportButton.Name = "export"; cockpit.AddUIElement(exportButton, true); exportButton.OnClicked += (s, e) => { var cp = new FileExportCockpit() { InitialPath = SceneGraphConfig.LastFileOpenPath }; cockpit.Context.PushCockpit(cp); }; HUDButton janusButton = HUDBuilder.CreateRectIconClickButton( 0.1f, 0.05f, 0.7f, 55.0f, -50.0f, //0.1f, 0.05f, 0.7f, 5.0f, -5.0f, // for debugging convenience "cockpit_icons/menu_buttons/janus_v1"); UnityUtil.TranslateInFrame(janusButton.RootGameObject, 0, 2.0f * -0.055f, 0, CoordSpace.WorldCoords); janusButton.Name = "export"; cockpit.AddUIElement(janusButton, true); janusButton.OnClicked += (s, e) => { var cp = new JanusVRExportCockpit() { InitialPath = SceneGraphConfig.LastFileOpenPath }; cockpit.Context.PushCockpit(cp); }; HUDButton loadButton = HUDBuilder.CreateRectIconClickButton( 0.1f, 0.05f, 0.7f, 55.0f, -50.0f, // 0.1f, 0.05f, 0.7f, 5.0f, -5.0f, // for debugging convenience "icons/load_v1"); UnityUtil.TranslateInFrame(loadButton.RootGameObject, 0.12f, 0, 0, CoordSpace.WorldCoords); loadButton.Name = "load"; cockpit.AddUIElement(loadButton, true); loadButton.OnClicked += (s, e) => { var cp = new FileLoadSceneCockpit() { InitialPath = SceneGraphConfig.LastFileOpenPath }; cockpit.Context.PushCockpit(cp); }; HUDButton saveButton = HUDBuilder.CreateRectIconClickButton( 0.1f, 0.05f, 0.7f, 55.0f, -50.0f, // 0.1f, 0.05f, 0.7f, 5.0f, -5.0f, // for debugging "icons/save_v1"); UnityUtil.TranslateInFrame(saveButton.RootGameObject, 0.12f, -0.055f, 0, CoordSpace.WorldCoords); saveButton.Name = "save"; cockpit.AddUIElement(saveButton, true); saveButton.OnClicked += (s, e) => { var cp = new FileSaveSceneCockpit() { InitialPath = SceneGraphConfig.LastFileOpenPath }; cockpit.Context.PushCockpit(cp); }; HUDButton newButton = HUDBuilder.CreateRectIconClickButton( 0.1f, 0.05f, 0.7f, 55.0f, -50.0f, "icons/new_v1"); UnityUtil.TranslateInFrame(newButton.RootGameObject, 0.24f, 0, 0, CoordSpace.WorldCoords); newButton.Name = "new"; cockpit.AddUIElement(newButton, true); newButton.OnClicked += (s, e) => { cockpit.Context.NewScene(true); }; HUDButton quitButton = HUDBuilder.CreateRectIconClickButton( 0.1f, 0.05f, 0.7f, 55.0f, -50.0f, "icons/quit_v1"); UnityUtil.TranslateInFrame(quitButton.RootGameObject, 0.24f, -0.055f, 0, CoordSpace.WorldCoords); quitButton.Name = "quit"; cockpit.AddUIElement(quitButton, true); quitButton.OnClicked += (s, e) => { FPlatform.QuitApplication(); }; }
public BoxRegionContainerProvider(Cockpit c, ISurfaceBoxRegion region) { Cockpit = c; Region = region; }
public Cockpit2DContainerProvider(Cockpit c) { cockpit = c; cockpit.Context.OnWindowResized += Context_OnWindowResized; }
public void Create(Cockpit cockpit) { base.Create(); this.cockpit = cockpit; float fHUDRadius = 0.7f; float fButtonRadius = 0.06f; Colorf bgColor = new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f, 0.7f); Colorf activeColor = new Colorf(ColorUtil.SelectionGold, 0.7f); defaultMaterial = (bgColor.a == 1.0f) ? MaterialUtil.CreateStandardMaterialF(bgColor) : MaterialUtil.CreateTransparentMaterialF(bgColor); activeMaterial = (activeColor.a == 1.0f) ? MaterialUtil.CreateStandardMaterialF(activeColor) : MaterialUtil.CreateTransparentMaterialF(activeColor); List <toolInfo> toolNames = new List <toolInfo>() { new toolInfo() { identifier = "cancel", sMeshPath = "tool_icons/cancel", fMeshScaleFudge = 1.2f }, new toolInfo() { identifier = SnapDrawPrimitivesTool.Identifier, sMeshPath = "tool_icons/draw_primitive", fMeshScaleFudge = 1.2f }, new toolInfo() { identifier = DrawTubeTool.Identifier, sMeshPath = "tool_icons/draw_tube", fMeshScaleFudge = 1.2f }, new toolInfo() { identifier = DrawCurveTool.Identifier, sMeshPath = "tool_icons/draw_curve", fMeshScaleFudge = 1.2f }, new toolInfo() { identifier = DrawSurfaceCurveTool.Identifier, sMeshPath = "tool_icons/draw_surface_curve", fMeshScaleFudge = 1.2f }, new toolInfo() { identifier = RevolveTool.Identifier, sMeshPath = "tool_icons/revolve", fMeshScaleFudge = 1.2f }, new toolInfo() { identifier = TwoPointMeasureTool.Identifier, sMeshPath = "tool_icons/measure", fMeshScaleFudge = 1.2f }, new toolInfo() { identifier = SculptCurveTool.Identifier, sMeshPath = "tool_icons/sculpt_curve", fMeshScaleFudge = 1.2f }, new toolInfo() { identifier = PlaneCutTool.Identifier, sMeshPath = "tool_icons/plane_cut", fMeshScaleFudge = 1.2f } }; float fRight = -43.0f; float df = -11.0f; List <float> AngleSteps = new List <float>() { fRight, fRight + df, fRight + 2 * df }; float fVertStep = 11.0f; float fTop = 0.0f; int ri = 0, ci = 0; toolButtons = new List <ActivateToolButton>(); toolButtonInfo = new List <toolInfo>(); foreach (toolInfo t in toolNames) { float fX = AngleSteps[ci++]; float fY = fTop - (float)ri * fVertStep; if (ci == AngleSteps.Count) { ci = 0; ri++; } var button = add_tool_button(cockpit, t.identifier, fHUDRadius, fX, fY, fButtonRadius, t); AddChild(button); toolButtons.Add(button); toolInfo ti = new toolInfo(); ti = t; ti.button = button; toolButtonInfo.Add(ti); } // build indicators string[] paths = { "tool_icons/star_green", "tool_icons/star_red" }; for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) { Mesh iconMesh = null; Material iconMaterial = null; try { iconMesh = Resources.Load <Mesh>(paths[k]); iconMaterial = MaterialUtil.CreateStandardVertexColorMaterial(Color.white); } catch { } if (iconMesh == null) { iconMesh = UnityUtil.GetPrimitiveMesh(PrimitiveType.Sphere); iconMaterial = MaterialUtil.CreateStandardMaterial((k == 0) ? Color.green : Color.red); } indicator[k] = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); indicator[k].name = (k == 0) ? "left_tool_star" : "right_tool_star"; Component.Destroy(indicator[k].GetComponent <Collider>()); indicator[k].SetMesh(iconMesh); indicator[k].GetComponent <Renderer>().material = iconMaterial; // have to add to some button because we need them to be in GO tree // when we do AddChild() on cockpit...that sets up layer, size, etc indicatorButton[k] = toolButtons[0]; indicator[k].transform.localScale = fIndicatorSize * Vector3.one; indicator[k].transform.localPosition += fIndicatorShiftXY * (Vector3.up + Vector3.right * ((k == 0) ? -1 : 1)) - fIndicatorShiftZ * Vector3.forward; indicatorButton[k].AppendNewGO(indicator[k], indicatorButton[k].RootGameObject, false); indicator[k].Hide(); } // listen for changes cockpit.Context.ToolManager.OnToolActivationChanged += on_tool_changed; }
public void Initialize(Cockpit cockpit, float fCockpitRadius) { activeCockpit = cockpit; activeCockpit.PositionMode = Cockpit.MovementMode.Static; activeCockpit.GrabFocus = true; activeHUDRadius = fCockpitRadius; string[] files, folders; try { files = Source.GetFiles(FolderPath); folders = Source.GetFolders(FolderPath); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("[CurrentFolderList.Initialize] exception! " + e.Message); return; } float fMinHorz = -45.0f, fMaxHorz = 45.0f; float fStartVert = 15.0f; float fTop = HUDUtil.GetSphereFrame(fCockpitRadius, 0.0f, fStartVert).Origin.y; int folderi = 0, filei = 0; Mesh folderMesh = Resources.Load <Mesh>("icon_meshes/folder_v1"); Color folderColor = ColorUtil.make(241, 213, 146); Color inaccessibleFolderColor = ColorUtil.make(100, 100, 100); Mesh fileMesh = Resources.Load <Mesh>("icon_meshes/file_v1"); Color fileColor = ColorUtil.make(250, 250, 250); // [TODO] something wrong here, icons are loading backwards...?? Quaternion meshRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(270.0f, Vector3.right) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(180.0f + 25.0f, Vector3.forward); float meshScale = IconSize * 0.9f; HUDCylinder hudSurf = new HUDCylinder() { Radius = fCockpitRadius, VerticalCoordIsAngle = false }; float fStepH = VRUtil.HorizontalStepAngle(fCockpitRadius, 0, IconSize + IconPadding); int nStepsHorz = (int)((fMaxHorz - fMinHorz) / fStepH); fMinHorz = -(nStepsHorz * fStepH * 0.5f); fMaxHorz = (nStepsHorz * fStepH * 0.5f); float fStepV = IconSize + IconPadding; IconCollection = new HUDCollection(); IconCollection.Create(); bool bDone = false; int yi = 0; while (!bDone) { float fCurV = fTop - yi * fStepV; yi++; for (int xi = 0; xi < nStepsHorz && bDone == false; ++xi) { float fCurH = fMinHorz + ((float)xi + 0.5f) * fStepH; string name = "x"; fMesh useMesh = null; Color useColor = Color.white; bool bAccessible = true; bool bIsFile = false; if (folderi < folders.Length) { name = folders[folderi++]; useMesh = new fMesh(UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate <Mesh>(folderMesh)); useColor = folderColor; if (Source.FilterInaccessibleFolders == false && FileSystemUtils.CanAccessFolder(Path.Combine(FolderPath, name)) == false) { bAccessible = false; useColor = inaccessibleFolderColor; } } else if (filei < files.Length) { name = files[filei++]; useMesh = new fMesh(UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate <Mesh>(fileMesh)); useColor = fileColor; bIsFile = true; } else { bDone = true; break; } //useColor.a = 0.999f; // [RMS] can use this to force into alpha pass string displayName = name; if (displayName.Length > 12) { displayName = name.Substring(0, 12) + "..."; } //float TextScale = 0.01f, ShiftX = -IconSize * 0.5f; float TextScale = 0.005f, ShiftX = -IconSize * 0.5f; HUDButton iconButton = HUDBuilder.CreateMeshClickButton( useMesh, useColor, meshScale, meshRotation, hudSurf, fCurH, fCurV, new TextLabelGenerator() { Text = displayName, Scale = TextScale, Translate = new Vector3(ShiftX, 0.0f, 0.0f) }); iconButton.Name = name; //cockpit.AddUIElement(iconButton, true); IconCollection.AddChild(iconButton); if (bIsFile) { iconButton.OnClicked += (o, e) => { if (this.OnFileClicked != null) { this.OnFileClicked(name); } }; } if (bAccessible) { iconButton.OnDoubleClicked += IconButton_DoubleClick; } } } cockpit.AddUIElement(IconCollection, true); fCurMaxScroll = Mathf.Max(0, (yi - 4) * fStepV); }
public SpatialDeviceViewManipBehavior(Cockpit cockpit) { this.cockpit = cockpit; }
public SpatialDeviceGrabBehavior(Cockpit cockpit) { this.cockpit = cockpit; }
public void Initialize(Cockpit cockpit) { cockpit.Name = "splashCockpit"; cockpit.DefaultCursorDepth = 3.0f; cockpit.PositionMode = Cockpit.MovementMode.Static; // create black sphere around camera to hide existing scene fGameObject blackBackground = new fGameObject( UnityUtil.CreateMeshGO("background_delete", "icon_meshes/inverted_sphere_tiny", 1.0f, UnityUtil.MeshAlignOption.AllAxesCentered, MaterialUtil.CreateFlatMaterial(Color.black), false)); // add as bounds object to do mouse hit-test cockpit.Context.Scene.AddWorldBoundsObject(blackBackground); // re-parent from Scene so the sphere tracks the camera cockpit.FixedCameraTrackingGO.AddChild(blackBackground, false); HUDButton title = HUDBuilder.CreateIconClickButton( new HUDShape(HUDShapeType.Rectangle, 2.0f, 0.8f), 3.0f, 0.0f, 2.5f, "simplex_startup/simplex_v2"); title.Name = "title"; title.Enabled = false; cockpit.AddUIElement(title, true); HUDButton start = HUDBuilder.CreateIconClickButton( new HUDShape(HUDShapeType.Rectangle, 0.5f, 0.25f), 3.0f, 8.0f, -10, "simplex_startup/start_v1"); start.Name = "start"; start.OnClicked += (s, e) => { cockpit.ActiveCamera.Animator().DoActionDuringDipToBlack(() => { cockpit.Context.Scene.RemoveWorldBoundsObject(blackBackground); UnityEngine.GameObject.Destroy(blackBackground); cockpit.Context.PushCockpit( new SetupCADCockpit_V1()); }, 1.0f); }; cockpit.AddUIElement(start, true); HUDButton quit = HUDBuilder.CreateIconClickButton( new HUDShape(HUDShapeType.Rectangle, 0.5f, 0.25f), 3.0f, -8.0f, -10, "simplex_startup/quit_v1"); quit.Name = "quit"; quit.OnClicked += (s, e) => { FPlatform.QuitApplication(); }; cockpit.AddUIElement(quit, true); HUDButton logo = HUDBuilder.CreateIconClickButton( new HUDShape(HUDShapeType.Rectangle, 0.8f, 0.2f), 3.0f, 0.0f, -25.0f, "simplex_startup/gradientspace_splash"); logo.Name = "logo"; logo.Enabled = false; cockpit.AddUIElement(logo, true); HUDButton about_arrow = HUDBuilder.CreateIconClickButton( new HUDShape(HUDShapeType.Rectangle, 0.75f, 0.75f), 3.0f, -30.0f, -10.0f, "simplex_startup/about_arrow"); about_arrow.Name = "about_arrow"; about_arrow.Enabled = false; cockpit.AddUIElement(about_arrow, true); float about_text_scale = 3.0f; float angle_left = -65.0f; HUDButton about_text = HUDBuilder.CreateIconClickButton( new HUDShape(HUDShapeType.Rectangle, 0.8f * about_text_scale, 1.0f * about_text_scale) { UseUVSubRegion = false }, 3.0f, angle_left, 0.0f, "simplex_startup/about_text"); UnityUtil.TranslateInFrame(about_text.RootGameObject, 0.0f, -0.5f, 0, CoordSpace.WorldCoords); about_text.Name = "about_text"; about_text.Enabled = false; cockpit.AddUIElement(about_text, true); HUDButton controls_arrow = HUDBuilder.CreateIconClickButton( new HUDShape(HUDShapeType.Rectangle, 0.75f, 0.75f), 3.0f, 30.0f, -10.0f, "simplex_startup/controls_arrow"); controls_arrow.Name = "controls_arrow"; controls_arrow.Enabled = false; cockpit.AddUIElement(controls_arrow, true); float text_scale = 3.0f; float angle_right = 65.0f; HUDButton controls_mouse = HUDBuilder.CreateIconClickButton( new HUDShape(HUDShapeType.Rectangle, 0.7f * text_scale, 0.7f * text_scale) { UseUVSubRegion = false }, 3.0f, angle_right, 0.0f, "simplex_startup/controls_mouse"); UnityUtil.TranslateInFrame(controls_mouse.RootGameObject, 0.25f, 0.1f, 0, CoordSpace.WorldCoords); controls_mouse.Name = "controls_mouse"; controls_mouse.Enabled = false; cockpit.AddUIElement(controls_mouse, true); HUDButton controls_gamepad = HUDBuilder.CreateIconClickButton( new HUDShape(HUDShapeType.Rectangle, 0.7f * text_scale, 0.7f * text_scale) { UseUVSubRegion = false }, 3.0f, angle_right, 0.0f, "simplex_startup/controls_gamepad"); UnityUtil.TranslateInFrame(controls_gamepad.RootGameObject, 0.25f, 0.1f, 0, CoordSpace.WorldCoords); controls_gamepad.Name = "controls_gamepad"; controls_gamepad.Enabled = false; cockpit.AddUIElement(controls_gamepad, true); controls_gamepad.RootGameObject.Hide(); HUDToggleButton mouse_button = HUDBuilder.CreateToggleButton( new HUDShape(HUDShapeType.Rectangle, 1.0f, 1.0f), 2.9f, angle_right, 0.0f, "simplex_startup/mouse", "simplex_startup/mouse_disabled"); UnityUtil.TranslateInFrame(mouse_button.RootGameObject, -0.5f, -1.0f, 0, CoordSpace.WorldCoords); mouse_button.Name = "mouse_button"; cockpit.AddUIElement(mouse_button, true); HUDToggleButton gamepad_button = HUDBuilder.CreateToggleButton( new HUDShape(HUDShapeType.Rectangle, 1.0f, 1.0f), 2.9f, angle_right, 0.0f, "simplex_startup/gamepad_with_labels", "simplex_startup/gamepad_disabled"); UnityUtil.TranslateInFrame(gamepad_button.RootGameObject, 0.5f, -1.0f, 0, CoordSpace.WorldCoords); gamepad_button.Name = "gamepad_button"; cockpit.AddUIElement(gamepad_button, true); HUDToggleGroup group = new HUDToggleGroup(); group.AddButton(mouse_button); group.AddButton(gamepad_button); group.Selected = 0; group.OnToggled += (sender, nSelected) => { if (nSelected == 0) { controls_gamepad.RootGameObject.Hide(); controls_mouse.RootGameObject.Show(); } else { controls_gamepad.RootGameObject.Show(); controls_mouse.RootGameObject.Hide(); } }; // setup key handlers (need to move to behavior...) cockpit.AddKeyHandler(new SplashScreenKeyHandler(cockpit.Context)); cockpit.InputBehaviors.Add(new VRMouseUIBehavior(cockpit.Context) { Priority = 0 }); cockpit.InputBehaviors.Add(new VRGamepadUIBehavior(cockpit.Context) { Priority = 0 }); cockpit.InputBehaviors.Add(new VRSpatialDeviceUIBehavior(cockpit.Context) { Priority = 0 }); }
public HUDParametersPanel(Cockpit cockpit) { this.cockpit = cockpit; cockpit.Scene.SelectionChangedEvent += Scene_SelectionChangedEvent; }
public MouseWheelZoomBehavior(Cockpit cockpit) { this.cockpit = cockpit; }