public FixEmit(SPARTA sparta, int narg, string[] arg) : base(sparta, narg, arg) { this.sparta = sparta; vector_flag = 1; size_vector = 2; global_freq = 1; gridmigrate = 1; // RNG int me =; random = new RanPark(sparta.update.ranmaster.uniform()); double seed = sparta.update.ranmaster.uniform(); random.reset(seed, me, 100); // local storage of emit data structures c2list = null; nglocal = nglocalmax = 0; clist = clistnum = clistfirst = null; nlist = nlistmax = 0; // counters common to all emit styles for output from fix nsingle = ntotal = 0; }
public Collide(SPARTA sparta, int narg, string[] arg) { this.sparta = sparta; int n = arg[0].Length + 1; style = string.Copy(arg[0]); n = arg[1].Length + 1; mixID = string.Copy(arg[1]); random = new RanPark(sparta.update.ranmaster.uniform()); double seed = sparta.update.ranmaster.uniform(); random.reset(seed,, 100); ngroups = 0; npmax = 0; plist = null; nglocal = nglocalmax = 0; ngroup = null; maxgroup = null; glist = null; gpair = null; maxdelete = 0; dellist = null; vre_first = 1; vre_start = 1; vre_every = 0; remainflag = 1; vremax = null; vremax_initial = null; remain = null; rotstyle = (int)Enum1.SMOOTH; vibstyle = (int)Enum1.NONE; nearcp = 0; nearlimit = 10; recomb_ijflag = null; ambiflag = 0; maxelectron = 0; elist = null; }
public int copy, copymode; // 1 if copy of class (prevents deallocation of // base class when child copy is destroyed) // methods public void init() { for (int i = 0; i < nmixture; i++) { mixture[i].init(); } // RNG for particle weighting if (wrandom == null) { wrandom = new RanPark(sparta.update.ranmaster.uniform()); double seed = sparta.update.ranmaster.uniform(); wrandom.reset(seed, me, 100); } // if first run after reading a restart file, // delete any custom particle attributes that have not been re-defined // use nactive since remove_custom() may alter ncustom if (custom_restart_flag != null) { int nactive = ncustom; for (int i = 0; i < nactive; i++) { if (custom_restart_flag[i] == 0) { remove_custom(i); } } //delete[] custom_restart_flag; custom_restart_flag = null; } // reallocate cellcount and first lists as needed // NOTE: when grid becomes dynamic, will need to do this in sort() //if (maxgrid < sparta.grid.nlocal) { // maxgrid = sparta.grid.nlocal; // memory.destroy(cellcount); //memory.destroy(first); //memory.create(first,maxgrid,"particle:first"); //memory.create(cellcount,maxgrid,"particle:cellcount"); // } }
public void command(int narg, string[] args, int outflag = 1) { string[] arg = new string[narg]; Array.Copy(args, 1, arg, 0, narg); if (sparta.grid.exist == 0) { sparta.error.all("Cannot balance grid before grid is defined"); } if (narg < 1) { sparta.error.all("Illegal balance_grid command"); } int order = 0, bstyle = 0; int px = 0, py = 0, pz = 0; int rcbwt = 0, rcbflip = 0; if (string.Equals(arg[0], "none")) { if (narg != 1) { sparta.error.all("Illegal balance_grid command"); } bstyle = (int)Enum1.NONE; } else if (string.Equals(arg[0], "stride")) { if (narg != 2) { sparta.error.all("Illegal balance_grid command"); } bstyle = (int)Enum1.STRIDE; if (string.Equals(arg[1], "xyz")) { order = (int)Enum2.XYZ; } else if (string.Equals(arg[1], "xzy")) { order = (int)Enum2.XZY; } else if (string.Equals(arg[1], "yxz")) { order = (int)Enum2.YXZ; } else if (string.Equals(arg[1], "yzx")) { order = (int)Enum2.YZX; } else if (string.Equals(arg[1], "zxy")) { order = (int)Enum2.ZXY; } else if (string.Equals(arg[1], "zyx")) { order = (int)Enum2.ZYX; } else { sparta.error.all("Illegal balance_grid command"); } } else if (string.Equals(arg[0], "clump")) { if (narg != 2) { sparta.error.all("Illegal balance_grid command"); } bstyle = (int)Enum1.CLUMP; if (string.Equals(arg[1], "xyz")) { order = (int)Enum2.XYZ; } else if (string.Equals(arg[1], "xzy")) { order = (int)Enum2.XZY; } else if (string.Equals(arg[1], "yxz")) { order = (int)Enum2.YXZ; } else if (string.Equals(arg[1], "yzx")) { order = (int)Enum2.YZX; } else if (string.Equals(arg[1], "zxy")) { order = (int)Enum2.ZXY; } else if (string.Equals(arg[1], "zyx")) { order = (int)Enum2.ZYX; } else { sparta.error.all("Illegal balance_grid command"); } } else if (string.Equals(arg[0], "block")) { if (narg != 4) { sparta.error.all("Illegal balance_grid command"); } bstyle = (int)Enum1.BLOCK; if (string.Equals(arg[1], "*")) { px = 0; } else { px = int.Parse(arg[1]); } if (string.Equals(arg[2], "*")) { py = 0; } else { py = int.Parse(arg[2]); } if (string.Equals(arg[3], "*")) { pz = 0; } else { pz = int.Parse(arg[3]); } } else if (string.Equals(arg[0], "random")) { if (narg != 1) { sparta.error.all("Illegal balance_grid command"); } bstyle = (int)Enum1.RANDOM; } else if (string.Equals(arg[0], "proc")) { if (narg != 1) { sparta.error.all("Illegal balance_grid command"); } bstyle = (int)Enum1.PROC; } else if (string.Equals(arg[0], "rcb")) { if (narg != 2 && narg != 3) { sparta.error.all("Illegal balance_grid command"); } bstyle = (int)Enum1.BISECTION; if (string.Equals(arg[1], "cell")) { rcbwt = (int)Enum3.CELL; } else if (string.Equals(arg[1], "part")) { rcbwt = (int)Enum3.PARTICLE; } else { sparta.error.all("Illegal balance_grid command"); } // undocumented optional 3rd arg // rcbflip = 3rd arg = 1 forces rcb.compute() to flip sign // of all grid cell "dots" to force totally different // assignment of grid cells to procs and induce // complete rebalance data migration rcbflip = 0; if (narg == 3) { rcbflip = int.Parse(arg[2]); } } else { sparta.error.all("Illegal balance_grid command"); } // error check on methods only allowed for a uniform grid if (bstyle == (int)Enum1.STRIDE || bstyle == (int)Enum1.CLUMP || bstyle == (int)Enum1.BLOCK) { if (sparta.grid.uniform == 0) { sparta.error.all("Invalid balance_grid style for non-uniform grid"); } } // re-assign each of my local child cells to a proc // only assign unsplit and split cells // do not assign sub-cells since they migrate with their split cell // set nmigrate = # of cells that will migrate to a new proc // reset proc field in cells for migrating cells // style NONE performs no re-assignment sparta.mpi.MPI_Barrier(; double time1 = sparta.mpi.MPI_Wtime(); Grid.ChildCell[] cells = sparta.grid.cells; Grid.ChildInfo[] cinfo = sparta.grid.cinfo; int nglocal = sparta.grid.nlocal; int nprocs = sparta.comm.nprocs; int newproc; int nmigrate = 0; if (bstyle == (int)Enum1.STRIDE) { cellint idm1, ix, iy, iz, nth = 0; cellint nx = sparta.grid.unx; cellint ny = sparta.grid.uny; cellint nz = sparta.grid.unz; for (int icell = 0; icell < nglocal; icell++) { if (cells[icell].nsplit <= 0) { continue; } idm1 = cells[icell].id - 1; ix = idm1 % nx; iy = (idm1 / nx) % ny; iz = idm1 / (nx * ny); if (order == (int)Enum2.XYZ) { nth = iz * nx * ny + iy * nx + ix; } else if (order == (int)Enum2.XZY) { nth = iy * nx * nz + iz * nx + ix; } else if (order == (int)Enum2.YXZ) { nth = iz * ny * nx + ix * ny + iy; } else if (order == (int)Enum2.YZX) { nth = ix * ny * nz + iz * ny + iy; } else if (order == (int)Enum2.ZXY) { nth = iy * nz * nx + ix * nz + iz; } else if (order == (int)Enum2.ZYX) { nth = ix * nz * ny + iy * nz + iz; } newproc = nth % nprocs; if (newproc != cells[icell].proc) { nmigrate++; } cells[icell].proc = newproc; } } else if (bstyle == (int)Enum1.BLOCK) { cellint idm1, ix, iy, iz; int ipx, ipy, ipz; int nx = sparta.grid.unx; int ny = sparta.grid.uny; int nz = sparta.grid.unz; procs2grid(nx, ny, nz, ref px, ref py, ref pz); if (px * py * pz != nprocs) { sparta.error.all("Bad grid of processors for balance_grid block"); } for (int icell = 0; icell < nglocal; icell++) { if (cells[icell].nsplit <= 0) { continue; } idm1 = cells[icell].id - 1; ix = idm1 % nx; iy = (idm1 / nx) % ny; iz = idm1 / (nx * ny); ipx = ix * px / nx; ipy = iy * py / ny; ipz = iz * pz / nz; newproc = ipz * px * py + ipy * px + ipx; if (newproc != cells[icell].proc) { nmigrate++; } cells[icell].proc = newproc; } } else if (bstyle == (int)Enum1.RANDOM) { RanPark random = new RanPark(sparta.update.ranmaster.uniform()); double seed = sparta.update.ranmaster.uniform(); random.reset(seed,, 100); for (int icell = 0; icell < nglocal; icell++) { if (cells[icell].nsplit <= 0) { continue; } newproc = Convert.ToInt32(nprocs * random.uniform()); if (newproc != cells[icell].proc) { nmigrate++; } cells[icell].proc = newproc; } //delete random; } else if (bstyle == (int)Enum1.BISECTION) { RCB rcb = new RCB(sparta); double[,] x = new double[nglocal, 3]; double[] lo, hi; int nbalance = 0; for (int icell = 0; icell < nglocal; icell++) { if (cells[icell].nsplit <= 0) { continue; } lo = cells[icell].lo; hi = cells[icell].hi; x[nbalance, 0] = 0.5 * (lo[0] + hi[0]); x[nbalance, 1] = 0.5 * (lo[1] + hi[1]); x[nbalance, 2] = 0.5 * (lo[2] + hi[2]); nbalance++; } double[] wt; if (rcbwt == (int)Enum3.PARTICLE) { sparta.particle.sort(); int zero = 0; int n; wt = new double[nglocal]; nbalance = 0; for (int icell = 0; icell < nglocal; icell++) { if (cells[icell].nsplit <= 0) { continue; } n = cinfo[icell].count; if (n != 0) { wt[nbalance++] = n; } else { wt[nbalance++] = ZEROPARTICLE; zero++; } } } else { wt = new double[nglocal]; } rcb.compute(nbalance, x, wt, rcbflip); rcb.invert(); nbalance = 0; int[] sendproc = rcb.sendproc; for (int icell = 0; icell < nglocal; icell++) { if (cells[icell].nsplit <= 0) { continue; } cells[icell].proc = sendproc[nbalance++]; } nmigrate = nbalance - rcb.nkeep; } // set clumped of not, depending on style // NONE style does not change clumping if (nprocs == 1 || bstyle == (int)Enum1.CLUMP || bstyle == (int)Enum1.BLOCK || bstyle == (int)Enum1.BISECTION) { sparta.grid.clumped = 1; } else if (bstyle != (int)Enum1.NONE) { sparta.grid.clumped = 0; } sparta.mpi.MPI_Barrier(; double time2 = sparta.mpi.MPI_Wtime(); // sort particles // NOTE: not needed again if rcbwt = PARTICLE for bstyle = BISECTION ?? sparta.particle.sort(); sparta.mpi.MPI_Barrier(; double time3 = sparta.mpi.MPI_Wtime(); // invoke init() so all grid cell info, including collide & fixes, // is ready to migrate // for init, do not require surfs be assigned collision models // this allows balance call early in script, e.g. from ReadRestart // migrate grid cells and their particles to new owners // invoke grid methods to complete grid setup int ghost_previous = sparta.grid.exist_ghost; sparta.domain.boundary_collision_check = 0; = 0; sparta.init(); sparta.domain.boundary_collision_check = 1; = 1; sparta.grid.unset_neighbors(); sparta.grid.remove_ghosts(); sparta.comm.migrate_cells(nmigrate); sparta.mpi.MPI_Barrier(; double time4 = sparta.mpi.MPI_Wtime(); sparta.grid.setup_owned(); sparta.grid.acquire_ghosts(); if (ghost_previous != 0) { sparta.grid.reset_neighbors(); } else { sparta.grid.find_neighbors(); } sparta.comm.reset_neighbors(); // reallocate per grid arrays in per grid dumps for (int i = 0; i < sparta.output.ndump; i++) { sparta.output.dump[i].reset_grid(); } sparta.mpi.MPI_Barrier(; double time5 = sparta.mpi.MPI_Wtime(); // stats on balance operation // only print if outflag = 1 // some callers suppress output, e.g. ReadRestart bigint count = nmigrate; bigint nmigrate_all = 0; sparta.mpi.MPI_Allreduce(ref count, ref nmigrate_all, 1, MPI.MPI_LONG_LONG, MPI.MPI_SUM,; double time_total = time5 - time1; if ( == 0 && outflag != 0) { string str1 = string.Format("Balance grid migrated {0} cells\n", nmigrate_all); string str2 = string.Format(" CPU time = {0:G} secs\n", time_total); string str3 = string.Format(" reassign/sort/migrate/ghost percent = {0:G6} {1:G6} {2:G6} {3:G6}\n", 100.0 * (time2 - time1) / time_total, 100.0 * (time3 - time2) / time_total, 100.0 * (time4 - time3) / time_total, 100.0 * (time5 - time4) / time_total); Console.WriteLine(str1 + str2 + str3); if (sparta.screen != null) { new StreamWriter(sparta.screen).WriteLine(str1 + str2 + str3); //fprintf(screen, "Balance grid migrated " BIGINT_FORMAT " cells\n", // nmigrate_all); //fprintf(screen, " CPU time = %g secs\n", time_total); //fprintf(screen, " reassign/sort/migrate/ghost percent = %g %g %g %g\n", // 100.0 * (time2 - time1) / time_total, 100.0 * (time3 - time2) / time_total, // 100.0 * (time4 - time3) / time_total, 100.0 * (time5 - time4) / time_total); } if (sparta.logfile != null) { new StreamWriter(sparta.logfile).WriteLine(str1 + str2 + str3); } } }
public SurfCollideDiffuse(SPARTA sparta, int narg, string[] arg) : base(sparta, narg, arg) { this.sparta = sparta; if (narg < 4) { sparta.error.all("Illegal surf_collide diffuse command"); } tstr = null; if (arg[2].Contains("v_")) { //int n = arg[2,2].Length + 1; //tstr = new char[n]; //strcpy(tstr, &arg[2][2]); tstr = string.Copy(arg[2]); } else { twall = double.Parse(arg[2]); if (twall <= 0.0) { sparta.error.all("Surf_collide diffuse temp <= 0.0"); } } acc = double.Parse(arg[3]); if (acc < 0.0 || acc > 1.0) { sparta.error.all("Illegal surf_collide diffuse command"); } // optional args tflag = rflag = 0; int iarg = 4; while (iarg < narg) { switch (arg[iarg]) { case "translate": if (iarg + 4 > narg) { sparta.error.all("Illegal surf_collide diffuse command"); } tflag = 1; vx = double.Parse(arg[iarg + 1]); vy = double.Parse(arg[iarg + 2]); vz = double.Parse(arg[iarg + 3]); iarg += 4; break; case "rotate": if (iarg + 7 > narg) { sparta.error.all("Illegal surf_collide diffuse command"); } rflag = 1; px = double.Parse(arg[iarg + 1]); py = double.Parse(arg[iarg + 2]); pz = double.Parse(arg[iarg + 3]); wx = double.Parse(arg[iarg + 4]); wy = double.Parse(arg[iarg + 5]); wz = double.Parse(arg[iarg + 6]); if (sparta.domain.dimension == 2 && pz != 0.0) { sparta.error.all("Surf_collide diffuse rotation invalid for 2d"); } if (sparta.domain.dimension == 2 && (wx != 0.0 || wy != 0.0)) { sparta.error.all("Surf_collide diffuse rotation invalid for 2d"); } iarg += 7; break; default: sparta.error.all("Illegal surf_collide diffuse command"); break; } } if (tflag != 0 && rflag != 0) { sparta.error.all("Illegal surf_collide diffuse command"); } if (tflag != 0 || rflag != 0) { trflag = 1; } else { trflag = 0; } // initialize RNG random = new RanPark(sparta.update.ranmaster.uniform()); double seed = sparta.update.ranmaster.uniform(); random.reset(seed,, 100); }