public double erot(int isp, double temp_thermal, RanPark erandom) { double eng, a, erm, b; if (sparta.collide == null || sparta.collide.rotstyle == (int)Enum2.NONE) { return(0.0); } if (species[isp].rotdof < 2) { return(0.0); } if (species[isp].rotdof == 2) { eng = -Math.Log(erandom.uniform()) * sparta.update.boltz * temp_thermal; } else { a = 0.5 * sparta.particle.species[isp].rotdof - 1.0; while (true) { // energy cut-off at 10 kT erm = 10.0 * erandom.uniform(); b = Math.Pow(erm / a, a) * Math.Exp(a - erm); if (b > erandom.uniform()) { break; } } eng = erm * sparta.update.boltz * temp_thermal; } return(eng); }
public Collide(SPARTA sparta, int narg, string[] arg) { this.sparta = sparta; int n = arg[0].Length + 1; style = string.Copy(arg[0]); n = arg[1].Length + 1; mixID = string.Copy(arg[1]); random = new RanPark(sparta.update.ranmaster.uniform()); double seed = sparta.update.ranmaster.uniform(); random.reset(seed,, 100); ngroups = 0; npmax = 0; plist = null; nglocal = nglocalmax = 0; ngroup = null; maxgroup = null; glist = null; gpair = null; maxdelete = 0; dellist = null; vre_first = 1; vre_start = 1; vre_every = 0; remainflag = 1; vremax = null; vremax_initial = null; remain = null; rotstyle = (int)Enum1.SMOOTH; vibstyle = (int)Enum1.NONE; nearcp = 0; nearlimit = 10; recomb_ijflag = null; ambiflag = 0; maxelectron = 0; elist = null; }
public double evib(int isp, double temp_thermal, RanPark erandom) { double eng, a, erm, b; int vibstyle = (int)Enum2.NONE; if (sparta.collide != null) { vibstyle = sparta.collide.vibstyle; } if (vibstyle == (int)Enum2.NONE || species[isp].vibdof < 2) { return(0.0); } eng = 0.0; if (vibstyle == (int)Enum2.DISCRETE && species[isp].vibdof == 2) { int ivib = Convert.ToInt32(-Math.Log(erandom.uniform()) * temp_thermal / sparta.particle.species[isp].vibtemp); eng = ivib * sparta.update.boltz * sparta.particle.species[isp].vibtemp; } else if (vibstyle == (int)Enum2.SMOOTH || species[isp].vibdof >= 2) { if (species[isp].vibdof == 2) { eng = -Math.Log(erandom.uniform()) * sparta.update.boltz * temp_thermal; } else if (species[isp].vibdof > 2) { a = 0.5 * sparta.particle.species[isp].vibdof - 1; while (true) { // energy cut-off at 10 kT erm = 10.0 * erandom.uniform(); b = Math.Pow(erm / a, a) * Math.Exp(a - erm); if (b > erandom.uniform()) { break; } } eng = erm * sparta.update.boltz * temp_thermal; } } return(eng); }
public int copy, copymode; // 1 if copy of class (prevents deallocation of // base class when child copy is destroyed) // methods public void init() { for (int i = 0; i < nmixture; i++) { mixture[i].init(); } // RNG for particle weighting if (wrandom == null) { wrandom = new RanPark(sparta.update.ranmaster.uniform()); double seed = sparta.update.ranmaster.uniform(); wrandom.reset(seed, me, 100); } // if first run after reading a restart file, // delete any custom particle attributes that have not been re-defined // use nactive since remove_custom() may alter ncustom if (custom_restart_flag != null) { int nactive = ncustom; for (int i = 0; i < nactive; i++) { if (custom_restart_flag[i] == 0) { remove_custom(i); } } //delete[] custom_restart_flag; custom_restart_flag = null; } // reallocate cellcount and first lists as needed // NOTE: when grid becomes dynamic, will need to do this in sort() //if (maxgrid < sparta.grid.nlocal) { // maxgrid = sparta.grid.nlocal; // memory.destroy(cellcount); //memory.destroy(first); //memory.create(first,maxgrid,"particle:first"); //memory.create(cellcount,maxgrid,"particle:cellcount"); // } }