Пример #1
        public virtual Score Score(Experiment experiment, double probability = 90.0)
            var score = new Score();

            // sort by conversion rate
            var sorted = experiment.Score(experiment);
            var @base = sorted.Skip(1).Take(1).First(); // sorted[-2]

            // calculate z-score
            var cohort = experiment.ParticipantsByAlternative();
            var pc = @base.Value;
            var nc = cohort[@base.Key];
            foreach (var alt in sorted)
                var p = alt.Value;
                var index = alt.Key;
                var n = cohort[index];
                var zscore = (p - pc)/((p * (1 - p) / n) + (pc * (1 - pc) / nc)).Abs().Pow(0.5);
                zscore = double.IsNaN(zscore) ? 0 : zscore;
                score.Alternatives.Add(new Alternative
                    Index = index,
                    Name = experiment.Alternatives[index - 1].ToString(),
                    Label = "Option " + (char)(index + 64),
                    Value = alt.Value,
                    ZScore = zscore,
                    Probability = ProbabilityOfScore(zscore)
            score.Base = score.Alternatives[@base.Key - 1];

            // difference is measured from least performant
            KeyValuePair<int, double> least;
            if ((least = sorted.FirstOrDefault(kv => kv.Value > 0)).Value > 0)
                foreach (var alt in sorted.Where(alt => alt.Value > least.Value))
                    score.Alternatives[alt.Key].Difference = (alt.Value - least.Value) / least.Value * 100;
                score.Least = score.Alternatives[least.Key - 1];

            // best alternative is one with highest conversion rate (best shot).
            if (sorted.Last().Value > 0.0)
                score.Best = score.Alternatives[sorted.Last().Key - 1];

            // choice alternative can only pick best if we have high probability (>90%)
            score.Choice = experiment.Outcome.HasValue
                               ? score.Alternatives[experiment.Outcome.Value - 1]
                               : (score.Best != null && score.Best.Probability >= probability ? score.Best : null);

            return score;
Пример #2
 public static IEnumerable<AlternativeViewModel> ProjectAlternatives(Experiment experiment, Score score)
     var index = 1;
     foreach (var alternative in experiment.Alternatives)
         var value = alternative.ToString();
         var vm = new AlternativeViewModel
             Name = "Option " + (char)(index + 64),
             Participants = experiment.ParticipantsByAlternative()[index],
             Converted = experiment.ConvertedByAlternative()[index],
             ConversionRate = experiment.ConversionRateByAlternative()[index],
             Showing = experiment.AlternativeValue.ToString() == value,
             Choice = score.Choice != null && score.Choice.Index == index,
             Value = value
         yield return vm;
Пример #3
        public virtual string Conclusion(Score score, double probability = 90.0)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            var participants = score.Alternatives.Count();
                case 0:
                    sb.Append("There are no participants in this experiment. ");
                case 1:
                    sb.Append("There is one participant in this experiment. ");
                    sb.AppendFormat("There are {0} participants in this experiment. ", participants);

            // only interested in sorted alternatives that converted
            var sorted = score.Alternatives.Where(alt => alt.Value > 0.0).OrderBy(alt => alt.Value).Reverse().ToList();
            if(sorted.Count() > 1)
                // start with alternatives that have conversion, from best to worst, then alternatives with no conversion.
                sorted = sorted.Intersect(score.Alternatives).ToList();
                var best = sorted[0];
                var second = sorted[1];
                if (best.Value > second.Value)
                    var diff = ((best.Value - second.Value)/second.Value*100).Round();
                    var better = diff > 0 ? string.Format(" ({0:d}% better than {1})", diff, second.Label) : "";
                    sb.AppendFormat("The best choice is {0}: it converted at {1:f1}{2}.", best.Label, best.Value, better);
                    if(best.Probability >= probability)
                        sb.AppendFormat("With {0:d}% probability this result is statistically significant.", score.Best.Probability);
                        sb.Append("This result is not statistically significant, you should continue this experiment.");
                foreach(var alt in sorted)
                    if(alt.Value > 0.0)
                        sb.AppendFormat("{0} converted at {1:f1}%", alt.Label, alt.Value*100);
                        sb.AppendFormat("{0} did not convert.", alt.Label);
                sb.Append("This experiment has not run long enough to find a clear winner.");
            if(score.Choice != null)
                sb.Append(score.Choice.Name + " selected as the best alternative.");
            return sb.ToString();