Пример #1
        static void ReadHeader(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
            var header = model.Header = new ModelHeader();

            header.Magic = br.ReadUInt32();
            header.Version = br.ReadUInt32();
            header.NameLength = br.ReadInt32();
            header.NameOffset = br.ReadInt32();
            header.GlobalModelFlags = (GlobalModelFlags)br.ReadUInt32();

            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.GlobalSequences);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Animations);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.AnimationLookup);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Bones);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.KeyBoneLookup);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Vertices);
            header.ViewCount = br.ReadUInt32();
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Colors);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Textures);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Transparency);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.UVAnimation);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.TexReplace);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.RenderFlags);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.BoneLookupTable);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.TexLookup);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.TexUnits);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.TransLookup);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.UVAnimLookup);

            header.VertexBox = br.ReadBoundingBox();
            header.VertexRadius = br.ReadSingle();
            header.BoundingBox = br.ReadBoundingBox();
            header.BoundingRadius = br.ReadSingle();

            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.BoundingTriangles);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.BoundingVertices);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.BoundingNormals);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Attachments);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.AttachLookup);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Events);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Lights);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Cameras);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.CameraLookup);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.RibbonEmitters);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.ParticleEmitters);

            if (header.HasUnknownFinalPart)
                br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.OptionalUnk);

            br.BaseStream.Position = model.Header.NameOffset;
            //model.Name = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(br.ReadBytes(model.Header.NameLength));
            model.Name = br.ReadCString();
Пример #2
        public static M2Model Process(MpqManager manager, string fileName)
            if (!manager.FileExists(fileName))
                throw new Exception("File does not exist: " + fileName);

            var model = new M2Model();

            using (var fs = manager.OpenFile(fileName))
            using (var br = new BinaryReader(fs))
                ReadHeader(br, model);
                ReadGlobalSequences(br, model);
                ReadAnimations(br, model);
                ReadAnimationLookup(br, model);
                ReadBones(br, model);
                ReadKeyBoneLookup(br, model);
                ReadVertices(br, model);
                ReadColors(br, model);
                ReadTextures(br, model);
                ReadTransparency(br, model);
                ReadUVAnimation(br, model);
                ReadTexReplace(br, model);
                ReadRenderFlags(br, model);
                ReadBoneLookupTable(br, model);
                ReadTexLookup(br, model);
                ReadTexUnits(br, model);
                ReadTransLookup(br, model);
                ReadUVAnimLookup(br, model);
                ReadBoundingTriangles(br, model);
                ReadBoundingVertices(br, model);
                ReadBoundingNormals(br, model);
                ReadAttachments(br, model);
                ReadAttachLookups(br, model);
                ReadEvents(br, model);
                ReadLights(br, model);
                ReadCameras(br, model);
                ReadCameraLookup(br, model);
                ReadRibbonEmitters(br, model);
                ReadParticleEmitters(br, model);

                if (model.Header.HasUnknownFinalPart)
                    ReadOptionalSection(br, model);

            return model;
Пример #3
        private static TileModel TransformM2Model(MapObjectDefinition wmo, DoodadDefinition definition, M2Model m2model)
            var model = new TileModel
                Vertices = new Vector3[m2model.BoundingVertices.Length]

            var origin = new Vector3(-definition.Position.X, definition.Position.Z, definition.Position.Y);
            var wmoOrigin = CorrectWMOOrigin(wmo.Position);
            var rotation = definition.Rotation;
            var rotateY = Matrix.CreateRotationY((wmo.OrientationB - 90) * RadiansPerDegree);
            for (var i = 0; i < m2model.BoundingVertices.Length; i++)
                var vector = m2model.BoundingVertices[i];
                var rotatedVector = Vector3.Transform(vector, rotation);
                rotatedVector = TransformToIntermediateCoords(rotatedVector);
                var finalModelVector = rotatedVector + origin;

                var rotatedWMOVector = Vector3.Transform(finalModelVector, rotateY);
                var finalWMOVector = rotatedWMOVector + wmoOrigin;

                model.Vertices[i] = finalWMOVector;

            // Add the triangle indices to the model
            model.Triangles = new Index3[m2model.BoundingTriangles.Length];
            for (var i = 0; i < m2model.BoundingTriangles.Length; i++)
                var tri = m2model.BoundingTriangles[i];
                model.Triangles[i] = new Index3
                    Index0 = (short)tri[2],
                    Index1 = (short)tri[1],
                    Index2 = (short)tri[0]

            // Calculate the boundingbox
            model.Bounds = new BoundingBox(model.Vertices);

            return model;
Пример #4
 static void ReadOptionalSection(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #5
 static void ReadRibbonEmitters(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #6
 static void ReadCameras(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #7
 static void ReadEvents(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #8
 static void ReadAttachments(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #9
        static void ReadBoundingTriangles(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
            var btInfo = model.Header.BoundingTriangles;
            model.BoundingTriangles = new ushort[btInfo.Count / 3][];

            br.BaseStream.Position = btInfo.Offset;

            for (int i = 0; i < model.BoundingTriangles.Length; i++)
                model.BoundingTriangles[i] = new ushort[3];
                model.BoundingTriangles[i][0] = br.ReadUInt16();
                model.BoundingTriangles[i][1] = br.ReadUInt16();
                model.BoundingTriangles[i][2] = br.ReadUInt16();
Пример #10
 static void ReadColors(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #11
        static void ReadVertices(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
            var vertInfo = model.Header.Vertices;

            model.Vertices = new ModelVertices[vertInfo.Count];

            br.BaseStream.Position = vertInfo.Offset;
            for (int i = 0; i < vertInfo.Count; i++)
                var mv = new ModelVertices
                    Position = br.ReadVector3(),
                    BoneWeight = br.ReadBytes(4),
                    BoneIndices = br.ReadBytes(4),
                    Normal = br.ReadVector3(),
                    TextureCoordinates = br.ReadVector2(),
                    Float_1 = br.ReadSingle(),
                    Float_2 = br.ReadSingle()

                model.Vertices[i] = mv;
Пример #12
 static void ReadKeyBoneLookup(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #13
 static void ReadBones(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #14
 static void ReadAnimationLookup(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #15
        static void ReadGlobalSequences(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
            var gsInfo = model.Header.GlobalSequences;
            model.GlobalSequenceTimestamps = new uint[gsInfo.Count];

            br.BaseStream.Position = gsInfo.Offset;

            for (int i = 0; i < model.GlobalSequenceTimestamps.Length; i++)
                model.GlobalSequenceTimestamps[i] = br.ReadUInt32();
Пример #16
 static void ReadTransLookup(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #17
 static void ReadUVAnimLookup(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #18
 static void ReadTextures(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #19
        static void ReadBoundingNormals(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
            var bnInfo = model.Header.BoundingVertices;

            model.BoundingNormals = new Vector3[bnInfo.Count];
            br.BaseStream.Position = bnInfo.Offset;

            for (int i = 0; i < bnInfo.Count; i++)
                model.BoundingNormals[i] = br.ReadVector3();
Пример #20
 static void ReadTransparency(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #21
 static void ReadAttachLookups(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #22
 static void ReadUVAnimation(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #23
 static void ReadLights(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #24
 static void ReadTexReplace(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #25
 static void ReadCameraLookup(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #26
 static void ReadRenderFlags(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #27
 static void ReadParticleEmitters(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #28
 static void ReadBoneLookupTable(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #29
 static void ReadTexUnits(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Пример #30
        private static TileModel TransformM2Model(MapDoodadDefinition definition, M2Model m2model)
            var model = new TileModel
                Vertices = new Vector3[m2model.BoundingVertices.Length]

            // Rotate
            var origin = new Vector3(
                (TerrainConstants.CenterPoint - definition.Position.X),
                (TerrainConstants.CenterPoint - definition.Position.Z)

            for (var i = 0; i < model.Vertices.Length; i++)
                // Reverse the previos coord transform for the rotation.
                var vector = TransformToIntermediateCoords(m2model.BoundingVertices[i]);

                // Create the rotation matrices
                var rotateX = Matrix.CreateRotationX(definition.OrientationC * RadiansPerDegree);
                var rotateY = Matrix.CreateRotationY((definition.OrientationB - 90) * RadiansPerDegree);
                var rotateZ = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(-definition.OrientationA * RadiansPerDegree);

                // Rotate the vector
                var rotatedVector = Vector3.Transform(vector, rotateY);
                rotatedVector = Vector3.Transform(rotatedVector, rotateZ);
                rotatedVector = Vector3.Transform(rotatedVector, rotateX);

                var finalVector = rotatedVector + origin;

                model.Vertices[i] = finalVector;

            // Add the triangle indices to the model
            model.Triangles = new Index3[m2model.BoundingTriangles.Length];
            for (var i = 0; i < m2model.BoundingTriangles.Length; i++)
                var tri = m2model.BoundingTriangles[i];
                model.Triangles[i] = new Index3
                    Index0 = (short)tri[2],
                    Index1 = (short)tri[1],
                    Index2 = (short)tri[0]

            // Calculate the boundingbox
            model.Bounds = new BoundingBox(model.Vertices);

            return model;