Exemplo n.º 1
        static void ReadHeader(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
            var header = model.Header = new ModelHeader();

            header.Magic = br.ReadUInt32();
            header.Version = br.ReadUInt32();
            header.NameLength = br.ReadInt32();
            header.NameOffset = br.ReadInt32();
            header.GlobalModelFlags = (GlobalModelFlags)br.ReadUInt32();

            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.GlobalSequences);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Animations);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.AnimationLookup);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Bones);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.KeyBoneLookup);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Vertices);
            header.ViewCount = br.ReadUInt32();
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Colors);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Textures);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Transparency);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.UVAnimation);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.TexReplace);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.RenderFlags);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.BoneLookupTable);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.TexLookup);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.TexUnits);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.TransLookup);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.UVAnimLookup);

            header.VertexBox = br.ReadBoundingBox();
            header.VertexRadius = br.ReadSingle();
            header.BoundingBox = br.ReadBoundingBox();
            header.BoundingRadius = br.ReadSingle();

            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.BoundingTriangles);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.BoundingVertices);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.BoundingNormals);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Attachments);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.AttachLookup);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Events);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Lights);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.Cameras);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.CameraLookup);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.RibbonEmitters);
            br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.ParticleEmitters);

            if (header.HasUnknownFinalPart)
                br.ReadOffsetLocation(ref header.OptionalUnk);

            br.BaseStream.Position = model.Header.NameOffset;
            //model.Name = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(br.ReadBytes(model.Header.NameLength));
            model.Name = br.ReadCString();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static M2Model Process(MpqManager manager, string fileName)
            if (!manager.FileExists(fileName))
                throw new Exception("File does not exist: " + fileName);

            var model = new M2Model();

            using (var fs = manager.OpenFile(fileName))
            using (var br = new BinaryReader(fs))
                ReadHeader(br, model);
                ReadGlobalSequences(br, model);
                ReadAnimations(br, model);
                ReadAnimationLookup(br, model);
                ReadBones(br, model);
                ReadKeyBoneLookup(br, model);
                ReadVertices(br, model);
                ReadColors(br, model);
                ReadTextures(br, model);
                ReadTransparency(br, model);
                ReadUVAnimation(br, model);
                ReadTexReplace(br, model);
                ReadRenderFlags(br, model);
                ReadBoneLookupTable(br, model);
                ReadTexLookup(br, model);
                ReadTexUnits(br, model);
                ReadTransLookup(br, model);
                ReadUVAnimLookup(br, model);
                ReadBoundingTriangles(br, model);
                ReadBoundingVertices(br, model);
                ReadBoundingNormals(br, model);
                ReadAttachments(br, model);
                ReadAttachLookups(br, model);
                ReadEvents(br, model);
                ReadLights(br, model);
                ReadCameras(br, model);
                ReadCameraLookup(br, model);
                ReadRibbonEmitters(br, model);
                ReadParticleEmitters(br, model);

                if (model.Header.HasUnknownFinalPart)
                    ReadOptionalSection(br, model);

            return model;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static TileModel TransformM2Model(MapObjectDefinition wmo, DoodadDefinition definition, M2Model m2model)
            var model = new TileModel
                Vertices = new Vector3[m2model.BoundingVertices.Length]

            var origin = new Vector3(-definition.Position.X, definition.Position.Z, definition.Position.Y);
            var wmoOrigin = CorrectWMOOrigin(wmo.Position);
            var rotation = definition.Rotation;
            var rotateY = Matrix.CreateRotationY((wmo.OrientationB - 90) * RadiansPerDegree);
            for (var i = 0; i < m2model.BoundingVertices.Length; i++)
                var vector = m2model.BoundingVertices[i];
                var rotatedVector = Vector3.Transform(vector, rotation);
                rotatedVector = TransformToIntermediateCoords(rotatedVector);
                var finalModelVector = rotatedVector + origin;

                var rotatedWMOVector = Vector3.Transform(finalModelVector, rotateY);
                var finalWMOVector = rotatedWMOVector + wmoOrigin;

                model.Vertices[i] = finalWMOVector;

            // Add the triangle indices to the model
            model.Triangles = new Index3[m2model.BoundingTriangles.Length];
            for (var i = 0; i < m2model.BoundingTriangles.Length; i++)
                var tri = m2model.BoundingTriangles[i];
                model.Triangles[i] = new Index3
                    Index0 = (short)tri[2],
                    Index1 = (short)tri[1],
                    Index2 = (short)tri[0]

            // Calculate the boundingbox
            model.Bounds = new BoundingBox(model.Vertices);

            return model;
Exemplo n.º 4
 static void ReadOptionalSection(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 5
 static void ReadRibbonEmitters(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 6
 static void ReadCameras(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 7
 static void ReadEvents(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 8
 static void ReadAttachments(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 9
        static void ReadBoundingTriangles(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
            var btInfo = model.Header.BoundingTriangles;
            model.BoundingTriangles = new ushort[btInfo.Count / 3][];

            br.BaseStream.Position = btInfo.Offset;

            for (int i = 0; i < model.BoundingTriangles.Length; i++)
                model.BoundingTriangles[i] = new ushort[3];
                model.BoundingTriangles[i][0] = br.ReadUInt16();
                model.BoundingTriangles[i][1] = br.ReadUInt16();
                model.BoundingTriangles[i][2] = br.ReadUInt16();
Exemplo n.º 10
 static void ReadColors(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 11
        static void ReadVertices(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
            var vertInfo = model.Header.Vertices;

            model.Vertices = new ModelVertices[vertInfo.Count];

            br.BaseStream.Position = vertInfo.Offset;
            for (int i = 0; i < vertInfo.Count; i++)
                var mv = new ModelVertices
                    Position = br.ReadVector3(),
                    BoneWeight = br.ReadBytes(4),
                    BoneIndices = br.ReadBytes(4),
                    Normal = br.ReadVector3(),
                    TextureCoordinates = br.ReadVector2(),
                    Float_1 = br.ReadSingle(),
                    Float_2 = br.ReadSingle()

                model.Vertices[i] = mv;
Exemplo n.º 12
 static void ReadKeyBoneLookup(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 13
 static void ReadBones(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 14
 static void ReadAnimationLookup(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 15
        static void ReadGlobalSequences(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
            var gsInfo = model.Header.GlobalSequences;
            model.GlobalSequenceTimestamps = new uint[gsInfo.Count];

            br.BaseStream.Position = gsInfo.Offset;

            for (int i = 0; i < model.GlobalSequenceTimestamps.Length; i++)
                model.GlobalSequenceTimestamps[i] = br.ReadUInt32();
Exemplo n.º 16
 static void ReadTransLookup(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 17
 static void ReadUVAnimLookup(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 18
 static void ReadTextures(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 19
        static void ReadBoundingNormals(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
            var bnInfo = model.Header.BoundingVertices;

            model.BoundingNormals = new Vector3[bnInfo.Count];
            br.BaseStream.Position = bnInfo.Offset;

            for (int i = 0; i < bnInfo.Count; i++)
                model.BoundingNormals[i] = br.ReadVector3();
Exemplo n.º 20
 static void ReadTransparency(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 21
 static void ReadAttachLookups(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 22
 static void ReadUVAnimation(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 23
 static void ReadLights(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 24
 static void ReadTexReplace(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 25
 static void ReadCameraLookup(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 26
 static void ReadRenderFlags(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 27
 static void ReadParticleEmitters(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 28
 static void ReadBoneLookupTable(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 29
 static void ReadTexUnits(BinaryReader br, M2Model model)
Exemplo n.º 30
        private static TileModel TransformM2Model(MapDoodadDefinition definition, M2Model m2model)
            var model = new TileModel
                Vertices = new Vector3[m2model.BoundingVertices.Length]

            // Rotate
            var origin = new Vector3(
                (TerrainConstants.CenterPoint - definition.Position.X),
                (TerrainConstants.CenterPoint - definition.Position.Z)

            for (var i = 0; i < model.Vertices.Length; i++)
                // Reverse the previos coord transform for the rotation.
                var vector = TransformToIntermediateCoords(m2model.BoundingVertices[i]);

                // Create the rotation matrices
                var rotateX = Matrix.CreateRotationX(definition.OrientationC * RadiansPerDegree);
                var rotateY = Matrix.CreateRotationY((definition.OrientationB - 90) * RadiansPerDegree);
                var rotateZ = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(-definition.OrientationA * RadiansPerDegree);

                // Rotate the vector
                var rotatedVector = Vector3.Transform(vector, rotateY);
                rotatedVector = Vector3.Transform(rotatedVector, rotateZ);
                rotatedVector = Vector3.Transform(rotatedVector, rotateX);

                var finalVector = rotatedVector + origin;

                model.Vertices[i] = finalVector;

            // Add the triangle indices to the model
            model.Triangles = new Index3[m2model.BoundingTriangles.Length];
            for (var i = 0; i < m2model.BoundingTriangles.Length; i++)
                var tri = m2model.BoundingTriangles[i];
                model.Triangles[i] = new Index3
                    Index0 = (short)tri[2],
                    Index1 = (short)tri[1],
                    Index2 = (short)tri[0]

            // Calculate the boundingbox
            model.Bounds = new BoundingBox(model.Vertices);

            return model;