public void OnEquippedUseEnd(Inventory inventory, int useIndex)
            // If arrow is nocked, and we release the trigger


            // if ( nocked )

            // {

            //  if ( bow.pulled ) // If bow is pulled back far enough, fire arrow, otherwise reset arrow in arrowhand
            //  {
            //      FireArrow();
            //  }
            //  else
            //  {
            //      arrowNockTransform.rotation = currentArrow.transform.rotation;
            //      currentArrow.transform.parent = arrowNockTransform;
            //      Util.ResetTransform( currentArrow.transform );
            //      nocked = false;
            //         bow.ReleaseNock();

            //      inventory.GetComponent<Interactor>().HoverUnlock( GetComponent<Interactable>() );

            //  }

            //  bow.StartRotationLerp(); // Arrow is releasing from the bow, tell the bow to lerp back to controller rotation
            // }