OpenSystemShaderIncludeError() приватный Метод

private OpenSystemShaderIncludeError ( string includeName, int line ) : void
includeName string
line int
Результат void
Пример #1
        // shared by compute shader inspector too
        internal static void ShaderErrorListUI(Object shader, ShaderMessage[] messages, ref Vector2 scrollPosition)
            int n = messages.Length;

            GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Errors ({0}):", n), EditorStyles.boldLabel);
            int   errorListID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(kErrorViewHash, FocusType.Passive);
            float height      = Mathf.Min(n * 20f + 40f, 150f);

            scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition,, GUILayout.MinHeight(height));

            EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(new Vector2(16.0f, 16.0f));
            float lineHeight = Styles.messageStyle.CalcHeight(EditorGUIUtility.TempContent(Styles.errorIcon), 100);

            Event e = Event.current;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                Rect r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, lineHeight);

                string err      = messages[i].message;
                string plat     = messages[i].platform.ToString();
                bool   warn     = messages[i].severity != ShaderCompilerMessageSeverity.Error;
                string fileName = FileUtil.GetLastPathNameComponent(messages[i].file);
                int    line     = messages[i].line;

                // Double click opens shader file at error line
                if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0 && r.Contains(e.mousePosition))
                    GUIUtility.keyboardControl = errorListID;
                    if (e.clickCount == 2)
                        string filePath = messages[i].file;
                        Object asset    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath) ? null : AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(filePath);

                        // if we don't have an asset and the filePath is an absolute path, it's an error in a system
                        // cginc - open that instead
                        if (asset == null && System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(filePath))
                            ShaderUtil.OpenSystemShaderIncludeError(filePath, line);
                            AssetDatabase.OpenAsset(asset ?? shader, line);

                // Context menu, "Copy"
                if (e.type == EventType.ContextClick && r.Contains(e.mousePosition))
                    var menu = new GenericMenu();
                    // need to copy current value to be used in delegate
                    // (C# closures close over variables, not their values)
                    var errorIndex = i;
                    menu.AddItem(EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Copy error text"), false, delegate {
                        string errMsg = messages[errorIndex].message;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(messages[errorIndex].messageDetails))
                            errMsg += '\n';
                            errMsg += messages[errorIndex].messageDetails;
                        EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = errMsg;

                // background
                if (e.type == EventType.Repaint)
                    if ((i & 1) == 0)
                        GUIStyle st = Styles.evenBackground;
                        st.Draw(r, false, false, false, false);

                // error location on the right side
                Rect locRect = r;
                locRect.xMin = locRect.xMax;
                if (line > 0)
                    GUIContent gc;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                        gc = EditorGUIUtility.TempContent(line.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        gc = EditorGUIUtility.TempContent(fileName + ":" + line.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    // calculate size so we can right-align it
                    Vector2 size = EditorStyles.miniLabel.CalcSize(gc);
                    locRect.xMin -= size.x;
                    GUI.Label(locRect, gc, EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                    locRect.xMin -= 2;
                    // ensure some minimum width so that platform field next will line up
                    if (locRect.width < 30)
                        locRect.xMin = locRect.xMax - 30;

                // platform to the left of it
                Rect platRect = locRect;
                platRect.width = 0;
                if (plat.Length > 0)
                    GUIContent gc = EditorGUIUtility.TempContent(plat);
                    // calculate size so we can right-align it
                    Vector2 size = EditorStyles.miniLabel.CalcSize(gc);
                    platRect.xMin -= size.x;

                    // draw platform in dimmer color; it's often not very important information
                    Color oldColor = GUI.contentColor;
                    GUI.contentColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f);
                    GUI.Label(platRect, gc, EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                    GUI.contentColor = oldColor;
                    platRect.xMin   -= 2;

                // error message
                Rect msgRect = r;
                msgRect.xMax = platRect.xMin;
                GUI.Label(msgRect, EditorGUIUtility.TempContent(err, warn ? Styles.warningIcon : Styles.errorIcon), Styles.messageStyle);
Пример #2
        internal static void ShaderErrorListUI(UnityEngine.Object shader, ShaderError[] errors, ref Vector2 scrollPosition)
            int num = errors.Length;

            GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Errors ({0}):", num), EditorStyles.boldLabel, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            int   controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(ShaderInspector.kErrorViewHash, FocusType.Passive);
            float minHeight = Mathf.Min((float)num * 20f + 40f, 150f);

            scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition,, new GUILayoutOption[]
            EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(new Vector2(16f, 16f));
            float height  = ShaderInspector.Styles.messageStyle.CalcHeight(EditorGUIUtility.TempContent(ShaderInspector.Styles.errorIcon), 100f);
            Event current = Event.current;

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                Rect   controlRect           = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, height, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
                string message               = errors[i].message;
                string platform              = errors[i].platform;
                bool   flag                  = errors[i].warning != 0;
                string lastPathNameComponent = FileUtil.GetLastPathNameComponent(errors[i].file);
                int    line                  = errors[i].line;
                if (current.type == EventType.MouseDown && current.button == 0 && controlRect.Contains(current.mousePosition))
                    GUIUtility.keyboardControl = controlID;
                    if (current.clickCount == 2)
                        string             file    = errors[i].file;
                        UnityEngine.Object @object = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) ? AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(file) : null;
                        if (@object == null && Path.IsPathRooted(file))
                            ShaderUtil.OpenSystemShaderIncludeError(file, line);
                            AssetDatabase.OpenAsset(@object ?? shader, line);
                if (current.type == EventType.ContextClick && controlRect.Contains(current.mousePosition))
                    GenericMenu genericMenu = new GenericMenu();
                    int         errorIndex  = i;
                    genericMenu.AddItem(EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Copy error text", null, null), false, delegate
                        string text = errors[errorIndex].message;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errors[errorIndex].messageDetails))
                            text += '\n';
                            text += errors[errorIndex].messageDetails;
                        EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = text;
                if (current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                    if ((i & 1) == 0)
                        GUIStyle evenBackground = ShaderInspector.Styles.evenBackground;
                        evenBackground.Draw(controlRect, false, false, false, false);
                Rect rect = controlRect;
                rect.xMin = rect.xMax;
                if (line > 0)
                    GUIContent content;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastPathNameComponent))
                        content = EditorGUIUtility.TempContent(line.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        content = EditorGUIUtility.TempContent(lastPathNameComponent + ":" + line.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    Vector2 vector = EditorStyles.miniLabel.CalcSize(content);
                    rect.xMin -= vector.x;
                    GUI.Label(rect, content, EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                    rect.xMin -= 2f;
                    if (rect.width < 30f)
                        rect.xMin = rect.xMax - 30f;
                Rect position = rect;
                position.width = 0f;
                if (platform.Length > 0)
                    GUIContent content2 = EditorGUIUtility.TempContent(platform);
                    Vector2    vector2  = EditorStyles.miniLabel.CalcSize(content2);
                    position.xMin -= vector2.x;
                    Color contentColor = GUI.contentColor;
                    GUI.contentColor = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f);
                    GUI.Label(position, content2, EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                    GUI.contentColor = contentColor;
                    position.xMin   -= 2f;
                Rect position2 = controlRect;
                position2.xMax = position.xMin;
                GUI.Label(position2, EditorGUIUtility.TempContent(message, (!flag) ? ShaderInspector.Styles.errorIcon : ShaderInspector.Styles.warningIcon), ShaderInspector.Styles.messageStyle);