UndoPropertyModification[] RecheckOverrideStatus(UndoPropertyModification[] modifications)
     if (m_Instance == null || !PrefabUtility.HasObjectOverride(m_Instance))
 UndoPropertyModification[] RecheckOverrideStatus(UndoPropertyModification[] modifications)
     if (m_Instance == null || !PrefabUtility.HasObjectOverride(m_Instance))
         // Delay update and close since if there's multiple undo events, RecheckOverrideStatus
         // gets called for each, and we only want to recheck after the last one.
         // This fixes an issue where the tree view would still show a component with no more
         // modifications on it, if it was a component with a coupled component.
         EditorApplication.tick -= UpdateAndCloseOnNextTick;
         EditorApplication.tick += UpdateAndCloseOnNextTick;