public override void AbcSetup(aiObject abcObj, aiSchema abcSchema) { base.AbcSetup(abcObj, abcSchema); m_abcSchema = (aiPolyMesh)abcSchema; m_abcSchema.GetSummary(ref m_summary); }
public override void AbcSetup(aiObject abcObj, aiSchema abcSchema) { base.AbcSetup(abcObj, abcSchema); m_abcSchema = (aiCamera)abcSchema; m_camera = GetOrAddComponent <Camera>(); }
public override void AbcSetup(aiObject abcObj, aiSchema abcSchema) { base.AbcSetup(abcObj, abcSchema); m_abcSchema = (aiCamera)abcSchema; m_camera = GetOrAddComponent <Camera>(); // flip forward direction (camera in Alembic has inverted forward direction) abcTreeNode.gameObject.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 180, 0); }
public override void AbcSetup(aiObject abcObj, aiSchema abcSchema) { base.AbcSetup(abcObj, abcSchema); m_abcSchema = abcSchema; Light light = GetOrAddComponent <Light>(); // Disable component for now light.enabled = false; }
void ImportCallback(aiObject obj) { var ic = m_importContext; AlembicTreeNode treeNode = ic.alembicTreeNode; AlembicTreeNode childTreeNode = null; aiSchema schema = obj.AsXform(); if (!schema) { schema = obj.AsPolyMesh(); } if (!schema) { schema = obj.AsCamera(); } if (!schema) { schema = obj.AsPoints(); } if (schema) { // Get child. create if needed and allowed. string childName =; // Find targetted child GameObj GameObject childGO = null; var childTransf = treeNode.gameObject == null ? null : treeNode.gameObject.transform.Find(childName); if (childTransf == null) { if (!ic.createMissingNodes) { obj.enabled = false; return; } else { obj.enabled = true; } childGO = new GameObject { name = childName }; childGO.GetComponent <Transform>().SetParent(treeNode.gameObject.transform, false); } else { childGO = childTransf.gameObject; } childTreeNode = new AlembicTreeNode() { stream = this, gameObject = childGO }; treeNode.children.Add(childTreeNode); // Update AlembicElement elem = null; if (obj.AsXform() && m_streamDesc.settings.importXform) { elem = childTreeNode.GetOrAddAlembicObj <AlembicXform>(); } else if (obj.AsCamera() && m_streamDesc.settings.importCameras) { elem = childTreeNode.GetOrAddAlembicObj <AlembicCamera>(); } else if (obj.AsPolyMesh() && m_streamDesc.settings.importMeshes) { elem = childTreeNode.GetOrAddAlembicObj <AlembicMesh>(); } else if (obj.AsPoints() && m_streamDesc.settings.importPoints) { elem = childTreeNode.GetOrAddAlembicObj <AlembicPoints>(); } if (elem != null) { elem.AbcSetup(obj, schema); elem.AbcPrepareSample(); schema.UpdateSample(ref; elem.AbcSyncDataBegin(); elem.AbcSyncDataEnd(); } } else { obj.enabled = false; } ic.alembicTreeNode = childTreeNode; obj.EachChild(ImportCallback); ic.alembicTreeNode = treeNode; }
[DllImport("abci")] public static extern void aiPointsSetSort(aiSchema schema, Bool v);
static void ImportEnumerator(aiObject obj, IntPtr userData) { var ic = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(userData).Target as ImportContext; AlembicTreeNode treeNode = ic.alembicTreeNode; // Get child. create if needed and allowed. string childName = aiGetName(obj); // Find targetted child GameObj AlembicTreeNode childTreeNode = null; GameObject childGO = null; var childTransf = treeNode.linkedGameObj.transform.Find(childName); if (childTransf == null) { if (!ic.createMissingNodes) { ic.objectsToDelete.Add(obj); return; } childGO = new GameObject { name = childName }; var trans = childGO.GetComponent <Transform>(); trans.parent = treeNode.linkedGameObj.transform; trans.localPosition =; trans.localEulerAngles =; trans.localScale =; } else { childGO = childTransf.gameObject; } if (childTreeNode == null) { childTreeNode = new AlembicTreeNode() { linkedGameObj = childGO, stream = }; treeNode.children.Add(childTreeNode); } // Update AlembicElement elem = null; aiSchema schema = default(aiSchema); if (aiGetXForm(obj)) { elem = childTreeNode.GetOrAddAlembicObj <AlembicXForm>(); schema = aiGetXForm(obj); } else if (aiGetPolyMesh(obj)) { elem = childTreeNode.GetOrAddAlembicObj <AlembicMesh>(); schema = aiGetPolyMesh(obj); } else if (aiGetCamera(obj)) { elem = childTreeNode.GetOrAddAlembicObj <AlembicCamera>(); schema = aiGetCamera(obj); } else if (aiGetPoints(obj)) { elem = childTreeNode.GetOrAddAlembicObj <AlembicPoints>(); schema = aiGetPoints(obj); } if (elem != null) { elem.AbcSetup(obj, schema); elem.AbcUpdateConfig(); aiSchemaUpdateSample(schema, ref; elem.AbcUpdate(); } ic.alembicTreeNode = childTreeNode; aiEnumerateChild(obj, ImportEnumerator, userData); ic.alembicTreeNode = treeNode; }
public virtual void AbcSetup(aiObject abcObj, aiSchema abcSchema) { m_abcObj = abcObj; }
[DllImport("abci")] public static extern aiProperty aiSchemaGetPropertyByIndex(aiSchema schema, int i);
[DllImport("abci")] public static extern aiProperty aiSchemaGetPropertyByName(aiSchema schema, string name);
[DllImport("abci")] public static extern void aiPointsGetSummary(aiSchema schema, ref aiPointsSummary summary);
[DllImport("abci")] public static extern int aiSchemaGetNumProperties(aiSchema schema);
[DllImport("AlembicImporter")] public static extern void aiSchemaSetSampleCallback(aiSchema schema, aiSampleCallback cb, IntPtr arg);
void ImportCallback(aiObject obj) { var ic = m_importContext; AlembicTreeNode treeNode = ic.alembicTreeNode; AlembicTreeNode childTreeNode = null; aiSchema schema = obj.AsXform(); if (!schema) { schema = obj.AsPolyMesh(); } if (!schema) { schema = obj.AsCamera(); } if (!schema) { schema = obj.AsPoints(); } if (schema) { // Get child. create if needed and allowed. string childName =; // Find targetted child GameObj GameObject childGO = null; var childTransf = treeNode.linkedGameObj == null ? null : treeNode.linkedGameObj.transform.Find(childName); if (childTransf == null) { if (!ic.createMissingNodes) { obj.enabled = false; return; } childGO = new GameObject { name = childName }; var trans = childGO.GetComponent <Transform>(); trans.parent = treeNode.linkedGameObj.transform; trans.localPosition =; trans.localEulerAngles =; trans.localScale =; } else { childGO = childTransf.gameObject; } childTreeNode = new AlembicTreeNode() { linkedGameObj = childGO, streamDescriptor = treeNode.streamDescriptor }; treeNode.children.Add(childTreeNode); // Update AlembicElement elem = null; if (obj.AsXform()) { elem = childTreeNode.GetOrAddAlembicObj <AlembicXform>(); } else if (obj.AsPolyMesh()) { elem = childTreeNode.GetOrAddAlembicObj <AlembicMesh>(); } else if (obj.AsCamera()) { elem = childTreeNode.GetOrAddAlembicObj <AlembicCamera>(); } else if (obj.AsPoints()) { elem = childTreeNode.GetOrAddAlembicObj <AlembicPoints>(); } if (elem != null) { elem.AbcSetup(obj, schema); elem.AbcPrepareSample(); schema.UpdateSample(ref; elem.AbcSyncDataBegin(); elem.AbcSyncDataEnd(); } } else { obj.enabled = false; } ic.alembicTreeNode = childTreeNode; obj.EachChild(ImportCallback); ic.alembicTreeNode = treeNode; }
[DllImport("abci")] public static extern void aiPolyMeshGetSummary(aiSchema schema, ref aiMeshSummary summary);
[DllImport("abci")] public static extern aiSample aiSchemaGetSample(aiSchema schema, ref aiSampleSelector ss);
[DllImport("abci")] public static extern void aiSchemaSetConfigCallback(aiSchema schema, aiConfigCallback cb, IntPtr arg);
[DllImport("AlembicImporter")] public static extern int aiSchemaGetNumProperties(aiSchema schema);
[DllImport("AlembicImporter")] public static extern aiSample aiSchemaUpdateSample(aiSchema schema, ref aiSampleSelector ss);
public override void AbcSetup(aiObject abcObj, aiSchema abcSchema) { base.AbcSetup(abcObj, abcSchema); m_abcSchema = (aiXform)abcSchema; }
[DllImport("abci")] public static extern void aiPointsSetSortBasePosition(aiSchema schema, Vector3 v);