private void ValidateControl(int input, Vector3 pos, NetworkViewID viewID, int moveIndex) { if (Network.isServer) { MatchManager matchManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <MatchManager>(); if (matchManager._state == Mobamon.GameManager.Enums.MatchState.Running) { if (input == (int)InputType.LeftClick) { if (selectedMove == null && moveIndex == -1) { // The character has to move at least half of its width. //if((theChosenHit.point - transform.position).magnitude >= nav.radius) { SetDestination(pos); } } else { // If a move is selected, but not launched : //if(!selectedMove.IsLaunched()) if (selectedMove == null && moveIndex != -1) { SelectMove(moveIndex); GameObject targetPokemon = new GameObject(); PokemonRelation relation = PokemonRelation.ERROR; if (viewID != NetworkViewID.unassigned) { targetPokemon = NetworkView.Find(viewID).gameObject; relation = entityManager.GetRelation(targetPokemon); } MoveTargetKind targetKind =; bool attackLaunched = false; if (targetKind == MoveTargetKind.Area) { SetAttackState(NetworkViewID.unassigned, pos); attackLaunched = true; } else if (targetKind == MoveTargetKind.Single && relation != PokemonRelation.ERROR) // If the target type is not an area, then it's a single target spell. Therefore he needs a target. { bool isSelfOnly = ((int)PokemonRelation.Self ^ (int) == 0; if (isSelfOnly) { SetAttackState(viewID, pos); attackLaunched = true; } else { if (((int) & (int)relation) != 0) { SphereCollider targetCollider = (SphereCollider)targetPokemon.GetComponent <Collider>(); if (Vector3.Magnitude(targetPokemon.transform.position - transform.position) <= / 100f + nav.radius + targetCollider.radius) { SetAttackState(viewID, pos); attackLaunched = true; } } } } if (!attackLaunched) { // If the player failed to click a right target for his attack, then we unselect it. selectedMove = null; } } } } } } }
public void Controls() { if (isMine) { // Uses : selectedMove, hit and hoverEntity if (!(selectedMove != null && selectedMove.IsLaunched())) { if ((Input.GetKeyDown("q") || Input.GetKeyDown("a")) && moveSet[0] != null) { SelectMove(0); } else if ((Input.GetKeyDown("w") || Input.GetKeyDown("z")) && moveSet[1] != null) { SelectMove(1); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown("e") && moveSet[2] != null) { SelectMove(2); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown("r") && moveSet[3] != null) { SelectMove(3); } } if (selectedMove != null && !selectedMove.IsLaunched()) { Ray ray = myCam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit) && hit.transform.root.gameObject == SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Entities)) { hoverEntity = hit.transform.gameObject; SphereCollider targetCollider = (SphereCollider)hoverEntity.GetComponent <Collider>(); if ( == MoveTargetKind.Single && Vector3.Magnitude(hoverEntity.transform.position - transform.position) > / 100f + nav.radius + targetCollider.radius) { hoverEntity = null; } } else { hoverEntity = null; } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { if (selectedMove == null) { Ray ray = myCam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit[] hits; hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, 100.0f); RaycastHit theChosenHit = new RaycastHit(); foreach (RaycastHit singleHit in hits) { if ( == "Terrain") { if (theChosenHit.Equals(new RaycastHit()) || singleHit.distance < theChosenHit.distance) { theChosenHit = singleHit; } } } if (!theChosenHit.Equals(new RaycastHit())) { // The character has to move at least half of its width. //if((theChosenHit.point - transform.position).magnitude >= nav.radius) { theChosenHit.point.Set(theChosenHit.point.x, 0, theChosenHit.point.z); GetComponent <NetworkView>().RPC("ValidateControl", RPCMode.Server, (int)InputType.LeftClick, theChosenHit.point, NetworkViewID.unassigned, -1); } } } else { // If a move is selected, but not launched : if (!selectedMove.IsLaunched()) { bool attackLaunched = false; MoveTargetKind targetKind =; int moveIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < moveSet.Count; i++) { if ( == moveSet[i]) { moveIndex = i; } } if (targetKind == MoveTargetKind.Area) { GetComponent <NetworkView>().RPC("ValidateControl", RPCMode.Server, (int)InputType.LeftClick, hit.point, NetworkViewID.unassigned, moveIndex); attackLaunched = true; } else if (targetKind == MoveTargetKind.Single && hoverEntity != null) // If the target type is not an area, then it's a single target spell. Therefore he needs a target. { PokemonRelation relation = entityManager.GetRelation(hoverEntity); if ((relation & != 0) { SphereCollider targetCollider = (SphereCollider)hoverEntity.GetComponent <Collider>(); if (Vector3.Magnitude(hoverEntity.transform.position - transform.position) <= / 100f + nav.radius + targetCollider.radius) { GetComponent <NetworkView>().RPC("ValidateControl", RPCMode.Server, (int)InputType.LeftClick, hit.point, hoverEntity.GetComponent <NetworkView>().viewID, moveIndex); attackLaunched = true; } } } if (!attackLaunched) { selectedMove = null; // If the player failed to click a right target for his attack, then we unselect it. } hoverEntity = null; } } } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { //SetLife(currentHP - 2f); if (selectedMove != null && !selectedMove.IsLaunched()) { selectedMove = null; } } } }