public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode config) { if (this.config == null) { this.config = new ConfigNode(); config.CopyTo(this.config); } resources = this.config.GetNodes("Resource").Select(n => new Resource(n)).ToList(); }
public static Part CreatePart(ConfigNode partConfig, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Part fromPart, Part coupleToPart = null, string srcAttachNodeID = null, AttachNode tgtAttachNode = null, OnPartCoupled onPartCoupled = null) { ConfigNode node_copy = new ConfigNode(); partConfig.CopyTo(node_copy); ProtoPartSnapshot snapshot = new ProtoPartSnapshot(node_copy, null, HighLogic.CurrentGame); if (HighLogic.CurrentGame.flightState.ContainsFlightID(snapshot.flightID) || snapshot.flightID == 0) { snapshot.flightID = ShipConstruction.GetUniqueFlightID(HighLogic.CurrentGame.flightState); } snapshot.parentIdx = 0; snapshot.position = position; snapshot.rotation = rotation; snapshot.stageIndex = 0; snapshot.defaultInverseStage = 0; snapshot.seqOverride = -1; snapshot.inStageIndex = -1; snapshot.attachMode = (int)AttachModes.SRF_ATTACH; snapshot.attached = true; snapshot.connected = true; snapshot.flagURL = fromPart.flagURL; Part newPart = snapshot.Load(fromPart.vessel, false); newPart.transform.position = position; newPart.transform.rotation = rotation; newPart.missionID = fromPart.missionID; fromPart.vessel.Parts.Add(newPart); newPart.physicalSignificance = Part.PhysicalSignificance.NONE; newPart.PromoteToPhysicalPart(); newPart.Unpack(); newPart.InitializeModules(); if (coupleToPart) { newPart.rigidbody.velocity = coupleToPart.rigidbody.velocity; newPart.rigidbody.angularVelocity = coupleToPart.rigidbody.angularVelocity; } else { if (fromPart.rigidbody) { newPart.rigidbody.velocity = fromPart.rigidbody.velocity; newPart.rigidbody.angularVelocity = fromPart.rigidbody.angularVelocity; } else { // If fromPart is a carried container newPart.rigidbody.velocity = fromPart.vessel.rootPart.rigidbody.velocity; newPart.rigidbody.angularVelocity = fromPart.vessel.rootPart.rigidbody.angularVelocity; } } newPart.decouple(); if (coupleToPart) { newPart.StartCoroutine(WaitAndCouple(newPart, coupleToPart, srcAttachNodeID, tgtAttachNode, onPartCoupled)); } else { newPart.vessel.vesselType = VesselType.Unknown; //name container ModuleKISInventory inv = newPart.GetComponent<ModuleKISInventory>(); if (inv) { if (inv.invName != "") { newPart.vessel.vesselName = inv.part.partInfo.title + " | " + inv.invName; } else { newPart.vessel.vesselName = inv.part.partInfo.title; } } } return newPart; }
public static Part LoadPartSnapshot(Vessel vessel, ConfigNode node, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) { ConfigNode node_copy = new ConfigNode(); node.CopyTo(node_copy); node_copy.RemoveValues("kas_total_mass"); ProtoPartSnapshot snapshot = new ProtoPartSnapshot(node_copy, null, HighLogic.CurrentGame); if (HighLogic.CurrentGame.flightState.ContainsFlightID(snapshot.flightID)) snapshot.flightID = ShipConstruction.GetUniqueFlightID(HighLogic.CurrentGame.flightState); snapshot.parentIdx = 0; snapshot.position = position; snapshot.rotation = rotation; snapshot.stageIndex = 0; snapshot.defaultInverseStage = 0; snapshot.seqOverride = -1; snapshot.inStageIndex = -1; snapshot.attachMode = (int)AttachModes.SRF_ATTACH; snapshot.attached = true; snapshot.connected = true; snapshot.flagURL = vessel.rootPart.flagURL; // Save properties that may be messed up by new colliders RigidbodyInertia rb_backup = new RigidbodyInertia(vessel.rootPart.rb); Part new_part = snapshot.Load(vessel, false); vessel.Parts.Add(new_part); if (vessel.packed) { GameEvents.onVesselWasModified.Fire(vessel); } else { // Request initialization as nonphysical to prevent explosions new_part.physicalSignificance = Part.PhysicalSignificance.NONE; // Disable all sub-objects with colliders List<Collider> re_enable = new List<Collider>(); foreach (var collider in new_part.GetComponentsInChildren<Collider>()) { if (collider.gameObject.activeSelf) { re_enable.Add(collider); collider.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } new_part.StartCoroutine(WaitAndUnpack(new_part, re_enable)); } rb_backup.Restore(vessel.rootPart.rb); return new_part; }
/// <summary> /// Merges global and local config nodes for an engine layout<para/> /// Local node values have priority if they are present; any non-specified local values are defaulted /// to the global value /// </summary> /// <param name="global"></param> /// <param name="local"></param> /// <returns></returns> private ConfigNode mergeNodes(ConfigNode global, ConfigNode local) { ConfigNode output = new ConfigNode("MOUNT"); global.CopyTo(output); if (local.HasValue("canAdjustSize")) { output.RemoveValues("canAdjustSize"); output.AddValue("canAdjustSize", local.GetBoolValue("canAdjustSize")); } if (local.HasValue("size")) { output.RemoveValues("size"); output.AddValue("size", local.GetFloatValue("size")); } if (local.HasValue("minSize")) { output.RemoveValues("minSize"); output.AddValue("minSize", local.GetFloatValue("minSize")); } if (local.HasValue("maxSize")) { output.RemoveValues("maxSize"); output.AddValue("maxSize", local.GetFloatValue("maxSize")); } if (local.HasValue("engineSpacing")) { output.RemoveValues("engineSpacing"); output.AddValue("engineSpacing", local.GetFloatValue("engineSpacing")); } if (local.HasValue("rotateEngines")) { output.RemoveValues("rotateEngines"); output.AddValue("rotateEngines", local.GetStringValue("rotateEngines")); } return output; }
private static MethodInfo InstantiateHandler(ConfigNode node, RasterPropMonitor ourMonitor, out MonoBehaviour moduleInstance, out HandlerSupportMethods support) { moduleInstance = null; support.activate = null; support.buttonClick = null; support.buttonRelease = null; support.getHandlerReferences = null; if (node.HasValue("name") && node.HasValue("method")) { string moduleName = node.GetValue("name"); string methodName = node.GetValue("method"); var handlerConfiguration = new ConfigNode("MODULE"); node.CopyTo(handlerConfiguration); MonoBehaviour thatModule = null; // Part modules are different in that they remain instantiated when you switch vessels, while the IVA doesn't. // Because of this RPM can't instantiate partmodule-based handlers itself -- there's no way to tell if this was done already or not. // Which means there can only be one instance of such a handler per pod, and it can't receive configuration values from RPM. if (node.HasValue("isPartModule")) { foreach (PartModule potentialModule in ourMonitor.part.Modules) { if (potentialModule.ClassName == moduleName) { thatModule = potentialModule; break; } } } else if (node.HasValue("multiHandler")) { foreach (InternalModule potentialModule in ourMonitor.internalProp.internalModules) { if (potentialModule.ClassName == moduleName) { thatModule = potentialModule; break; } } } if (thatModule == null && !node.HasValue("isPartModule")) { try { thatModule = ourMonitor.internalProp.AddModule(handlerConfiguration); } catch { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(ourMonitor, "Caught exception when trying to instantiate module '{0}'. Something's fishy here", moduleName); } } if (thatModule == null) { JUtil.LogMessage(ourMonitor, "Warning, handler module \"{0}\" could not be loaded. This could be perfectly normal.", moduleName); return null; } const string sigError = "Incorrect signature of the {0} method in {1}, ignoring option. If it doesn't work later, that's why."; if (node.HasValue("pageActiveMethod")) { foreach (MethodInfo m in thatModule.GetType().GetMethods()) { if (m.Name == node.GetValue("pageActiveMethod")) { try { support.activate = (Action<bool, int>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<bool, int>), thatModule, m); } catch { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(ourMonitor, sigError, "page activation", moduleName); } break; } } } if (node.HasValue("buttonClickMethod")) { foreach (MethodInfo m in thatModule.GetType().GetMethods()) { if (m.Name == node.GetValue("buttonClickMethod")) { try { support.buttonClick = (Action<int>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<int>), thatModule, m); } catch { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(ourMonitor, sigError, "button click", moduleName); } break; } } } if (node.HasValue("buttonReleaseMethod")) { foreach (MethodInfo m in thatModule.GetType().GetMethods()) { if (m.Name == node.GetValue("buttonReleaseMethod")) { try { support.buttonRelease = (Action<int>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<int>), thatModule, m); } catch { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(ourMonitor, sigError, "button release", moduleName); } break; } } } if (node.HasValue("getHandlerReferencesMethod")) { foreach (MethodInfo m in thatModule.GetType().GetMethods()) { if (m.Name == node.GetValue("getHandlerReferencesMethod")) { try { support.getHandlerReferences = (Action<MonoBehaviour, MonoBehaviour>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<MonoBehaviour, MonoBehaviour>), thatModule, m); } catch { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(ourMonitor, sigError, "handler references", moduleName); } break; } } } moduleInstance = thatModule; foreach (MethodInfo m in thatModule.GetType().GetMethods()) { if (m.Name == methodName) { return m; } } } return null; }
public static ProtoPartSnapshot LoadProtoPartSnapshot(ConfigNode node) { ConfigNode node_copy = new ConfigNode(); node.CopyTo(node_copy); node_copy.RemoveValues("kas_total_mass"); node_copy.RemoveValues("kas_total_cost"); return new ProtoPartSnapshot(node_copy, null, HighLogic.CurrentGame); }
public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode config) { if (this.config == null) { this.config = new ConfigNode(); config.CopyTo(this.config); } }
public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) { if (Global.Debug2) Utils.Log("OnLoad start"); // save the original config originalConfig = new ConfigNode(); node.CopyTo(originalConfig); loadConfig(node); }
private static bool InstantiateHandler(ConfigNode node, PartModule ourComp, out Func<string,object> handlerFunction) { handlerFunction = null; var handlerConfiguration = new ConfigNode("MODULE"); node.CopyTo(handlerConfiguration); string moduleName = node.GetValue("name"); string methodName = node.GetValue("method"); // Since we're working with part modules here, and starting in a pod config, // we'll keep one instance per pod, which will let them instantiate with their own config if needed. MonoBehaviour thatModule = null; foreach (PartModule potentialModule in ourComp.part.Modules) { if (potentialModule.ClassName == moduleName) { thatModule = potentialModule; break; } } if (thatModule == null) { thatModule = ourComp.part.AddModule(handlerConfiguration); } if (thatModule == null) { JUtil.LogMessage(ourComp, "Warning, variable handler module \"{0}\" could not be loaded. This could be perfectly normal.", moduleName); return false; } foreach (MethodInfo m in thatModule.GetType().GetMethods()) { if (m.Name == node.GetValue("method")) { try { handlerFunction = (Func<string,object>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<string,object>), thatModule, m); } catch { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(ourComp, "Error, incorrect variable handler configuration for module {0}", moduleName); return false; } break; } } return true; }
public RSSLoadInfo(ConfigNode RSSnode) { useEpoch = RSSnode.TryGetValue("Epoch", ref epoch); RSSnode.TryGetValue("wrap", ref doWrap); RSSnode.TryGetValue("compressNormals", ref compressNormals); RSSnode.TryGetValue("spheresOnly", ref spheresOnly); RSSnode.TryGetValue("orbitCalc", ref orbitCalc); RSSnode.TryGetValue("defaultAtmoScale", ref defaultAtmoScale); RSSnode.TryGetValue("SSAtmoScale", ref SSAtmoScale); node = new ConfigNode(); RSSnode.CopyTo(node); // get spherical scaledspace mesh if (ScaledSpace.Instance != null) { //print("*RSS* Printing ScaledSpace Transforms"); foreach (Transform t in ScaledSpace.Instance.scaledSpaceTransforms) { /*print("***** TRANSFROM: " +; Utils.PrintTransformUp(t); Utils.PrintTransformRecursive(t);*/ if ("Jool")) joolMesh = (MeshFilter)t.GetComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)); } //print("*RSS* InverseScaleFactor = " + ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor); } }
public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode config) { if (this.config == null) { this.config = new ConfigNode(); config.CopyTo(this.config); } resources = this.config.GetNodes("Resource").Select(n => n.GetValue("Name")).ToList(); if (resources.Count == 0) { resources = KethaneController.ResourceDefinitions.Select(r => r.Resource).ToList(); } }
public void Load(ConfigNode node) { if ( == "CONTENT" && node.HasValue("qty")) { pristine_count += int.Parse(node.GetValue("qty")); } else if ( == "CONTENT_PART" && node.HasValue("kas_total_mass")) { ConfigNode nodeD = new ConfigNode(); node.CopyTo(nodeD); instance_mass += float.Parse(node.GetValue("kas_total_mass")); instances.Add(nodeD); } }
private static bool InstantiateHandler(ConfigNode node, InternalModule ourSwitch, out Action<bool> actionCall, out Func<bool> stateCall) { actionCall = null; stateCall = null; var handlerConfiguration = new ConfigNode("MODULE"); node.CopyTo(handlerConfiguration); string moduleName = node.GetValue("name"); string stateMethod = string.Empty; if (node.HasValue("stateMethod")) stateMethod = node.GetValue("stateMethod"); InternalModule thatModule = null; foreach (InternalModule potentialModule in ourSwitch.internalProp.internalModules) if (potentialModule.ClassName == moduleName) { thatModule = potentialModule; break; } if (thatModule == null) thatModule = ourSwitch.internalProp.AddModule(handlerConfiguration); if (thatModule == null) return false; foreach (MethodInfo m in thatModule.GetType().GetMethods()) { if (m.Name == node.GetValue("actionMethod")) { actionCall = (Action<bool>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<bool>), thatModule, m); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stateMethod) && m.Name == stateMethod) { stateCall = (Func<bool>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<bool>), thatModule, m); } } return actionCall != null; }
//ModifyNode applies the ConfigNode mod as a 'patch' to ConfigNode original, then returns the patched ConfigNode. // it uses FindConfigNodeIn(src, nodeType, nodeName, nodeTag) to recurse. public static ConfigNode ModifyNode(ConfigNode original, ConfigNode mod) { ConfigNode newNode = new ConfigNode(; original.CopyTo(newNode); foreach (ConfigNode.Value val in mod.values) { if ([0] == '@') { // Modifying a value: Format is @key = value or @key,index = value string valName =; int index = 0; if (valName.Contains(",")) { int.TryParse(valName.Split(',')[1], out index); valName = valName.Split(',')[0]; } newNode.SetValue(valName, val.value, index); } else if ([0] == '!') { // Parsing: Format is @key = value or @key,index = value string valName =; int index = 0; if (valName.Contains(",")) { int.TryParse(valName.Split(',')[1], out index); valName = valName.Split(',')[0]; } // index is useless right now, but some day it might not be. newNode.RemoveValue(valName); } else { newNode.AddValue(, val.value); } } foreach (ConfigNode subMod in mod.nodes) { if ([0] == '@') { // Modifying a node: Format is @NODETYPE {...}, @NODETYPE[Name] {...} or @NODETYPE[Name,Tag] {...} ConfigNode subNode = null; if ("[")) { // format @NODETYPE[Name] {...} or @NODETYPE[Name, Tag] {...} string nodeType ='[')[0].Trim(); string nodeName ='[')[1].Replace("]", "").Trim(); string nodeTag = null; if (nodeName.Contains(",")) { //format @NODETYPE[Name, Tag] {...} nodeTag = nodeName.Split(',')[1]; nodeName = nodeName.Split(',')[0]; } subNode = FindConfigNodeIn(newNode, nodeType, nodeName, nodeTag); } else { // format @NODETYPE {...} string nodeType =; subNode = newNode.GetNode(nodeType); } // find the original subnode to modify, modify it, remove the original and add the modified. if (subNode == null) { print("Could not find node to modify: " +; } else { ConfigNode newSubNode = ModifyNode(subNode, subMod); newNode.nodes.Remove(subNode); newNode.nodes.Add(newSubNode); } } else if ([0] == '!') { // Removing a node: Format is !NODETYPE {}, !NODETYPE[Name] {} or !NODETYPE[Name,Tag] {} ConfigNode subNode; if ("[")) { // format !NODETYPE[Name] {} or !NODETYPE[Name, Tag] {} string nodeType ='[')[0].Trim(); string nodeName ='[')[1].Replace("]", "").Trim(); string nodeTag = null; if (nodeName.Contains(",")) { //format !NODETYPE[Name, Tag] {} nodeTag = nodeName.Split(',')[1]; nodeName = nodeName.Split(',')[0]; } subNode = FindConfigNodeIn(newNode, nodeType, nodeName, nodeTag); } else { // format !NODETYPE {} string nodeType =; subNode = newNode.GetNode(nodeType); } if (subNode != null) newNode.nodes.Remove(subNode); } else { // this is a full node, not a mod, so just add it as a new subnode. newNode.AddNode(subMod); } } return newNode; }