public static void RefreshSelectedObject(DependencyObject editor)
     foreach (PropertyGrid grid in editor.GetChildren<PropertyGrid>())
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively force each bound property to refresh it's binding
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dependencyObject">UI control</param>
        /// <remarks>This "walks" the visual tree to find controls that have a bound property
        /// and it then refreshes the binding, which forces any validation rule to be re-run.
        /// If the control does not have a bound property, the children controls are checked.
        /// This handles situations when text boxes or other validated controls are within
        /// an <c>ItemsControl</c>, <c>ListBox</c>, <c>DataGrid</c>, <c>Grid</c>
        /// <c>StackPanel</c>, or <c>Canvas</c>. Child controls for <c>Button</c>,
        /// <c>HyperlinkButton</c>, and <c>ValidationSummary</c> are ignored, since they shouldn't
        /// have bound children with validation rules.</remarks>
        private static void RefreshBinding(DependencyObject dependencyObject)

            // stop if we've reached a validation summary
            var validationSummary = dependencyObject as ValidationSummary;
            if (validationSummary != null) return;

            // don't do buttons - should be nothing to validate
            var button = dependencyObject as Button;
            if (button != null) return;

            // don't do hyperlink buttons - should be nothing to validate
            var hyperLinkButton = dependencyObject as HyperlinkButton;
            if (hyperLinkButton != null) return;

            foreach (var item in dependencyObject.GetChildren())
                var found = false;

                // get bound property (use list from BindingHelper, so we don't repeat it in this class)
                DependencyProperty boundProperty;
                if (BoundProperties.TryGetValue(item.GetType(), out boundProperty))
                    // get BindingExpression and, if exists, force it to refresh
                    var be = ((FrameworkElement)item).GetBindingExpression(boundProperty);
                    if (be != null) be.UpdateSource();

                    // binding refreshed, so don't look for children
                    found = true;

                    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} binding refreshed ({1}).", item, item.GetValue(boundProperty)));

                // get children recursively if bound property has not already been found
                if (!found)