internal override RayHitTestParameters RayFromViewportPoint(Point p, Size viewSize, Rect3D boundingRect, out double distanceAdjustment)
            // The camera may be animating.  Take a snapshot of the current value
            // and get the property values we need. (Window OS #992662)
            Point3D     position      = Position;
            Vector3D    lookDirection = LookDirection;
            Vector3D    upDirection   = UpDirection;
            Transform3D transform     = Transform;
            double      zn            = NearPlaneDistance;
            double      zf            = FarPlaneDistance;
            double      fov           = M3DUtil.DegreesToRadians(FieldOfView);

            //  Compute rayParameters

            // Find the point on the projection plane in post-projective space where
            // the viewport maps to a 2x2 square from (-1,1)-(1,-1).
            Point np = M3DUtil.GetNormalizedPoint(p, viewSize);

            // Note: h and w are 1/2 of the inverse of the width/height ratios:
            //  h = 1/(heightDepthRatio) * (1/2)
            //  w = 1/(widthDepthRatio) * (1/2)
            // Computation for h is a bit different than what you will find in
            // D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovRH because we have a horizontal rather
            // than vertical FoV.
            double aspectRatio         = M3DUtil.GetAspectRatio(viewSize);
            double halfWidthDepthRatio = Math.Tan(fov / 2);
            double h = aspectRatio / halfWidthDepthRatio;
            double w = 1 / halfWidthDepthRatio;

            // To get from projective space to camera space we apply the
            // width/height ratios to find our normalized point at 1 unit
            // in front of the camera.  (1 is convenient, but has no other
            // special significance.) See note above about the construction
            // of w and h.
            Vector3D rayDirection = new Vector3D(np.X / w, np.Y / h, -1);

            // Apply the inverse of the view matrix to our rayDirection vector
            // to convert it from camera to world space.
            // NOTE: Because our construction of the ray assumes that the
            //       viewMatrix translates the position to the origin we pass
            //       null for the Camera.Transform below and account for it
            //       later.

            Matrix3D viewMatrix = CreateViewMatrix(/* trasform = */ null, ref position, ref lookDirection, ref upDirection);
            Matrix3D invView    = viewMatrix;

            invView.MultiplyVector(ref rayDirection);

            // The we have the ray direction, now we need the origin.  The camera's
            // position would work except that we would intersect geometry between
            // the camera plane and the near plane so instead we must find the
            // point on the project plane where the ray (position, rayDirection)
            // intersect (Windows OS #1005064):
            //                     | _.>       p = camera position
            //                rd  _+"          ld = camera look direction
            //                 .-" |ro         pp = projection plane
            //             _.-"    |           rd = ray direction
            //         p +"--------+--->       ro = desired ray origin on pp
            //                ld   |
            //                     pp
            // Above we constructed the direction such that it's length projects to
            // 1 unit on the lookDirection vector.
            //                rd  _.>
            //                 .-"        rd = unnormalized rayDirection
            //             _.-"           ld = normalized lookDirection (length = 1)
            //           -"--------->
            //                 ld
            // So to find the desired rayOrigin on the projection plane we simply do:
            Point3D rayOrigin = position + zn * rayDirection;


            // Account for the Camera.Transform we ignored during ray construction above.
            if (transform != null && transform != Transform3D.Identity)
                Matrix3D m = transform.Value;
                m.MultiplyPoint(ref rayOrigin);
                m.MultiplyVector(ref rayDirection);

                PrependInverseTransform(m, ref viewMatrix);

            RayHitTestParameters rayParameters = new RayHitTestParameters(rayOrigin, rayDirection);

            //  Compute HitTestProjectionMatrix

            Matrix3D projectionMatrix = GetProjectionMatrix(aspectRatio, zn, zf);

            // The projectionMatrix takes camera-space 3D points into normalized clip
            // space.

            // The viewportMatrix will take normalized clip space into
            // viewport coordinates, with an additional 2D translation
            // to put the ray at the rayOrigin.
            Matrix3D viewportMatrix = new Matrix3D();

            viewportMatrix.TranslatePrepend(new Vector3D(-p.X, viewSize.Height - p.Y, 0));
            viewportMatrix.ScalePrepend(new Vector3D(viewSize.Width / 2, -viewSize.Height / 2, 1));
            viewportMatrix.TranslatePrepend(new Vector3D(1, 1, 0));

            // `First world-to-camera, then camera's projection, then normalized clip space to viewport.
            rayParameters.HitTestProjectionMatrix =
                viewMatrix *
                projectionMatrix *

            // Perspective camera doesn't allow negative NearPlanes, so there's
            // not much point in adjusting the ray origin. Hence, the
            // distanceAdjustment remains 0.
            distanceAdjustment = 0.0;

        internal override RayHitTestParameters RayFromViewportPoint(Point p, Size viewSize, Rect3D boundingRect, out double distanceAdjustment)
            // The camera may be animating.  Take a snapshot of the current value
            // and get the property values we need. (Window OS #992662)
            Point3D  position      = Position;
            Vector3D lookDirection = LookDirection;
            Vector3D upDirection   = UpDirection;
            double   zn            = NearPlaneDistance;
            double   zf            = FarPlaneDistance;
            double   width         = Width;

            //  Compute rayParameters

            // Find the point on the projection plane in post-projective space where
            // the viewport maps to a 2x2 square from (-1,1)-(1,-1).
            Point np = M3DUtil.GetNormalizedPoint(p, viewSize);

            double aspectRatio = M3DUtil.GetAspectRatio(viewSize);
            double w           = width;
            double h           = w / aspectRatio;

            // Direction is always perpendicular to the viewing surface.
            Vector3D direction = new Vector3D(0, 0, -1);

            // Apply the inverse of the view matrix to our ray.
            Matrix3D viewMatrix = CreateViewMatrix(Transform, ref position, ref lookDirection, ref upDirection);
            Matrix3D invView    = viewMatrix;


            // We construct our ray such that the origin resides on the near
            // plane.  If our near plane is too far from our the bounding box
            // of our scene then the results will be inaccurate.  (e.g.,
            // OrthographicCameras permit negative near planes, so the near
            // plane could be at -Inf.)
            // However, it is permissable to move the near plane nearer to
            // the scene bounds without changing what the ray intersects.
            // If the near plane is sufficiently far from the scene bounds
            // we make this adjustment below to increase precision.

            Rect3D transformedBoundingBox =
                    ref boundingRect,
                    ref viewMatrix);

            // DANGER:  The NearPlaneDistance property is specified as a
            //          distance from the camera position along the
            //          LookDirection with (Near < Far).
            //          However, when we transform our scene bounds so that
            //          the camera is aligned with the negative Z-axis the
            //          relationship inverts (Near > Far) as illustrated
            //          below:
            //            NearPlane    Y                      FarPlane
            //                |        ^                          |
            //                |        |                          |
            //                |        | (rect.Z + rect.SizeZ)    |
            //                |        |           o____          |
            //                |        |           |    |         |
            //                |        |           |    |         |
            //                |        |            ____o         |
            //                |        |             (rect.Z)     |
            //                |     Camera ->                     |
            //          +Z  <----------+----------------------------> -Z
            //                |        0                          |
            //          It is surprising, but its the "far" side of the
            //          transformed scene bounds that determines the near
            //          plane distance.

            double zn2 = -AddEpsilon(transformedBoundingBox.Z + transformedBoundingBox.SizeZ);

            if (zn2 > zn)
                // Our near plane is far from our children. Construct a new
                // near plane that's closer. Note that this will modify our
                // distance computations, so we have to be sure to adjust our
                // distances appropriately.
                distanceAdjustment = zn2 - zn;

                zn = zn2;
                // Our near plane is either close to or in front of our
                // children, so let's keep it -- no distance adjustment needed.
                distanceAdjustment = 0.0;

            // Our origin is the point normalized to the front of our viewing volume.
            // To find our origin's x/y we just need to scale the normalize point by our
            // width/height.  In camera space we are looking down the negative Z axis
            // so we just set Z to be -zn which puts us on the projection plane
            // (Windows OS #1005064).
            Point3D origin = new Point3D(np.X * (w / 2), np.Y * (h / 2), -zn);

            invView.MultiplyPoint(ref origin);
            invView.MultiplyVector(ref direction);

            RayHitTestParameters rayParameters = new RayHitTestParameters(origin, direction);

            //  Compute HitTestProjectionMatrix

            Matrix3D projectionMatrix = GetProjectionMatrix(aspectRatio, zn, zf);

            // The projectionMatrix takes camera-space 3D points into normalized clip
            // space.

            // The viewportMatrix will take normalized clip space into
            // viewport coordinates, with an additional 2D translation
            // to put the ray at the origin.
            Matrix3D viewportMatrix = new Matrix3D();

            viewportMatrix.TranslatePrepend(new Vector3D(-p.X, viewSize.Height - p.Y, 0));
            viewportMatrix.ScalePrepend(new Vector3D(viewSize.Width / 2, -viewSize.Height / 2, 1));
            viewportMatrix.TranslatePrepend(new Vector3D(1, 1, 0));

            // `First world-to-camera, then camera's projection, then normalized clip space to viewport.
            rayParameters.HitTestProjectionMatrix =
                viewMatrix *
                projectionMatrix *

Пример #3
        //  Private Methods

        #region Private Methods

        // Processes a ray-triangle intersection to see if it's a valid hit. Unnecessary faces
        // have already been culled by the ray-triange intersection routines.
        // Shares some code with ValidateLineHit
        private void ValidateRayHit(
            RayHitTestParameters rayParams,
            ref Point3D origin,
            ref Vector3D direction,
            double hitTime,
            int i0,
            int i1,
            int i2,
            ref Point barycentric
            if (hitTime > 0)
                Matrix3D worldTransformMatrix = rayParams.HasWorldTransformMatrix ? rayParams.WorldTransformMatrix : Matrix3D.Identity;

                Point3D pointHit = origin + hitTime * direction;

                Point3D worldPointHit = pointHit;
                worldTransformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ref worldPointHit);

                // If we have a HitTestProjectionMatrix than this hit test originated
                // at a Viewport3DVisual.
                if (rayParams.HasHitTestProjectionMatrix)
                    // To test if we are in front of the far clipping plane what we
                    // do conceptually is project our hit point in world space into
                    // homogenous space and verify that it is on the correct side of
                    // the Z=1 plane.
                    // To save some cycles we only bother computing Z and W of the
                    // projected point and use a simple Z/W > 1 test to see if we
                    // are past the far plane.
                    // NOTE: HitTestProjectionMatrix is not just the camera matrices.
                    //       It has an additional translation to move the ray to the
                    //       origin.  This extra translation does not effect this test.

                    Matrix3D m = rayParams.HitTestProjectionMatrix;

                    // We directly substitute 1 for p.W below:
                    double pz = worldPointHit.X * m.M13 + worldPointHit.Y * m.M23 + worldPointHit.Z * m.M33 + m.OffsetZ;
                    double pw = worldPointHit.X * m.M14 + worldPointHit.Y * m.M24 + worldPointHit.Z * m.M34 + m.M44;

                    // Early exit if pz/pw > 1.  The negated logic is to reject NaNs.
                    if (!(pz / pw <= 1))

                    Debug.Assert(!double.IsInfinity(pz / pw) && !double.IsNaN(pz / pw),
                                 "Expected near/far tests to cull -Inf/+Inf and NaN.");

                double dist = (worldPointHit - rayParams.Origin).Length;
                Debug.Assert(dist > 0, "Distance is negative: " + dist);

                if (rayParams.HasModelTransformMatrix)
                    rayParams.ModelTransformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ref pointHit);

                rayParams.ReportResult(this, pointHit, dist, i0, i1, i2, barycentric);
Пример #4
        // Processes a ray-line intersection to see if it's a valid hit.
        // Shares some code with ValidateRayHit
        private void ValidateLineHit(
            RayHitTestParameters rayParams,
            FaceType facesToHit,
            int i0,
            int i1,
            int i2,
            ref Point3D v0,
            ref Point3D v1,
            ref Point3D v2,
            ref Point barycentric
            Matrix3D worldTransformMatrix = rayParams.HasWorldTransformMatrix ? rayParams.WorldTransformMatrix : Matrix3D.Identity;

            // OK, we have an intersection with the LINE but that could be wrong on three
            // accounts:
            //   1. We could have hit the line on the wrong side of the ray's origin.
            //   2. We may need to cull the intersection if it's beyond the far clipping
            //      plane (only if the hit test originated from a Viewport3DVisual.)
            //   3. We could have hit a back-facing triangle
            // We will transform the hit point back into world space to check these
            // things & compute the correct distance from the origin to the hit point.

            // Hit point in model space
            Point3D pointHit = M3DUtil.Interpolate(ref v0, ref v1, ref v2, ref barycentric);

            Point3D worldPointHit = pointHit;

            worldTransformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ref worldPointHit);

            // Vector from origin to hit point
            Vector3D hitVector               = worldPointHit - rayParams.Origin;
            Vector3D originalDirection       = rayParams.Direction;
            double   rayDistanceUnnormalized = Vector3D.DotProduct(originalDirection, hitVector);

            if (rayDistanceUnnormalized > 0)
                // If we have a HitTestProjectionMatrix than this hit test originated
                // at a Viewport3DVisual.
                if (rayParams.HasHitTestProjectionMatrix)
                    // To test if we are in front of the far clipping plane what we
                    // do conceptually is project our hit point in world space into
                    // homogenous space and verify that it is on the correct side of
                    // the Z=1 plane.
                    // To save some cycles we only bother computing Z and W of the
                    // projected point and use a simple Z/W > 1 test to see if we
                    // are past the far plane.
                    // NOTE: HitTestProjectionMatrix is not just the camera matrices.
                    //       It has an additional translation to move the ray to the
                    //       origin.  This extra translation does not effect this test.

                    Matrix3D m = rayParams.HitTestProjectionMatrix;

                    // We directly substitute 1 for p.W below:
                    double pz = worldPointHit.X * m.M13 + worldPointHit.Y * m.M23 + worldPointHit.Z * m.M33 + m.OffsetZ;
                    double pw = worldPointHit.X * m.M14 + worldPointHit.Y * m.M24 + worldPointHit.Z * m.M34 + m.M44;

                    // Early exit if pz/pw > 1.  The negated logic is to reject NaNs.
                    if (!(pz / pw <= 1))

                    Debug.Assert(!double.IsInfinity(pz / pw) && !double.IsNaN(pz / pw),
                                 "Expected near/far tests to cull -Inf/+Inf and NaN.");

                Point3D a = v0, b = v1, c = v2;

                worldTransformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ref a);
                worldTransformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ref b);
                worldTransformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ref c);

                Vector3D normal = Vector3D.CrossProduct(b - a, c - a);

                double cullSign  = -Vector3D.DotProduct(normal, hitVector);
                double det       = worldTransformMatrix.Determinant;
                bool   frontFace = (cullSign > 0) == (det >= 0);

                if (((facesToHit & FaceType.Front) == FaceType.Front && frontFace) || ((facesToHit & FaceType.Back) == FaceType.Back && !frontFace))
                    double dist = hitVector.Length;
                    if (rayParams.HasModelTransformMatrix)
                        rayParams.ModelTransformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ref pointHit);

                    rayParams.ReportResult(this, pointHit, dist, i0, i1, i2, barycentric);
Пример #5
        public static void Transform(Matrix3D modelMatrix,
                                     ref Point3D origin, ref Vector3D direction, out bool isRay)
            if (modelMatrix.InvertCore())
                Point4D o = new Point4D(origin.X,origin.Y,origin.Z,1);
                Point4D d = new Point4D(direction.X,direction.Y,direction.Z,0);
                modelMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ref o);
                modelMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ref d);

                if (o.W == 1 && d.W == 0)
                    // Affine transformation
                    origin = new Point3D(o.X, o.Y, o.Z);
                    direction = new Vector3D(d.X, d.Y, d.Z);

                    isRay = true;
                    // Non-affine transformation (likely projection)
                    // Form 4x2 matrix with two points on line in two columns.
                    double[,] linepoints = new double[,]{{o.X,d.X},{o.Y,d.Y},{o.Z,d.Z},{o.W,d.W}};
                    ColumnsToAffinePointVector(linepoints,0,1,out origin, out direction);

                    isRay = false;
                TransformSingular(ref modelMatrix, ref origin, ref direction);

                isRay = false;