Пример #1
 public void DumpScope(Scope scope)
     if (this.m_arUsingDirectives.Length > 0)
         Console.Write("[has using...]");
Пример #2
 public void Resolve(ISemanticResolver s, Scope scopeNamespace)
     // Have to see what our namespace / class resolves to.
     Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref m_eNamespace, s);
     if (IsAliasType)
         // Alias could be to either a class or namespace
         //Debug.Assert(m_eNamespace.SymbolMode != ObjExp.Mode.cExpEntry);
         Debug.Assert(m_eNamespace is TypeExp || m_eNamespace is NamespaceExp);
         // Directives can only give us namespaces
         //Debug.Assert(m_eNamespace.SymbolMode == ObjExp.Mode.cNamespaceEntry);
         Debug.Assert(m_eNamespace is NamespaceExp);
Пример #3
 // @dogfood - make these explicit interface methods
 // Return null if not found.
 public SymEntry SmartLookup(string stIdentifier, Scope scope)
     // Do a normal lookup of things defined directly in this namespace.
     SymEntry sym = scope.LookupSymbolInThisScopeOnly(stIdentifier);
     if (sym != null)         
         return sym;        
     // Look in the using directives associated with this namespace node.
     sym = LookupSymbolInUsingDirectives(stIdentifier);
     return sym;
Пример #4
    // Semantic checking
    // Stubs can be resolved in any order.
    public override void ResolveTypesAsBlueStub(
        ISemanticResolver s,
        string stNamespace,
        Scope scopeParent
        // Get our name. Nested classes are separated with a '+'
        // Namespaces are separated with a '.'
        string stFullName = (stNamespace == "") ? 
            (m_strName) :
            (stNamespace + "." + m_strName);

        // Are we a nested class? 
        if (scopeParent.Node is ClassDecl)
            Debug.Assert(stNamespace != "");
            stFullName = stNamespace + "+" + m_strName;

        // Create a stub sym entry to add to current scope
        m_symbol = new TypeEntry(stFullName, this, m_genre, scopeParent);
        // Stub on nested types
        // Our context is the same as the scope on our symbol
        Scope context = m_symbol.MemberScope;
        Debug.Assert(context != null);
        foreach(TypeDeclBase t in this.m_alNestedTypes)
            t.ResolveTypesAsBlueStub(s, stFullName, context);
Пример #5
    public void ResolveNamespace(ISemanticResolver s, Scope scopeGlobal)
    // First must do namespaces so that type stubs even
    // have a context.
        foreach(NamespaceDecl n in m_nGlobal)
            n.ResolveNamespace("", s, scopeGlobal);

    // Next, resolve type stubs so that using alias at least
    // has stub types to refer to

    // Now resolve Using decls. Have to do this before we
    // try and use any types (since using decls will affect resolution)
        foreach(NamespaceDecl n in m_nGlobal)
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a Scope object
 /// <seealso cref="CreateSharedScope"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="szDebugName">A string name to identify the scope for debugging uses.</param>
 /// <param name="pController">An ILookupController to allow the scope to do smart lookups. (can be null)</param>
 /// <param name="scopeLexicalParent">The lexical parent of the scope. (may be null). </param>
 public Scope(string szDebugName, ILookupController pController, Scope scopeLexicalParent) 
     : this()
     #if false
     if (szDebugName == "cClass_") 
     m_szDebugName   = szDebugName;            
     m_pController   = pController;
     m_LexicalParent = scopeLexicalParent;
     m_table         = new System.Collections.Hashtable();
Пример #7
        // Global namespace has "" name.
        public UserNamespaceEntry(AST.NamespaceDecl node, string stFullName)
            Debug.Assert(node != null);
            Debug.Assert(stFullName != null);
            m_strName = node.Name;
            m_stFullName = stFullName;

            // Create the real scope for the namespace. This scope just has the symbols,
            // but it can't be attached to a particular node or lexical parent
            // since it's shared by all blocks for that namespace.
            if (IsGlobal)
                // Add filename as a debugging hint
                string stFilename = node.Location.Filename;
                m_scope = new Scope("global " + stFilename, null, null);
                m_scope = new Scope("user_namespace:" + node.Name, null, null);
            //m_node = node;
            m_node = null;
Пример #8
 public virtual void RestoreContext(Scope scopePreviousContext)
     m_CurrentContext = scopePreviousContext;
Пример #9
    // Semantic resolution
    public override void ResolveStatement(ISemanticResolver s)
        Scope prev = null;
        if (this.m_arLocals.Length != 0)
            m_scopeLocals = new Scope("block_scope", null, s.GetCurrentContext());
            prev = s.SetCurrentContext(m_scopeLocals);
        foreach(LocalVarDecl v in Locals)
        foreach(Statement stmt in Statements)

        if (m_scopeLocals != null)
Пример #10
 // Get rid of this function
 public SymEntry LookupSymbol(Scope scope, string st, bool fMustExist)
     SymEntry s = scope.LookupSymbol(st);        
     bool f= false;
     if (f) {
         System.Xml.XmlWriter o = new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(new System.IO.StreamWriter("dump.xml"));
         scope.Dump(o, true);
     if (fMustExist && s == null)
         FileRange range = new FileRange();
         range.Filename = "<not specified>";
         Identifier id = new Identifier(st, range);
     return s;
Пример #11
 // Sets the current context that we lookup symbols against.
 // Returns the previous current context, which should be
 // passed to RestoreContext()
 public virtual Scope SetCurrentContext(Scope scopeNewContext)
     Scope prev = m_CurrentContext;
     m_CurrentContext = scopeNewContext;
     return prev;
Пример #12
 // We only need Lookup() during the resolve phase (because that's the only time
 // we need to convert text into symbols)
 // After that, we can just use the symbols directly    
 // Lookup an entry in a specific scope
 // If it doesn't exist, then return null if !fMustExist and throw if fMustExist
 public SymEntry LookupSymbol(Scope scope, Identifier id, bool fMustExist)
     SymEntry  s = scope.LookupSymbol(id.Text);
     if (fMustExist && s == null)
     return s;
Пример #13
// Main checking routine
// Return true if successful, else false
    public bool DoCheck(
        AST.ProgramDecl p,
        ICLRtypeProvider provider,
        Assembly [] refs
        Debug.Assert(provider != null);
        Debug.Assert(p != null);
        m_provider = provider;
        string stSubPhase = "";
            m_scopeGlobal = new Scope("Global", null, null);
            // Import symbols            
            stSubPhase = "importing assemblies";            
            foreach(Assembly a in refs)
            // Pass 1 - Resolve the namespaces and stub the types.
            // This will stub all scopes and create a lexical-scope tree.            
            stSubPhase = "resolving namespaces";            
            p.ResolveNamespace(this, m_scopeGlobal);
            // Pass 2 - Resolve Types (to both CLR & Blue)             
            stSubPhase = "resolving to clr types";            
            p.ResolveTypes(this, provider);
            // Pass 3 - resolve class member declarations (Methods & fields)
            stSubPhase = "resolving member declarations";            
            p.ResolveMemberDecls(this, provider);
            // Pass 4 - resolve method bodies
            stSubPhase = "resolving member bodies";            
            // Final Debug verify before codegen
            stSubPhase = "final debug check";
            return true;
        // Strip away SymbolErrors; we've already reported them when we first threw them.
        catch (SymbolError.SymbolErrorException)
            return false;
        catch(System.Exception e)
            Blue.Driver.PrintError_InternalError(e, "Symbol Resolution(" + stSubPhase + ")");
            return false;
Пример #14
// Add aliases for the default types      
// Must have loaded mscorlib.dll first
    protected void AddDefaultTypes(Scope scopeGlobal)
    // Alias        
        scopeGlobal.AddAliasSymbol("int", LookupSystemType("Int32"));        
        scopeGlobal.AddAliasSymbol("void", LookupSystemType("Void"));
        scopeGlobal.AddAliasSymbol("char", LookupSystemType("Char"));
        scopeGlobal.AddAliasSymbol("bool", LookupSystemType("Boolean"));
        scopeGlobal.AddAliasSymbol("string", LookupSystemType("String"));    
        scopeGlobal.AddAliasSymbol("object", LookupSystemType("Object"));
    // Ensure that compound types that are backed by a core clr type are resovled.
    // (mainly Array, Enum, Delegate)
        TypeEntry tArray = LookupSystemType("Array");

        TypeEntry tEnum = LookupSystemType("Enum");
        TypeEntry tDelegate = LookupSystemType("MulticastDelegate");
Пример #15
    // Before we can process the classes, we need to add all the namespaces
    public void ResolveNamespace(
        string stParentNamespace, 
        ISemanticResolver s,
        Scope scopeParent)
        Debug.Assert(m_symbol == null);
        // We can have one namespaces spread across multiple blocks (NamespaceDecl).
        // All blocks share the same scope (something defined in any block is visible
        // to all blocks), but each block can have its own lexical parent & set
        // of using clause. 
#if true
        m_symbol = (UserNamespaceEntry) scopeParent.LookupSymbolInThisScopeOnly(Name);
        if (m_symbol == null)
            // Create new namespace
            string stFullName;
            if (stParentNamespace == "")
                stFullName = this.Name;
                stFullName = stParentNamespace + "." + this.Name;

            m_symbol = new UserNamespaceEntry(this, stFullName);
        // The symbol has the scope with all the data. But each namespace decl creates
        // a proxy scope that links to the symbol's data (Because all blocks share that)
        // but has a tie to its own set of using clauses & lexical parent.
        m_context = m_symbol.ChildScope.CreateSharedScope(this, scopeParent);
        foreach(NamespaceDecl n in NestedNamespaces)
            n.ResolveNamespace(m_symbol.FullName, s, m_context);
        // Since we can have multiple disjoint namespace decls refer
        // to the same namespace, we have to check and see if this
        // symbol is already created.        
        m_symbol = (UserNamespaceEntry) s.GetCurrentScope().LookupSymbolInThisScopeOnly(Name);
        if (m_symbol == null) 
            string stFullName;
            if (stParentNamespace == "")
                stFullName = this.Name;
                stFullName = stParentNamespace + "." + this.Name;

            m_symbol = new UserNamespaceEntry(this, stFullName);        
        foreach(NamespaceDecl n in NestedNamespaces)
            n.ResolveNamespace(m_symbol.FullName, s, scopeParent);
Пример #16
 // Resolution functions
 public override void ResolveTypesAsBlueStub(
     ISemanticResolver s,
     string stNamespace, // namespace that a type goes in. Includes nested classes.
     Scope scopeParent
     this.m_nodeProxy.ResolveTypesAsBlueStub(s, stNamespace, scopeParent);
     // We can go ahead and resolve the rest because we know that a Delegate
     // doesn't inherit / implement interfaces for other user-defined classes.
Пример #17
 // Resolution is the act of changing strings (in a parse tree) into symbols.
 // Symbols are associated with the appropriate object in the System.Reflection]
 // namespace.
 public abstract void ResolveTypesAsBlueStub(
     ISemanticResolver s,
     string stNamespace, // namespace that a type goes in. Includes nested classes.
     Scope scopeParent   // our Lexical parent's scope that we should add ourselves too.
Пример #18
    // Semantic checking
    // Stubs can be resolved in any order.
    public override void ResolveTypesAsBlueStub(
        ISemanticResolver s,
        string stNamespace,
        Scope scopeParent
        // Get our name. Nested classes are separated with a '+'
        // Namespaces are separated with a '.'
        string stFullName = (stNamespace == "") ? 
            (Name.Text) :
            (stNamespace + "." + Name.Text);

        // Are we a nested class? 
        if (scopeParent.Node is ClassDecl)
            Debug.Assert(stNamespace != "");
            stFullName = stNamespace + "+" + Name.Text;

        // Create a stub sym entry to add to current scope
        m_symbol = new EnumTypeEntry(Name.Text, stFullName, s, m_mods, this, scopeParent);
Пример #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a scope that has its own controller and lexical parent, but shares
 /// a set of symbols with an existing scope.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remark>
 /// We may want multiple Scopes with different controllers but that share 
 /// the same symbol set.
 /// <para>Ex: A namespace can be declared in multiple blocks. All sections reside
 /// in the same scope. However, each block has its own set of using
 /// directives. So we want multiple scopes that share the same set of symbols, 
 /// but each scope needs its own controller to handle its own set of using directives</para>        
 /// </remark>
 /// <param name="pController">The controller for the new scope</param>
 /// <param name="scopeLexicalParent"></param>
 /// <returns>A new scope with the specified lexical parent and owned by the given 
 /// controller, but sharing the same set of symbols as the current scope.</returns>
 public Scope CreateSharedScope(ILookupController pController, Scope scopeLexicalParent)
     Scope s = new Scope();
     s.m_szDebugName     = m_szDebugName;
     s.m_pController     = pController;
     s.m_LexicalParent   = scopeLexicalParent;            
     // Both scopes share the same table.
     s.m_table           = m_table;            
     return s;
Пример #20
 // assembly we're imported from?
 public ImportedNamespaceEntry(string stNamespace, string stFullName)
     m_strName = stNamespace;
     m_stFullName = stFullName;
     m_scope = new Scope("imported_namespace:" + stFullName, null, null);