Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     The CALDAV:calendar-multiget REPORT is used to retrieve specific calendar object resources from within a
        ///     collection, if the Request-URI is a collection, or to retrieve a specific calendar object resource, if the
        ///     Request-URI is a calendar object resource. This report is similar to the CALDAV:calendar-query REPORT
        ///     (see Section 7.8), except that it takes a list of DAV:href elements, instead of a CALDAV:filter element, to
        ///     determine which calendar object resources to return
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task CalendarMultiget(IXMLTreeStructure xmlBody, HttpContext httpContext)
            // take the first prop node to know the data that
            // should ne returned
            IXMLTreeStructure propNode;

            xmlBody.GetChildAtAnyLevel("prop", out propNode);

            //take the href nodes. Contain the direction of the resources files that
            //are requested
            var hrefs = xmlBody.Children.Where(node => node.NodeName == "href").Select(href => href.Value);

            var result = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // process the requested resources
            foreach (var href in hrefs)
                var fs = new FileSystemManagement();

                var resourceContent = await fs.GetCalendarObjectResource(href);

                result.Add(href, resourceContent);
            await ReportResponseBuilder(result
                                            x =>
                                            new KeyValuePair <string, VCalendar>(x.Key,
                                                                                 string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value) ? null : VCalendar.Parse(x.Value))), propNode, httpContext);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     The CALDAV:calendar-query REPORT performs a search for all calendar object resources that match a
        ///     specified filter. The response of this report will contain all the WebDAV properties and calendar object
        ///     resource data specified in the request. In the case of the CALDAV:calendar-data XML element, one can
        ///     explicitly specify the calendar components and properties that should be returned in the calendar object
        ///     resource data that matches the filter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlDoc">The body of the request.</param>
        /// <param name="collectionURl"></param>
        /// <param name="httpContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task CalendarQuery(IXMLTreeStructure xmlDoc, string collectionURl, HttpContext httpContext)
            IFileSystemManagement fs = new FileSystemManagement();
            // take the first prop node to know the data that
            // should ne returned
            IXMLTreeStructure propNode;

            xmlDoc.GetChildAtAnyLevel("prop", out propNode);

            //get the filters to be applied
            IXMLTreeStructure componentFilter;

            xmlDoc.GetChildAtAnyLevel("filter", out componentFilter);

            var userResources = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            await fs.GetAllCalendarObjectResource(collectionURl, userResources);

            var userCalendars = userResources.ToDictionary(userResource => userResource.Key,
                                                           userResource => VCalendar.Parse(userResource.Value));

            //apply the filters to the calendars
            var filteredCalendars = userCalendars.Where(x => x.Value.FilterResource(componentFilter));

            await ReportResponseBuilder(filteredCalendars, propNode, httpContext);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Apply a text-match filter to the given value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyValue">The property value where to apply the filter.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">The filter to apply.</param>
        /// <returns>True if pass the filter, false otherwise.</returns>
        private static bool TextMatchFilter(this string propertyValue, IXMLTreeStructure filter)
            var    negateCond = false;
            string negCondStr;

            //if the filter contains a negate condition attr then take it
            if (filter.Attributes.TryGetValue("negate-condition", out negCondStr))
                negateCond = negCondStr == "yes";
            bool result;

            //add the default collation if the node doesnt contains one.
            if (!filter.Attributes.ContainsKey("collation"))
                filter.Attributes["collation"] = "i;ascii-casemap";
            switch (filter.Attributes["collation"])
            case "i;octet":
                var propValueOctet   = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(propertyValue);
                var filterValueOctet = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(filter.Value);
                result = ApplyTextFilter(propValueOctet, filterValueOctet);
                return(negateCond ? !result : result);

            case "i;ascii-casemap":
                var propValueAscii   = propertyValue.Select(x => (int)x).ToArray();
                var filterValueAscii = filter.Value.Select(x => (int)x).ToArray();
                result = ApplyTextFilter(propValueAscii, filterValueAscii);
                return(negateCond ? !result : result);

                throw new NotImplementedException("Implement the error for return");
        /// <summary>
        ///     Apply a filter to the param of the property with name
        ///     equal the given param
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="property"></param>
        /// <param name="filters"></param>
        /// <returns>True if the param pass the filters, false otherwise.</returns>
        private static bool ParamFilter(this IComponentProperty property, IXMLTreeStructure filters)
            var paramName = filters.Attributes["name"];
            var param     = property.PropertyParameters.First(x => x.Name == paramName);

            if (param == null)
            foreach (var filter in filters.Children)
                switch (filter.NodeName)
                case "text-match":
                    var result = param.Value.TextMatchFilter(filter);
                    if (!result)

                    throw new NotImplementedException(@"The filter {filter.NodeName} is not implemented yet.");
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Take the calendar that passed the filter and
        ///     create the multi-status xml.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resources">The resources to be returned</param>
        /// <param name="calDataNode">
        ///     THis is the node with name ="prop"
        ///     When used in a calendaring REPORT request, the CALDAV:calendar-data XML
        ///     element specifies which parts of calendar object resources need to be returned in the
        ///     response.If the CALDAV:calendar-data XML element doesn't contain any
        ///     CALDAV:comp element, calendar object resources will be returned in their entirety.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="httpContext"></param>
        /// <returns>The string representation of the multi-status Xml with the results.</returns>
        public async Task ReportResponseBuilder(IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, VCalendar> > resources,
                                                IXMLTreeStructure calDataNode, HttpContext httpContext)
            var multistatusNode = new XmlTreeStructure("multistatus", "DAV:")
                Namespaces = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "D", "DAV:" },
                    { "C", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav" }

            //take the node that specified the comp and properties
            //to return

            foreach (var resource in resources)
                IXMLTreeStructure statusNode;

                //each returned resource has is own response and nodes
                var responseNode = new XmlTreeStructure("response", "DAV:");
                var hrefNode     = new XmlTreeStructure("href", "DAV:");
                var href         = resource.Key[0] != '/' ? "/" + resource.Key : resource.Key;

                //href is a child pf response

                //if the resource is null it was not foound so
                // add an error status
                if (resource.Value == null)
                    statusNode = new XmlTreeStructure("status", "DAV:");
                    statusNode.AddValue("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
                    var propstatNode = new XmlTreeStructure("propstat", "DAV:");

                    //that the requested data
                    var propStats = await ProccessPropNode(calDataNode, resource);

                    foreach (var propStat in propStats)

            var responseText  = multistatusNode.ToString();
            var responseBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(responseText);

            httpContext.Response.ContentLength = responseBytes.Length;
            await httpContext.Response.Body.WriteAsync(responseBytes, 0, responseBytes.Length);
Пример #6
        private async Task <bool> BuiltResponseForSet(string url, string calendarResourceId,
                                                      bool errorOccurred, IXMLTreeStructure setTree, IXMLTreeStructure response)
            //For each property it is tried to remove, if not possible change the error occured to true and
            //continue setting dependency error to the rest.
            var prop       = setTree.GetChild("prop");
            var errorStack = new Stack <string>();

            foreach (var property in prop.Children)
                var propstat = new XmlTreeStructure("propstat", "DAV:");
                var stat     = new XmlTreeStructure("status", "DAV:");
                var resProp  = new XmlTreeStructure("prop", "DAV:");

                resProp.AddChild(new XmlTreeStructure(property.NodeName, property.MainNamespace));


                if (errorOccurred)
                    stat.Value = "HTTP/1.1 424 Failed Dependency";

                    //Try to modify the specified property if it exist, if not try to create it
                    //gets an error message from the stack in case of problems.
                    errorOccurred =
                        !(calendarResourceId != null
                            ? await
                          _resourceRespository.CreateOrModifyProperty(url, property.NodeName,
                                                                      GetValueFromRealProperty(property), errorStack, false)
                            : await
                          _collectionRespository.CreateOrModifyProperty(url, property.NodeName,
                                                                        GetValueFromRealProperty(property), errorStack, false));
                    //collection.CreateOrModifyProperty(property.NodeName, property.MainNamespace,
                    //    GetValueFromRealProperty(property), errorStack));
                    if (errorOccurred && errorStack.Count > 0)
                        stat.Value = errorStack.Pop();
                        stat.Value = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK";
Пример #7
        private async Task <bool> BuiltResponseForRemove(string url, string calendarResourceId,
                                                         bool errorOccurred, IXMLTreeStructure removeTree, IXMLTreeStructure response)
            //For each property it is tried to remove, if not possible change the error occured to true and
            //continue setting dependency error to the rest.
            var prop       = removeTree.GetChild("prop");
            var errorStack = new Stack <string>();

            foreach (var property in prop.Children)
                //The structure for the response does not change.
                //It is constructed with a propstat and the value is never showed in the prop element.
                var propstat = new XmlTreeStructure("propstat", "DAV:");
                var stat     = new XmlTreeStructure("status", "DAV:");
                var resProp  = new XmlTreeStructure("prop", "DAV:");

                resProp.AddChild(new XmlTreeStructure(property.NodeName, property.MainNamespace));

                //If an error occurred previously the stat if 424 Failed Dependency.
                if (errorOccurred)
                    stat.Value = "HTTP/1.1 424 Failed Dependency";

                    //Try to remove the specified property, gets an error message from the stack in case of problems.
                    errorOccurred =
                        !(calendarResourceId != null
                            ? await
                                                              new KeyValuePair <string, string>(property.NodeName, property.MainNamespace),
                            : await _collectionRespository.RemoveProperty(url,
                                                                          new KeyValuePair <string, string>(property.NodeName, property.MainNamespace), errorStack));
                    //collection.RemoveProperty(property.NodeName, property.MainNamespace, errorStack));
                    if (errorOccurred && errorStack.Count > 0)
                        stat.Value = errorStack.Pop();
                        stat.Value = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK";
                        // db.SaveChanges();
 /// <summary>
 ///     The filters have to be applied in an specific component, property
 ///     or param of a property. This method go deep in the calCOmponents following the
 ///     treeStructure of the filter till it get the component where to apply the filter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="container">The container of the components.</param>
 /// <param name="treeStructure">The IXMLTree where is the filter.</param>
 /// <param name="filter">Return The XmlTreeStructure node that contains the filter.</param>
 /// <param name="component">The final component where to apply the filter.</param>
 /// <returns>True if found the component, false otherwise.</returns>
 public static bool ComponentSeeker(this ICalendarComponentsContainer container,
                                    IXMLTreeStructure treeStructure, out IXMLTreeStructure filter, out ICalendarComponent component)
     filter    = null;
     component = null;
     while (true)
         ICalendarComponent comp     = null;
         IXMLTreeStructure  compNode = null;
         treeStructure.GetChildAtAnyLevel("comp-filter", out compNode);
         if (compNode == null)
             //if the filter doesn't has a child with comp-filter name
             //and the name of the current container is the same
             if (((ICalendarObject)container).Name == treeStructure.Attributes["name"])
                 filter    = treeStructure;
                 component = container as ICalendarComponent;
         var compName = compNode.Attributes["name"];
         //if the container doesn't has a calComponent with the desired compName
         //then return false
         if (!container.CalendarComponents.ContainsKey(compName))
         //take the comp with the desired name
         comp = container.CalendarComponents[compName].First();
         var componentsContainer = comp as ICalendarComponentsContainer;
         //if the the filter has more components and the container has more calendarComp
         //then go deeper
         if (componentsContainer != null && compNode.Children.Any(x => x.NodeName == "comp-filter"))
             container     = componentsContainer;
             treeStructure = compNode;
         //if not then apply the filter in the comp
         component = comp;
         filter    = compNode;
Пример #9
        public async Task AclPrincipalPropSet(IXMLTreeStructure body, HttpResponse response)
            //take the requested properties from the body
            // of the request
            IXMLTreeStructure propNode;

            //first take the node container of the property names
            body.GetChildAtAnyLevel("prop", out propNode);

            //take the children of the node, these are the proeprties
            var requestedProperties = propNode.Children.Select(x =>
                                                               new KeyValuePair <string, string>(x.NodeName, x.MainNamespace));

            var colUrl = "";

            //Take the resource with the href == to the given url
            //TODO: should the href property be store in a property?
            var resource = await _resourceRepository.GetAsync(colUrl);

            //take the string representation of the acl property
            //this property is stored in xml format so is needed to
            //be parsed to xml
            var aclProperty    = resource.Properties.First(x => x.Name == "acl");
            var aclXmlProperty = XDocument.Parse(aclProperty.Value);

            //take the href of the principals of the property
            var principalsURLs = aclXmlProperty.Elements("principal")
                                 .Select(x => x.Descendants("href").FirstOrDefault());

            var principals = new Dictionary <Principal, IEnumerable <Property> >();

            //take all the principals with its url equal to the givens
            foreach (var pUrl in principalsURLs)
                var principal = _principalRepository.Get(pUrl.Value);
                if (principal != null)
                    principals.Add(principal, null);

            //take the requested properties from the principals
            foreach (var principal in principals)
                principals[principal.Key] = principal.Key.TakeProperties(requestedProperties);

            await WriteBody(response, principals);
Пример #10
        public void TakingCurrentUserPrivilegeSet()
            var principal = new Principal
                PrincipalURL = "principals/users/principal1"
            var aclProperty = PropertyCreation.CreateAclPropertyForUserCollections(principal.PrincipalURL);

            var permissions         = principal.GetCurrentUserPermissions(aclProperty);
            IXMLTreeStructure child = null;

            Assert.Equal(permissions.NodeName, "current-user-privilege-set");
            Assert.True(permissions.GetChildAtAnyLevel("read", out child));
            Assert.True(permissions.GetChildAtAnyLevel("write", out child));
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        ///     Extract all property names and property namespace from a prop element of a  propfind body.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propFindTree"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > ExtractPropertiesNameMainNS(IXMLTreeStructure propFindTree)
            var retList = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();
            IXMLTreeStructure props;

            if (propFindTree.GetChildAtAnyLevel("prop", out props))
                        child =>
                        new KeyValuePair <string, string>(child.NodeName,
                                                          string.IsNullOrEmpty(child.MainNamespace) ? "DAV:" : child.MainNamespace)));
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        ///     The DAV:principal-match REPORT is used to identify all members (at
        ///     any depth) of the collection identified by the Request-URI that are
        ///     principals and that match the current user.
        ///     So it takes the resources of the collection and see wich ones match
        ///     the given principal. This is done comparing the principal's email
        ///     of the resource with the email of the given principal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task PrincipalMatch(IXMLTreeStructure body, string principalEmail, string href,
                                         HttpResponse response)
            //take the collection with the given href
            var col = _collectionRepository.Get(href);

            //if the collection doesnt exit then return an error
            if (col == null)
                await ReturnError(response, "Not Found", 404, href);

            //take all the resources from the collection.
            //var colResources = col.CalendarResources.Where(x=>x.)
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        ///     Return the string representation of the VCALENDAR object
        ///     with just the given properties and components.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="calData">Properties and components to print.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string ToString(IXMLTreeStructure calData)
            var strBuilder = new StringBuilder();


            ///take the first node in the tree that contains VCALENDAR in the
            /// attr "name"
            var vCal = calData.Children.Where(x => x.NodeName == "comp").
                       First(x => x.Attributes.ContainsValue("VCALENDAR"));

            ///take the name of the properties in VCALENDAR that have to be
            /// returned
            var propToReturn = vCal.Children
                               .Where(x => x.NodeName == "prop")
                               .SelectMany(x => x.Attributes.Values);

            ///take those properties from the VCalendar object
            foreach (var property in Properties.Values.Where(x => propToReturn.Contains(x.Name)))

            ///take the desired calendar component names from the tree
            var compToReturn = vCal.Children.Where(x => x.NodeName == "comp").
                               SelectMany(x => x.Attributes.Values);

            ///take the calendar components from the VCALENDAR object
            foreach (var component in CalendarComponents.Where(comp => compToReturn.Contains(comp.Key)))
                ///take the properties of the current component that are in the
                /// node of the tree with name = to the current component.
                var properties = vCal.Children.Where(x => x.NodeName == "comp")
                                 .First(x => x.Attributes.ContainsValue(component.Key))
                                 .Children.SelectMany(x => x.Attributes.Values);

                ///take the string representation of the current cal component
                /// and all the requested properties
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        ///     Apply different filters to the given calendar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="calendar">THe calendar to apply the filter.</param>
        /// <param name="filterTree">The filter container. The node in the xml with name = "filter"</param>
        /// <returns>True if the calendar pass the filter, false otherwise</returns>
        public static bool FilterResource(this VCalendar calendar, IXMLTreeStructure filterTree)
            //first get the component in the calendar where to apply the filter.
            IXMLTreeStructure  filtersContainer;
            ICalendarComponent component;

            //take the first node with "comp-filter" name,
            // this is the node with name="VCALENDAR"
            filterTree.GetChildAtAnyLevel("comp-filter", out filterTree);

            //get the component and filter in the position of the first component
            // required by the filter that is a child of VCALENDAR
            if (!ComponentSeeker(calendar, filterTree, out filtersContainer, out component))
                return(false); //if the container doesn't have the requested comp then return false;
            foreach (var filter in filtersContainer.Children)
                switch (filter.NodeName)
                case "prop-filter":
                    var result = component.PropertyFilter(filter);
                    if (!result)

                case "time-range":
                    result = component.ApplyTimeFilter(filter);
                    if (!result)

                    throw new NotImplementedException($"The filter with name{filter.NodeName} isn't implemented yet");
Пример #15
#pragma warning disable CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
        public async Task PrincipalPropertySearch(IXMLTreeStructure body, HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)
#pragma warning restore CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
            throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #16
 /// <summary>
 ///     Apply the time-filter to the
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="resources"></param>
 /// <param name="start"></param>
 /// <param name="end"></param>
 /// <param name="filter"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Dictionary <string, VCalendar> TimeFilter(this Dictionary <string, VCalendar> resources,
                                                         DateTime start, DateTime end, IXMLTreeStructure filter)
     foreach (var resource in resources)
         var compNode = filter.GetChild("comp-filter");
         var compName = compNode.Attributes["name"];
         if (resource.Value.CalendarComponents.ContainsKey(compName))
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        ///     Take the prop node that specified the properties and
        ///     component that are requested, extract this data from
        ///     the system and the VCalendar and return the container
        ///     node with this data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="incomPropNode">
        ///     This node contains the requested data. Is the first prop node
        ///     of the calendar-query.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="resource">The calendar where to extract the data.</param>
        /// <returns>Return the prop node that contains the requested data</returns>
        private async Task <List <IXMLTreeStructure> > ProccessPropNode(IXMLTreeStructure incomPropNode,
                                                                        KeyValuePair <string, VCalendar> resource)
            var output = new List <IXMLTreeStructure>();

            var resPropertiesOk       = new List <XmlTreeStructure>();
            var resPropertiesNotExist = new List <XmlTreeStructure>();

            var href        = resource.Key[0] != '/' ? "/" + resource.Key : resource.Key;
            var calResource = _resourceRepository.Get(href);

            foreach (var prop in incomPropNode.Children)
                //create an instance of a XMlTreeStrucure with the same name and
                //ns that the requested
                var currentPropNode = new XmlTreeStructure(prop.NodeName, prop.MainNamespace);
                switch (prop.NodeName)
                //if the requested prop is calendar data then take the content of the
                case "calendar-data":
                    //see if the calendar-data describes pros to take
                    // if does then take them if not take it all
                            ? resource.Value.ToString(prop)
                            : resource.Value.ToString());

                //if not try to take the property from the resource's properties
                    var currentProperty = calResource.Properties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == prop.NodeName);
                    currentPropNode.AddValue(currentProperty != null ? currentProperty.PropertyRealValue() : "");
                    if (currentProperty != null)

            #region Adding nested propOK

            //This procedure has been explained in another method.
            //Here the retrieve properties are grouped.

            var propstatOK = new XmlTreeStructure("propstat", "DAV:");
            var propOk     = new XmlTreeStructure("prop", "DAV:");

            //Here i add all properties to the prop.
            foreach (var property in resPropertiesOk)



            #region Adding nested status OK

            var statusOK = new XmlTreeStructure("status", "DAV:");
            statusOK.AddValue("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");


            #region Adding nested propWrong

            //Here the properties that could not be retrieved are grouped.
            var propstatWrong = new XmlTreeStructure("propstat", "DAV:");
            var propWrong     = new XmlTreeStructure("prop", "DAV:");

            //Here i add all properties to the prop.
            foreach (var property in resPropertiesNotExist)



            #region Adding nested status Not Found

            var statusWrong = new XmlTreeStructure("status", "DAV:");
            statusWrong.AddValue("HTTP/1.1 400 Not Found");


            #region Adding responseDescription when wrong

            //Here i add an description for explain the errors.
            //This should be aplied in all method with an similar structure but for the moment is only used here.
            //However this is not required.
            var responseDescrpWrong = new XmlTreeStructure("responsedescription", "DAV:");
            responseDescrpWrong.AddValue("The properties doesn't  exist");


            if (resPropertiesOk.Any())
            if (resPropertiesNotExist.Any())

Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        ///     Apply the time filter to the given component as
        ///     defined in 9.9 CALDAV:time-range XML Element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="component">The component where to apply the filter.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">The filter to apply.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the component pass the filter, false otherwise.</returns>
        private static bool ApplyTimeFilter(this ICalendarComponent component, IXMLTreeStructure filter)

            //get the start and time attributes of the filter.
            if (filter.Attributes.ContainsKey("start"))
                filter.Attributes["start"].ToDateTime(out start);
            else //if not then assign infinite
                start = DateTime.MinValue;

            if (filter.Attributes.ContainsKey("end"))
                filter.Attributes["end"].ToDateTime(out end);
            else //if not then assign -infinite
                end = DateTime.MaxValue;

            //Get the DTSTART of the component.
            var compDTSTART = component.GetComponentProperty("DTSTART") == null
                ? DateTime.MaxValue
                : ((IValue <DateTime>)component.GetComponentProperty("DTSTART")).Value;

            //if the component contains RRULES then expand the dts
            IEnumerable <DateTime> expandedDates = null;

            if (component.MultipleValuesProperties.ContainsKey("RRULE"))
                expandedDates = compDTSTART.ExpandTime(component.GetMultipleCompProperties("RRULE").Select(
                                                           x => ((IValue <Recur>)x).Value).ToList());
            if (expandedDates == null)
                expandedDates = new List <DateTime> {

            if (component is VEvent)
                return(component.ApplyTimeFilterToVEVENT(start.Value, end.Value, expandedDates));
            if (component is VTodo)
                return(component.ApplyTimeFilterToVTODO(start.Value, end.Value, expandedDates));
            if (component is VJournal)
                throw new NotImplementedException("The doesn't support the VJOURNALs yet.");
            if (component is VFreebusy)
                return(component.ApplyTimeFilterToVFREEBUSY(start.Value, end.Value));
            if (component is VAlarm)
                return(component.ApplyTimeFilterToVALARM(start.Value, end.Value));
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        ///     Apply the given filters to to a property in the cal component.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="component">The component where to apply the filters.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">Filters container.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the component pass the filters, false otherwise.</returns>
        private static bool PropertyFilter(this ICalendarComponent component, IXMLTreeStructure filter)
            //take the property where to apply the filter.
            var propName = filter.Attributes["name"];

            //if the comp doesn't has the desired prop return false

            //iterate over the filters, if one is false then
            //returns false

            //this is gonna be use for the ATTENDEE and RRULE
            // properties
            foreach (var propFilter in filter.Children)
                var result = false;
                IComponentProperty        propValue;
                List <IComponentProperty> propMultiValues;
                switch (propFilter.NodeName)
                case "text-match":
                    //have to check this line in each of the cases because the
                    //"is not defined"
                    if (component.Properties.TryGetValue(propName, out propValue))
                        result = propValue.StringValue.TextMatchFilter(propFilter);
                    else if (component.MultipleValuesProperties.TryGetValue(propName, out propMultiValues))
                        result = propMultiValues.Any(x => x.StringValue.TextMatchFilter(propFilter));

                    if (!result)

                case "param-filter":
                    if (component.Properties.TryGetValue(propName, out propValue))
                        result = propValue.ParamFilter(propFilter);
                    else if (component.MultipleValuesProperties.TryGetValue(propName, out propMultiValues))
                        result = propMultiValues.Any(x => x.ParamFilter(propFilter));
                    if (!result)

                case "is-not-defined":
                    //if the component has a single prop with the given na,e
                    // return false
                    if (component.Properties.ContainsKey(propName))
                    //else if contains a multiple property with the given name
                    // returns false
                    if (component.GetMultipleCompProperties(propName) != null)

                    throw new NotImplementedException(
                              $"THe property filter {propFilter.NodeName} is not implemented");
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        ///     This method only functionality is to take the string representation of a property without
        ///     the first line, witch is the template for xml.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="property"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetValueFromRealProperty(IXMLTreeStructure property)
            var temp = property.ToString();

            return(temp.Replace(@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>", "").TrimStart());