public SplashScreen(IPlayniteAPI api) : base(api)
     settings   = new SplashScreenSettingsViewModel(this);
     Properties = new GenericPluginProperties
         HasSettings = true
        public SplashScreen(IPlayniteAPI api) : base(api)
            settings   = new SplashScreenSettingsViewModel(this, PlayniteApi, GetPluginUserDataPath());
            Properties = new GenericPluginProperties
                HasSettings = true

            //Used for SendKeys workaround to prevent missing input when closing game in FS mode
            //A timer is used to ensure that Playnite is focused by the time the keys are sent, otherwise the fix
            //won't work sometimes
            timer          = new DispatcherTimer();
            timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1500);
            timer.Tick    += new EventHandler(SendKeysFix);