public MurlocForager() : base() { Name = "Murloc Forager"; Id = 46; Model = 441; Level = RandomLevel(9, 10); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); //(9f,14f); AttackSpeed = 2000; Block = 2; ResistArcane = 2; ResistFire = 2; ResistFrost = 2; ResistHoly = 2; ResistNature = 2; ResistShadow = 2; BoundingRadius = 0.375300f; CombatReach = 0.38f; Str = (int)(Level * 1.5f); Armor = (int)(Level * 1.045); BaseMana = 250; Size = 1f; Speed = 3.2f; WalkSpeed = 3.2f; RunSpeed = 6.2f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new CowardAI(this); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; NpcFlags = 00; Flags1 = 0x010080000; Equip(new EluniteSword()); LearnSpell(3368, SpellsTypes.Healing); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MurlocForagerDrops.MurlocForager, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; BCAddon.Hp(this, 216, 9); }
public Bluffwatcher() : base() { Name = "Bluffwatcher"; Id = 3084; Model = 2141; Level = RandomLevel(50, 60); SetDamage(1f + 3f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level); AttackSpeed = 2000; Armor = 40 * Level; Block = 2 * Level; Flags1 = 0x0480006; NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog; ResistFire = 0; ResistFrost = 0; ResistHoly = 0; ResistNature = 0; ResistShadow = 0; Str = (int)(Level / 1.5f); BoundingRadius = 0.9747f; CombatReach = 4.0500f; Speed = 3.8f; WalkSpeed = 3.8f; RunSpeed = 6.8f; Faction = Factions.ThunderBluff; NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; Size = 1.35f; //Elite=1; Equip(new Item(23198, InventoryTypes.TwoHanded, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)); //, new Item( 8106, InventoryTypes.Ranged, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 )); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(ThunderBluffGuardsDrops.Bluffwatcher, 100f), new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyD, 100f) }; /*****************************/ BCAddon.Hp(this, 2228, 50); /*****************************/ }
public UrokDoomhowl() : base() { Name = "Urok Ogre Magus"; Id = 10584; Model = 11583; Level = RandomLevel(60); ResistArcane = Level * 2; ResistFire = Level * 2; ResistFrost = Level * 2; ResistHoly = Level * 2; ResistNature = Level * 2; ResistShadow = Level * 2; Str = (int)(Level * 5f); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; Armor = (int)(Level * 31.2); Block = Level; SetDamage(1f + 4f * Level, 1f + 4.5 * Level); ManaType = 0; BaseMana = 0; AttackSpeed = 1000; BoundingRadius = 1.0f; CombatReach = 19f; Size = 1f; Speed = 2.2f; WalkSpeed = 2.2f; RunSpeed = 5.2f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this); Flags1 = 0x081000; Elite = 2; //Equip( new Item ( 3385, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)); BCAddon.Hp(this, 12255, 60); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(UrokDrops.UrokDoomhowl, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(DropsME.MoneyElite2, 100f) }; }
public DustbelcherOgreMage() : base() { Name = "Dustbelcher Ogre Mage"; Id = 2720; Model = 11546; Level = RandomLevel(43, 44); ResistArcane = 0; ResistFire = 0; ResistFrost = 0; ResistHoly = 0; ResistNature = 0; ResistShadow = 0; Str = (int)(Level * 3.85f); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; Armor = (int)(Level * 26.2); Block = Level; SetDamage(1f + 2.8f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level); ManaType = 0; BaseMana = 0; AttackSpeed = 1500; BoundingRadius = 2f; CombatReach = 3f; Size = 2.059f; Speed = 2.23f; WalkSpeed = 2.23f; RunSpeed = 5.23f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this); Flags1 = 0x080000; Equip(new Item(1600, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 10, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0)); BCAddon.Hp(this, 1530, 43); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(DustbelcherDrops.DustbelcherOgreMage, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f) }; }
public Tarindrella() : base() { Name = "Tarindrella"; Id = 1992; Model = 10034; Level = RandomLevel(7); SetDamage(1f+1.8f*Level,1f+2.5*Level); AttackSpeed = 2000; Armor = Level*15; Block = 0; ResistArcane = 0; ResistFire = 0; ResistFrost = 0; ResistHoly = 0; ResistNature = 0; Flags1=0x08080066; BaseMana = 0; BoundingRadius = 0.420f; CombatReach = 2.5f; Size = 1f; Speed = 3.3f; WalkSpeed = 3.3f; RunSpeed = 6.3f; Str = (int)(Level/2.5f); Faction = Factions.Darnasus; AIEngine = new StandingNpcAI( this ); NpcType = 7; NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog; Equip( new Item( 8377, InventoryTypes.MainGauche, 2, 0, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0 ) ); Loots = new BaseTreasure[]{ new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA , 100f ) }; /*****************************/ BCAddon.Hp( this, 100, 7 ); /*****************************/ }
public RabineSaturna() : base() { Name = "Rabine Saturna"; Id = 11801; Model = 11768; Level = RandomLevel(60); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); AttackSpeed = 2000; Armor = Level * 15; Block = 0; ResistArcane = 0; ResistFire = 0; ResistFrost = 0; ResistHoly = 0; ResistNature = 0; Flags1 = 0x08480046; BaseMana = 0; BoundingRadius = 0.420f; CombatReach = 2.5f; Size = 1f; Speed = 2.9f; WalkSpeed = 2.9f; RunSpeed = 5.9f; Str = (int)(Level / 2.5f); Faction = Factions.NoFaction; AIEngine = new StandingNpcAI(this); NpcType = 7; NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog; //Equip( new Item( 7838, InventoryTypes.MainGauche, 2, 4, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0 ) ); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyD, 100f) }; /*****************************/ BCAddon.Hp(this, 2486, 60); /*****************************/ }
public DustbelcherWyrmhunter() : base() { Name = "Dustbelcher Wyrmhunter"; Id = 2716; Model = 11548; Level = RandomLevel(40, 41); ResistArcane = 0; ResistFire = 0; ResistFrost = 0; ResistHoly = 0; ResistNature = 0; ResistShadow = 0; Str = (int)(Level * 3.85f); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; Armor = (int)(Level * 26.2); Block = Level; SetDamage(1f + 2.8f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level); ManaType = 0; BaseMana = 0; AttackSpeed = 1500; BoundingRadius = 1.5f; CombatReach = 2.65f; Size = 1.75f; Speed = 2.21f; WalkSpeed = 2.21f; RunSpeed = 5.21f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new PatrolAI(this); Flags1 = 0x080000; Equip(new Item(7476, (InventoryTypes)13, 2, 4, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0)); BCAddon.Hp(this, 1773, 40); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(DustbelcherDrops.DustbelcherWyrmhunter, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f) }; }
public MurlocOracle() : base() { Name = "Murloc Oracle"; Id = 517; Model = 1079; Level = RandomLevel(17, 18); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); //(21f,25f); AttackSpeed = 2000; Block = 5; ResistArcane = 3; ResistFire = 1; ResistFrost = 1; ResistHoly = 2; ResistNature = 2; ResistShadow = 4; BoundingRadius = 0.625500f; CombatReach = 0.650000f; Str = (int)(Level * 1.5f); Armor = (int)(Level * 1.045); BaseMana = 457; Size = 1.5f; Speed = 2.9f; WalkSpeed = 2.9f; RunSpeed = 5.9f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new CowardAI(this); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; NpcFlags = 00; Flags1 = 0x010080000; Equip(new BarbedClub()); LearnSpell(13519, SpellsTypes.Offensive); LearnSpell(6074, SpellsTypes.Healing); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MurlocOracleDrops.MurlocOracle, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; BCAddon.Hp(this, 399, 17); }
public MurlocRaider() : base() { Name = "Murloc Raider"; Id = 515; Model = 441; Level = RandomLevel(11, 12); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); //(10f,11f); AttackSpeed = 2000; Block = 5; ResistArcane = 2; ResistFire = 2; ResistFrost = 2; ResistHoly = 2; ResistNature = 2; ResistShadow = 2; BoundingRadius = 0.354450f; CombatReach = 0.35f; Str = (int)(Level * 1.5f); Armor = (int)(Level * 1.045); BaseMana = 215; Size = 1f; Speed = 2.9f; WalkSpeed = 2.9f; RunSpeed = 5.9f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new CowardAI(this); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; NpcFlags = 00; Flags1 = 0x010080000; Equip(new BillyClub()); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MurlocRaiderDrops.MurlocRaider, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; BCAddon.Hp(this, 233, 11); }
public MurlocNetter() : base() { Name = "Murloc Netter"; Id = 513; Model = 1994; Level = RandomLevel(14, 15); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); //(15f,23f); AttackSpeed = 2000; Block = 5; ResistArcane = 5; ResistFire = 2; ResistFrost = 3; ResistHoly = 3; ResistNature = 2; ResistShadow = 1; BoundingRadius = 0.375300f; CombatReach = 0.38f; Str = (int)(Level * 1.5f); Armor = (int)(Level * 1.045); BaseMana = 390; Size = 1.15f; Speed = 3.2f; WalkSpeed = 3.2f; RunSpeed = 6.2f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; NpcFlags = 00; Flags1 = 0x010080000; Equip(new BlackMetalShortsword()); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MurlocNetterDrops.MurlocNetter, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; BCAddon.Hp(this, 262, 14); }
public MurlocNightcrawler() : base() { Name = "Murloc Nightcrawler"; Id = 544; Model = 5243; Level = RandomLevel(21, 22); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); //(22f,32f); AttackSpeed = 2000; Block = 5; ResistArcane = 5; ResistFire = 2; ResistFrost = 3; ResistHoly = 2; ResistNature = 2; ResistShadow = 5; BoundingRadius = 1.000000f; CombatReach = 0.80f; Str = (int)(Level * 1.5f); Armor = (int)(Level * 1.045); BaseMana = 390; Size = 2f; Speed = 3.2f; WalkSpeed = 3.2f; RunSpeed = 6.2f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new CowardAI(this); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; NpcFlags = 00; Flags1 = 0x010080000; Equip(new BaronsScepter()); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MurlocNightcrawlerDrops.MurlocNightcrawler, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f) }; BCAddon.Hp(this, 357, 21); }
public MurlocMinorTidecaller() : base() { Name = "Murloc Minor Tidecaller"; Id = 548; Model = 1079; Level = RandomLevel(17, 18); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); //(20f,23f); AttackSpeed = 2000; Block = 5; ResistArcane = 3; ResistFire = 3; ResistFrost = 3; ResistHoly = 3; ResistNature = 3; ResistShadow = 3; BoundingRadius = 0.417000f; CombatReach = 0.500000f; Str = (int)(Level * 1.5f); Armor = (int)(Level * 1.045); BaseMana = 390; Size = 1.5f; Speed = 3.2f; WalkSpeed = 3.2f; RunSpeed = 6.2f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new CowardAI(this); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; NpcFlags = 00; Flags1 = 0x010080000; Equip(new BarbedClub()); LearnSpell(205, SpellsTypes.Offensive); LearnSpell(331, SpellsTypes.Healing); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MurlocMinorTidecallerDrops.MurlocMinorTidecaller, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; BCAddon.Hp(this, 262, 17); }
public MurlocMinorOracle() : base() { Name = "Murloc Minor Oracle"; Id = 456; Model = 486; Level = RandomLevel(13, 14); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); //(16f,30f); AttackSpeed = 2000; Block = 3; ResistArcane = 3; ResistFire = 2; ResistFrost = 2; ResistHoly = 1; ResistNature = 1; ResistShadow = 1; BoundingRadius = 0.375f; CombatReach = 0.350000f; Str = (int)(Level * 1.5f); Armor = (int)(Level * 1.045); BaseMana = 264; Size = 1.15f; Speed = 3.2f; WalkSpeed = 3.2f; RunSpeed = 6.2f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new CowardAI(this); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; NpcFlags = 00; Flags1 = 0x010080000; Equip(new BarbedClub()); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MurlocMinorOracleDrops.MurlocMinorOracle, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; BCAddon.Hp(this, 286, 13); }
public MurlocLurker() : base() { Name = "Murloc Lurker"; Id = 732; Model = 983; Level = RandomLevel(9, 10); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); //(10f,15f); AttackSpeed = 2000; Block = 2; ResistArcane = 2; ResistFire = 1; ResistFrost = 1; ResistHoly = 1; ResistNature = 1; ResistShadow = 1; BoundingRadius = 0.375300f; CombatReach = 0.38f; Str = (int)(Level * 1.5f); Armor = (int)(Level * 1.045); BaseMana = 205; Size = 1f; Speed = 3f; WalkSpeed = 3f; RunSpeed = 6f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new CowardAI(this); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; NpcFlags = 00; Flags1 = 0x010080000; Equip(new CopperShortsword()); LearnSpell(1604, SpellsTypes.Offensive); LearnSpell(2589, SpellsTypes.Offensive); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MurlocLurkerDrops.MurlocLurker, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; BCAddon.Hp(this, 190, 9); }
public NoriPridedrift() : base() { Name = "Nori Pridedrift"; Id = 12738; Model = 12967; Level = RandomLevel(5); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); AttackSpeed = 1500; Armor = 150; Block = 0; ResistArcane = 0; ResistFire = 0; ResistFrost = 0; ResistHoly = 0; ResistNature = 0; Flags1 = 0x08080066; BaseMana = 0; BoundingRadius = 0.420f; CombatReach = 1.2f; Size = 1f; Speed = 2.9f; WalkSpeed = 2.9f; RunSpeed = 5.9f; Str = (int)(Level / 2.5f); Faction = Factions.IronForge; AIEngine = new StandingNpcAI(this); NpcType = 7; NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog; Equip(new Item(24595, InventoryTypes.MainGauche, 2, 14, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; /*****************************/ BCAddon.Hp(this, 102, 5); /*****************************/ }
public MurlocScout() : base() { Name = "Murloc Scout"; Id = 578; Model = 391; Level = RandomLevel(19, 20); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); //(20f,29f); AttackSpeed = 2000; Block = 5; ResistArcane = 2; ResistFire = 3; ResistFrost = 4; ResistHoly = 2; ResistNature = 1; ResistShadow = 5; BoundingRadius = 0.500400f; CombatReach = 0.50f; Str = (int)(Level * 1.5f); Armor = (int)(Level * 1.045); BaseMana = 362; Size = 1f; Speed = 3.2f; WalkSpeed = 3.2f; RunSpeed = 6.2f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new CowardAI(this); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; NpcFlags = 00; Flags1 = 0x010080000; Equip(new BarbedClub()); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MurlocScoutDrops.MurlocScout, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; BCAddon.Hp(this, 335, 19); }
public StenStoutarm() : base() { Name = "Sten Stoutarm"; Id = 658; Model = 1362; Level = RandomLevel(2); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); AttackSpeed = 2000; Armor = 150; Block = 0; ResistArcane = 0; ResistFire = 0; ResistFrost = 0; ResistHoly = 0; ResistNature = 0; Flags1 = 0x08400066; BaseMana = 0; BoundingRadius = 0.420f; CombatReach = 1.2f; Size = 1f; Speed = 2.9f; WalkSpeed = 2.9f; RunSpeed = 5.9f; Str = (int)(Level / 2.5f); NpcText00 = "ah, well aren't you a sturdy-looking one ? Perhaps you can assist me with a thing or two . Not much help around here except for green apprentices, and they've other things to worry about ."; Faction = Factions.GnomereganExiles; AIEngine = new StandingNpcAI(this); NpcType = 7; NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog; //Equip( new Item( 7493, InventoryTypes.MainGauche, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0 ) ); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; /*****************************/ BCAddon.Hp(this, 150, 5); /*****************************/ }
public MurlocShorestriker() : base() { Name = "Murloc Shorestriker"; Id = 1083; Model = 1305; Level = RandomLevel(16, 17); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); //(17f,25f); AttackSpeed = 2000; Block = 5; ResistArcane = 3; ResistFire = 3; ResistFrost = 2; ResistHoly = 2; ResistNature = 1; ResistShadow = 2; BoundingRadius = 0.458700f; CombatReach = 0.46f; Str = (int)(Level * 1.5f); Armor = (int)(Level * 1.045); BaseMana = 278; Size = 1.3f; Speed = 3.2f; WalkSpeed = 3.2f; RunSpeed = 6.2f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new CowardAI(this); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; NpcFlags = 00; Flags1 = 0x010080000; Equip(new RedridgeMachete()); LearnSpell(6268, SpellsTypes.Offensive); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MurlocShorestrikerDrops.MurlocShorestriker, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; BCAddon.Hp(this, 258, 16); }
public DustbelcherWarrior() : base() { Name = "Dustbelcher Warrior"; Id = 2906; Model = 5782; Level = RandomLevel(35, 37); ResistArcane = 0; ResistFire = 0; ResistFrost = 0; ResistHoly = 0; ResistNature = 0; ResistShadow = 0; Str = (int)(Level * 3.85f); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; Armor = (int)(Level * 26.2); Block = Level; SetDamage(1f + 2.8f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level); ManaType = 0; BaseMana = 0; AttackSpeed = 1500; BoundingRadius = 1.0f; CombatReach = 11f; Size = 1.0f; Speed = 2.19f; WalkSpeed = 2.19f; RunSpeed = 5.19f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this); Flags1 = 0x080000; //Equip( new Item ( 7432, (InventoryTypes)13, 2, 4, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0) ); BCAddon.Hp(this, 1421, 35); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(DustbelcherDrops.DustbelcherWarrior, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f) }; }
public MurlocStreamrunner() : base() { Name = "Murloc Streamrunner"; Id = 735; Model = 527; Level = RandomLevel(6, 7); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); //(7f,8f); AttackSpeed = 2000; Block = 2; ResistArcane = 2; ResistFire = 2; ResistFrost = 2; ResistHoly = 2; ResistNature = 2; ResistShadow = 2; BoundingRadius = 1.354450f; CombatReach = 1.275000f; Str = (int)(Level * 1.5f); Armor = (int)(Level * 1.045); BaseMana = 159; Size = 0.85f; Speed = 2.9f; WalkSpeed = 2.9f; RunSpeed = 5.9f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new CowardAI(this); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; NpcFlags = 00; Flags1 = 0x010080000; Equip(new AnvilmarHammer()); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MurlocStreamrunnerDrops.MurlocStreamrunner, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; BCAddon.Hp(this, 127, 6); }
public DustbelcherShaman() : base() { Name = "Dustbelcher Shaman"; Id = 2718; Model = 11545; Level = RandomLevel(41, 42); ResistArcane = 0; ResistFire = 0; ResistFrost = 0; ResistHoly = 0; ResistNature = 0; ResistShadow = 0; Str = (int)(Level * 3.85f); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; Armor = (int)(Level * 26.2); Block = Level; SetDamage(1f + 2.8f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level); ManaType = 0; BaseMana = 0; AttackSpeed = 1700; BoundingRadius = 1.8f; CombatReach = 3f; Size = 2.05f; Speed = 2.22f; WalkSpeed = 2.22f; RunSpeed = 5.22f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new PatrolAI(this); Flags1 = 0x080000; Equip(new Item(1599, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 10, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0)); BCAddon.Hp(this, 1913, 41); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(DustbelcherDrops.DustbelcherShaman, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f) }; }
public MurlocTidecaller() : base() { Name = "Murloc Tidecaller"; Id = 545; Model = 5293; Level = RandomLevel(19, 20); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); //(21f,31f); AttackSpeed = 2000; Block = 5; ResistArcane = 3; ResistFire = 3; ResistFrost = 3; ResistHoly = 3; ResistNature = 3; ResistShadow = 3; BoundingRadius = 0.500400f; CombatReach = 0.50f; Str = (int)(Level * 1.5f); Armor = (int)(Level * 1.045); BaseMana = 456; Size = 2f; Speed = 5f; WalkSpeed = 5f; RunSpeed = 8f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new CowardAI(this); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; NpcFlags = 00; Flags1 = 0x010080000; Equip(new KeenAxe()); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MurlocTidecallerDrops.MurlocTidecaller, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; BCAddon.Hp(this, 359, 19); }
public DustbelcherBrute() : base() { Name = "Dustbelcher Brute"; Id = 2715; Model = 10714; Level = RandomLevel(39, 40); ResistArcane = 0; ResistFire = 0; ResistFrost = 0; ResistHoly = 0; ResistNature = 0; ResistShadow = 0; Str = (int)(Level * 3.85f); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; Armor = (int)(Level * 26.2); Block = Level; SetDamage(1f + 2.8f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level); ManaType = 0; BaseMana = 0; AttackSpeed = 2000; BoundingRadius = 0.9f; CombatReach = 1.65f; Size = 1.6f; Speed = 2.21f; WalkSpeed = 2.21f; RunSpeed = 5.21f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this); Flags1 = 0x080000; Equip(new Item(5128, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)); BCAddon.Hp(this, 1583, 39); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(DustbelcherDrops.DustbelcherBrute, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f) }; }
public MurlocTidehunter() : base() { Name = "Murloc Tidehunter"; Id = 127; Model = 1995; Level = RandomLevel(18, 19); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); //(20f,29f); AttackSpeed = 2000; Block = 4; ResistArcane = 2; ResistFire = 3; ResistFrost = 3; ResistHoly = 2; ResistNature = 2; ResistShadow = 2; BoundingRadius = 0.500400f; CombatReach = 0.500000f; Str = (int)(Level * 1.5f); Armor = (int)(Level * 1.045); BaseMana = 456; Size = 1f; Speed = 3.2f; WalkSpeed = 3.2f; RunSpeed = 6.2f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new CowardAI(this); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; NpcFlags = 00; Flags1 = 0x010080000; Equip(new ThungrimsAxe()); LearnSpell(744, SpellsTypes.Offensive); LearnSpell(865, SpellsTypes.Offensive); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MurlocTidehunterDrops.MurlocTidehunter, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; BCAddon.Hp(this, 389, 18); }
public BraveWindfeather() : base() { Name = "Brave Windfeather"; Id = 3209; Model = 3770; Level = RandomLevel(13); SetDamage(1f + 3f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level); AttackSpeed = 2000; Armor = 40 * Level; Block = 2 * Level; Flags1 = 0x08080066; NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog; ResistFire = 0; ResistFrost = 0; ResistHoly = 0; ResistNature = 0; ResistShadow = 0; Str = (int)(Level / 1.5f); BoundingRadius = 0.9747f; CombatReach = 3.7500f; Speed = 3.3f; WalkSpeed = 3.3f; RunSpeed = 6.3f; Faction = Factions.ThunderBluff; NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; Size = 1.25f; //Elite=1; Equip(new Item(7481, InventoryTypes.TwoHanded, 2, 6, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0)); //, new Item( 8106, InventoryTypes.Ranged, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 )); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(ThunderBluffGuardsDrops.BraveWindfeather, 100f), new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; /*****************************/ BCAddon.Hp(this, 328, 13); /*****************************/ }
public MurlocWarrior() : base() { Name = "Murloc Warrior"; Id = 171; Model = 1305; Level = RandomLevel(15, 16); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); //(15f,23f); AttackSpeed = 2000; Block = 4; ResistArcane = 2; ResistFire = 3; ResistFrost = 2; ResistHoly = 3; ResistNature = 2; ResistShadow = 2; BoundingRadius = 0.500400f; CombatReach = 0.500000f; Str = (int)(Level * 1.5f); Armor = (int)(Level * 1.1); BaseMana = 310; Size = 1.3f; Speed = 3.2f; WalkSpeed = 3.2f; RunSpeed = 6.2f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new CowardAI(this); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; NpcFlags = 00; Flags1 = 0x010080000; Equip(new DeadminesCleaver()); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MurlocWarriorDrops.MurlocWarrior, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; BCAddon.Hp(this, 369, 15); }
public UrokOgreMagus() : base() { Name = "Urok Ogre Magus"; Id = 10602; Model = 11585; Level = RandomLevel(54, 55); ResistArcane = Level; ResistFire = Level; ResistFrost = Level; ResistHoly = Level; ResistNature = Level; ResistShadow = Level; Str = (int)(Level * 4.85f); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; Armor = (int)(Level * 29.2); Block = Level; SetDamage(1f + 3.5f * Level, 1f + 4.0 * Level); ManaType = 0; BaseMana = 0; AttackSpeed = 1000; BoundingRadius = 1.0f; CombatReach = 19f; Size = 1f; Speed = 3f; WalkSpeed = 3f; RunSpeed = 6f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this); Flags1 = 0x024; Elite = 1; //Equip( new Item ( 3385, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)); BCAddon.Hp(this, 7955, 54); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(UrokDrops.UrokOgreMagus, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(DropsME.MoneyElite1, 100f) }; }
public MurlocFlesheater() : base() { Name = "Murloc Flesheater"; Id = 422; Model = 506; Level = RandomLevel(18, 19); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); //(19f,28f); AttackSpeed = 2000; Block = 5; ResistArcane = 3; ResistFire = 2; ResistFrost = 2; ResistHoly = 1; ResistNature = 3; ResistShadow = 3; BoundingRadius = 0.479550f; CombatReach = 0.48f; Str = (int)(Level * 1.5f); Armor = (int)(Level * 1.045); BaseMana = 320; Size = 1.75f; Speed = 3.2f; WalkSpeed = 3.2f; RunSpeed = 6.2f; Faction = Factions.Monster; AIEngine = new CowardAI(this); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid; NpcFlags = 00; Flags1 = 0x010080000; Equip(new BronzeShortsword()); LearnSpell(3393, SpellsTypes.Offensive); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MurlocFlesheaterDrops.MurlocFlesheater, 100f) , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; BCAddon.Hp(this, 300, 18); }
public ConservatorIlthalaine() : base() { Name = "Conservator Ilthalaine"; Id = 2079; Model = 1285; Level = RandomLevel(4); SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); AttackSpeed = 2000; Armor = 4526; Block = 0; ResistArcane = 0; ResistFire = 1 * Level; ResistFrost = 0; ResistHoly = 0; ResistNature = 0; Flags1 = 0x08080066; BaseMana = 0; BoundingRadius = 0.420f; CombatReach = 1.2f; Size = 0.85f; Speed = 2.9f; WalkSpeed = 2.9f; RunSpeed = 5.9f; Str = (int)(Level * 2.5f); Faction = Factions.Darnasus; AIEngine = new StandingNpcAI(this); NpcType = 7; NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog; //Item( int _model, InventoryTypes _inventoryType, int _quality, int _subclass, int _objectclass, int _sheath, int param1, int param2, int param3 ) //Equip( new Item( 24930, InventoryTypes.Ranged, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) }; /*****************************/ BCAddon.Hp(this, 65, 4); /*****************************/ }
public TideCrawler() : base() { Name = "Tide Crawler"; Id = 2232; Model = 979; Level = RandomLevel(12, 14); ResistArcane = 0; ResistFire = 0; ResistFrost = 0; ResistHoly = 0; ResistNature = 0; ResistShadow = 0; Str = (int)(Level * 2.75f); NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Beast; Armor = (int)(Level * 31.2); Block = Level; Family = 8; SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level); ManaType = 1; BaseMana = 0; AttackSpeed = 2000; BoundingRadius = 1.0f; CombatReach = 0.8f; Size = 0.85f; Speed = 2.9f; WalkSpeed = 2.9f; RunSpeed = 2.9f; Faction = Factions.NoFaction; AIEngine = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this); Flags1 = 0x080010; BCAddon.Hp(this, 301, 12); Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrabDrops.TideCrawler, 100f) }; }