Пример #1
        private IEnumerable<AssociationUserCreditCard> GetCreditCards(LomsContext db, int profileId, SearchRequest searchRequest)
            var query = db.AssociationUserCreditCards.IncludeAll("Info")
                  .Where(a => a.AssociationUserId == profileId);

            if (searchRequest != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchRequest.SearchFilterValue))
                if (searchRequest.SearchFilter == "Nickname")
                    query = from card in query
                            where card.Nickname.Contains(searchRequest.SearchFilterValue)
                            select card;

            var cards = query.OrderBy(a => a.Nickname).ToList();
            cards.ForEach(card =>
                card.Number = AssociationUserCreditCard.ObfuscateCreditCardNumber(card.Info.Number);
                card.Info = null;

            var defaultBilling = db.AssociationUserDefaultBillings.SingleOrDefault(b => b.AssociationUserId == profileId);
            if (defaultBilling != null && defaultBilling.CreditCardId.HasValue)
                var card = cards.Single(i => i.Id == defaultBilling.CreditCardId);
                card.IsDefaultBilling = true;

            return cards;
Пример #2
        private void Search()
            var currentAsyncResult = default(IAsyncResult);
            SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest { SearchFilter = Filter, SearchFilterValue = FilterValue };
            currentAsyncResult = _lastSearchAsyncResult =

            Service.BeginGetProfiles(AssociationManagerId, searchRequest, CreateAsyncCallback(ar => Service.EndGetProfiles(ar), response =>
                if (_lastSearchAsyncResult != currentAsyncResult) return;       // This might be call multiple times, we only care about the last one.

                var profiles = new ObservableCollection<AssociationUser>(response.ManagedProfiles);

                _manager = response.Manager;

                _manager.CurrentManagerId = _manager.Id;
                foreach (AssociationUser user in profiles)
                    user.CurrentManagerId = _manager.Id;

                //_manager.IsManager = true;
                ManagerSelected.Raise(this, _manager);

                profiles.Insert(0, _manager);

                Profiles = profiles;
                SelectedProfile = _manager;
            }), null);

        public IEnumerable<AssociationUserCreditCard> GetCreditCards(int profileId, SearchRequest searchRequest)
            using (var db = new LomsContext())
                var query = db.AssociationUserCreditCards.IncludeAll("Info")
                      .Where(a => a.AssociationUserId == profileId);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchRequest.SearchFilterValue))
                    if (searchRequest.SearchFilter == "Nickname")
                        query = from card in query
                                where card.Nickname.Contains(searchRequest.SearchFilterValue)
                                select card;

                var cards = query.OrderBy(a => a.Nickname).ToList();
                cards.ForEach(card =>
                    card.Number = ObfuscateCreditCardNumber(card.Info.Number);
                    card.Info = null;

                return cards;
Пример #4
 public IEnumerable<AssociationUserCreditCard> GetCreditCards(int profileId, SearchRequest searchRequest)
     using (var db = new LomsContext())
         return GetCreditCards(db, profileId, searchRequest);
Пример #5
 private void GetCreditCards()
     SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest { SearchFilter = "Nickname", SearchFilterValue = string.Empty };
     Service.BeginGetCreditCards(Profile.Id, searchRequest, CreateAsyncCallback(
         ar => Service.EndGetCreditCards(ar),
         result =>
             var selectedCreditCard = SelectedCreditCard;
             CreditCards = new ObservableCollection<AssociationUserCreditCard>(result);
             SelectedCreditCard = selectedCreditCard != null ?
                 CreditCards.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == selectedCreditCard.Id) ?? null :
         }), null);
Пример #6
 private void Search()
     SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest { SearchFilter = Filter, SearchFilterValue = FilterValue == "" ? null : FilterValue };
     Service.BeginGetTravelAgencies(searchRequest, CreateAsyncCallback(
         ar => Service.EndGetTravelAgencies(ar),
         result =>
             var selectedTravelAgency = SelectedTravelAgency;
             TravelAgencies = new ObservableCollection<AssociationTravelAgency>(result);
             SelectedTravelAgency = selectedTravelAgency != null ?
                 TravelAgencies.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == selectedTravelAgency.Id) ?? TravelAgencies.FirstOrDefault() :
         }), null);
Пример #7
        public IEnumerable<AssociationTravelAgency> GetTravelAgencies(SearchRequest searchRequest)
            if (!Roles.IsUserInRole(RoleName.StaffUser))
                throw new SecurityException();

            using (var db = new LomsContext())
                var query = db.AssociationTravelAgencies.IncludeAll("Country", "State", "State.Country", "Suburb", "Suburb.Country", "Suburb.State", "Suburb.State.Country", "Manager")
                           .Where(a => a.AssociationId == CurrentAssociationId);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchRequest.SearchFilterValue))
                    if (searchRequest.SearchFilter == "Name")
                        query = from profile in query
                                where profile.Name.Contains(searchRequest.SearchFilterValue)
                                select profile;
                return query.OrderBy(a => a.Name).ToList();
Пример #8
        private void Search()
            if (_selectedProfile == null)

            IsBusy = true;

            SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest { SearchFilter = Filter, SearchFilterValue = FilterValue };
            Service.BeginGetAddresses(_selectedProfile.Id, searchRequest, CreateAsyncCallback(
                ar => Service.EndGetAddresses(ar),
                result =>
                    IsBusy = false;
                    var selectedAddress = SelectedAddress;
                    Addresses = new ObservableCollection<AssociationUserAddress>(result);
                    SelectedAddress = selectedAddress != null ?
                        Addresses.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == selectedAddress.Id) ?? Addresses.FirstOrDefault() :
                }), null);
        public IEnumerable<AssociationUserAddress> GetAddresses(int profileId, SearchRequest searchRequest)
            using (var db = new LomsContext())
                var query = from a in db.AssociationUserAddresses.IncludeAll("Country", "State", "State.Country", "Suburb", "Suburb.Country", "Suburb.State", "Suburb.State.Country")
                            where a.AssociationUserId == profileId && a.TypeId == (int)AddressType.Other
                            orderby a.Nickname
                            select a;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchRequest.SearchFilterValue))
                    if (searchRequest.SearchFilter == "Nickname")
                        query = from a in query
                                where a.Nickname.Contains(searchRequest.SearchFilterValue)
                                orderby a.Nickname
                                select a;

                return query.ToList();
Пример #10
 private void GetSavedAddresses()
     SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest { SearchFilter = "Nickname", SearchFilterValue = string.Empty };
     Service.BeginGetAddresses(Profile.Id, searchRequest, CreateAsyncCallback(
         ar => Service.EndGetAddresses(ar),
         result =>
             var selectedAddress = Address;
             Addresses = new ObservableCollection<AssociationUserAddress>(result);
             Addresses.Insert(0, GetDummyAddress(-1, "  - Select a Saved Address -"));
             Addresses.Insert(1, GetDummyAddress(-2, "  - Add New Address -"));
             Address = selectedAddress != null ?
                 Addresses.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == selectedAddress.Id) ?? Addresses.FirstOrDefault() :
         }), null);
Пример #11
        private static IEnumerable<AssociationUserBillingAccount> GetUserBillingAccounts(LomsContext db, int profileId, SearchRequest searchRequest)
            var query = from a in db.AssociationUserBillingAccounts.IncludeAll("BillingAccount", "BillingAccount.Country")
                        where a.AssociationUserId == profileId && a.BillingAccount.StatusId == (byte)EntityStatus.Active
                        select a;
            if (searchRequest != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchRequest.SearchFilterValue))
                if (searchRequest.SearchFilter == "Name")
                    query = from cb in query
                            where cb.Name.Contains(searchRequest.SearchFilterValue)
                            select cb;

            var billingAccounts = query.OrderBy(a => a.Name).ToList();

            var defaultBilling = db.AssociationUserDefaultBillings.SingleOrDefault(b => b.AssociationUserId == profileId);
            if (defaultBilling != null && defaultBilling.BillingAccountId.HasValue)
                var billingAccount = billingAccounts.Single(i => i.Id == defaultBilling.BillingAccountId);
                billingAccount.IsDefaultBilling = true;

            return billingAccounts;
Пример #12
 public IEnumerable<AssociationUserBillingAccount> GetUserBillingAccounts(int profileId, SearchRequest searchRequest)
     using (var db = new LomsContext())
         return GetUserBillingAccounts(db, profileId, searchRequest);
Пример #13
        public GetProfilesResponse GetProfiles(int managerId, SearchRequest searchRequest)
            using (var db = new LomsContext())
                var managedProfiles = new List<AssociationUser>();

                var manager = (from profile in db.AssociationUsers.IncludeAll("Country", "Activation", "TravelAgencyRole", "TravelAgencyRole.TravelAgency", "TravelAgencyRole.TravelAgency.Country", "TravelAgencyRole.TravelAgency.State", "TravelAgencyRole.TravelAgency.State.Country", "TravelAgencyRole.TravelAgency.Suburb", "TravelAgencyRole.TravelAgency.Suburb.Country", "TravelAgencyRole.TravelAgency.Suburb.State", "TravelAgencyRole.TravelAgency.Suburb.State.Country")
                               where profile.Id == managerId
                               select profile)

                manager.TravelAgencyName = (from a in db.AssociationUserAddresses
                                            where a.AssociationUserId == managerId && a.TypeId == (int)AddressType.Work
                                            select a.BusinessName).SingleOrDefault();

                var profilesOfManager = from profile in db.AssociationUsers.IncludeAll("Country", "Activation")
                                        where profile.ManagerId == manager.Id
                                        select profile;

                profilesOfManager = ApplyProfileSearchFiler(profilesOfManager, searchRequest.SearchFilter, searchRequest.SearchFilterValue);

                if (manager.TravelAgencyRole != null && (manager.TravelAgencyRole.Role == TravelAgencyRole.Manager || manager.TravelAgencyRole.Role == TravelAgencyRole.SupervisorAsManager))
                    var travelAgencyRoles = from r in db.AssociationUserTravelAgencyRoles
                                            where r.AgencyId == manager.TravelAgencyRole.AgencyId
                                            select r;

                    foreach (var r in travelAgencyRoles)
                        if (r.UserId == managerId)
                            continue;  //skipe manager profile as it will be added at any case later

                        var memberProfiles = from profile in db.AssociationUsers.IncludeAll("Country", "Activation", "TravelAgencyRole")
                                             where profile.Id == r.UserId || (profile.ManagerId == r.UserId && profile.Id != managerId) //skipe manager profile (avoid duplication when  Profile and one if it's Managed Profiles entered a group together.)
                                             select profile;

                    //get group member profiles
                        //managed groups
                        var managedGroups = from g in db.AssociationUserGroups
                                            where g.AssociationUserId == managerId
                                            select g;

                        //other groups where the manager is a member (not manager)
                        var otherGroups = from g in db.AssociationUserGroups
                                          join m in db.AssociationUserGroupMembers on g.Id equals m.GroupId
                                          where !m.IsManager && m.UserId == managerId && m.StatusId == (int)AssociationUserGroupStatus.Accepted
                                          select g;

                        var groups = managedGroups.Concat(otherGroups);

                        foreach (var g in groups)
                            var members = from m in db.AssociationUserGroupMembers
                                          where m.GroupId == g.Id && m.StatusId == (int)AssociationUserGroupStatus.Accepted
                                          select m;

                            foreach (var m in members)
                                if (m.UserId == managerId)
                                    continue;  //skipe manager profile as it will be added at any case later

                                var memberProfiles = from profile in db.AssociationUsers.IncludeAll("Country", "Activation")
                                                     where profile.Id == m.UserId || (profile.ManagerId == m.UserId && profile.Id != managerId) //skipe manager profile (avoid duplication when  Profile and one if it's Managed Profiles entered a group together.)
                                                     select profile;


                if (searchRequest.PageSize > 0)
                    managedProfiles = managedProfiles.Distinct().Skip(searchRequest.RecordsToSkip).Take(searchRequest.PageSize).ToList();
                    managedProfiles = managedProfiles.Distinct().ToList();

                return new GetProfilesResponse() { Manager = manager, ManagedProfiles = managedProfiles };

            //var managedProfiles = new List<AssociationUser>();

            //var manager = (from profile in _db.AssociationUsers.ObjectSet.IncludeAll("Country", "Activation", "TravelAgencyRole", "TravelAgencyRole.TravelAgency", "TravelAgencyRole.TravelAgency.Country", "TravelAgencyRole.TravelAgency.State", "TravelAgencyRole.TravelAgency.State.Country", "TravelAgencyRole.TravelAgency.Suburb", "TravelAgencyRole.TravelAgency.Suburb.Country", "TravelAgencyRole.TravelAgency.Suburb.State", "TravelAgencyRole.TravelAgency.Suburb.State.Country")
            //               where profile.Id == managerId
            //               select profile)
            //                .SingleOrDefault();

            //manager.TravelAgencyName = (from a in _db.AssociationUserAddresses.ObjectSet
            //                            where a.AssociationUserId == managerId && a.TypeId == (int)AddressType.Work
            //                            select a.BusinessName).SingleOrDefault();

            //var profilesOfManager = from profile in _db.AssociationUsers.ObjectSet.IncludeAll("Country", "Activation")
            //                        where profile.ManagerId == manager.Id
            //                        select profile;

            //profilesOfManager = ApplyProfileSearchFiler(profilesOfManager, searchRequest.SearchFilter, searchRequest.SearchFilterValue);

            //if (manager.TravelAgencyRole != null && (manager.TravelAgencyRole.Role == TravelAgencyRole.Manager || manager.TravelAgencyRole.Role == TravelAgencyRole.SupervisorAsManager))
            //    var travelAgencyRoles = from r in _db.AssociationUserTravelAgencyRoles.ObjectSet
            //                            where r.AgencyId == manager.TravelAgencyRole.AgencyId
            //                            select r;

            //    foreach (var r in travelAgencyRoles)
            //    {
            //        if (r.UserId == managerId)
            //            continue;  //skipe manager profile as it will be added at any case later

            //        var memberProfiles = from profile in _db.AssociationUsers.ObjectSet.IncludeAll("Country", "Activation", "TravelAgencyRole")
            //                             where profile.Id == r.UserId || (profile.ManagerId == r.UserId && profile.Id != managerId) //skipe manager profile (avoid duplication when  Profile and one if it's Managed Profiles entered a group together.)
            //                             select profile;
            //        //filter
            //        memberProfiles = ApplyProfileSearchFiler(memberProfiles, searchRequest.SearchFilter, searchRequest.SearchFilterValue);

            //        managedProfiles.AddRange(memberProfiles);
            //    }
            //    //get group member profiles
            //    {
            //        //managed groups
            //        var managedGroups = from g in _db.AssociationUserGroups.ObjectSet
            //                            where g.AssociationUserId == managerId
            //                            select g;

            //        //other groups where the manager is a member (not manager)
            //        var otherGroups = from g in _db.AssociationUserGroups.ObjectSet
            //                          join m in _db.AssociationUserGroupMembers.ObjectSet on g.Id equals m.GroupId
            //                          where !m.IsManager && m.UserId == managerId && m.StatusId == (int)AssociationUserGroupStatus.Accepted
            //                          select g;

            //        var groups = managedGroups.Concat(otherGroups);

            //        foreach (var g in groups)
            //        {
            //            var members = from m in _db.AssociationUserGroupMembers.ObjectSet
            //                          where m.GroupId == g.Id && m.StatusId == (int)AssociationUserGroupStatus.Accepted
            //                          select m;

            //            foreach (var m in members)
            //            {
            //                if (m.UserId == managerId)
            //                    continue;  //skipe manager profile as it will be added at any case later

            //                var memberProfiles = from profile in _db.AssociationUsers.ObjectSet.IncludeAll("Country", "Activation")
            //                                     where profile.Id == m.UserId || (profile.ManagerId == m.UserId && profile.Id != managerId) //skipe manager profile (avoid duplication when  Profile and one if it's Managed Profiles entered a group together.)
            //                                     select profile;
            //                //filter
            //                memberProfiles = ApplyProfileSearchFiler(memberProfiles, searchRequest.SearchFilter, searchRequest.SearchFilterValue);

            //                managedProfiles.AddRange(memberProfiles);
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }

            //if (searchRequest.PageSize > 0)
            //    managedProfiles = managedProfiles.Distinct(new AssociationUser.Comparer()).Skip(searchRequest.RecordsToSkip).Take(searchRequest.PageSize).ToList();
            //    managedProfiles = managedProfiles.Distinct(new AssociationUser.Comparer()).ToList();

            //return new GetProfilesResponse() { Manager = manager, ManagedProfiles = managedProfiles };
Пример #14
        private void SearchCreditCards()
            if (SelectedProfile == null)

            IsBusy = true;
            var searchRequest = new SearchRequest { SearchFilter = SelectedCCFilter, SearchFilterValue = CCFilterValue };
            Service.BeginGetCreditCards(SelectedProfile.Id, searchRequest, CreateAsyncCallback(
                ar => Service.EndGetCreditCards(ar),
                result =>
                    IsBusy = false;
                    var selectedCreaditCard = SelectedCreditCard;
                    CreditCards = new ObservableCollection<AssociationUserCreditCard>(result);
                    SelectedCreditCard = selectedCreaditCard != null ?
                        CreditCards.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == selectedCreaditCard.Id) ?? CreditCards.FirstOrDefault() :
                }), null);