Пример #1
        private string BuildCreateSQL()
            Dictionary <string, ColumnLayout> Columns = new Dictionary <string, ColumnLayout>();

            foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in dgvTableDef.Rows)
                // Assign to local variables for readability
                // ColName and ColType have already been tested to insure values are not null
                ColumnRow cr = MoveGridRow(dr);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cr.ColName))

                ColumnLayout column = new ColumnLayout();
                column.Check               = cr.ColCheck;
                column.Collation           = cr.ColCollation;
                column.ColumnType          = cr.ColType;
                column.DefaultValue        = cr.ColDefault;
                column.ForeignKey          = new ForeignKeyLayout();
                column.ForeignKey.Table    = cr.FK_Table;
                column.ForeignKey.To       = cr.FK_Column;
                column.ForeignKey.OnUpdate = cr.FK_OnUpdate;
                column.ForeignKey.OnDelete = cr.FK_OnDelete;
                column.NullType            = cr.ColAllowNulls ? 0 : 1;
                column.PrimaryKey          = cr.ColPrimaryKey;
                column.Unique              = cr.ColUnique;
                Columns.Add(cr.ColName, column);
            return(SqlFactory.CreateSQL(txtTableName.Text, Columns));
Пример #2
        protected string BuildCreateSql(string TableName, Dictionary <string, DBColumn> columns)
            // Remap foreign column layout to internal SQLite Column Layout
            Dictionary <string, ColumnLayout> SQColumns = new Dictionary <string, ColumnLayout>();

            foreach (var col in columns)
                if (col.Value.IncludeInImport)
                    ColumnLayout SQCol = new ColumnLayout();
                    SQCol.Check        = string.Empty;
                    SQCol.Collation    = string.Empty;
                    SQCol.ColumnType   = col.Value.Type;
                    SQCol.DefaultValue = col.Value.HasDefault ? col.Value.DefaultValue : string.Empty;
                    // Foreign key will not be used during Import
                    SQCol.ForeignKey = new ForeignKeyLayout();
                    SQCol.NullType   = col.Value.IsNullable ? 0 : 1;
                    SQCol.PrimaryKey = col.Value.PrimaryKey;
                    SQCol.Unique     = col.Value.IsUnique;
                    SQColumns.Add(col.Value.Name, SQCol);
            return(SqlFactory.CreateSQL(TableName, SQColumns));
Пример #3
        protected bool RebuildTable()
            bool bNoWarning = false;

            bool.TryParse(MainForm.cfg.appsetting(Config.CFG_COLUMNEDITWARN), out bNoWarning);
            if (!bNoWarning)
                if (!ShowWarning())

            string          sql;
            SQLiteErrorCode returnCode;
            bool            foreign_key_enabled;
            string          CurrentDB = MainForm.mInstance.CurrentDB;

            sql = "Pragma foreign_keys";
            var data = DataAccess.ExecuteScalar(CurrentDB, sql, out returnCode);

            foreign_key_enabled = (long)data == 0 ? false : true;

            sql = string.Format("Select * From sqlite_master Where type = \"index\" AND tbl_name = \"{0}\"", tablename);
            DataTable idxDT = DataAccess.ExecuteDataTable(CurrentDB, sql, out returnCode);

            sql = string.Format("Select * From sqlite_master Where type = \"trigger\" AND tbl_name = \"{0}\"", tablename);
            DataTable trigDT = DataAccess.ExecuteDataTable(CurrentDB, sql, out returnCode);

            SQLiteConnection conn = null;
            SQLiteCommand    cmd  = null;

            Dictionary <string, ColumnLayout> columns    = DataAccess.SchemaDefinitions[CurrentDB].Tables[tablename].Columns;
            Dictionary <string, ColumnLayout> newcolumns = new Dictionary <string, ColumnLayout>();

            switch (ExecType)
            case SQLType.SQLRenameColumn:
                foreach (var col in columns)
                    newcolumns.Add(col.Key == txtColumn.Text ? txtNewColumn.Text : col.Key, col.Value);

            case SQLType.SQLModifyColumn:
                foreach (var col in columns)
                    newcolumns.Add(col.Key, col.Key == txtColumn.Text ? BuildColumnLayout() : col.Value);

            case SQLType.SQLDeleteColumn:
                newcolumns = columns;


            string tmptablename = Common.TempTableName();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmptablename))
                Common.ShowMsg("Cannot build temporary table - terminating.");
            string CreateSQL = SqlFactory.CreateSQL(tmptablename, newcolumns);
            string SelectSQL = SqlFactory.SelectSql(tablename, columns);

            if (foreign_key_enabled)
                DataAccess.ExecuteNonQuery(CurrentDB, "Pragma foreign_keys=false", out returnCode);

            bool rCode = DataAccess.OpenDB(CurrentDB, ref conn, ref cmd, out returnCode, false);

            if (!rCode || returnCode != SQLiteErrorCode.Ok)
                Common.ShowMsg(String.Format(Common.ERR_SQL, DataAccess.LastError, returnCode));

            SQLiteTransaction sqlT;

            sqlT = conn.BeginTransaction();

                //Create the temp table
                cmd.CommandText = CreateSQL;
                var createRtnCode = DataAccess.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd, out returnCode);
                if (createRtnCode != 0)
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot create Temp Table.\r\n{0}", DataAccess.LastError));

                //Copy data from the current table to the temp table
                string insertSQL = string.Format("Insert Into {0} {1}", tmptablename, SelectSQL);
                cmd.CommandText = insertSQL;
                var insertRtnCode = DataAccess.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd, out returnCode);
                if (insertRtnCode != 0)
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot Copy Rows into Temp Table.\r\n{0}", DataAccess.LastError));

                //delete the current table
                cmd.CommandText = SqlFactory.DropSql(tablename);
                var deleteRtnCode = DataAccess.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd, out returnCode);
                if (deleteRtnCode != 0)
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot Delete Original Table.\r\n{0}", DataAccess.LastError));

                //rename the temp table to the old table name
                cmd.CommandText = string.Format("Alter Table {0} Rename To {1}", tmptablename, tablename);
                var renameRtnCode = DataAccess.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd, out returnCode);
                if (renameRtnCode != 0)
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot Rename Temp Table.\r\n{0}", DataAccess.LastError));

                //Rebuild Indexes
                foreach (DataRow dr in idxDT.Rows)
                    cmd.CommandText = dr["sql"].ToString();
                    var indexRtnCode = DataAccess.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd, out returnCode);
                    if (indexRtnCode != 0)
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot Rebuild Indexes.\r\n{0}", DataAccess.LastError));

                //Rebuild Triggers
                foreach (DataRow dr in trigDT.Rows)
                    cmd.CommandText = dr["sql"].ToString();
                    var triggerRtnCode = DataAccess.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd, out returnCode);
                    if (triggerRtnCode != 0)
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot Create Triggers.\r\n{0}", DataAccess.LastError));

            catch (Exception ex)
                Common.ShowMsg(String.Format(Common.ERR_SQL, ex.Message, returnCode));
                if (foreign_key_enabled)
                    DataAccess.ExecuteNonQuery(CurrentDB, "Pragma foreign_keys=true", out returnCode);